A Model Driven Approach for Open Distributed Systems using an
Enterprise Architecture Framework
Melanie Langermeier
, Arne-Jørgen Berre
and Bernhard Bauer
Elite Graduate Program Software Engineering, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
at, M
unchen, Germany
Technische Universit
at M
unchen, M
unchen, Germany
SINTEF ICT, Oslo, Norway
Open Distributed Systems, UML, BPMN, Enterprise Architecture Management, Cyber Physical Systems.
Open distributed systems are complex systems, which contain a lot of components provided by different ven-
dors and built with different technologies. The use of well-established and standardized modeling techniques
is one way to deal with the problems that occur in the specification and development process of these systems.
Enterprise Architecture Frameworks provide a good foundation to structure the various required modeling
techniques. Existing modeling solutions in the context of Enterprise Architecture Frameworks do not pro-
vide optimal support for the specification of open distributed systems. In this paper a coherent MODeling
approach for open distributed systems using an Enterprise Architecture framework (MODEA) is developed.
The approach uses the latest OMG modeling standards. As an enterprise architecture framework the Reference
Model for Open Distributed Systems (RM-ODP) has been chosen. Finally MODEA is illustrated through the
specification of two case studies.
An Open Distributed System is made up of compo-
nents that may be obtained from a number of different
sources, which together work as a single distributed
system” (Crowcroft, 1996). Thereby the components
are provided from several vendors and the system
compasses heterogeneous IT resources and multiple
domains. Such distributed, open systems are signif-
icantly more complex than closed, centralized sys-
tems. An increasing scope leads to an increasing
number of involved people and components and often
concludes in a complex definition of the system and
communication problems (Leist and Zellner, 2006).
Open distributed systems become important because
of an increasing demand on information exchange be-
tween cooperating organizations and a growing need
of interconnect information processing services to
provide the required functionally (ISO/IEC, 2010b).
Examples for open distributed systems are Informa-
tion Systems in the business domain but also Cyber
Physical Systems in the embedded context.
In open distributed systems a lot of different par-
ties have to work together. The issue that “each do-
main has its own description technique” (Lankhorst,
2009) and following “different fields speak their own
languages, draw their own models, and use their own
techniques and tools” (Lankhorst, 2009) affects the
current practice in architecture specification. To avoid
a Babylonian confusion it is important that the various
vendors of the open distributed system agree on one
language used for the specification and documenta-
tion of the system (ISO/IEC, 1998a).
The problems in open distributed systems are sim-
ilar with those in Enterprise Architecture where soft-
ware systems of different departments have to work
together to achieve to enterprises’ vision. Therefore
we apply the ideas of EA to open distributed systems.
The purpose of this paper is to create a coher-
ent model driven approach based on existing and
well-established modeling techniques to cope with
the growing complexity and scope of information sys-
tem (Leist and Zellner, 2006). To support the devel-
opment and specification process of open distributed
systems metamodel-based modeling techniques and a
well-defined framework is used as basis.
First we describe the requirements and existing
modeling approaches for architecture frameworks.
Then the viewpoints in MODEA are described as
well as the relationships between them. At least
Langermeier M., Berre A. and Bauer B..
A Model Driven Approach for Open Distributed Systems using an Enterprise Architecture Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0004438502840291
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 284-291
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the defined approach is applied to two environmental
systems in the cyber physical context for evaluation
purposes. Based on these experiences we compare
MODEA with the existing approaches. This paper
is a short form of the technical report (Langermeier,
2013). More details about the presented approach can
be found there.
In (Langermeier, 2013) several problems in open dis-
tributed systems were identified based on literature
and the experiences within the case studies. After-
wards requirements for a model driven approach were
specified which support in coping with these prob-
lems. These requirements are presented briefly in the
A common framework applied with a shared set
of modeling techniques, which is used by all partic-
ipants, provides support for the problems occurring
during the development of open distributed systems.
Such a common framework should be divided into
several viewpoints (Romero et al., 2012) and make
use of metamodel-based modeling techniques, which
are widely accepted and used. The established di-
agrams should be easy to understand but also pow-
erful in their expressions. The use of standards as
well as a sound tool support makes the approach com-
plete. When using several viewpoints it is important
that relationships between them are clearly defined to
keep the overall model consistent. In the best case the
tool also enables model-to-model transformations and
model-to-code transformation to support the develop-
ment process.
Use Cases are often used for determining the re-
quirements of a software system (Anda et al., 2001)
and should be integrated in a coherent modeling ap-
proach. To ensure that the system provides the right
functionality the specification of the motivation and of
the requirement is important (Engelsman et al., 2011).
The single components in an open distributed sys-
tem have to be integrated and composed together to
a whole system. A modeling approach for open dis-
tributed systems should support both the decomposi-
tion and composition concept. For an adequate speci-
fication of them techniques have to be defined to make
the interface and behavior of the components as well
as the interaction between them explicit (Crowcroft,
1996). To capture the variety the modeling approach
has to support different architectural styles and make
the differences between them visible. Moreover the
approach should provide techniques to assign respon-
sibilities to certain architectural elements (ISO/IEC,
To support the interoperability of the components
and to gain a flexible architecture a service oriented
architectural style has to be supported by the model-
ing approach (Khoshnevis et al., 2009). The service-
concept enables a common language between the col-
laborators and an adequate separation of concerns.
The approach should allow the specification, identifi-
cation and classification of service as well as the reuse
of them. Furthermore the approach should support
distribution transparencies. That means that the ap-
proach has to provide mechanisms to explicitly spec-
ify the way the distribution is provided. But also en-
able the abstraction of those for example in the case
when the logical functionality is described (ISO/IEC,
1998a; Coulouris et al., 2005).
An architecture description facilitates a good commu-
nication in the development projects by providing a
common understanding. Thereby the focus lies on the
main part of the system and its structure; irrelevant
details are hidden (Lankhorst, 2009). The systematic
approach for the establishment of the architecture is
called an architecture framework. Usually a frame-
work contains different viewpoints on a system to en-
able the description of different perspectives (Tang
et al., 2004). Frameworks exist on the software level
as well as on the enterprise level. Through a coherent
description of the different parts of the enterprise ar-
chitecture, it becomes an instrument in controlling the
complexity of enterprises and its processes and sys-
tems (Lankhorst, 2009).
Established architecture frameworks are for exam-
ple Zachman (Zachman, 1987), TOGAF (The Open
Group, 2011), DoDAF in the military domain (U.S.
Department of Defense, 2010), RM-ODP for open
distributed systems (ISO/IEC, 1998a), the FEAF for
US federal agencies and other governmental agencies
(U.S. Executive Office, 2012) or the 4+1 View model
of Architecture (Kruchten, 1995; Tang et al., 2004).
In the following three modeling approaches related to
enterprise architectures are presented:
The Unified profile for DoDAF/MODAF
(UPDM) is a standardized UML profile that supports
both EAF of the military domain. It includes a
service-oriented component modeling with SoaML
and a SysML system modeling to represent the
DoDAF and MODAF architecture views (OMG,
UML4ODP is the short name for ISO/IEC 19793,
which defines a UML profile to model the five view-
points of RM ODP (ISO/IEC, 2009). UML4ODP is a
very well specified modeling approach and built com-
pletely upon the formal RM-ODP specification. But
this results in over-weighted diagrams at some points.
ArchiMate is a modeling approach for TOGAF.
Its goal is to “provide a graphical language for the rep-
resentation of enterprise architectures over time” (The
Open Group, 2012). ArchiMate is a well-connected
and well-understandable modeling approach. But
main purpose of it is visualization and it is not in-
tended to be used as a language for a model driven de-
velopment with model transformation and code gen-
All these approaches define their own modeling
language or UML profile for the architecture descrip-
tion. Although they all enable the specification of
architectures with a service-oriented style, some re-
quired concepts like identification of services, sup-
port for reuse or classification are not well supported.
Additionally especially UML4ODP and UPDM are
very extensive approaches, which are often too com-
plex and over-weighted. Furthermore UPDM con-
tains specific aspects for the military domain. The
main problem with ArchiMate is, that it is only cre-
ated for visualizing architectures, and not for model
driven development. None of the three modeling ap-
proaches fulfills all of the requirements in the previ-
ous chapter (Langermeier, 2013).
Furthermore in the CEN/TR 15449-4 standard,
which is under approval at the moment, recommen-
dations are provided how to use techniques and tools
to specify a service-centric specification in the con-
text of spatial data infrastructures. Thereby it uses
RM ODP for structuring (CEN/TR, 2013). The meth-
ods described in CEN/TR 15449-4 are also adapted
in the working draft for an update of ISO 19119 (ISO
19119, 2013).
MODEA is an acronym for MODel driven Enterprise
Architecture. The RM-ODP framework, an ISO/IEC
standard in cooperation with ITU-T, is used as under-
lying Enterprise Architecture Framework for it. It is a
framework for specifying and building large or com-
plex systems. The systems dealt within RM ODP
are Open Distributed Processing systems and they
can be amongst others classical IT systems, informa-
tion systems, embedded systems or business systems
(ISO/IEC, 1998a; ISO/IEC, 2010a; ISO/IEC, 2010b;
ISO/IEC, 1998b).
RM ODP was chosen for several reasons: The sin-
gle viewpoints are well-defined using a set of formal
concepts as foundation and a specific language for
each viewpoint on top of them. The connections be-
tween the viewpoints are defined with little overlap.
These characteristics make RM-ODP a good choice
for our modeling approach (ISO/IEC, 1998a). An-
other reason is the domain independency of the frame-
work and additionally its support for high heteroge-
neous systems. The framework is already used in the
current deliverables of the two pilot cases introduced
in chapter 1. The particular use of RM-ODP in the
two projects in illustrated in (Langermeier, 2013).
4.1 Overview
The concepts described in the RM ODP standard will
be modeled using UML, SoaML, BMM and BPMN.
This follows the recommendation that is given in
CEN/TR 15449-4 (CEN/TR, 2013).
UML is chosen, since it “is the most frequently
used language for visualizing static and dynamic as-
pects of software–intensive systems” (Brown, 2008).
But UML lacks an overarching concept of how to link
the various single diagrams. In MODEA such a link-
ing between the different diagrams with respect to
the specification of the RM ODP framework is made.
With the integration of UML into the context of ar-
chitectural modeling, its strong support in tools and
industry, should be earned in the specification of open
distributed systems too.
A service-oriented style addresses several of the
identified problems in open distributed systems. The
Service oriented architecture Modeling Language
(SoaML) is an OMG standardized metamodel and
UML profile that enables the identification and spec-
ification of services as well as defining service con-
sumers and producers. SoaML enables a linking of
services to model elements of the OMG Business Mo-
tivation Model, UML Use Cases and also to process
notations (OMG, 2012a).
The Business Motivation Model BMM is a busi-
ness modeling specification, published by the OMG
group, to define the motivation e.g. “to be able to say
why” (OMG, 2010) for certain business activity. One
advantage of BMM is the very simple definition, since
the few concepts only have basic attributes and most
of the associations are unconstrained (OMG, 2010).
A lot of modeling tools provide support for require-
ments modeling using the BMM standard and enable
the definition of links between the elements of BMM
and thus of UML and BPMN.
At least Collaboration and Process Diagrams from
the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) are
chosen as technique for defining business processes.
This notation is supported in nearly all modeling-
tools, which provide support for UML 2. Further-
more BPMN has two more advantages: The notation
is well known in all domains, from the business users
to the technical developers and it closes the gap be-
tween business process design and its implementation
(OMG, 2011a).
The meta models of each viewpoint in MODEA as
well as an overarching one are shown in the follow-
ing. The concepts of RM ODP serve as orientation
for what to model in which viewpoint. This paper fo-
cuses on how to link the different modeling concepts
of UML, BMM, BPMN and SoaML in the context of
an architecture framework. Further details about the
derivation of these from the RM ODP concepts can be
found in (Langermeier, 2013).
4.2 Enterprise Viewpoint
The Enterprise Viewpoint (EntV) in RM-ODP an-
swers questions about the purpose, the business re-
quirements and the key stakeholders with their inter-
actions (Linington et al., 2011). The purpose and mo-
tivation for the system is shown in a Business Mo-
tivation Model. The requirements of the system are
captured in Use Case templates and their correspond-
ing Business Processes are described using BPMN.
The stakeholders and their interactions with the sys-
tem are shown in an UML Use Case Diagram.
Figure 1 represents a meta model of the elements
and diagrams used in the EntV and how they are con-
nected to each other. From the BMM the higher level
concepts like Vision, Goals, Mission, Strategy and
Business Policy are not shown, because only the low-
level concepts, which implement the higher level ones
have links to elements from the other diagrams.
Business Motivation Model
UML Use Case
Figure 1: Concepts used in the Enterprise Viewpoint.
In MODEA the tactics defined in the BMM are
realized by Use Cases. A business rule can also be
realized directly in a Use Case or only indirectly. In
the last case no explicit relationships to other model
elements are possible. If a business rule is realized
in a Use Case it also has effects on the business pro-
cess describing this Use Case. Use Cases, as repre-
sentations of interactions between the stakeholders,
are summarized in a UML Use Case Diagram. The
role a stakeholder plays in a specific use case is repre-
sented as Actor. The behavior of a use case is defined
through a Business Process using BPMN. The pools
in a Business Process represent the Actors that par-
ticipate in the described Use Case. Furthermore each
use case is linked to use case descriptions containing
detailed requirements, either informally and unstruc-
tured or in a formal style or with pseudo code.
4.3 Information Viewpoint
The Information Viewpoint (IV) in RM-ODP answers
questions about the handled data types as well as their
states and relationships. Furthermore it deals with the
actions in the system and their dependencies to the
data (Linington et al., 2011). In MODEA the data
types with their relationships to each other are de-
scribed using an UML Class diagram, instances of the
data types are described using an UML Object Di-
agram. At least the state of the data and allowable
actions are described using UML state machines and
SoaML Message Types. Figure 2 shows the used dia-
grams in the EntV and how its elements are connected
to each other.
UML Object Diagram
UML Class Diagram
SoaML Message
Type Diagram
UML State Machine
Figure 2: Concepts used in the Information Viewpoint.
Each information object has a specific type and a
specific state. The type is represented through instan-
tiation of the object with the corresponding class. The
state is represented through an attribute. The infor-
mation type specifies the possible state changes of an
information object through a linked UML State Ma-
chine. The outgoing transitions in one state represent
the exits that could be used to change the state. Spe-
cial message types can trigger one or more transitions.
4.4 Computational Viewpoint
The Computational Viewpoint (CV) in RM-ODP an-
swers questions about the basic functionality and its
provisioning via service as well as the internal real-
ization of service with components and connectors
(Linington et al., 2011). In MODEA the system at
a high level is specified using a Service Architec-
ture. Through participants requesting and provid-
ing services the functionality is described. A step-
wise refinement of service contracts and participants
as well as Sequence and Process Diagrams describe
the internal behavior. Therewith the SoaML service-
contract based approach to specify services is used
(Elvesæter et al., 2011). Figure 3 shows the meta-
model for MODEA and is a simplified meta model of
the used part of SoaML.
UML Sequence
Figure 3: Concepts used in the Computational Viewpoint.
The overall system is described as Service Ar-
chitectures, which contains Participants and the Ser-
vice Contracts between them. The Service Contracts
specify the roles that can be played within the ser-
vice. A role is represented as interface and can be
either a provider or a consumer and a participant will
be bound to this role when interacting with the ser-
vice. An UML Sequence Diagram defines the interac-
tion behavior of the participating parties in a service.
Thereby the lifelines represent the roles.
A Service Contract can also be composed of other
Service Contracts. These nested Service Contracts
provide a more fine-granular description of the ser-
vice. Such a compound service does not represent an
implementation through calling other services. This
can be specified in a Participant Architecture or Pro-
cess Diagram. The use of the contract-based approach
for SoaML enables the definition and usage of pat-
terns (OMG, 2012a).
The participants can be further described through
a service architecture defining how the services are
provided through internal parts or use of other ser-
vices. Another possibility to describe the internal be-
havior of a participant is through the use of a pro-
cess diagram like BPMN. Here the composition of re-
quired services and required internal actions are de-
fined to describe how the functionality is provided.
The mapping of the participants to system compo-
nents and the specification of the provider and con-
sumer interfaces are done in the Engineering View-
4.5 Engineering Viewpoint
The Engineering Viewpoint (EngV) in RM-ODP an-
swers questions about how distribution is realized and
how nodes and linking channels are structured. It de-
scribes how the interaction between the objects de-
fined in the CV is achieved and what resources are
required for this, for example discovery services or
request brokers (ISO/IEC, 1998a; Linington et al.,
2011). In MODEA the essential element is the com-
ponent diagram, which describes the system distribu-
tion using components. The communication channels
between the various components are modeled through
the use of ports and assembly connectors, linking re-
quired and provided interfaces. Figure 4 shows the
meta model of the EngV in MODEA.
UML Component
New Specification
Behavioral Diagram
UML Sequence
Figure 4: Concepts used in the Engineering Viewpoint.
Components can represent Processing Systems,
System Components and Platform Capabilities from
external Platforms. System components provide ap-
plication functionality but also necessary functional-
ity to support the distribution or communication in
the ODP system. For example the replication trans-
parency can be modeled with distributing the repli-
cated system component on two processing systems.
The hierarchical structure of the components is repre-
sented through a composition of them. Components
are connected through ports and interfaces as well as
realization and usage dependencies. The component
diagram enables the specification of logical compo-
nents but also physical components. Following a link
to the logical description of the system as well as the
deployment can be made (OMG, 2011b). The inter-
nal behavior of a component can be modeled in two
ways. Either it is described using a behavioral dia-
gram like State Machines or a Process Diagrams or
the structure is further refined through a decomposi-
tion of the component. The service contracts of the
CV are defined more technically in the EngV using
SoaML Service Interfaces or simple UML Interfaces
in case of a one-way service.
4.6 Technology Viewpoint
The Technology Viewpoint (TV) provides the link be-
tween the other four viewpoints and the real imple-
mentation. It describes the hard- and software com-
ponents as well as possible implemented standards of
the technology components (ISO/IEC, 1998a). In RM
ODP this is mainly done by structuring and linking
’Technology Objects’. In MODEA we use the UML
Deployment Diagram as shown in Figure 5.
UML Deployment Diagram
Figure 5: Concepts used in the Technology Viewpoint.
Each system component, defined in the EngV,
is manifested through an Artifact. Afterwards Arti-
facts are deployed to Nodes, e.g. Applications, Hard-
ware Devices or Communication connections. Stan-
dards are represented as artifacts, since they are “con-
crete elements in the physical world that are the re-
sult of a development process” (OMG, 2011b). A
dependency-connector links the standards to the ap-
propriate nodes.
Despite the Technology Objects and imple-
mentable standards RM ODP also provides concepts
for describing the implementation process and extra
information for conformance testing (IXIT). The con-
cepts related to conformance testing are not examined
in this paper. The implementation process can be de-
scribed using BPMN.
4.7 Relationships between the
Figure 6 shows the five different viewpoints with their
relationships between each other. For a better read-
ability the labels between the elements of one view-
point are invisible.
Each use case of the EntV, realizing one or more
tactics, will have a corresponding service in the CV.
The participants providing or requesting service are
in the first step derived from the actors and are then
further refined through decomposition. Such a par-
ticipant, a logical element, can be then realized by a
component, a physical element, in the EngV. A ser-
vice, defined by a service contract, fulfills a service
interface of a specific port in the EngV. This relation-
ship between the EntV, CV and EngV is illustrated by
an example in figure 7.
The components of the EngV are at least mapped
to processing nodes in the TV using manifestation and
UML Artifacts.
The IV provides a common set of information
types and actions as well as constraints on those. All
the other viewpoints have to be consistent with this
definition and use these actions to specify interfaces
or information types for information flows.
We applied MODEA in two pilot cases. The first case
study is the Personal Environmental Information Sys-
tem (PEIS) from the ENVIROFI Project
. The sec-
ond one is the Oil Spill pilot from the ENVISION
. Both are large, distributed systems where
sensor data, processing services and user interaction
services have to be integrated with as much reuse as
possible. Figure 7 shows excerpts of the Oil Spill pilot
from the EntV to the EngV illustrating the context of
the Cod Effects Prediction. For space reasons we are
not able to present the full case studies in the paper,
they can be found in (Langermeier, 2013).
For modeling we used Sparx System Enterprise
Architect. At least each tool that provides support
for UML 2.0 and BPMN can be used for MODEA.
SoaML is an UML profile and if a modeling tool does
not provide a direct support, it can be easily integrated
through the use of the appropriate stereotypes. Also
BMM, although there is no UML profile, can be eas-
ily used through stereotyping, since there are only a
few simple concepts and associations.
Additionally to the practical application we
compared MODEA with the modeling approaches
UPDM, UML4ODP and ArchiMate based on the de-
fined requirements. Especially in the fields where the
three other frameworks are weak MODEA contains
concepts to deal with them. These are the use of ex-
isting modeling language standard, the integration of
use cases as well as the possibility of specifying dis-
tribution transparencies. In the case of support for
model transformation and code generation, MODEA
is on the same stage as UPDM and UML4ODP. All
approaches except ArchiMate use metamodel based
modeling techniques.
Environmental Observation Web and its Service Appli-
cations within the Future Internet: www.envirofi.eu
Environmental Services Infrastructure with Ontolo-
gies: www.envision-project.eu
Use Case
State Transition
used in
used in
realized by
realized by
manifested in
Information Viewpoint
Enterprise Viewpoint
Computational Viewpoint
Engineering Viewpoint
Figure 6: Meta-model of the relationships between the five Viewpoints.
Figure 7: Excerpts of the Oil Spill Pilot from the Enterprise to the Engineering Viewpoint.
MODEA has a strong support for service-oriented
architectures since SoaML provides support for iden-
tification, reuse and the specification of services. This
is one point where existing approaches often do not
provide appropriate techniques. With BPMN pro-
cesses and collaborations the composition behavior in
terms of orchestration and choreography can be de-
scribed. Especially ArchiMate and UML4ODP lack
techniques for choreography and orchestration.
For a full support of different architectural styles
in MODEA UML lacks methods for defining com-
munication details between components. For exam-
ple it is not possible to differ between a rest-oriented
communication, a stream-oriented communication,
an event-oriented communication or a simple request
and reply.
With UML, BPMN, SoaML and BMM widely
accepted, standardized, meta-model based languages
are chosen for MODEA. The tool variety for these
languages supports the creation of readable diagrams,
while they keep powerful in their expression. This
point distinguishes MODEA from the three other ap-
proaches since we do not use some profile or a domain
specific language, which are typically specialized and
only little in use. A detailed listing of the require-
ments and their degree of fulfillment in the four mod-
eling approaches can be seen in (Langermeier, 2013).
MODEA is a coherent model driven approach for
specifying and designing enterprise architectures, es-
pecially those of open distributed systems. It is built
upon the enterprise architecture framework RM ODP,
which provides a sound basis of how to structure the
overall specification. The concepts of the framework
are modeled using the OMG standard modeling lan-
guages UML, BPMN, SoaML and BMM and with the
integration of a service-oriented architectural style.
These techniques provide a common foundation to
cope with the heterogeneity and complexity and en-
able an effective collaboration between the various
vendors and a flexible, optimized architecture. Al-
though there is a quite good tool support for model-
ing, further work is required to enhance the support
for model transformation and code generation. In the
presented approach a first mapping of concepts from
the different viewpoints to each other and possibili-
ties of how to derive one model out of another are
introduced. Further work has to be done to include all
specification elements of the used techniques in the
MODEA meta model and to define formal rules for
model transformation. Finally, concepts have to be
specified of how to generate code out of these mod-
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