Enhancing Enterprise Information Systems Synergy in Disaster
Ovidiu Noran
Griffith University, Nathan QLD 4111, Australia
Keywords: Disaster Management, Enterprise Architecture, Collaborative Networks.
Abstract: Climate change-triggered catastrophic events appear to be steadily increasing in intensity and frequency.
Proper preparation, response and recovery are essential in order to survive and recover from disasters. Un-
fortunately however, the organizations responsible for delivering emergency response services often under-
perform, mainly owing to the lack of proper collaboration (especially interoperation) of their information
systems. This paper analyses disaster management-specific collaboration issues from an enterprise infor-
mation systems perspective and proposes improvements based on advances in information systems and in-
teroperability research, using an enterprise architecture perspective and artefacts in order to provide a sus-
tainable holistic and life cycle-based solution.
Although emphasis on environmental sustainability
and emissions reduction is increasing worldwide,
any significant results are bound to take extensive
time to slow down and reverse the current trend of
environmental degradation. In the meantime, climate
change-triggered catastrophic events appear to stead-
ily increase in intensity and frequency. In this con-
text, it is essential to be able to promptly and effec-
tively prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover
from catastrophic events. Governments worldwide
usually react by creating policies and organisations
(e.g. agencies) to tackle these aspects. The ‘disaster
management organisations’ (DMOs) thus created
operate in a complex environment (history / tradi-
tion, geographic location and culture, level / type of
governance etc), that typically triggers heterogeneity
and independent evolution. The resulting organisa-
tional diversity, while generally beneficial, requires
additional effort to achieve proper and effective col-
laboration (Whitman and Panetto, 2006). As coping
with large scale catastrophic events typically re-
quires resources and capabilities beyond those of in-
dividual organisations, effective cooperation of
DMOs at all necessary levels and addressing all rel-
evant aspects is essential. Failing to achieve this has
dire consequences including loss of property and
human life.
Enterprise Information Systems (EISs), as an es
sential and ubiquitous component of every organisa-
tion (Lehtinen and Lyytinen, 1986), play an essential
role in achieving the level of cooperation required to
enable organisational sustainability of the DM en-
deavour. This paper aims to focus on the information
system (IS) aspect of disaster management interop-
erability (as a crucial component of cooperation) and
to propose ways to address them using knowledge
accumulated in the IS and interoperability research
areas. The analysis is performed from an enterprise
architecture (EA) point of view and using EA arte-
facts, in an attempt to promote a whole-system and
life cycle-based approach covering all aspects
deemed as relevant for the DM universe of dis-
The operation of emergency services is typically
regulated at state, national and international levels
(see (Australian Government, 2011); (Federal Emer-
gency Management Agency, 2011); (Go-vernment
of South Australia, 2004); (United Nations Interna-
tional Strategy for Disaster Reduction Secretariat
(UNISDR), 2011)). However, simply instructing or-
ganisations to cooperate using generic directives
does not bring about true collaboration. The likely
Noran O..
Enhancing Enterprise Information Systems Synergy in Disaster Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0004437202750283
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 275-283
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
consequences are increased response times, confu-
sion about the situation on the ground and dispute as
to who, where and when is in charge.
Often, it is also difficult to coordinate the EISs of
DM participants due to incompatibilities in infra-
structure and difficulty in filtering and validating the
typical flood of information generated during disas-
ter events. For example, inconsistency in the type
and format of alert messages may delay intervention
and hinder warnings by creating a situation where
the population is ‘intoxicated’ with numerous am-
biguous and locally-irrelevant messages (Queens-
land Floods Commission of Enquiry, 2011); (Victo-
rian Bushfires Royal Commission, 2009). This may
lead to reduced prevention and response efforts on
the part of the intended recipients, potentially result-
ing in property and life loss situations. Currently, ef-
forts to standardise warning message protocols are
localised and enjoy rather low take-up rates (OASIS,
Two main approaches have been traditionally
used to address DMO cooperation problems. They
involve either centralisation (hierarchical command)
or federalisation of emergency services. Irrespective
of the approach used, proper emergency response
and cooperation has still not been achieved, as re-
flected in criticism expressed in various literature
(e.g. ('t Hart et al., 2005); (Clark, 2006); (Wiese,
2006)). The use of military operations-style net-
work-enabled capabilities as the backbone of disas-
ter management (von Lubitz et al., 2008) is valid on-
ly as part of the overall DM effort; in addition, it
also risks leading to over-reliance on infrastructure
that is very likely to fail during disaster events.
Various documents, inquiries reviews and reports
(('t Hart et al., 2005); (Brewin, 2011); (Igarashi et
al., 2011); (Queensland Floods Commission of En-
quiry, 2011); (United Nations International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction Secretariat (UNISDR),
2011); (Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission,
2009); (Wiese, 2006), etc), suggest that the culprits
responsible for the current shortcomings could in
fact be the inadequate information and knowledge
flow and quality between the participants’ EISs
(Prizzia and Helfand, 2001); (Wickramasinghe and
von Lubitz, 2007). The main causes of these prob-
lems appear to be heterogeneity-induced lack of
compatibility, mistrust, organisational confusion
(who does what and when) and even perceptions of
competition. True and efficient collaboration re-
quires the interoperability of processes, resources
and organisational cultures of the participants
(Kapucu et al., 2010); (Trakas, 2012), all of which
are reflected in their EISs (Stohr and Konsynsky,
1992). Another set of essential aspects addressed to
a lesser extent are the life cycles of the DMOs, dis-
aster management task forces (DMTFs), government
agencies, legislation, service providers, disaster
events and especially the relations between these life
Other domains have also struggled with such
problems and have come up with possible solutions.
For example, the DMOs’ situation resembles that of
commercial enterprises that need to take on projects
beyond their own resources and knowledge, in the
context of global economy. Their solution is to set
up or join so-called ‘Collaborative Networks’ (CNs)
(Camarinha-Matos et al., 2009). Another valid anal-
ogy is that of allied armed forces that prepare to co-
operate in crisis situations by using standardised
agreements and joint exercises (NATO, 2006).
As DMOs worldwide may have full time, milita-
rised and voluntary / reserve staff components (de-
pending on the geographical location and local legal
and administrative situation), concepts from the
above commercial and military areas can be used
(provided of course that proper customisation is per-
formed so as to match the specific scenario).
DM cooperation involves many aspects; for exam-
ple, in addition to receiving the mandate to cooper-
ate, DMOs must also have the will and especially the
capability to work together in an optimal way.
The concept of interoperability is often used as a
measure of IS cooperation capability (e.g. the Levels
of Information System Interoperability (LISI) taxon-
omy in the Department of Defence Architecture
Framework v1 (2004)).
The analysis of interoperability in the DM do-
main must include some important aspects:
what is the required interoperability extent?
what components and / or aspects need to in-
how can it be ensured that all necessary aspects
are covered ?
can sustainable interoperability be achieved as all
participants evolve?
3.1 Extent of Interoperability
As each disaster event is unique, there is no ‘one
size fits all crisis situations’ DMO interoperability
level. At a minimum, the participating organisations’
systems should be compatible, so they don’t hinder
each other’s operations (see Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Acceptable and desirable EIS Interoperability
levels in disaster management.
In an emergency situation, the EISs of some task
force members are likely to be affected to various
degrees (culminating in complete shutdown). In this
situation, the remaining DMOs should be able to
continue within acceptable performance parameters
(see e.g. the ARPANET resilient network concept
(Heart et al., 1978)) and ideally, compensate for the
essential duties of the failed participants.
In a different scenario, even if the central point
of command and task force members were not af-
fected by the disaster event(s), the coordination be-
tween them could still be severely hindered by
communication infrastructure breakdown (see for
example (Crawford, 2012); (Queensland Floods
Commission of Enquiry, 2011)). In this situation, the
task force participants should be able to autono-
mously carry on their duties for a certain amount of
time. Such a capability can be acquired based on
pre-agreed procedures and shared knowledge set up
in advance and continuously monitored and updated
to maintain relevance and consistency.
Reviewing the relevant interoperability body of
knowledge we find that ISO14258 (ISO, 2005) es-
tablishes several ways to achieve interoperability:
integrated (common format for all models), unified
(common format at meta level) and federated (par-
ticipants negotiating an ontology as they go to
achieve a shared understanding of models). In the
case of DMOs, neither full EIS integration nor fed-
eralisation appeared to achieve the desired results,
mainly due to the organisational heterogeneity of
DMOs and the impossibility to negotiate ‘on the fly’
during disaster event response.
The unified approach (who according to litera-
ture appears the most feasible in this situation) re-
quires only the ontology to be negotiated in advance.
Unfortunately however, despite significant ontology
integration advances, currently in DM there seems to
be no effective solution other than the DMOs spend-
ing time well before disaster events in order to agree
on the meanings associated with the concepts used
to exchange knowledge. Once that is achieved,
proper EIS semantic interoperability should be al-
most intrinsic to the task forces formed by the partic-
ipant DMOs.
3.2 Interoperability Aspects
Of all the interoperability aspects reviewed in the
relevant literature, the most stringent in the disaster
management area appear to be data and process.
Thus, the ability to extract and exchange data from
heterogeneous sources (delivering high volume and
often unreliable data during disaster events) is para-
mount to being aware of the conditions on the
ground and avoiding potentially life-threatening sit-
uations for emergency crews and population. Prior
agreements on data format and especially on its
meaning are essential. ‘Process interoperability’ in
this context concerns the capability to perform joint
operations but also to ‘take over’ and perform pro-
cesses on behalf of a disaster management task force
participant that may have been temporarily or per-
manently disabled.
The pragmatic interoperability aspect as de-
scribed by Whitman and Panetto (2006) relates to
the willingness and capacity of the participants to
cooperate. In disaster management, the human com-
ponent of the EIS needs attention prior to task force
formation in order to allow gaining trust and com-
mon understanding among the participants.
Organisational interoperability is an important
aspect in disaster management as task force partici-
pants may often exhibit significant organisational
structure diversity. The issues identified by Chen
(Chen, 2006) based on the Enterprise Interoperabil-
ity Framework (EIF), namely responsibility, authori-
ty and type of organisation can all impact heavily on
the functionality of the disaster management task
force. In a crisis situation, the roles (mapping of the
human resources onto the decisional structure) and
hierarchy must be clear to everyone from the start so
that the DMTF can ‘hit the ground running’ and fo-
cus straight on the disaster event rather than waste
precious time figuring out its own management and
operational details.
Finally, cultural interoperability (Whitman and
Panetto, 2006) appears to be one of the hardest ob-
stacles to overcome. The only current working solu-
tion appears to be regular immersion of the partici-
pant organisations in each other’s cultures (for
example, Army joint exercises, or expatriates as
skilled language translators). This immersion facili-
tates the transfer and conversion of tacit and explicit
knowledge between the participants and thus enables
the unified approach previously identified as optimal
in disaster management.
A recurring concept through all aspects analysed
above is the ‘co-habitation’ of the organisations that
are expected to form disaster management task forc-
es, seen as a prerequisite towards the achievement of
EIS interoperability - whether functional, informa-
tional, organisational or cultural. This paper propos-
es to tackle the co-habitation concept by adopting a
life cycle-based, customised Collaborative Network
Collaborative Networks (CNs) are created in order
to allow participating companies to know each other,
gain trust and establish common agreed-upon proce-
dures and infrastructure baselines. This enables CN
members to promptly form Virtual Organisations
(VOs), i.e. groups of companies that temporarily
come together under a unique identity in order to bid
for, win and complete projects requiring extensive
resources and knowledge. A CN ‘lead partner’ may
also be present, (self-)elected on size, influence, re-
sources, etc. CN partners may take part in one or
several VOs at any given time.
The CN concept may be adapted and applied to
the disaster management area. Thus, the time availa-
ble for the set-up of a ‘disaster management’ VO
(here represented by the DMTF) is significantly
shorter than that available for a commercial project
bidding process. In addition, the disaster manage-
ment CN (DMCN), its participants and the DMTF(s)
produced will operate under tight legal operational
guidelines set by relevant Governments and national
and international frameworks (e.g. (Federal Emer-
gency Management Agency, 2011).
The commercial and competitive motivations of
the typical CN participants will translate in this case
into efficiency and cooperation motivations reflected
in lives and property rescued. The usual create / join
/ remain / leave the CN decision processes are man-
dated from outside (or by the lead partner) for most
participants. Reference models (patterns) classified
on type and location (such as flooding, tornadoes,
wildfires, earthquakes etc (Ellis et al., 2004)) are to
be created from lessons learned in past disaster relief
efforts and used to refine future DMTFs. shared re-
pository and customised for specific geography, in-
tensity, duration, side-effects and consequences.
The DMTF(s) produced by the DMCN will be
set up for and assigned a specific DM project relat-
ing to a particular disaster event (or combination
thereof). EIS cooperation aspects such as manage-
ment, communication infrastructure, and other or-
ganisational interoperability issues would have been
sorted out in advance within the DMCN, ensuring a
prompt and appropriate task force response (address-
ing a typical shortcoming identified in past crisis
management efforts (Trakas, 2012)).
Human-related aspects such as trust, organisational
culture and recognition (featuring prominently in
volunteer-based organisations (Esmond, 2011);
(McLennan, 2008)) could be also addressed using
the concept of ‘emergency services academies’ with
local branches providing training based on a con-
sistent interstate curriculum (see (Queensland Gov-
ernment, 2011) for an example).
All entities involved in disaster management efforts
continuously change, going (sometimes repeatedly)
through a set of life cycle phases that form the enti-
ties’ ‘life histories’ (ISO/IEC, 2005). EIS interoper-
ability requirements are inherently linked to life his-
tory as they will vary during each host
organisation’s life cycle phase; therefore, it is essen-
tial that the analysis and search for cooperateon and
interoperability improvements is performed in a life
cycle context.
In the following we argue that adopting an ‘en-
terprise architecture’ (EA) approach provides an op-
timal way to integrate the life cycle aspect into EIS
cooperation analysis. This is because EA provides a
holistic approach to business evolution and agility
“by creating, communicating and improving the key
requirements, principles and models that describe
the enterprise's future state […]. EA comprises peo-
ple, processes, information and technology of the en-
terprise, and their relationships to one another and to
the external environment” (Gartner Research, 2012).
This EA definition is in agreement with the view of
and Control
Cust Service
Formalism used
in the Business Mode
Prelim. design
Detailed design
Partial level of
GERA Modelling
Life Cycle-
Figure 2: Using Enterprise Architecture Modelling Framework elements to develop a life cycle formalism.
IS as a socio-technical system (Pava, 1983) with
voluntaristic people (McGregor, 1960) in a complex
organisational, political and behavioural context
(Iivari, 1991); (Keen and Morton, 1978). As such, it
enables the use of EA as a life cycle-based, integrat-
ed and holistic approach to analyse the EIS coopera-
tion requirements of the DMCN and DMTF partici-
To illustrate the way EA artefacts and methods
can guide and enrich the analysis and improvement
of DMO cooperation, we have selected a generic ar-
chitecture framework (AF) that subsumes and ab-
stracts several other mainstream AFs, defined in
Annex A of ISO15704 (ISO/IEC, 2005) and called
the Generalised Enterprise Architecture and Meth-
odology (GERAM). The modelling framework (MF)
of GERAM’s reference architecture (called GERA)
contains a rich repository of aspects (notably includ-
ing human) that can all be represented in a life cycle
context. GERA’s MF has been used to model and
analyse systems across many areas (e.g. (Mo, 2007);
(Noran 2008; 2009)).
Aspect-based subsets of the GERA MF can be
turned into life cycle-based formalisms used to pro-
duce business models requiring a life cycle-based
analysis. For example, the aspects previously identi-
fied as significant in improving EIS cooperation in
disaster management (such as function, information,
resources, organisation) but also additional useful
viewpoints like management vs. operations, automa-
tion boundary / human extent, etc) can be represent-
ed as shown in Fig. 2, left.
Aspects can also be separated to promote clarity
by using ‘flattened’ representations; for example, the
2-dimensional structure shown in Fig. 2 right is used
to focus on the product/service and management
viewpoints in a life cycle context. This formalism
can then be used for separate, dedicated function, in-
formation (see Fig. 5), resource, organisation, hard-
ware, software etc diagrams.
Fig. 3 left shows the use of the above-described
formalism to represent a disaster event, focusing on-
ly on the relevant life cycle phases and relations to
other events’ life cycles. Thus, Fig. 3 left shows how
a Primary Disaster Event (PDE) can trigger / influ-
ence other events (SDE, TDE); For example, an
earthquake PDE can trigger a tsunami SDE that can
in turn trigger a partial nuclear meltdown TDE. The
model also shows that PDE can also influence TDE
directly and/or in parallel. Events such as chain reac-
tions can also be shown (arrows from Operation to
Implementation within the same entity). Note that
here, the meaning of the generic GERA MF ‘De-
tailed Design’ and ‘Implementation’ life cycle phas-
es refers to features of the event – e.g. earthquake
time, epicentre and duration or tsunami spread, wave
speed, height etc.
The right hand side of Fig. 3 shows how the life
cycle phases of a disaster management project
(DMP) can be mapped against typical disaster man-
agement activities (e.g. as defined by the Australian
Government (2011)) performed by a DMTF that sets
up and operates that project.
= Management view = Possible scenario
PDE / SDE / TDE = Primary / Secondary / Tertiary Disaster Event;
DMP = Disaster Mgmt Project; DMTF = Disaster Management Task Force
Disaster Event modelling
life cycle phases
Disaster Event mapping
= Production view
Figure 3: Disaster events mapping and modelling accomplished using a life cycle-based modelling formalism.
Det. Design
Prel. Design
Disaster Mgmt
Life Cycle
(syntax | semantics)
(DMTF) Disaster
IS Interoperability
Aspects / Importance
= essential
= secondary
= tertiary
Legend (aspect importantce):
Figure 4: Enterprise Information Systerms’ Interoperability requirements mapped on disaster management actions and the
disaster management project life cycle, using Chen’s EIF (Chen, 2006) and GERA’s MF-based formalism.
Such diagrams are useful to help DMCN and
DTMF participants to promptly grasp a common un-
derstanding of the disaster event lifecycle and man-
agement aspects, thus overcoming initial EIS in-
teroperability semantic barriers and facilitate all
DMP phases Fig. 4 uses a modified version of
Chen’s EIF and GERA’s MF-based life cycle mod-
elling formalism to show how the relevance and ap-
plicability of the EIS interoperability aspects depend
on the specific life cycle phases of the disaster event
and the DMTFs’ actions to address them.
As can be seen from the figure, various interop-
erability aspects may take precedence as the disaster
event life cycle phases unfold. For example, during
the response phase, data and process IS interopera-
bility aspects are paramount. This is because accu-
rate and fresh data is required and processes may
need to be performed interchangeably due to poten-
tial disability of some DMTF participants (or the
need to call upon replacement DMCN members).
During the recovery, which typically takes place
over an extended period of time and requires less re-
al-time responsiveness, organisational business and
service EIS interoperability aspects may become
more important.
Fig. 4 shows only the influence of the disaster event,
management project and task force life cycles on the
interoperability requirements. As a matter of fact,
DMCNs, DMOs, DMTFs and DMPs interact with a
plethora of entities and artefacts during their life his-
tory. These interactions must also be analysed in or-
der to gain a holistic view of the EIS cooperation re-
Using the GERA-based formalism described in
Section 5, diagrams can be constructed for the as-
pects identified in Section 3.2 as relevant to IS in-
teroperability. For example, Fig. 5 shows interoper-
ability-related interactions for the Information (data)
interoperability aspect, in the previously described
scenario of a collaborative network (DMCN) creat-
ing task forces (DMTFs) supervising disaster man-
agement projects (DMPs) that coordinate disaster
event responses.
The arrows in the figure show data interoperabil-
ity requirements and influences. For example, the
participating DMOs’ EISs need to interoperate dur-
ing their Operation life cycle phase; however this
may also imply some redesign (line between DMO1
and DMO2 linking Operation and other life cycle
phases, depending on the redesign extent). The EIS
of the DMBE must be able to interoperate with the
EIS of the DMTF it creates and DMPs managed by
them in their Operation life cycle phases, with influ-
ences on other phases in case of subsequent redesign
(details omitted for clarity).
In another example, data ‘interoperation’ (i.e.
properly interpreting the messages) of the population
POP with the Government’s Disaster Management
Agencies (GDMAs, such as (Government of
Queensland, 2012)) is important as may result in
changes to legislation - hence in the DMO and
DMBE interoperability requirements. However, data
interoperability between the EISs of DMOs partici-
pating in a DMTF and between the DMTF’s EIS and
POP is paramount as it will directly influence the ex-
tent of lost property and casualties. Past experience
and feedback from disaster enquiries (Ellis et al.,
2004); (Queensland Floods Commission of Enquiry,
2011); (Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission,
2009) has shown that two major goals of the disaster
management cooperation enhancement effort (partly
reflected in Fig. 5) should be: a) whether POP re-
ceives, understands, believes and acts on DMTF
warnings and directives and b) that DMTF partici-
pants can properly interoperate during the disaster
event. Thus the EIS of the DMTFs (and implicitly
DMOs) should be also designed to avoid ambiguity
and maximise focus in relation to the local specific
semantic interoperability requirements (language,
technology type, customs etc). For example, the
message format and distribution in a densely popu-
lated and developed area would most likely differ
from the one used in a sparsely and/or under-
developed region - at least until warning information
standardisation is successfully and widely imple-
Importantly, some organisations shown in Fig. 5
should be able to redesign themselves to a certain
extent (arrows from Operation life cycle phase to
upper phases within same entities e.g. in DMBE,
DMO, DMTF). This reflects an essential capability
to adapt (and thus be agile and resilient) in the face
of changes in the situation and environment that are
likely to occur briskly and unexpectedly during dis-
aster events.
The Disaster Management Qualification and
Training organisation (DMQT, e.g. (Queensland
Government, 2011)) can assess the suitability of or-
ganisations to enter a DMBE by requiring (and
providing training if appropriate) EIS data interoper-
ability between DMO applicants and the DMBE.
This requirement may also go beyond the Operation
life cycle phase, should training / redesign of the
participants be performed.
The validity and effectiveness of the DMBE
concept can be tested by joint exercises (JEs), simu-
lating disaster events; they can also help reveal addi-
tional EIS data interoperability problems. JEs will
assess the resilience of DMTFs in various scenarios,
with appropriate corrective action taken to improve
DMCN members’ preparedness and DMTF agility.
As the world climate is changing, mankind is expe-
riencing more frequent and intense catastrophic
events. The DM effort must adapt to these changes
by addressing urgent cooperation issues in advance
and in a holistic manner so that when disaster events
Life cycle phases: Id: Identification; C=concept; R=requirements, PD=preliminary design, DD=detailed design,
I=implementation, Op=operation, D=decommissioning. Other aspects: P=Production / Service, M=management
DMOx: Disaster Mgmt. Orgs
DMP: Disaster Mgmt Project
JE: Joint Exercise
DMCN: Disaster Mgmt Collab Netw.
EML: Emrg. Mgmt Laws
DMBP: Disaster Mgmt Best Practice
DMC: Disaster Mgmt Contractors
DMQT: Disaster Mgmt. Qualification
& Training
TFRM: Task Force Reference
DMTF: Disaster Mgmt Task Force
GDMA: Govt Disaster Mgmt Agency
POP: population
: Operation phase, Production
& Management
: Operation Phase, Production
: Possible scenario
Figure 5: High-level IS Data Interoperability requirements in the context of a Disaster Management Collaborative Network
and Disaster Management Task Force solution (some details omitted for clarity).
occur, efficient collaborative task forces can be
promptly put together. In order to tackle the EIS in-
teroperability problems that plague the DMOs now-
adays, it is proposed to adopt a customised collabo-
rative approach based on commercial CN and VOs.
As DMCN participants’ life cycles play a central
role in their EIS interoperability, it is argued for and
shown how an EA approach and artefacts can pro-
vide an integrated, holistic and life cycle-based ap-
proach supporting the proposed collaborative para-
digm applied to the DM effort.
Further research will concentrate on testing, veri-
fying and validating the findings with DMOs, in-
cluding the set up of pilot DMCNs future case stud-
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