Ontology Evolution in the Corporate Semantic Web
Fatma Chamekh, Guilaine Talens and Danielle Boulanger
Magellan Center- Information System Team, University of Jean Moulin, 6 cours Albert Thomas 69008, Lyon, France
Keywords: Semantic Web, Ontology Evolution, Multi-Agent System, Knowledge Management, Ontology Version.
Abstract: We present in this paper an approach for ontology evolution in the corporate semantic web. We particularly
focus on the ontology and resources evolution which are two important components of the corporate
semantic web. Ontology evolves with added and updated resources. The concerned ontological entities by
the resource modifications are linked to the documents. To manage dynamically changes we use the MAS
paradigm. The evolution process is distributed in the different agents of the system. Each of them has a
particular role.
Nowadays, to better capitalize and share their
knowledge, the companies set up knowledge
management systems. They enrich their in-house
knowledge by capturing knowledge extracted from
external information sources. The new generation of
the web technologies as the semantic Web-
authorizes to describe sources by increasing
meaning of documents via metadata.
To represent knowledge of a specific domain, the
ontology concept is a possible approach (Grüber,
1993; Studer et al., 1998).
The integration of semantic Web technologies in
knowledge management systems provides new
perspectives. The coupling between the company’s
communication tools (intranet, intraweb) as well as
semantic web technologies leads to create
company’s memory as a Corporate semantic Web
(Gandon, 2002; Luong et al., 2006). It consists of
resources (documents), ontologies and, semantic
The environment of organisations is widely
heterogeneous, distributed and evolutive. The main
challenge consists of the capture of this changing
environment to satisfy the dynamic experts’needs
and requirements. Indeed, the application of changes
to the one of components (document, and ontology)
involves the evolution of the Corporate Semantic
Web. In the context of intranet, the employees share
the documents and reuse them to write others.
The knowledge extracted from documents allows
the ontology evolution. This evolution is performed
by a MAS (Multi-Agent System). Each agent
manages a step of evolution process: Change
identification, change analysis, change propagation
and version management.
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2
lists related works about ontology evolution and
multi-agent systems. Section 3 describes our
approach and system architecture. In section 4, we
present a case study. Finally, section 5 gives a
conclusion and some perspectives.
In this section, we describe related works concerning
ontology evolution and multi-agent systems.
2.1 Ontology Evolution
The management of the ontology evolution is
defined by (Stojanovic et al., 2003) as the “timely
adaptation of ontology to the arisen changes and the
consistent propagation of these changes to
dependent artefacts”.
(Klein and Noy, 2003) define ontology
versioning as “the ability to manage ontology
changes and their effects by creating and
maintaining different variants of the ontologies”.
(Stojanovic, 2004) proposed an approach for the
management of evolution and the maintaining of
consistency for KAON ontologies.
(Klein, 2004) suggested a process of ontology’s
version management.
Chamekh F., Talens G. and Boulanger D..
Ontology Evolution in the Corporate Semantic Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0004438401820189
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 182-189
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Based upon the previous works, several approaches
have been developed:
Onto-Evoal (Ontology Evolution-Evaluation)
(Djedidi et al., 2010) is a system to manage ontology
evolution and evaluation. It is made up of three
levels: Evolution level process, pattern level and
historical level.
CoSWEM (Corporate Semantic Web Evolution
Management) (Luong et al., 2006) designed to
manage Corporate Semantic Web Evolution
especially on the two components ontology and
semantic annotation. This approach focuses on the
propagation of ontology changes to the semantic
Rogozan (Rogozan and Paquette, 2005)
developed an approach for ontology evolution
relatively to educational semantic web. The author
presented a process of evolution in two phases: a
phase of ontology evolution and a phase of version
Consistology (Jaziri et al., 2010) is a tool to
manage ontology evolution and versioning. The
authors proposed an ontology evolution approach
based on change kits which control the
inconsistencies generated by each type of change.
The consistency of ontology is anticipated by
suggesting all the possible resolutions and their
effects on the ontology according to a set of rules
defined by the system. A new version of ontology
will be created. Each version of ontology is stored in
a log.
Evolva (Zablith et al., 2008) is an ontology
management framework, aiming to reduce user
intervention. It explores background knowledge
sources (Wikipedia, WordNet, online ontologies….).
The system is composed of five components:
information discovery, data validation, ontological
changes, evolution validation and evolution
(Freddo and Tacla, 2009) proposed an
integration approach of social web with semantic
web. This approach is composed of two phases:
Ontology learning from folksonomies: it
consists of populating the tag ontology (SCOT),
identifying the relation between each pair of tags
(tag1, tag2) (tag1, tag3), and interacts with user in
order to create concepts and instantiate concepts and
Ontology evolution from folksonomies: in
this phase the authors propose to update the base
ontology after each change of folksonomies. After
identifying the changes, the system studies the
relation between the extracted tag and the entities in
the “base ontology” using an ontology alignment
Most of the existing systems for the ontology
evolution uses patterns, plugins, and software
modules. Thus, the task of automation system
remains difficult.
The multi-agent system can be a tool to solve the
problem related to the evolution of ontology, among
others resolution of inconsistencies.
2.2 Multi-Agent System (MAS)
A software agent is considered as an entity with
goals, is able to actions endowed with domain
knowledge and situated in an environment (Stone
and Veloso, 2000). MAS is suitable for the domains
that involve interactions between different people or
organizations with different (possibly conflicting)
goals and proprietary information (Jennings, 1995).
An agent evolves in an environment and is able to
perceive what surrounds it, to communicate with the
other agents. It has an autonomous behaviour in the
aim of satisfying its objectives. Moreover, each
agent has knowledge of its environment.
Dynamo (Sellami et al., 2009) is a MAS for
dynamic ontology construction from domain specific
text documents. Architecture is composed of two
DYNAMO Corpus analyzer is a twofold
module of textual corpus processing: An extractor
of terms fills up the database with candidate terms,
and an extractor of lexical relations provides triplets
constituted of two candidate terms and the syntactic
relation between them.
DYNAMO MAS is composed of term agent
and concept agent. It uses as an entry the triplet
provided by the first module. The built ontology is
proposed to the user. He can accept, refuse or
modify it. DYNAMO generates ontology in OWL
file relatively RTO model (Resources Termino-
(Deen et al., 2006) proposed an approach for
dynamic ontology integration and mapping between
global and local ontologies in a multi-agent
environment. Each agent captures knowledge about
its own schema (local knowledge) and also
knowledge about the schemas of its acquaintances
(partial global knowledge). The authors employed a
specific thesaurus to resolve semantic conflicts. The
agent can add new knowledge (concept, property or
instance) but it is not really an ontology evolution.
In ACSIS (Boulanger et al., 2000), a MAS allows to
dynamically solve semantic conflicts for the
cooperation of information systems (Talens and
Boulanger, 2009). The global knowledge base –
ontology– is distributed inside informational and
wrapper agents involved in negotiation protocols to
solve conflicts and insuring the completeness of the
answer to a global multi-base query.
These meta-data encapsulated inside agents build
several ontologies sharing a common description.
Different agents interact to answer to a user query.
In order to give the better results the agent
ontologies dynamically evolve to deduce
information between the database schemas and the
2.3 Discussion
From the analysis of the related works (see table1),
two types of works exist:
The user can add or modify directly the
ontology. The evolution of ontology is based on the
process described in (Stojanovic, 2004). Moreover,
(Klein, 2004; Rogozan and Paquette, 2005) and
(Luong et al., 2006) propose approaches based on
the correction of inconsistencies after their
production. In (Jaziri et al., 2010) an anticipatory
approach is proposed to prevent and anticipate
inconsistencies. (Rogozan and Paquette, 2005) and
(Luong et al., 2006) describe Semantic web
evolution approach that allows changing two
components: ontology/semantic annotation or
(Zablith et al., 2008) and (Freddo and Tacla,
2009) focuse on identifying new information added
to the ontology. The second type performs either
through the analysis of the Folksonomy created by
open and uncontrolled systems (social tagging
system), or by using of the background knowledge
Other approaches with MAS only propose design
or integration of ontologies with evolution.
However, Dynamo allows ontology modification but
there is no process of ontology evolution.
In ACSIS (Talens and Boulanger, 2010), the
ontologies inside agents dynamically evolve
relatively the negotiation protocols. The ontology
evolution is performed by versioning. The MAS role
is to build the semantic interoperability between
databases. In our knowledge, none system performs
the ontology evolution through a MAS. We propose
an approach of ontology evolution based on a MAS.
Each agent realises a part of the evolution process
designed by (Stojanovic, 2004). The ontology
dynamically evolves by adding of new documents.
Indeed concepts, properties and instances extracted
from documents imply ontology evolution. The
ontological entities may index the corresponding
3.1 Context
The organisations share knowledge among their
members, create and collect new knowledge.
Sharing the activity in a group also implies to share
the knowledge involved in the activity. Inside an
enterprise, different services exist. Each of them
produces documents; they can be consulted by the
users. The goal of our proposition is to classify the
documents thanks to ontologies. Furthermore,
ontology servers help an organization to keep track
of all concepts and notions used in its documents
and to clarify the importance of transactions and
business processes. The ontology is defined in
(Grüber, 1993) as “an explicit specification of a
conceptualization “. The adding and the updating of
documents perform the updating of ontologies.
Therefore, the documents evolve; the ontologies
must follow the evolution. But, the modification of
the ontology can involve a new classification of the
Table 1: Comparative analysis.
and al
Coswem Rogozan Consistology Evolva ACSIS
and al
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Automatic Automatic
utomatic Automatic
Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal External Internal Floksonomies
Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No
At the beginning, experts of each domain must build
the domain ontology to describe the vocabulary
related to a specific domain. For example,
marketing, human resources, financial ontologies are
designed. Our framework allows the user to evolve
the domain ontology when he drops off a new
document on the intranet. After, when a user
searches a document, key words are asked to find it.
The system proposes all the documents containing
these terms in all the ontologies. To realize these
changes we must follow a multi-step process
presented in the next section.
3.2 Evolution Process
Our approach follows an evolution process based on
Stojanovic and Klein’s process. It includes four
Identification of changes enables to represent
the transformations at the request of the user (or
expert) and to clarify them formally. We distinguish
the changes that can make by the expert when he:
-Adds a new document includes add concept,
modify concept, add property, modify property, add
instance, modify instance.
-Updates a new document includes add concept,
modify concept, add property, modify property, add
instance, modify instance.
-Removes a document includes delete concept,
delete property, delete instance.
An expert can directly add, update or delete a
concept, property and instance if he considers
necessary to handle ontology. He can consult the
changes history stored in the log of changes.
The analysis of the changes consists in
studying the effect of the changes on the consistence
of ontology and the consistency between ontology
and documents. To resolve this problem, we defined
consistence rules. Examples of consistence rules:
-Ontology should not have isolated concepts
-Ontology should not contain two occurrences for a
same concept
-Each ontological entity should be connected to
concept, property or instance.
-Each ontological entity should be linked to
The rules must manage the effects of each
modification in the ontology. We present the
authorized changes in table 2.
To treat inconsistencies when they occur, we
defined additional operations. To identify the
adequate corrective operations related to each type
of change, it is necessary to determine the types of
changes and inconsistencies. If different possibilities
exist, i.e., different additional operations can be
applied with different effects, the users have to
choose the appropriate additional changes to
implement. The various operations and their impact
to the consistence of ontology are displayed to the
users in order to assist them.
The propagation of the changes consists in
checking the consistence of the dependent artefacts
(ontology, document) after each change. When
ontology is modified, the different mappings must
be checked between the ontologies.
The management of the versions (Vn and
Vn+1) consists of validation of the changes enables
to create the Vn+1 version and keeping record of the
ontology library and annotating the whole of the
changes. The annotations are recorded in log of
changes. The classified documents can be differently
referenced. It concerns changes in ontology, in
document but also the classification of documents.
Finally, the document is referenced in different
concepts, attributes and instances. The URI is stored.
The linked data are used to better manage and make
easier information retrieval. The key concept of
Table 2: Effects of Changes
entity position
Add Concept
Leaf concept None
Non leaf
Consequences on the sub
concepts and instances
Leaf concept Consequences instances
Non leaf
Consequences on the sub
concepts, upper concepts, and
Leaf concept
Consequence on the concepts
and upper concepts
Creation semantic link
Non leaf
Consequence on the concepts
and upper concepts
Creation semantic link
Consequence on the upper
Non leaf
Consequence on the upper
concepts and sub concepts
Leaf concept None
Non leaf
Consequence on the sub
concepts and instances
Leaf concept
Creation semantic link
Consequence on the concepts
and upper concepts
Non leaf
Creation semantic link
Consequence on the upper
concepts and sub concepts
Linked Data (D’Aquin, 2010; Health and Bizier,
2011; Health et al., 2012) is based on the idea that
the mechanisms used to share and interlink
documents on the Web can be applied to share and
interlink data and metadata about these documents,
as well as the concepts they relate to.
3.3 Architecture of the System
The architecture of our system (see figure 1) is
founded on a multi-agent system. These agents
interact together to meet the change needs for the
user while respecting the structural and semantic
constraints. The user starts the evolution process by
carrying out a request for change.
The agents interact to run different processing steps.
In order to provide the consistence of ontology, our
system guides the user by suggesting many choices
of change operations. The system architecture (see
Figure1) is made up of four agents. Firstly we
assigned to each agent a process step.
User agent detects the change to be realized
by analyzing the user request. If the user
adds/modifies a new document the user agent throws
a term extractor module. This one backs the entities,
the agent informs the ontology management agent of
a type of changes and concerned entities. If the user
deletes a document, the agent gives the document
URI to the ontology management agent.
Ontology management agent analyses a change.
It searches similar ontological entity on the domain
ontology. We use existing similarity measures like
Jaccard (Jaccard, 1901), Levenstein (Levenshtein,
1966) and n-grammes (Damerau et al., 1971). It
informs the inconsistency management agent about
the changes that can be held.
Inconsistency management agent checks the
effects of changes on the ontology consistence. After
each request for change, it receives the consistence
type from the ontology management agent. So, it
must propose additional changes in order to guide
the user to work out the operation of change. It is a
BDI agent (Beliefs, Desires, and Intentions). It is
composed of three layers: The beliefs (knowledge)
are the whole of the consistence rules as formal
concepts. The desires are the whole of the changes
rules. The intentions are the additional changes
corresponding to the user’s changes.
Version management agent: it generates a new
version of ontology after validation of the changes.
The Vn+1 version are stored in an ontology library.
However, the Vn management is stored in the log of
ontology versions to memorize change traces.
The architecture of system contains: Log
changes for storing all annotations of changes; Log
of versions contains all versions of ontology.
Ontology Library is contains all ontologies of
domain. A learning module is implemented to
extract news terms from the document. We use
existing tools text2onto (Maedche and Staab, 2000),
Gate (Cunningham, 2001), RapidMiner (Hunyadi,
We explain the ontology evolution process through
an example (see Figure1).
Figure 1: Architecture of the system.
4.1 Add New Document
Our system offers a guide to an expert in the process
of the corporate semantic web evolution. We present
it through an example. We suppose the expert want
to add a new document, he sends a request through
the research interface (1). The user agent treats the
request and activates the learning module (2). This
one extracts terms from the document. Different
tools are currently in study (text2onto, GATE…).
The user agent passes on the list of generated terms
in the XML file (see Figure 2) (3). The extracted
XML file contains two concepts “mobile commerce”
and “electronic transfer”. The user agent informs the
ontology management agent about the changes
which are Add
document and transmits the list of
extracted terms (4). This one searches in the domain
ontology (see Figure 3) similar concepts (5). In this
step, different existing similar measures (Jaccard,
Levenstein …) are used to find concepts, properties
and instances. The similar concepts are “commerce”,
“electronic commerce” and “E-commerce” to
“mobile commerce” and “electronic commerce” and
“Electronic data exchange” to “electronic transfer”.
The ontology management agent suggests that:
“mobile commerce” is a subclass of
“mobile commerce” is an upper class of
“mobile commerce” is a sub class of
“electronic commerce”
“mobile commerce” is an upper class of
“electronic commerce”
“mobile commerce” is a sub class of “E-
“mobile commerce” is an upper class of “E-
“electronic transfer” is sub class of “electronic
“electronic transfer” is an upper class of
“electronic commerce”
“electronic transfer” is sub class of “electronic
data exchange”
“electronic transfer” is sub class of “electronic
data exchange”
Figure 2: Extracted XML file.
The ontology management agent transmits the
details of changes to the inconsistency management
agent (6). This one studies the impact of changes on
the domain ontology (7). For this, it verifies the
consistence rules:
“mobile commerce” and “electronic transfer”
are concepts; they should be connected to a
concept, property or instance.
“mobile commerce” and “electronic transfer”
does not exist in the domain ontology. They are
not redundant concepts.
“electronic data exchange” is a leaf concept.
If we add “electronic transfer” there is none
“commerce”, “electronic commerce” and “e-
commerce” are non leaf concepts. The
ontology management agent studies the impact
of changes to the properties of “commerce”
“electronic commerce”, “e-commerce” and
“electronic data exchange”. The inconsistency
management agent proposes the additional
changes (8). When the expert chooses one of
these: We suppose that he validates the
“mobile commerce” subclass of “commerce”
and “electronic transfer” is a sub class of
“electronic commerce”. The user agent
transmits this information to the version
management agent. This later saves the Vn
version in the log of version and Vn+1 version
in the ontology library. It saves the
modifications in the log of changes. The
document URI is stored in each ontological
4.2 Delete Document
We suppose that the expert wants to delete a
document, he sends request through the research
interface. The user agent treats the request. It
informs the ontology management agent about the
changes and transmits the URI of the document. The
ontology management agent researches the
instances, properties and concepts related to this
document. This one transmits the details of changes.
The inconsistency management agent studies the
impact of the changes and proposes additional
changes. When the expert chooses one of these, the
user agent communicates the information to the
version management agent. This one saves the Vn
version in the log of version and Vn+1 version in the
ontology library. It saves the modifications in the log
of changes.
<?xml version='1.0'encoding='ISO-8859-1?>
<concept1>mobile commerce</concept1>
<concept2>electronic transfer</concept2>
Figure 3: Commerce ontology.
Our research work tries to bring up two crucial
points about corporate semantic web evolution and
ontology evolution. The first point is how to change
each component and the second point is how to
apply this change to the ontology. We proposed an
approach to manage the corporate semantic web
evolution founded on multi-agent system. The
agents interact between them to manage evolution
process. The ontology evolves dynamically when a
new document is added or modified by the expert.
The evolution history is stored to keep track of
changes. Currently we experiment and compare
different tools to extract terms or concepts. Then our
perspective is to link all the documents of a domain
by the linked data technologies.
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