Complex Event as an Core Aspect of Enterprise Architecture
EDEMF: Event Driven Enterprise Architecture Modeling Framework
Hyeonsook Kim, Samia Oussena and Peter Komisarczuk
School of Computing and Technology, University of West London, St. Mary’s Road, London, U.K.
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Business Modelling, Complex Event Modelling, Event Driven Architecture,
Complex Event Processing, Model Driven Architecture, Linked Data, Data Integration.
Abstract: For the last decade, Complex Event Processing (CEP) has been emerged as a powerful instrument
supporting a more agile and intelligent enterprise. Although several studies have attempted to extend current
business modelling standards with elements of complex event modelling they have not fully integrated into
Enterprise Architecture (EA). EA provides holistic approach of enterprise business and IT system
modelling. In our view CEP is not just an element associated with a business process, but at the centre of
business analysis and design. This paper proposes an EA modelling framework that takes CEP as a core
aspect of modelling. The framework supports CEP based business architecture within different levels of
abstraction: contextual, conceptual/logical, and physical. Meta-models in three hierarchies and model
mapping between the meta-models have been developed and demonstrated on a linked data platform in a
case study. The case study used the framework as a tool of analysis and modelling, aiming to integrate
scattered information as event data by specifying a complex event layer on top of legacy systems. The
designed models were then transformed into executable program codes using the model transformation, for
example, RDF script from information model; SPARQL query from complex event model.
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest
in Complex Event Processing (CEP) that empowers
enhanced recognition of dynamic situation changes
and better response to the changes in a quick and
dynamic manner within Event Driven Architecture
(EDA) approach (Luckham, 2008). CEP is
implemented based on architectural patterns of
subscription, detection and publication of changes as
complex events. Complex events are usually
aggregated or derived from multiple data sources by
monitoring a sequence of single events and
identifying their correlation. The captured complex
events can provide valuable insights on current and
future changes that can lead to checks of constraints
on business goals and corresponding strategies, as
well as triggers of business actions. Several studies
have attempted to integrate complex events with
business modelling in order to support complex
event based business process design. For instance,
Decker and et al. (2007) investigated the different
types of event correlations and proposed graphical
notations for complex event modelling by extending
BPMN. Another example is integration of workflow
patterns into Event Driven Process Chain (EPC)
model to extend EPC with an empty connector and
multiple instantiation concepts (Mendling et al.,
2005). Although these studies revealed some of the
ways in which business modelling were incorporated
with complex events, they did not provide a method
to identify and model complex events within whole
business architecture in a consistent view, for
example, identifying business goal and strategies
with associated events for its alignment with
operational business intelligence.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a tool that has
been widely adopted to capture all the business
requirements in a consistent and holistic view.
Service oriented approach is a popular architectural
style being integrated in EA. For instance, OMG
published a language specification called SoaML for
SOA based business modelling. (Casanave, 2009). A
leading EA industry consortium, the Open Group,
has also published their effort on SOA driven
enterprise modelling, demonstrating fitness of their
TOGAF framework to service oriented modelling in
(The Open Group, 2011). SOA is commonly
Kim H., Oussena S. and Komisarczuk P..
Complex Event as an Core Aspect of Enterprise Architecture - EDEMF: Event Driven Enterprise Architecture Modeling Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0004440802920301
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 292-301
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
approached with a view of not only identifying and
modelling service as a business unit but also
supporting communications and interactions
between services using service orchestration or
choreography. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is one
of the possible solutions for publishing event
message to the subscribed services via a message
bus using a secure message delivery scheme such as
event message queue. Some of CEP engines have
integrated with existing ESB solutions, i.e. Esper
with WSO2 (Essl, 2011). Although CEP has been
popularly implemented and integrated with SOA
based enterprise systems, very little work has been
done to supply event driven design in EA.
People tend to be event-driven rather than
process-driven. Therefore, event driven thinking can
lighten work of business analysis and design, as well
as support direct translation of event driven action to
business architecture and to IT implementation. In
this work, we aim to take complex event as core
aspect of modelling from very top-level business
analysis to low-level implementation. We propose
an EA framework, where modelling is divided into
three different hierarchies and five dimensions in
order to separate the modelling concerns. Modelling
hierarchies and model transformation between
different model layers are key techniques
approached in Model Driven Architecture (MDA). It
has been applied to EA for better business and IT
alignment by generating skeleton of program codes
from higher-level business models (De Castro and et
al., 2009).
As Web becomes a fundamental communication
channel, enterprise systems and information gets
more decentralized and open. In particular, federated
enterprise architecture takes external changes into
more important aspects to acknowledge changes
(event detection). Besides, understanding domain
context when significant event occurred is also
essential. A few approaches have proposed semantic
CEP that provides semantic reasoning on top of
event processing. Semantic web platform is an
example implementation of such an approach and
has been demonstrated in (Anicic and et al., 2011).
In semantic web platform, linked data play a key
role for enterprise data integration as it enables
enterprise to catch external events by linking
external data sources with internal data in Resource
Description Format (RDF). Complex events
correlation is expressed in a specialized query
language for RDF data, SPARQL. We adopted this
approach for physical modelling to ground EA
models onto semantic CEP platform in the case
study. This examines the feasibility of the proposed
framework in a use case that investigates solving
data integration problem by using CEP and linked
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 summarizes related works.
Section 3 introduces the proposed modelling
framework with its layered architecture and defined
meta-models. Model transformation is also
described. Section 4 presents the case study. Section
5 concludes and gives an outlook to future work.
Works related to ours mainly fit into three areas:
event-driven business modelling, model
transformation, and linked data integration.
Event-driven Business Modelling. EA has been
popularly referenced and used as a tool to supply
business modelling with better business and IT
alignment check of compliance with external
regulations, analysis of business changes. However,
current EA frameworks do not provide event-driven
business modelling in an integrated manner. Event
notation is used in EA modelling framework such as
Zachman (Zachman, 1999) or TOGAF (Josey, 2009)
but they only support high-level abstraction of event
in which an event is represented with its name and
relationships with other model notations.
One of classic and popular approaches for event
driven behaviour modelling is EPC (Event driven
Process Chain) that allows the identification of
connections between events and between activities
by using AND, OR, and XOR operators. For
instance, business cases such as one process get
triggered from an concurrence of two events, or one
process triggering two different types of events can
be identified using EPC. It is well fitted with
conceptual modelling but not precise or
sophisticated enough for logical level modelling of
complex types events. For example, time constraints
such as sequence and while, and contextual
constraints between events data are hard to be
captured and expressed in an EPC model.
There are a few other approaches that attempted
to merge workflow pattern to EPC to enhance its
expression power with operators of sequence, split
and etc. (Scheer et al., 2005) (Thomas and Fellmann,
2007). Based on our knowledge, however, they
failed to link contextual constraints with event data
at model level, which is necessary to be aware of
complex enterprise situations. There are also some
works that attempted to extend existing business
process modelling notation with more complex
types’ event operations such as event aggregation
rules and its constraints (Decker et al., 2007). Some
of researches have proposed a specific way of event
representation with model driven development
approach in a way that an event type is identified as
an object class and an event instance is treated as
object instance using Object Oriented Programming
metaphor (Rozsnyai et al., 2007). Another example
is an event view model in which developer specify
event types of SOA artifacts to monitor events using
Domain Specific Language (DSL) (Mulo et al.,
2010). However, they have not yet been integrated
into EA frameworks. Identifying complex events in
EA framework requires identifying events in
multiple hierarchy and dimensions with more
consideration to business analysis, modelling, and its
compliance with IT. In that context, we have built a
modelling framework at the top of TOGAF to
deliver three dimensions of modelling layers with
different viewpoints. We have extended its meta-
model language, ArchiMate with complex events
modelling support.
Model Transformation. MDA approach has
been used to assist better business and IT alignment
with automated transformation from business
models into executable program codes (Soley,
2000). Irrespective of its popularity and
productivity, current EA modelling frameworks do
not support it fully. Although some meta-models
such as Business Process Modelling Notation
(BPMN) for business process modelling can be
converted to Business Process Execution Language
(BPEL) which is executable, we believe that process
based modelling does not fully conform to Event
Driven Architecture (EDA) in a sense that a process
model follows predefined flow rather than
responding dynamic event rules. Moreover event
enhanced BPMN (Decker et al., 2007), for example,
has not been grounded to implementation thus no
model transformation is supported.
In our approach, we try to generate lower level
models from higher one, for instance, ArchiMate
logical information model into physical RDF graph
model, and complex event model in extended
ArchiMate into executable SPARQL queries.
Linked Data Integration. Integration of
scattered information is crucial to support enterprise
situation awareness and intelligence in real-time and
dynamic way. One emerging approach is the use of
linked data (Heath et al., 2012), semantic web.
Linked data technology facilitates integration of
public open linked data with internal one (Coletta et
al., 2012).
There are some works that merge CEP with
linked data to provide real-time data processing on
the web environment. Wagner argues that there is a
shift of ideas regarding web communication style
changed from request-response to subscribe-publish.
Representative examples of this movement can be
seen in some works such as HTTP5 and
pubsubhubsub (Wagner and Anicic, 2010). In this
context, Anicic (2011)’s work fits well into our
approach both for real-time event processing and
background knowledge inference by extending
SPARQL with temporal RDF operation and
grounding it in Logic Programme.
In our approach, events are at the centre to both the
analysis and modelling. The Event Driven Enterprise
Architecture Modelling Framework (EDEMF) has
been proposed to support the analysis and modelling
by adopting complex event as another dimension of
EA and incorporating event-action modelling into
3.1 Overall Architecture
The EDEMF was developed based on TOGAF and
focused on business and information architecture;
i.e. enterprise business motivation, operation and
information. The figure below shows identified
modelling layers and key perspectives of the
Figure 1: EDEMF Overall Architecture.
In this framework the information is captured in
three abstraction layers; contextual, logical, and
physical. Within each hierarchy layer, we split
modelling concerns into five core viewpoints;
organization model, motivation model, information
model, event model and activity model. (1)
Organization model presents the organization
including human resources, departments and their
relationships. It identifies stakeholders and their
relevant business values and policies. (2) Business
motivation model describes business motives with
elements of business value and policy. Value
includes business goal and strategy. The business
motivation is implemented by business process with
relevant event, information and service. (3)
Information model identifies contents that
stakeholders are interested in or produce. In this
approach, we assume that all the operations on
contents such as creation, modification, and deletion
are trigged by event. (4) Event model illustrates all
the events that stakeholders are interested in or
supposed to trigger. Event correlation types, rules
and related information are also captured and
verified in this model. (5) Lastly, activity model
depicts event driven business activities. The activity
model captures not only actions triggered by events
but related stakeholders and information, and
relevant business values and policies.
In our approach, the five viewpoints are initially
established in contextual level for primary business
analysis. The contextual analysis is carried out by
using the VPEC-T framework (Green and Bate,
2007), in which business requirements are entailed
using elements of Value, Policy, Event, Contents
and Trust. The contextual model is then translated
into the ArchiMate extension meta-model (Kim and
Oussena, 2012). Although the ArchiMate allows
high-level business modelling with event concept,
this is not enough for modelling complex events.
Therefore, in our work, the event element that
captures event correlation rules and processing are
added to both conceptual and logical models. The
logical models are then grounded onto the physical
layer. For this, semantic web is targeted as an
example implementation platform. In this platform
all data is shared in linked data format, Resource
Description Framework (RDF) and complex event is
queried using SPARQL.
3.2 Meta-models
One of our objectives in this work is to provide a
consistent modelling view for different EA
modelling dimensions. We believe that a unified
modelling language makes it possible to enhance
communication between different stakeholders and
better quality of model artefacts. Thus, we pursue
extending ArchiMate with the additional model
elements rather than referring different meta-models
such as EPC and BPMN for complex event
We reused some concepts and relationships of
EPC in the ArchiMate extension but separated
different concerns into different modelling by
dividing EPC scope into event modelling and
activity modelling. This allows complex event
composition model to be built independently using a
precise and comprehensive meta-model and to be
referred from an activity model later as if it was a
single event. An activity is usually triggered by an
event and produces an event. The event itself can be
related to an organization unit, information object,
and document.
We have proposed the ArchiMate extension in
(Kim and Oussena, 2012), mainly introducing
elements for logical complex event modelling into
ArchiMate. We have then improved our approach by
connecting the logical modelling to physical
modelling. The proposed three modelling layers are
illustrated as following.
Contextual modelling – Contextual meta-model
was built based on identifying five core elements
of VPEC-T. These elements are mapped into
ArchiMate in further modelling phases. So far, we
have not mapped the “Policy” element yet. This is
the element that realizes business values and
constraints on business activity.
Conceptual/Logical modelling – As shown in
Figure 2, Event concept was extended with
capability of event correlation design and
associated with the other model elements such as
value, activity. Some of relationships were also
added. An example of this is a relationship
between information object and event object
defined to enable context reasoning from event
data. Another significant change we made was that
a rule based activity design approach was used,
instead of using process model in which a
predefined sequence of activities is identified. As a
single activity is identified with associated in and
out events, various sequences or combinations of
activities can be handled depending on the patterns
of event occurrence.
Figure 2: The Extended ArchiMate Meta-model.
Physical modelling – In this work, linked data
platform has been used as an example for the
implementation. To support physical modelling of
it, we identified key modelling elements that
capture the semantics and syntaxes of RDF and a
specialized SPARQL; EP-SPARQ, as shown in
Figure 3 and 4. The figures illustrate physical
information and complex event meta-model
respectively. In the physical meta-model, the
information model is described using a RDFTriple
element which consists of Subject, Predicate and
Object. Subject and Object can be a sub-element of
either ClassResource or LiteralResource. The
information model is also able to present URI and
Repository elements for the use of data link.
For the complex event model, ComplexEvent
element has been introduced in our extension. It is
composed of EventData and EventRule. EventData
is used to indicate data retrieved at the time of the
event occurrence. The data can be extracted directly
from member event or aggregated in some level, or
loaded from historical data repository. In our model,
it can be either literal or class type for further linking
and interpretation. EventRule represents correlation
rules of member events. The operators include not
only logical types such as JOIN or UNION but also
the element for time context enriched SPARQL
expressions such as SEQ and EQUALS. Functions
to constraint event data and rule can also be
identified using Function and Filter element. For
example, getDuration() and getStartTime() identify
interval time of two different events and first
occurrence time of an event respectively.
Figure 3: Physical Information Meta-Model.
Figure 4: Physical Complex Event Meta-Model.
3.3 Model Transformation
In our approach physical model is built from logical
ArchiMate model using model transformation,
which generates skeleton of executable codes. The
Table 1 shows the mapping rules of corresponding
elements and relationships. For example, an
Information object in ArchiMate is converted
into a Subject element of RDF Triple that is actually
mapped to a RDFS Class. The Association
relationship between two Information objects
becomes Predicate element, which generates a
RDFS Property element having both source and
target objects references as Domain and Range
elements respectively. Inheritance relationship is
directly mapped into Subclass, and Aggregation into
Property in similar way of Association.
Table 1: The Model Transformation Rule.
Logical: ArchiMate
Physical: Linked Data
CEP Model
RDF Triple:
RDF Triple:
Inheritance Subclass
RDF Triple:
x Event
Atomic Event
RDF Triple(s)
Event Data SELECT
Event Rule WHERE
SEQ or
Data Operator
Using this model mapping, ArchiMate logical
information model is transformed into physical RDF
graph model, and complex event model in extended
ArchiMate into executable SPARQL queries. These
transformations have been pseudo coded and
experimented in the case study.
Integration of real-time event data streaming using
CEP can provide proactive and adaptive situation
responses (Engel et al., 2012) (Xu et al., 2012). CEP
has shown its advantages in area of business activity
monitoring but it can also be utilized in data
integration use case. In our work we integrated
enterprise data resources as linked event data in
RDF format and build a system architecture in
which changes of enterprise can be captured and
interpreted using CEP layer.
The proposed approach has been applied to a
JISC funded project at the University of West
London. The project aims to design intelligent
student internship management system by looking at
ordinary event data from different data sources and
applications. The ordinary events are then
specialized as notable events and notified to event
processing agents using CEP system.
Business architecture is designed using the
EDEMF framework. EA models including business
motivation, information, and activity models are
modelled based on event-centred analysis using
questions such as: Which event indicates change of
business objectives?; Which event manipulates
information?; Which event people are interested and
how they respond to (activity is followed by an
event) ? The analysis then led to build TO-BE model
by carrying activities such as analysing business
scenarios; identifying information models, activity
models. It was then followed a gap analysis activity
such as converting relational or flat data sources into
linked data.
This case study demonstrates how business
requirements can be captured in event-driven way
and how the requirements can be implemented on
event-data integration layer using the EDEMF.
4.1 Scenario
The University of West London engages in and
actively promotes Student Internship Programme
(SIP) by guaranteeing students placements during
the period of their course. Within the programme,
different stakeholders have different goals; Career
Office wants to devote more to provide students
with useful help of finding the opportunities. School
and academic staffs try to support the students with
personal advice. They monitor activities of students
and provide practical help in preparing CV and
interviews in a classroom. Students expect to get
more help of searching the right placements through
abundant information on potential employers and
opportunities from reliable sources. The scenario
below depicts 5 different phases of the SIP
management system which represents the system
lifecycle from students’ point of view. 9 complex
events are also described as examples.
Phase 1: Registration
Students in school of computing usually take
PIT5 (Professional IT level 5) module in their
second year and register with Career Service once
they finished the module. However, some students
do not register with the Career Service and some
even fail to finish the PIT5 module by second year.
The SIP management system needs to monitor and
react to these exceptional situations. For example,
<CE.1> If a student finished PIT5 module but has
not registered to Career Service within following 3
weeks’ time, the system alarms both the student and
the student’s personal tutor.
Phase 2: Finding an Opportunity
Students who have subscribed to the Career
Service get a notification whenever new available
opportunity is registered. The system is required to
monitor students’ activity and interactions with the
Career Service and therefore to react actively. For
example, <CE.2> If no notification is published to a
subscriber for a week, the system recommends the
subscriber to check and mend subscription details
such as keywords, category, and period. Another
example is that <CE.3> If no application is
submitted until 3 days before the deadline of an
application, the system informs relevant tutors of the
opportunity details.
Phase 3: Appling an Opportunity
When students find an opportunity they submit
their application for approval from school and then
can apply for the placement after the approval. The
system also needs to monitor and handle complex
situations in this phase – for example, <CE.4> When
authorization is emergent including in the case of
that the approval request is arrived just less than 3
days before application deadline; <CE.5> No
application has been selected more than 3 times
from same opportunity provider (this can indicate a
possibility of the unreliable or hazard employer);
<CE.6> A student has been authorized more than 3
times but has not made real application; <CE.7>
Cover letter has not been changed while applying
for two different opportunities, etc.
Phase 4: Taking a Placement and Making
If a student manages to get a placement
successfully, the university may visit his or her
working place to take an investigation and then
provide him or her with proper advice. After the
internship, the student must submit a reflection
report. While students taking the placements, diverse
and complicated situations can be happen. For
example, a student may be involved in burglary or
accidents during their stay at the company; an
employer suddenly changes their mind and cancels
the internship opportunity. The system needs to
detect these various situations and to respond to
them by reasoning unidentified events and placing
them in most similar, pre-identified situations. It is
like identifying an unexpected pattern of events and
then publishing the event data to the event
subscriber of the most similar event. For example,
in the system, <CE.8> If a student finishes an
internship but does not submit a reflection report
until a week after deadline, it is informed to a
personal tutor. However, <CE.9> If a student not
having submitted reflection report submits
mitigation report, the system doesn’t alarm the
personal tutor as it places a mitigation report
submission event as a sub event of reflection report
event, but informs different correspondent of the
event data according to the different situation of the
mitigation case.
4.2 Model Artefacts
The analyzed requirements have been written in the
proposed ArchiMate extension. The model artefacts
produced includes contextual models, logical EA
models and transformed physical EA models. The
five core viewpoints were designed. For reason of
limited space, we only present a part of the model
we have designed in Figure 5. The model covers
Phase 1 of the scenario.
4.2.1 Transformed Physical Models: Scripts
The initial physical models have been transformed
from logical ones and completed with additional
details. The procedures for RDF script generation
are (1) From the logical information model, identify
information objects belonged to different data
sources; (2) Then produce physical information
models for each data source by using model
mapping rules in Table 1; (3) The URIs containing
base uri and meaningful name, and data repository
information are added. The models are represented
in the format of RDFS and the part of generated
scripts is here. This script implements Student
subject with moduleEnrolment predicate which has
Module object.
Figure 5: EA Models of Registration Phase.
4.2.2 Transformed Physical Models: Scripts
The initial physical models have been transformed
from logical ones and completed with additional
details. The procedures for RDF script generation
are (1) From the logical information model, identify
information objects belonged to different data
sources; (2) Then produce physical information
models for each data source by using model
mapping rules in Table 1; (3) The URIs containing
base uri and meaningful name, and data repository
information are added. The models are represented
in the format of RDFS and the part of generated
scripts is here. This script implements Student
subject with moduleEnrolment predicate which has
Module object.
<rdf:RDF xml:base="http://luci.uwl." xmlns:rdf="http:// 02/ 22-rdf-syntax-
ns#" xmlns:rdfs=
<rdfs:Class rdf:ID= "Student" />
<rdfs:Class rdf:ID= "Module" />
<rdfs:Property rdf:ID=
<rdfs:range rdf:resource=
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource=
<rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:resource="http
The physical complex event model has also been
transformed from the logical one with similar
procedures. The transformation is not fully
automated as logical model does not always have
sufficient information to decide which physical
model element is best for mapping. Example of parts
requiring your attention during transformation is
such as AND operator, and atomic event elements.
AND can be converted to either SEQ or JOIN
depends on scenario. Converting atomic event name
to a RDF triple also requires human interpretation.
The below scripts shows example complex event
queries converted into EP-SPARQL.
PREFIX cs: <
PREFIX ue: <
PREFIX luci:
SELECT ?std ?stdID
?std a ue:Student;
ue:moduleEnrolment ?enrol;
ue:id ?stdID.
?enrol ue:enroled ?mod.
?mod ue:name “PIT5”.
?enrol ue:status “COMPLETE”.
?std_cs a cs:Student;
cs:id ?stdID.
FILTER ( epsparql:getDuration() =
“P3W”^^xsd:duration )
This query implements <CE1>. It checks if a
student enrolment status of “PIT5” module changes
to “COMPLETE”. Once it happens it monitors if the
student is added into CS for a 3 weeks time window.
If the student ID appears within the time window,
the complex event does not triggered.
?std a cs:Student;
cs:application ?app.
?plc cs:place ?app;
cs:status “COMPLETE”.
?plc cs:gather ?feedback.
?feedback cs:type
FILTER ( !BOUND(?feedback)
&& ( epsparql:getDuration() =
“P2W”^^xsd:duration ) )
This script shows <CE9>, the case of monitoring
a student after his or her placement finished. If no
report is submitted within two weeks time, this event
is triggered with student information.
4.3 Example System Architecture
Integration of data is always a challenge for an
enterprise. Heterogeneous data formats, various data
sources, different technologies used in these systems
make the integration process difficult. We anticipate
that event driven EA can be used as a tool to easy
the integration. Using this approach data integration
can be designed and implemented in a separated
layer. Hence, de-coupled from business process and
data sources.
In this experiment, there were 4 different types
of data sources identified; (1) relational data in
Oracle server containing staff, student, and module
information, (2) flat data in a spreadsheet holding
students employment statistics, (3) xml data in a
RSS feed delivering students employment statistics,
(4) rdf triple data including course specification. All
data recourses were converted into RDF via
RDFAdapters partly provided by existing tools such
as D2R server but mostly developed.
Figure 6: System Architecture.
Historical data converted into linked data was stored
in SeSame server. The real-time data published
through a service bus is monitored to detect complex
event pattern by an open source CEP engine,
This paper proposed an EA modelling framework
that provides event centred business analysis and
modelling. Meta-models for three different
hierarchical modelling and model transformation
between meta-models have been developed and
demonstrated in a case study. The case study
experiment showed that data integration using linked
data with CEP could be successfully derived using
the proposed approach.
Our future works include developing model
editor to support ArchiMate extension modelling
and physical model mapping with tool assistance.
From complex event layer located between
operational layer and process layer, designing
interaction model is also another part we aim to
develop. For this, we are considering adding
semantic descriptions and annotation to ArchiMate,
which may make it possible to link event with
business value and activity in more proactive and
autonomic way.
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