Four path following controllers for RLVs were de-
veloped and implemented. Alongside, the dynamic
modelling of a RLV was realized. The tests aimed to
assess the controllers performance while using either
the kinematic or the dynamic vehicle model for sim-
ulation. All the controllers perform within the strict
safety margin constraints established for the cluttered
scenarios of ITER and attain good results, even in
the presence of some wheel slippage. The study of
four distinct controllers enables the conclusion that
both the AKM and APF controllers slightly stand out
from the other two, due to the inclusion of a looka-
head distance which contours the vehicle and actua-
tors dynamicsissue. The SMM controller still enables
a good performance, while being very simple, and is a
good choice if the path of the wheels is available. The
NCB controller also achieves a good performance and
possesses the biggest room for improvement, by en-
abling the inclusion of vehicle and actuators dynamics
through backstepping techniques.
The results were obtained only in simulation and
a future route would pass by performing experimen-
tal tests at a small scale, to begin with, and, ultimately,
at a larger scale. The results show that when the ve-
hicle’s mass and speed is significant, the controllers
performance deteriorates. Hence, an improved ver-
sion of the controllers is being developed, that takes
into account dynamic considerationsat the controllers
design stage.
The work was supported by FCT in the frame of the
Contract of Associate Laboratories of Instituto de Plas-
mas e Fus˜ao Nuclear – Laborat´orio Associado/IST (Pest-
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