A Study of Cognitive Effort of Decision Makers with Different NC
under Framing
Chiung-Wen Hsu
and Chen-li Kuo
Information Management Department, Cheng-Shiu University,
840 Chengcing Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City 83347, Taiwan
Department of Information Management, Chang Gung University,
259 Wen-Hwa 1st Road, Kwei-Shan Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, 333, Taiwan
Keywords: Framing Effect, Need for Cognition, Cognitive Effort, Eye-tracking.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine cognitive effort of decision makers with different need for cognition
(NC) while making decision under framing. Hundreds of empirical studies have demonstrated the framing
effect moderating by NC in various contexts. However, these studies often treated cognition as a black box
and focused on the outcomes rather than on the process by which decisions with different NC are made. In
order to explore cognitive process of decision makers with different NC under framed problems, our
research observes the cognitive effort of decision makers with different NC (High vs. Low NC) under
different framing (Positive vs. Negative framing) from the perspective of their information process. A
laboratory experiment of 65 subjects was conducted. Eye-tracking was applied to evaluate decision makers’
cognitive effort. The results indicate that all subjects are susceptible to framing effect, and NC doesn’t
moderate framing effect. Decision makers with high NC will spend more cognitive effort to framed
problems. In addition, decision makers with high NC, compared with those with low NC, will pay more
cognitive effort in negative frame, but not for positive framing. Finally, there is no significant relationship
between cognitive effort and framing effect. The results could compensate the shortage of past studies
related to framing effect and NC, which only focused on final choices. In addition, by using eye tracking,
we also unveil the track of information process before framing effect generated, which could benefit the
richness of research on framing effect and NC.
The formulation of a decision stimulus or an event
influences how decision makers think and decide.
Framing effect, proposed by Kahneman and Tversky
(1979), refers to the phenomenon that by presenting
the same problem in terms of gains (positive frame)
or losses (negative frame) can systematically affect
the choice one makes. The logically equivalent
problems are framed in positive versus negative
ways, so called valence-based framing, may
systematically affect the decisions or actions
decision makers take. People are prone to select the
risk-averse option under positive frame and the risky
option under negative frame.
These framing phenomena have been widely
investigated in a variety of research fields
(Kuhberger, 1998). A meta-analysis by Kuhberger
(1998) concluded that framing was a reliable
phenomenon and further suggested other variables
such as risk characteristics, task characteristics, and
personal personality might moderate the framing
effects. Need for cognition (NC), a personal trait, is
a significant factor moderating framing effect.
Cohen et al., (1955) defined NC as “the tendency for
an individual to engage in and enjoy thinking” (p.
116). Previous studies showed that people with
higher NC are willing to conduct more cognitive
processing, while those with lower NC are not
motivated to do so when making decisions.
Specifically, people with higher NC examine the
information more completely and tend to ignore
influences from other information (Verplanken,
1993). Because of the different thinking style
derived from NC, previous studies suggested that
NC is an important factor moderating framing effect.
Many studies found that NC interferes with framing
effect (Chatterjee et al., 2000); (Simon et al., 2004);
(Smith and Levin, 1996); (Petty et al., 2008),
suggesting that people with higher NC have more
Hsu C. and Kuo C..
A Study of Cognitive Effort of Decision Makers with Different NC under Framing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004437300750082
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 75-82
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
thinking on framing problems and are not
susceptible to framing effect. On the other hand,
recent research found that framing effect exists no
matter decision makers with high or low NC
(LeBoeuf and Shafir, 2003); (Levin et al., 2002);
(Cárdaba et al., 2013); (Tonetto and Stein, 2010).
Those studies, whether in support of the notion
that NC moderate framing effect, assume that level
of cognitive effort increases as NC increases (Simon
et al., 2004); (Petty et al., 2008). Cognitive effort
refers to the total use of cognitive resources required
to complete the task (Payne et al., 1990). However,
little studies use physiological apparatuses to
measure cognitive effort in order to provide
objective evidence. In addition, scarce studies
discuss which information is paid more attention in
response to framed problems. Therefore, one
purpose of this study is to measure and compare the
difference of cognitive effort devoted to the framed
problems between high and low NC decision
makers. Based on previous studies which show that
more cognitive effort paid to framing problems
reduce framing effect, the relationship between
cognitive effort and relationship is investigated
Individual difference, NC, is a factor about one’s
ability to determine how cognitive effort paid to
framed problems. However, other variables such as
motivation to process may also moderate NC on
cognitive effort. Motivation could be driven by
complex tasks, relevant topics or untrusted messages
(See, Petty, and Evans, 2009). Overall, the
characteristics of task (i.e. level of complexity,
blatancy of message) are important factors
moderating NC on cognitive effort and effect of
persuasion (Petty et al., 2008). NC is more salient
depending on task conditions. For example, Levin et
al., (2000) set laptop shopping environment, and
asks respondents to choose the notebook they want
to buy. Each respondent has to use inclusion and
exclusion strategy to decide which product he/she
wants. The results revealed that in the inclusion
condition where subjects showed greater narrowing
of options (i.e. cognitive effort required), high NC
subjects processed information in a more focused
manner with greater depth and breadth than did low
NC subjects, and the quality of their selections
tended to be higher. The characteristics of task may
be important moderators for influence of NC on
cognitive effort, and worthy to explore further.
Recent breakthroughs in physiological
apparatuses such as functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) have helped disclose the underlying
cognitive activities during the process of decision
making. Another physiological apparatuses, eye
tracking, has been used to measure cognitive effort
in the studies related to decision making (Kuo et al.,
2009); (Huang and Kuo, 2012). Eye-tracking has
been used in a variety of research fields, ranging
from reading processing (Rayner,1998), marketing
(Wang and Day, 2007), and decision making (Kuo et
al., 2009); (Huang and Kuo, 2012). Studies which
track eye movements have proven that eye
movement is a sufficient and valid reflection of the
decision process (Kuo et al., 2009); (Huang and
Kuo, 2012). Researchers have confirmed the eye–
mind assumption: eye movements are directly
related to the underlying cognitive process (Rayner,
Thus, the present study utilized eye-tracking to
measure high and low-NC decision makers’
cognitive effort under framing. Further, the
moderator of framing (i.e. positive and negative
framing) on cognitive effect is investigated and the
relationship between cognitive effort and framing
effects is discussed. The result will explore the black
box into which decision makers’ cognitive effort
could be observed further under different framing.
2.1 NC and Cognitive Effort
Studies tackling the issue of whether NC interferes
with framing effect (Chatterjee et al., 2000); (Simon
et al., 2004); (Smith and Levin, 1996), suggested
that people with high NC analyse framed problems
more thoroughly. Most research hypothesizes that
different kinds of NC lead to difference cognitive
effort,. Scholars believed that people with low NC,
compared with high NC, are less motivated to
process information and have different information
processing and interpretation. People with high NC
are likely to process information in a careful,
elaborate fashion, paying less attention to peripheral
or superficial cues. They understand positive and
negative frame with the same equivalent logic, and
may not have cognitive bias by framing problems.
Verplanken (1993) showed the relationship between
individuals’ NC and cognitive effort measured by
variability of search across alternatives and pattern
of search. It was found that people with lower NC
applied less cognition effort to information
processing, and vice versa. Fisk and Neuberg’s
(1990) theory of impression formation demonstrated
the same hypothesis that people with high NC are
more motivated to analyse information, and the
analysis process turns from category to piecemeal
model. Thus, the present study hypothesized that
people with higher NC are more willing to put
cognition effort than people with low NC when they
are faced with framed problems.
H1: People with high NC pay more cognitive effort
than those with low NC under framing.
H1a: People with high NC pay more cognitive effort,
measured by number of fixations, than those with
low NC under framing.
H1b: People with high NC pay more cognitive effort,
measured by fixations duration, than those with
low NC under framing.
In addition to decision makers’ cognitive ability
influencing cognitive effort paid in the process of
decision, contextual factor is an important factor
motivating information process while making
decision. Prior NC research showed that different
tasks are of interest to those varying in NC.
Specifically, high NC individuals are more
motivated by complex tasks rather than simple (i.e.
high cognitive resources required) (See, Petty, &
Evans, 2009). Similarly, researchers claimed that
NC is internal traits, and it will only salient when
driven in ways such as instructing participants to
enter the information processing or motivating them
with complex tasks (Levin et al., 2000); (McElroy
and Seta, 2003). Both individual and situational
factors affecting the extent of thinking have been
identified in the persuasion process (See, Petty and
Evans, 2009).Levin et al., (2000) show that the NC
does indeed predict differences in information
search in decision making, and such differences are
more pronounced in situations where more cognitive
effort is needed. For example, Levin et al., (2000)
show that high NC subjects exhibited more effort
than low NC subjects only in the inclusion condition
which requires the most effortful thought. Thus, task
condition is an important factor for motivating
decision makers’ cognitive effort. Similarly, Simon
et al., (2004) found that the framing effect was
moderated by the combination of NC and the depth
of processing. NC is more salient by asking decision
makers to justify framed problems. Providing
reasons for making choices of framed problems
facilitates people with high NC, but not for those
with low NC, to think deeply and eliminate framing
In line with the arguments above, we assumed
that the influence of NC on cognitive effort will be
moderated by task characteristics. More complex
tasks will motivate decision makers’ NC to process
tasks. Studies have showed that negative framing is
more complex than positive framing, and cost
decision makers more cognitive effort to resolve
problems (Gonzalez et al., 2005). Therefore, we
hypothesize that valence of framing will moderate
the influence of decision makers’ NC on cognitive
effort. Specifically, people with high NC will pay
more cognitive effort under negative framing, but
not for positive framing, than those with low NC.
People with high NC will exert piecemeal-based
information processing, showing that more number
and duration of fixations are devoted to negative
framing. Hypothesis 2 is provided.
H2: People with high NC will pay more cognitive
effort under negative framing, but not for positive
framing, than those with low NC.
H2a: People with high NC will have more number of
fixations under negative framing, but not for positive
framing, than those with low NC.
H2b: People with high NC will have more fixation
duration under negative framing, but not for positive
framing, than those with low NC.
2.2 Cognitive Effort and Framing
Previous studies have shown that the framing effect
would be eliminated when more effort expended to
framed problems. Researchers claimed that the more
cognitive effort paid to framed problems by decision
makers, the more likely that framing effects can be
attenuated (Smith and Levin, 1996); (Chatterjee et
al., 2000); (Simon, 2004). For example, McElroy
and Seta (2003) argued individuals engaging a
decision task with an analytic processing style are
especially insensitive to the influence of framing
effect. Smith et al., (2004) also suggested that deep
thought manipulated by asking participants
justifying their choices would not be susceptible to
framing effect. Decision makes with high NC and
deep thought pay more attention on the relevant
attributes of the options and therefore eliminate
framing effect.
Cognitive effort paid to framed problems could
be derived from decision makers’ traits or be
manipulated by external forces. For the decision
makers’ traits, some studies revealed that people
with high NC can better reduce framing effect than
those with low NC (Smith and Levin, 1996);
(Chatterjee et al., 2000); (Simon, 2004). For the
external force, numerous studies ask subjects to
justify choices they made in order to increase
thoughts given to framed problems. The deep
thoughts result more cognitive effort to process
information, and the framing effect weakens
(Takemura, 1994). In conclude, when decision
makers pay more cognitive effort to framed
problems, they may think more about the problem
and pay more attention on the relevant aspects of the
problems, consider the opposite information, such as
thinking about the death rate when only the survival
rate is presented. Thus, in line with previous studies,
hypothesis 3 is proposed. When decision makers pay
more cognitive effort on information processing
under framed problems, they can enter piecemeal-
based information processing, adopt more analytical
way to deal with framed problems and attenuate the
influence of framing.
H3: There is negative relationship between
cognitive effort and framing effect. The greater
cognitive effort is paid, measured by number of
fixations, the more likely it is that the framing effect
is reduced.
3.1 Participants
A total of 65 college students with age ranging from
18-22 years were recruited as subjects from a
university in Taiwan. 15 participants were excluded
due to incorrect calibration and 50 participants are
valid. Cash reward were given for participation.
3.2 Stimulus Materials
Four risky-choice problems were employed in the
current research, including two in the life domain
and two in the monetary domain. All problems are
adopted from previous studies (Kahneman and
Tversky, 1979); (Kuhberger, 1995), and some
modifications are made in order to fit local contexts.
The problem description was validated by several
Each problem in this study had both a certain and
a risky alternative. The order in which the two kinds
of alternatives appeared in a problem was counter-
balanced. For each problem, two versions were
generated: the positively framed version and the
negatively framed version.
3.3 Measurement
(1) Cognitive Effort. Cognitive effort was measured
in the study by using EyeLink II with a sampling
rate of 1000Hz for tracking and recording subjects'
eye movements. Kahneman (1973) suggested that
cognitive effort be measured in terms of intensity
and time, both of which can be captured by means of
eye-fixation and eye-movement time. Thus, two
measurements of cognitive effort were employed in
this study: the average fixation per word and the
fixation duration per word.
(2) Need for Cognition. Need for cognition was
measured with the short form of the Need for
Cognition Scale (Cacioppo et al., 1984). The scale
consists of 18 items such as “I prefer my life to be
filled with puzzles that I must solve” that are rated
using 5-point Likert scales.
3.4 Design and Procedure
An incomplete within-subject design was employed
in our experiment. Subjects received both positive
and negative framing, but not for the same problem.
The 65 subjects were randomly divided into two
groups. Two positively framed problems and two
negatively framed ones were assigned to each group.
As four problems were used in this study, Group 1
was assigned the positively framed version of P1
and P2 as well as the negatively framed version of
P3 and P4. Conversely, Group 2 was assigned the
negatively framed version of P1 and P2 as well as
the positively framed version of P3 and P4. Four
framing problems were randomly presented to each
subject as stimuli.
Each participant was individually led to the
experimental room and asked to sit in front of the
experimental PC. The calibration and a subsequent
validation were treated. An experimental program
designed for the present study was then launched,
and the subject was told to read the instructions on
the screen and enter the choice via keyboard. Two
sample problems before the formal experiment are
presented in order to acquaint the subjects with the
experimental system and the eye tracker. After that,
four experimental problems were randomly
presented. At the beginning of each trial, the
problem and its two alternatives were displayed on
the screen. At the same time, the eye tracker started
to record subjects' eye movements. On average,
subjects took 15-30 seconds to finish a question, and
they were asked to enter their choice at any time
during a 30s response period. After finishing four
trials, participants are provided questionnaire about
their background and NC scale.
The eye movement data from each participant were
inspected using a custom-made program to
determine whether or not the data were invalid due
to incorrect calibration (i.e., the fixation s were out
of screen positions). 15 participants' fixations were
invalid. The resulting data of 50 participants were
available for analysis. 26 subjects remained in
Group 1 and 24 in Group 2.
4.1 NC and Framing Effect
A SPSS-based χ2 test was conducted to examine
whether or not individuals made different choices
due to the difference in framing. Combing four
experimental framed problems, the proportion of
risk-seeking choices is 75% under negative framing
and 40% under positive framing (χ2 (1)=12.303,
p<0.05), respectively. The result indicates that
subjects in this study were more likely to choose the
risky alternative than the certain one in response to a
negatively framed problem. Besides, In order to test
the moderator of NC on framing effect, two-way
ANOVA is conducted to test the interaction. The
result shows that there was no significance of
interaction between framing and NC on framing
effect (F=1.70, p=0.21).
4.2 Hypothesis 1: NC and Cognitive
The coefficient alpha for the NC scale in the study is
0.79, showing good reliability. In order to test the
difference of cognitive effort paid by decision
makers with different NC, we divided participants
into high and low NC by using a median score, 3.45.
Participants’ NC scores higher than 3.45 are
categorized into high need for cognition. On the
other hand, scores lower than 3.45 are categorized
into low need for cognition. The result of t test,
shown as Table 1, indicates that there is difference
of NC scores between high and low NC group. T test
was used to analyse the differences between
cognitive efforts paid by decision makers with high
and low NC under framing and result are shown as
table 2.
The results indicate that subjects with high NC
also expended more frequency-based cognitive
effort, average fixation, to process framed problem
than those with low NC (M=1.62 per word vs.
M=1.39 ; t=2.584; p<.05). Similarly, subjects with
high NC in this study expended more cognitive
effort, measured by fixation duration, to process the
framed problem than those with low NC (M= 423.99
vs. M=374.82; t=2.143; p<.05). Therefore, both
Hypotheses 1a and 1b are supported. Collectively,
these results indicate that subjects with high NC in
this study exerted more cognitive effort for
processing information in framed problems than
those with low NC. Decision makers’ cognitive
effort paid for framed problems depends on their
Table 1: NC score between high and low NC group.
High NC Low NC t value P
NC Scores 3.84 3.22 6.109 <.05
Table 2: NC and Cognitive effort.
High Low t value P
1.62 1.39 2.584 <.05
duration (ms)
423.99 374.82 2.143 <.05
4.3 Hypothesis 2: Moderator of
Framing on Cognitive Effort
In order to test whether valence of framing interfere
with relationship between NC and cognitive effort.
Cognitive effort paid by decision makers with high
and low NC in positive and negative frame was
analysed separately. T test was conducted and
results are shown in Table 3 and 4.
Table 3: Positive frame: NC and cognitive effort.
High Low t value P
1.55 1.50 0.241 >0.1
duration (ms)
410.42 407.60 0.004 >0.1
Table 4: Negative frame: NC and cognitive effort.
High Low t value P
1.69 1.28 2.363 <.05
duration (ms)
437.56 342.04 4.283 <.05
Test result shows in positive frame, the average
fixation of high NC and that of low NC do not have
distinct difference (M=1.55 vs. M=1.50; t=0.241,
p=0.812). Their fixation duration does not have
distinct difference either (M=410.42 vs. M=407.60;
t=0.004, p=0.951). However, in negative frame high
NC respondents’ and low NC respondents’ average
fixation have distinguished difference (t=2.363,
p<.05). High NC responds’ average fixation are
higher than that of low need for cognition
respondents (M=1.69 vs. M=1.28). Fixation duration
also has distinct difference (t=4.283, p<.05). High
need for cognition responds’ fixation duration is
longer than that of low need for cognition
respondents (M=437.56 vs. M=342.04). The H2a
and H2b are supported evidence by the test.
Respondents with high NC and low NC do not have
obvious difference of cognitive effort devoted to
positive frame, only in negative frame. Overall, the
information processing was more pronounced for
high-NC participants when they are faced with
negative framing.
4.4 Hypothesis 3: Cognitive Effort
and Framing Effect
χ2 was used to test the relationship between
cognitive effort and framing effect. First we split
cognitive effort into high and low cognitive effort by
a median of fixations for each framed problem.
Next, we count numbers of framing effect for each
problems framed as positive or negative. Framing
effect will be counted 1, if participants choose
certain option in positive frame or risky option in
negative frame, otherwise, they will be counted 0.
Then, two factors, cognitive effort and framing
effect, are tested by χ2. Cognitive effort and the
framing effect in the four problems were analysed
separately to test H3. Cognitive effort allocated to
positive and negative frame and framing effect are
not evident correlation. For the disease problem in
positive frame, the results of chi-square test is not
significant (χ2(1)= 0.11, p=0.74), neither in negative
frame(χ2(1)= 0.01, p=0.91). The second question
related to cancer in positive frame, the results of chi-
square test is not significant (χ2(1)= 0.12, p=0.72);
in negative frame they are also not significant
(χ2(1)=0.24, p=0.62). Third question related to
investment in positive frame, the results of chi-
square test is not significant (χ2(1)=2.40, p=0.12); in
negative frame they are also not significant
(χ2(1)=0.24, p=0.62). Fourth question related to
factory in positive frame, the results of chi-square
test is not significant (χ2(1)=0.26, p=0.61); in
negative frame they are also not significant
(χ2(1)=0.02, p=0.89). The above results show that
no matter which framed problem they are facing,
respondents’ cognitive effort and the reduction of
framing effect do not have distinguished correlation.
H3 is not supported.
Different from past studies, the main contribution of
this study is to trace cognitive effort allocated to
framing by decision makers with high or low NC.
From the observation of eye movement, the depth
and breadth of information process under framing
could be described specially and black box of
cognition could be explored further. In the present
study, H1 and H2 are supported and H3 not,
producing two important topics to be discussed.
1. NC and Cognitive effort. According to H1, we
found that decision makers with high NC will spend
more cognitive effort to process framed problems,
which is consistent with previous studies (Chatterjee
et al., 2000); (Simon et al., 2004); (Smith and Levin,
1996). From the distributions of fixations for framed
problems (see Figure 1), we found that participants
have more fixations on the two options than the
question. In addition, fixations on numerical
information such as probability and outcomes for
each option are more than other information no
matter decision makers with high or low NC.
Figure 1: Distributions of fixations for one framed
problem. Top panel: positive frame; bottom: negative.
Further, referred to H2, the valence of framing
will interact with need for cognition to determine the
extent of information processing. People who were
relatively high in their NC were more motivated to
process a message labelled as complex rather than
simple. Specially, people with high NC, compared
with those with low NC, will pay move cognitive
effort in negative frame. McElroy and Seta (2003)
suggest that some of the variability in decision
makers’ style of information process can be
accounted for by considering individual difference
and contextual factors. Specially, cognitive effort
only occurs when individuals are both willing (have
sufficient motivation) and able (have sufficient
motivation) to perform the task at hand. Therefore,
in situation where cognitive ability is not
constrained, motivational factors, such as the
complexity for task, emerge as the determining
cause for effort allocation. That is, as the complexity
of task increases, so too does the amount of effort
that an individual is willing to expend on the
decision task. The results in the study are also
consistent with findings provided by Smith et al.,
(2004) and Levin et al., (2000), which demonstrated
that task characteristics affect decision makers’ NC
more salient or not. The study by Levin et al. (2000)
show that decision makers with high NC will use
broader and deeper ways to find information than
those with low NC for inclusion strategy, not for
exclusion strategy. Accordingly, if task is easy,
decision makers’ NC may not motivated and
decision makers with different NC may not express
different thinking style. However, decision makers
with high NC may pay more cognitive effort to
process information when task is more complicated.
From the result, we know that NC may be salient or
not by the task conditions.
2. Cognitive Effort and Framing Effect. From H3,
we found that there is not definitely relationship
between cognitive effort and framing effect, which
is inconsistent with previous studies. A lot of
literature have explored that deep thought can reduce
framing effect. Deep thought will influence decision
makers’ cognitive styles, and will make them turn
their thinking style from holistic thinking style to
analytic thinking (McElroy and Seta, 2003); (Smith
et al., 2004). Hence, we infer that higher cognitive
effort can reflect stronger deep thought, and
eliminate framing effect.
Nevertheless, from our empirical data can notice
that high or low cognitive effort may not influence
framing effect. Petty and DeMarree, et al. (2008)
found that whether analytic thought derived from
high NC eliminate framing effect depending on
framing blatancy. As NC increases, the magnitude of
framing effects increases with a subtle prime but
decreases with a blatant prime. Besides, Smith et al.,
(2004) provide an explanation for not moderator of
NC on framing effect. They claim that except for
NC, math skill is an important factor influencing
framing effect. A decision maker with analytic
thinking style but not with math ability may not find
relevant attributes for attenuating framing effect.
Based on the argument by Smith et al., (2004), we
infer that the reason for not supporting H3 is that
when decision maker is dealing with framing
problem, even though they are searching information
more thoroughly, and have much information
attention, they don’t find relevant attributes to
eliminate framing effect if they don’t have enough
math skill.
Hundreds of empirical studies have demonstrated
the framing effect moderating by NC in many
different contexts (Chatterjee et al., 2000); (Simon et
al., 2004); (Smith and Levin, 1996); (LeBoeuf and
Shafir, 2003); (Levin et al., 2002), and explain
framing effect moderating by decision makers’ NC
by using cognitive information-processing
principles. However, no empirical evidence is
presented as the cognitive effort. Researchers
performing these studies often have treated
cognition as a black box by focusing on the
outcomes rather than on the process in which
decisions are made by decision makers with
different NC. As a result, the process of how people
with different NC pay cognitive effort to problems
framed with gain and loss has gone largely
unaddressed. Our findings offer an evidence for
cognitive effort paid by decision makers with
different NC in response to positively and negatively
framed problems. The results could compensate the
shortage of past studies related to framing effect and
NC, which only focused on final choices rather than
cognitive effort of decision makers under framing.
In addition, by using eye tracking, we also unveil the
track of information process before framing effect
generated, which could benefit the richness of
research on framing effect and NC.
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