processes artifacts and their implementations which
can be BPEL processes, etc.The main concept of our
approach is implemented by a set of tools integrated
as ECLIPSE plug-ins. These plugins are parts of a
more general integrated framework which is built to
deal with the software artifacts change impact propa-
We are continuing the work by enriching the ap-
proach, in a more detailed way, with the different kind
of mapping relationships related to the BPM artifacts
and their implementation. The main goal is to be
able to automatically track the change impact prop-
agation. To achieve this, we must explicitly represent
knowledge concerningthe semantic of BPM elements
and their relationships. We are then using the BPMN
ontology(Penicina, 2013) that is expressed using the
owl language(Motik et al., 2012). We plan to en-
rich this ontology by concepts representing the var-
ious aspects of change impact and the relationships
propagating such impacts. The use of the owl lan-
guage makes it possible to define, in an explicit way,
the relationship hierarchy based on the impact prop-
agation. It is also possible to explicitly define some
semantical characteristics of relationships like transi-
tivity, etc. The reasoning capabilities provided by the
ontology languages(like owl) may assist the change
experts to define change impact rules.
Another goal is to provide some forward and re-
verse engineering tools in order to implement some
important tasks like defining flexible and adaptable
tools for the generation of BPM implementations and
some others for the generation of BPMs from the pro-
cess implementations.
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