Ontology in the Core of Information Management
Information Management in Infrastructure Building
Irina Peltomaa
and Esa Viljamaa
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O.Box 3, FI-92101 Raahe, Finland
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O.Box 1100, FI-90571 Oulu, Finland
Keywords: Information Management, Semantic Technologies, Ontology Development, Process Control, Infrastructure
Abstract: Information explosion sets challenges for companies but on the other hand offers opportunities to achieve
competitive advantage through successful information management. Semantic interoperability solutions and
ontologies especially, offer a powerful tool for information management. Ontologies provide a way to
integrated disparate information sources in complex environment. Large scale infrastructure building
process is extremely challenging assignment which successful follow through requires tool for effective
information management. Earlier research presented a prototype implementation called Dynamic Site
Control Centre (DSCC) for road construction process management. In this paper the formation and structure
of ontology for the prototype implementation is described.
Earlier the gaining of information was on the focus
in information utilize; now the management of
information is the most important issue. The amount
of available information is enormous and still
growing; finding the right information from the vast
amount of data is the key issue in information
management. Kings of the hill are those companies
and organizations that are able to find the essential
information from the information flood, and utilize it
in a way the others cannot. This requires seamless
communication between men and machines, and
interoperability between systems.
Using semantics of data provides a powerful tool
for information management. Semantic
interoperability focuses on enabling content, data,
and information to interoperate with software
systems outside their origin (Pollock and Hogdson,
2004), and enables integration of data sources using
different vocabularies and different perspectives on
data (Ram and Park, 2004). Ontologies provide a
way to define semantics, provide support for
handling disparate data sources and provide a
mechanism to define complex knowledge models
(Zimmermann et al., 2005).
In complex environments mere technical
integration is not enough; information integration is
required (Pollock, 2001). Large scale infrastructure
building process is extremely challenging
assignment: several parallel and consecutive tasks,
complexity of structure, many companies involved,
technological variety, etc. Although research and
technological development have brought new tools
for leading such a process, there are still things to do
in information management of infrastructure
In the domain of architecture, engineering, and
construction (AEC) and facilities management (FM)
lot of research is conducted to enhance the
information management. Due to diversity and
uniqueness of AEC/FM domains building an
universal solution or standard has been challenging
(Turk, 2006); (Venugopal et al., 2012), and the
development and deployment of systems integration
and collaboration technologies are behind other
sectors (e.g., manufacturing) (Shen et al., 2010). One
of the most recognized standardization efforts in
AEC/FM domain is Industry Foundation Classes
(IFC), but it has been criticized for the slow
adaptation in the real life (Howard and Björk, 2008).
Current solutions for information management in
AEC/FM domain are mostly made for building of
buildings and there are only few solutions for
infrastructure construction. Due to clear need for
enhanced information management in infrastructure
Peltomaa I. and Viljamaa E..
Ontology in the Core of Information Management - Information Management in Infrastructure Building.
DOI: 10.5220/0004438701610168
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 161-168
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
building industry Dynamic Site Control Centre
(DSCC) for road construction process management
was developed (Viljamaa et al., 2012); (Viljamaa et
al., 2013). This paper describes the formation and
structure of ontology for prototype implementation.
During past year’s information and communication
technologies have been developed and deployed
widely to various application areas; including
AEC/FM. Boddy et al., (2007) have made an
extensive review from data and application
integration research in construction domain, and
Shen et al., (2010) have conducted a comprehensive
review on system integration technologies in
AEC/FM. In the following the concepts of
interoperability and ontology are examined, and
some construction side ontologies and standards are
2.1 Semantics
Semantic interoperability is the ability of
participating system domains to understand the
meaning and use of terminology from different
domains, and to map between agreed concepts in
order to make a semantically compatible information
environment (Park and Ram, 2004). It also enables
data exchange between applications and multiple
applications to jointly contribute to the work at
hand; leading to smoother workflows and sometimes
to facilitated automation (Eastman et al., 2011).
Semantic interoperability focuses on enabling
content, data, and information to interoperate with
software systems outside their origin (Pollock and
Hogdson, 2004). Therefore semantic interoperability
enables integration data sources developed using
different vocabularies and different perspectives on
data. To achieve semantic interoperability, systems
must be able to exchange data in such a way that the
precise meaning of the data is readily accessible and
the data can be translated by any system into a form
that it understands (Ram and Park, 2004).
Interoperability is comprised both technical
integration and information integration. The main
technical challenge is the lack of interoperability of
different systems and data sources thus most of the
current solutions are focused only on technical
integration, to link disparate software systems to
become part of a larger system. Information
integration is focused on preserving the meaning of
information while transforming the context.
Metadata must include human-defined context and
business rules in addition to typical metadata to fully
enable system interoperability. (Pollock, 2001)
Interoperability-based approaches focus on the
exchange of meaningful, context-driven data
between autonomous systems, concentrating on
exchanging minimal amount of information
(Pollock, 2001). Interoperability is considered as
achieved only if the interaction between two systems
can, at least, take place at the three levels: data,
resource and business process with the semantics
defined in a business context. This leads to
achieving interoperability on multiple levels: inter-
enterprise coordination, business process integration,
semantic application integration, syntactical
application integration, and physical integration.
(Chen and Doumeingts, 2003)
2.2 Ontology
Implementation of semantic interoperability requires
enhancing of data with the semantics, mapping and
combining the information by reasoning and making
the information available to the users personalized
according user needs and preferences. These tasks
require specific methodologies and tools. One
prerequisite of semantic interoperability is use of
Ontologies aim to capture consensual knowledge
in a generic way to be reused and shared across
software applications and by groups of people
(Gomez-Perez et al., 2005); (Gruber, 1995).
Ontology defines a common vocabulary for
information sharing in a domain (Uschold and
Gruninger, 1996); (Noy and McGuinness, 2001) and
it includes machine-interpretable definitions of basic
concepts in the domain and relations among them
(Noy and McGuinness, 2001).According to
Zimmermann et al. (2005) ontologies provide a way
to define semantics, provide support for handling
disparate data sources and provide a mechanism to
define complex knowledge models. Semantic
interoperability can be ensured by providing
contextual knowledge of domain applications (Ram
and Park, 2004).
Several researchers have compiled instructions
for developing ontologies (Gruber, 1995); (Uschold
and Gruninger, 1996); (Studer et al., 1998); (Noy
and McGuinness, 2001). In this research ontology
development follows the guidance introduced by
Noy and McGuinness (2001).
In order to successfully use ontologies
commitments has to be made, that are agreements to
use the shared vocabulary in a coherent and
consistent manner. (Gruber, 1995) Also reusability
of the ontology is important feature of the ontology.
To achieve the requirements set by the reusability
the ontology must consists of small modules with a
high internal coherence and a limited amount of
interaction between the modules (Studer et al.,
2000). In this research the ontology is forming of
sub-ontologies, which define sub-processes of the
infrastructure building processes i.e. design process
and work progress.
It will rarely be the case that a single ontology
fulfils the needs of a particular application (El-
Diraby and Kashif, 2005); (Antoniou and van
Harmelen, 2008); (El-Gohary et al., 2011); more
often than not, multiple ontologies will have to be
combined. In the case of multiple ontologies,
ontology integration is challenging and important
task. (Antoniou and van Harmelen, 2008) The
techniques for ontology integration include
matching, mapping and alignment (Rebstock et al.,
In general there are three ontology architectures
to integrate information from heterogeneous
information sources: the single ontology approach,
the multiple ontology approach, and the hybrid
approach. Single ontology approach use one global
ontology for providing a shared vocabulary for the
specification of the semantics; all information
sources are related to the one global ontology
(single-shared ontology). In multiple ontology
approach, each information source is described by
its own ontology and source ontologies are mapped
to each other using inter-ontology mappings (one-to-
one). In hybrid approach the semantics of each
source is described by its own ontology, which is
built upon one global shared vocabulary or ontology
(mixed). (Uschold, 2000); (Wache et al., 2001);
(Alexiev et al., 2005); (Pradhan et al., 2011)
In this research, single ontology approach for
ontology utilization is used; each source is
preserving its own ontology and global, shared
ontology is constructed to act as common
2.3 Standards and Applications
There have been numerous efforts to build AEC/FM
standards during past decades. The developments of
standards have been made in Europe and in America
(Eastman et al., 2011) and individual countries have
made their own standards (Kosovac, 2007). The key
problems in standardization have been low stage of
actual implementation and deciding the level of
generalization (Kosovac, 2007).
Recently, Building Information Modelling (BIM)
has been considered as an important enabling
technology for building lifecycle information
integration. It can facilitate collaboration among
stakeholders during the design, construction, and
maintenance of buildings and facilities. (Shen et al.,
BIM tools serving the AEC/FM industry cover
various domains and have different internal data
model representation to suit each domain. There is
no one single application that can provide the entire
set of functionalities required for the AEC/FM
industry. Yet there is a clear need for data exchange
between various actors in order to integrate the
various types of expertise needed to realize the
overall project. (Venugopal et al., 2012)
In BIM interoperability has traditionally relied
on file-based exchange formats limited to geometry,
and direct links based on the Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) are the oldest and
still-important route to interoperability. Data models
were developed to support product and object model
exchanges within different industries. Data models
e.g. IFC, distinguish the schema used to organize the
data and the schema language to carry the data. The
major benefits of interoperability are not only to
automate an exchange (although replicating the data
in another application is certainly redundant
activity), but the larger benefits that refine
workflows, eliminate steps, and improve processes.
(Eastman et al., 2011)
However, Howard and Björk (2008) state that the
formal standards on BIM, such as the IFCs are
complex and have not had the resources for rapid
development and promotion that their potential
deserved. Therefore it will take some time for this
approach to be widely adopted. (Shen et al., 2012)
El-Diraby et al., (2005) presents domain
taxonomy for construction. The taxonomy is based
on IFC and several other classification systems. The
operation of developed domain ontology was
evaluated during e-COGNOS project (Vallejos et al.,
2007) as a part of web based knowledge
management software, which connected various
systems using Web Service technology. The
development of ontology architecture was continued
by adding more knowledge levels (application
knowledge, user knowledge) to domain ontology
(El-Diraby and Kashif, 2005).
In Finland determined work has been done to
develop the utilization of information models in
planning, construction and maintenance in
infrastructure building. The aim is that all big
infrastructure owners demand information model
based services from year 2014 onwards. To support
this purpose an information transfer format
Inframodel (IM) has been developed. IM is based on
international LandXML standard. (InfraBIM, 2013)
In this research the design process sub-ontology is
based on the IM2 definition.
Viljamaa et al., (2013) introduces a prototype
implementation of DSCC, which purpose is to
enhance the information acquisition during road
construction process. DSCC integrates information
from different companies’ information systems
participating to road construction process. It
combines and refines the information gained and
visualizes the information for users, primarily to
construction work managers. The information
integration is done utilizing the semantics of
information, and ontologies. This chapter introduces
the development and structure of the ontology for
DSCC, and gives some examples of the use of the
3.1 Overall Structure of the Ontology
DSCC ontology forms of sub-ontologies, which
define sub-processes of the infrastructure building
processes. Sub-ontologies include design process,
work progress, resource management, and user
management. Work progress ontology is the central
part of DSCC ontology, and it contains information
from several road construction process participants.
As ontology description language OWL Lite is
used and the ontology is created using Protégé
(Protégé, 2013) ontology editor. The ontology
structure and process data is stored to triplet
database to enable convenient deployment of the
data. As triplestore Sesame (OpenRDF.org, 2013)
framework with OWLIM (OWLIM, 2013) semantic
repository extension was used. As query language
SPARQL 1.1 is used.
3.2 Design Process
Design process sub-ontology is based on IM2
(InfraBIM, 2013); (Inframodel, 2013) information
transfer format, which is based on LandXML
standard. IM2 defines the geometry plan for the
infrastructure to be built. The model enables the
designing of different kinds of infrastructure, like
route design, road- and street design, railway design,
and waterway design. It also provides way to design
water supply and sewerage, surfaces, and
landscaping. DSCC prototype implementation
concentrates on route design phase.
Every route has one continuous horizontal
alignment, and it is made up of geometric elements
and stinglines. Route design consists of stringline
model and surface description. Alignments are
collections of geometric lines and stringlines. The
stringline model of the route is composed of
alignment descriptions depicted in stringlines
presented in layers. Alignment is an element, which
describes either geometric line or stringline.
Geometric line consists of horizontal geometry,
which is defined with lines, curves, and spirals; and
corresponding vertical geometry squared with
horizontal geometry, defined with points of vertical
intersection and circular curves. The surface of route
is defined with triangulation network. (InfraBIM,
Figure 1: Ontology snippet of design process sub-
In IM2 the relations between different elements
of the design are described hierarchically. In DSCC
ontology the IM2 hierarchy was transformed to
‘isPartOf’ and ‘hasPart’ object properties. The
foundation class of design process sub-ontology is
Plan. Plan has some data properties, like date, and
time; and object properties, like
hasCoordinateSystem. In Figure 1 a snippet
of design process sub-ontology is depicted. Object
properties link formed individuals to traceable
chains. Plan has object property
which connects Alignments class to Plan.
Correspondingly Alignments has object property
isPartOfPlan, which connects Alignments to
Plan. Plan may have none or one Alignments, and
Alignments have one Plan.
Since IM2 geometry plan is XML formatted, it is
transferred to ontology format using XSLT
transformation simultaneously when the IM2 file in
question is selected in DSCC as a project geometry
file. In practise, the IM2 DOM is accessed using
SimpleXML PHP extension. The generated file is
imported in triplestore.
3.3 Work Progress
The development of work progress sub-ontology
was done from scratches. During specification phase
of the research several interviews were conducted
for the personnel of the companies participating road
construction process. The base structure of work
progress sub-ontology is described in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Work Progress ontology snippet.
The natural way to describe the road construction
process seemed to be project based, so the
foundation class of work progress sub-ontology is
Project. Project class is connected to one plan
individual. According to definitions in plan, the
structure of the road is created to Project. In road
design the road is divided in smaller sections to ease
up the handling of the information of the road
design. The section of road called structural pole,
can be e.g. 100 meters long. Road is also divided
lengthways in structure layers according to different
mass layers forming the road. In DSCC ontology an
intersection of a structural pole and structure layer is
called PoleXLayer. This enables the separation of
structure layer for different tasks. Example of
PoleXLayer definition can be found from
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Task structure and PoleXLayer definition.
According to plan, StructuralPoles,
PoleXLayers, and StructureLayers are created.
Project is divided in smaller unities, Tasks, in which
the actual work is allocated. Task is connected to
certain StructureLayer, and to certain
Figure 3 presents an example of this
connection. The road has been divided in thirteen
StructuralPoles and it has six StructureLayers.
Cutting-layer is only removal layer, marked with
pink; all the other layers are additive layers. The
work in StructureLayer BaseStructure is divided to
be done in two tasks (Task 3 and 4). The work in
Task 3 is allocated to StructuralPoles 1 to 4 and in
Task 4 to StructuralPoles 5 to 13. During road
design a certain mass is allocated for every pole in
every layer. In
Figure 3 this mass for the referenced
PoleXLayer is 39.16 tonnes.
The information about masses related to
PoleXLayers is got from design system.
Unfortunately, the used data format for road plan
import (IM2) does not yet support direct structure
layer volume or mass definition, so the separate text
based layer information file was exported from the
used design software. The text file contains
information of each structure layer per each
structural pole pair i.e. for one PoleXLayer. The
information includes pole coordinates and ids with
Finnish building standard layer type and volume of
each layer. The essential information is parsed in
DSCC using separation characters like line feeds and
spaces. Example snippet of layer information for one
structural pole pair:
Code: Name: Unit: Quantity:
Group: Paaluväli: 0.00-10.00
1611 Maaleikkaus, eritt. m3ktr 54,09
1817 Luiskatäyte m3rtr 0,40
2100 Pääl.rak.osat,alusr.krkst m3rtr 2,38
2111 Suodatinkerrokset m3rtr 27,65
2131 Sitomattomat kant. krkst m3rtr 12,89
2141 Asfalttipäällysteet m2tr 41,42
2161 Piennartäyte m3rtr 0,13
2321 Nurmikot m2tr 31,39
2411 Tukikerrokset sorasta m3rtr 0,18
Coord: 65,057569264,25,451983081
From the basis of this mass information
StrucruralPoles and PoleXLayers are formed using
SimpleXML PHP extension and imported in
RDF/XML format to triplestore.
The creation of project is done using DSCC
prototype’s graphical user interface (GUI). The
project creation phase includes creation of project
individual, importing design information, and
importing mass information. Also information about
tasks and resources connected to tasks received from
project management software can be imported to
DSCC prototype. Resource and task scheduling
information is imported during project creation
process. Only supported file format is MS Project
XML format that is parsed using SimpleXML PHP
extension. The feature makes it possible to reuse
existing plans that can usually be converted to MS
Project format in many corresponding tools. The
tasks mentioned in scheduling are added to project’s
tasks and resources mentioned are created
accordingly. Resources are connected to
corresponding tasks according to project schedule
management information.
Tasks and resources can also be created using
DSCC prototype GUI. The user feeds the
information in user interface and a new user or
resource is added to triplestore using triplestore
interface module.
3.4 Resource Management
The development of resource management sub-
ontology was also done from scratches. The data to
this sub-ontology is mainly coming from work
machine information systems, so the model was
formed on the basis on this information. The base
structure of resource management sub-ontology is
described in
Figure 4. The foundation class is
Resource, which contains common data properties
for all resource. There are two kinds of resources
differentiated from the base resource: WorkMachine
and TransportEquipment. Load is connected to
TransportEquipment; this class contains information
about the quality of cargo (sand, stone, crush,
concrete) and the amount of the cargo (in tonnes).
Figure 4: Resource management ontology snippet.
Machine control system is integrated to DSCC
prototype using XMPP protocol, which is used by
project partner’s commercial machine control
system. DSCC receives real time information about
WorkMachine’s e.g. excavator’s location and state.
The DSCC import client reads essential excavator
data from the XMPP multi-chat group where
excavators publish their status data, and updates data
to the semantic database. The excavator data
includes position, status and used control model.
Information about TransportEquipment is
uploaded directly to triplestore through mobile web
GUI. Uploaded data contains e.g. location of
transport equipment and information about load in
transportation like mass volume and type. The
mobile web GUI uploads and requires information
from triplestore using triplestore interface module.
During construction process the information
about the realization of mass transportation is
imported to DSCC prototype. DSCC is calculating
the readiness of tasks and project by comparing the
realized mass to planned mass. The planned mass for
task is calculated from the mass information of
PoleXLayers connected to task. The ratio of realized
and planned masses is changed to percentages and
visualized to user in GUI. The readiness of the
project is calculated from the readiness of tasks
3.5 Usage of Ontology in DSCC
The base structure of the ontology and all the
runtime information used in running the DSCC
prototype is stored in triplestore. The
communication between DSCC prototype and
triplestore is done through triplestore interface
module, which forms SPARQL queries according to
information received from DSCC. SPARQL enables
execution of complex queries quite simply without
several queries or complex nested queries as is
needed in case of Structured Query Language (SQL)
and relational databases. The used triplestore
implementation Sesame supports also SPARQL
update which enables updating of stored information
very easily.
The DSCC prototype consists of six GUI views,
which contain information about projects, tasks,
locations, users, resources, and process status. The
GUIs are implemented using up-to-date web
technologies which enable device and application
independent development and use. According to user
requirements DSCC fetches and presents the
information stored in triplestore. (Viljamaa et al.,
Information interoperability and information
management are complex problems which several
research teams have tried to solve in various
application domains, including AEC/FM. The
diversity and one-of-a-kindness of AEC/FM have
hindered of development of information
management solutions. Information models tend to
grow wide and complex which slows down the
adaption, like in case of IFC.
In this paper an ontology development and
structure for enhanced information acquisition
prototype in infrastructure construction process is
introduced. The DSCC prototype aims to intensify
the information management during road
construction process using semantic interoperability
tools, e.g. ontologies. The conducted research
concentrates on describing the data semantics of the
infrastructure construction process. The idea of
ontology development was to keep the accuracy of
ontology on suitable level in order to keep the
structure as simple as possible. The developed
ontology was divided to sub-ontologies according
road construction processes. Some of the sub-
ontologies were developed from the basis of existing
information models and some from scratches. The
chosen ontology architecture was single ontology
approach, which can be seen as the first stage of
integration implementation. The following step
could be the use of global ontology with local
ontologies, where local ontologies describe the
structure of data source currently fused to global
ontology using parsers.
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