+--rdf: user_ preferences ---> [Types]
+--Vidéo-----> {"0","1","2","3","4",}
+--rdf: quality----> "High / average/ bad"
The interaction between the user and the multimedia
document does not directly but by a multimedia
documents manager via an interface. When the user
starts interacting with multimedia documents,
multimedia document manager checks the
compatibility between the user's context and the
context of the Media. If the two are not compatible,
the multimedia document manager triggers the QoS
manager. It recovers media from multimedia
document manager, and from the supervisor the user
context to define scenarios.
The process of defining the scenario of a
multimedia document is complicated because the
object is to build a dynamic object whose behaviors
vary from one presentation to another due to
reactions to interactions of the reader. We have
proposed the use of a selection algorithm to choose
one of the plurality media content when the
multimedia content is to be adapted to the context of
a user and the characteristics of the device (Shahidi,
Ning, Hamid Aghvami, 2010).
A multimedia document is always described as an
assembly, according to a specified scenario, called
static traditional media (text, graphics), as well as
continuous media (animation, audio and video),
Structured Media (HTML, SMIL, SVG), and even
programs as applets or scripts. A good scenario is
characterized by a good combination of several
multimedia elements which can give a better result
for the presentation of information.
An adaptation cycle of the multimedia document
is initiated by a user sends a request to the
Multimedia document Manager, comprising a
reference to a multimedia document and a reference
to the context.
To run a multimedia document on multiple
platforms, it is necessary to adapt, that is to say, turn
what it is compatible with the characteristics of the
target device and the preferences of the target user.
This article deals with the provision of adaptive
multimedia documents, it is intended to propose an
architecture that allows users to discover and
implement context-sensitive multimedia
presentations. This paper presents an architecture
which adapts, based on a user context, multimedia
composites. These documents are tailored to the
preferences of the user, the terminal capabilities, the
location of the user, and finally to network resources
In continuation of our work, we plan to
implement the selection algorithm scenarios. Note
that, for the moment, we do not support streaming:
the adaptation of multimedia documents must be
completed prior to delivery to the end user. The
streaming will be introduced later.
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