An Experimental Study on the Dynamic Reconfiguration
of Software Projects
Maurício Covolan Rosito
, Marcelo Blois Ribeiro
and Ricardo Melo Bastos
Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
GE Global Research, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Keywords: Dynamic Reconfiguration, Empirical Evaluation, Organizational Workflows, Software Project
Abstract: Developing a software product is a complex activity that involves many uncertainties. Software projects
usually experience many modifications during their execution phases. These adjustments can be understood
as reconfigurations in the schedule, in the resources allocation and other design elements. The large amount
of information that the project manager must deal, combined with the frequent changes in the scope and
planning, makes this activity more challenging. In addition, the manager may need to consult other
departments in the organization during the execution of a software project. The distinction between the
specific activities in a project with activities that take part in the organization’s common activity flow can be
observed. In order to contribute to the solution of the noted difficulties, it was proposed a computational
model called SPIM. In this sense, this article presents the results of an experimental study related to
dynamic reconfiguration of software projects, with emphasis on the integration of project management with
organizational flows. A software tool was built to demonstrate and evaluate the results.
Software development requires planning and
execution of activities, in which it is necessary to
deal with both technical and managerial issues. The
growing complexity and volume of projects that a
project manager must deal simultaneously
contributes to the increasing challenges related to the
development of projects (Kerzner, 2000); (Pressman,
2009). Particularly in software projects, aspects such
as uncertainties in the specification of requirements
and their instability throughout the project
development, in the use of applied technology and
human nature itself potentiate these difficulties.
During the planning and execution of software
projects, different types of tasks are assigned to
resources with different characteristics in order to
reach the goals related to time and costs of these
projects. In response to new information or
estimations, managers may need to make changes to
the project plan, such as reallocating resources or
canceling tasks (Joslin and Poole, 2005). These
adjustments, required for the project according to
over time changes, give rise to the term ‘project
reconfiguration’. More recently, research in this area
has addressed this problem from a dynamic
perspective, through which the projects adapt
themselves during their implementation. Such
changes often determine impact on costs and
previously established deadlines of the project.
In the same scenario, the manager may need to
interact with other departments of the organization
during the execution of software projects in order to
obtain relevant information to a specific project (for
example, contact the finance department). Thus, the
distinction between the specific activities in a project
with activities that take part in the organization’s
common activity flow (here called organizational
flow) can be observed. Therefore, the project
manager needs some kind of support to help in the
process of decision making taking into account the
integration of these different streams of activities
during the simultaneous execution of projects.
In order to contribute to the solution of the noted
difficulties, it was earlier proposed a computational
model called Software Planning Integrated Model
(SPIM). The SPIM allow supporting dynamic
reconfiguration of software projects considering the
planning and replanning of their activities. To
evaluate the model and embodiment of the proposal,
Covolan Rosito M., Blois Ribeiro M. and Melo Bastos R..
An Experimental Study on the Dynamic Reconfiguration of Software Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0004442902320239
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 232-239
ISBN: 978-989-8565-60-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
a software tool was developed and used in an
experimental study.
The development of a software product requires an
effort that involves dealing with, among other
things, activities and resources to produce the
desired results (Schwalbe, 2010). Generally, a
project is intended to achieve a specific result and
involves the coordinated implementation of
interrelated activities. More than that, projects are
planned, executed and controlled by individuals, and
are restricted by limited resources.
Software companies often make use of project
management knowledge in order to build their
solutions with quality and within scope, time and
resource constraints. Project management practices
are responsible for monitoring the achievement of
project goals through the application of a group of
techniques and tools. Thus, project managers need
some kind of decision making support, usually based
on a project management methodology, to deal with
different responsibilities, tasks and project variables.
During a project’s lifetime, actual data, such as
the time or resources that were spent to perform a
particular task, are collected and entered by the
project manager. The manager usually creates a
project plan to specify and limit the scope of the
project describing the work breakdown structure
(WBS) and the project schedule. When creating a
project schedule, the manager begins with a set of
tasks in the WBS (Pressman, 2009). Then, he
specifies all project-related information, such as the
individual tasks, the execution’s sequence of these
tasks and the resources to perform these tasks.
However, the manager may not have all relevant
information up front, forcing him to interact with
other departments in the organization (such as the
human resources department). Hence, the flow of
activities in an individual project is usually related to
other common activity flows of the organization.
Both types of flows are executed in parallel, have
their own resources and may influence the timing of
activities and costs of software design (see Fig. 1).
It can found potential dependency relations
between the activities in both workflows. As an
example, the activity of developing a web site
(which fits in the project’s workflow) may depend
on the hiring of staff by the responsible department
(this activity fits in the shared workflows of the
company). Consequently, it was observed the need
for a decision support solution to anticipate these
requirements related to the other departments of the
company during the execution of software projects.
The SPIM was first developed considering the
integration of project management concepts
provided in Project Management Book of
Knowledge Guide (PMBOK) (Project Management
Institute, 2008) with the concepts of software
development provided in Rational Unified Process
(RUP) (Kruchten, 2000) and in Object-oriented
Process, Environment and Notation (OPEN)
(Graham et al., 1997). Details about these
integrations models can be seen in Callegari et al
(2008) and Rosito et al (2012). The detailed study of
the PMBOK, RUP and OPEN metamodels helped to
identify how their classes are organized and which
are the valid relations between the elements of each
model. It allowed the development of a methodology
for integrating models of project management with
models for software development processes.
A first experimental study using SPIM was
conducted by six undergraduate and four
postgraduate students of computer science (see
Rosito and Bastos, 2012). This experiment reveals
that the use of the SPIM model approach help
managers to create and conduct a more precise
project plan than the traditional method. However,
some limitations in this first experiment were
observed (such as the use of graduate students) and
advances in research are described below.
Process Engineering Meta-Model Specification
(SPEM) (Object Management Group, 2011), is
considered the reference metamodel for defining
software processes developed by the Object
Management Group. Thus, this research has
advanced to creating the metamodel PMBOK+SPEM.
In the PMBOK+SPEM metamodel (see Fig. 2),
the Organization class represents a company that is
organized by programs. The organizations, usually,
divide projects in several phases aiming a better
managerial control. Also, a necessary resource for
the project, such as people or equipment, is
represented by the Resource class. These resources
are divided into active resources (Stakeholder class)
and non-active (PhysicalResource class). Then, the
ActivityPhysicalResourceWork class associates
physical resources to activities. It establishes the
physical resources work load in that activity.
The PMBOK+SPEM metamodel was designed
Figure 1: Interdependency between an organizational workflow and a software project workflow.
considering the need of project managers to access
information from other departments of the
organization during the software project planning.
Then, this metamodel defines three different types of
activities: (a) productive activities: activities directly
related to the construction of the software product;
(b) managerial activities: activities that are only
required to coordinate the construction of the
software product; and (c) management supporting
activities: any other activities that do not belong to
an individual project’s activity workflow.
Stakeholders can play several roles during the
execution of project activities. Thus, for each
association between a role and activity
(ActivityStakeholderWork class) there must be an
association of this activity with a stakeholder able to
play that role. Then, managerial activities are
performed by managerial roles and productive
activities are performed by productive roles.
According to the SPEM metamodel, an activity
supports the nesting and logical grouping of
elements contained in the WBS (BreakdownElement
class). The self-defined relationship to the Activity
element allows reuse of content set to an activity in
another activity. Thus, it becomes possible to inherit
a structure defined for an activity in terms of its
elements nested in a second activity. The
relationship between the Activity class and the
ProcessParameter class establishes input and/or
output parameters to the activities in terms of work
products. The ProcessPerformer class establishes the
relationship between the activities and the roles in
the project. The ProcessResponsabilityAssignment
class establishes the responsibility relationship
between the roles and work products.
The PMBOK+SPEM metamodel helped to
provide the conceptual framework necessary to
develop a unique model, called SPIM, to assist in
project planning considering the concepts arising
from the software development processes. Also, it
was developed a tool called Software Planning
Integrated Tool (SPIT). SPIT aims to offer some
kind of support to help managers in the decision
making process of software projects through the
concepts proposed by the SPIM. In this experiment,
participants had access to the following modules:
Validator, BackOffice and Workflow Integrator.
The SPIM Validator acts as an add-in for
Microsoft Project and performs the SPIM validation
rules on software projects. The BackOffice is
responsible for managing the information required
by the SPIM, such as roles definition, types of
activities and associated work products. This
information is exported to Microsoft Project through
custom field to be used by the SPIM Validator. The
Workflow Integrator module is responsible for
synchronizing the information contained in
organizational workflows with those present in a
specific project. Currently, the organizational
workflows were developed through the Visual
Studio Workflow Designer tool.
To perform the evaluation of models and products
where the human factor is considered, the literature
provides some approaches based on an experimental
strategy. Pfleeger and Atlee (2009) suggest the
following approaches to evaluate processes,
products and resources: feature analysis; case
studies, surveys, and experiments. Experiments
represent a more controlled type of study, usually
Figure 2: Part of the PMBOK+SPEM metamodel (more details not shown due to space reasons).
conducted in laboratories. In this research, the use of
a formal experiment method was chosen. However,
as the experiment has a quantitative approach
(Wohlin et al. 2000), an integrated survey was also
used in order to evaluate qualitative data. The
proposals of Juristo and Moreno (2003), Field
(2005) and Wohlin et al. (2000) were used as guides
to conduct this experiment.
4.1 Objective Definition
The Goal-Question-Metric technique (GQM)
(Solingen and Berghout, 1999) was used to define
the study, establishing the overall goal, the
objectives and the measurement. It was decided that
the purpose of this research is to compare, in the
Unified Process, the accuracy and the effort of
integrated planning model SPIM compared to the
traditional model of software project planning.
4.2 Design
In this stage the researchers should formalize the
hypotheses, determine the independent and
dependent variables, selection of participants,
preparation of the experiment and the conceptual
consideration of the validity of the experiment.
Then, these researchers selected an ‘in-vitro’ and
‘offline’ approach in which participants performed
the experiment in a controlled environment. To
conduct this experiment, the context involving
students of two distinct universities was chosen.
This approach can reduce risks and costs not
covered by the scope of the research at this time.
Thus, the experiment was conducted by thirty six
students of post graduation courses in Project
Management. After that, based on the previous
informal definition of the two issues in this research,
it was possible to formalize the two hypotheses and
a definition of its measures for evaluation.
The first hypothesis is related to the effort of
managers in planning activities and resources for
software projects. Then, the first null hypothesis
) is as follows: the effort involved in planning the
activities of the software project using the SPIM
integrated model is equal to the effort to do the
planning of activities according to the traditional
model. The effort should be measured by time spent
in minutes with the planning of activities for
software development projects in each approach.
The second hypothesis of this research is related
to the accuracy of managers to plan the activities and
resources in software projects. So, the second null
hypothesis (H
) is as follows: the accuracy in the
schedule planning of projects regarding to the
assignment of deadlines and resources considering
the integration with the organizational flows through
the SPIM integrated model is equal to the accuracy
accomplishing the planning in the traditional model.
The accuracy should be evaluated by the ratio of the
participants’ score and the total score possible.
Considering that experimental units are the
objects upon which the experiment is run, five
different scenarios of software development project
were created, aiming to approach different software
project risks. The first scenario is related to the
assignment’s compatibility of the involved
stakeholder role with the type of activity (managerial
or productive). The second scenario is related with
the interaction among the organizational flows to the
acquisition of new hardware during the project. The
third scenario is related to the risk of identifying that
the most qualified staff is unavailable at critical
moments. The fourth scenario is related to the
situation where new employees are hired and must
perform some sort of training before joining the
project. In the fifth scenario, the manager identifies
that software components purchased from a third
party contain defects which limit their functionality,
so that he should contact the product’s supplier.
The outcomes of this experiment (response
variables) are concerned to the effort and accuracy
in planning activities of software projects. Also, any
project characteristics (called factors) intentionally
varied were identified during experimentation. Each
factor has several possible alternatives. In this
experiment, there is one factor to be analyzed
(project planning methods) and two alternatives: the
traditional method of project planning and the
method using the integrated planning model SPIM.
Considering the characteristics of this research, the
one-factor designs were chosen. This sort of design
involves comparing the variable response to each
alternative in a given number of experimental units.
Some characteristics, however, would be desirable
to be invariant, but they vary in an experiment
(blocking variables). Project management (much
more than other software development task) is an
activity which performances highly depends on the
person who does it, hence the risk that results are
highly influenced by ability and experience is high.
In this experiment, the level of experience in project
planning is a blocking variable.
If both alternatives are used in the same project,
two similar teams are required. The definition of
which participants would perform each approach of
software project planning (in the traditional way or
with the help of SPIM model) occurred randomly. In
this case, the experimenter took thirty six cards (half
red and half black) from the pack; the red cards
would correspond to the use of the traditional project
planning method and the black ones to the use of the
SPIM method. The experimenter shuffled the cards
and allowed each subject to take a card for each
experimental unit (software development project).
The balancing principle was also used so that each
propose of software project planning was performed
by the same number of participants (eighteen
participants to each proposal).
4.3 Execution of the Experiment
The realization of the experiment occurred in
December 2011, when the set of participants
performed the experiment in a controlled
environment (university's computer lab). Initially, all
participants received an email inviting them to join
this experimental study. In this invitation it was
explained that this event included a presentation of
SPIM and the realization of a practical activity
where participants would have the opportunity to
perform exercises based on typical situations of
project management. The experiment involved only
students that had some interest in the area of project
management. To take part in this event the invitees
had to access the link to the event and create an
access account. Thus, a web site was developed in
order to store the questionnaires of this experiment
aiming to maintain the integrity of the data obtained
during its execution. An access control system
ensured that each participant had access only to
questions that have been designated for them.
The problem studied corresponds to five
scenarios that simulated situations in software
development projects. At first, all participants
received a brief training in the SPIM model and had
the opportunity to test the main features of the SPIT
on a sample project. Later, they had the opportunity
to make the first questions about the proposed work.
Then, they were presented to the same description of
each scenario and were asked to perform the
corresponding project planning - some using the
traditional method and others with the SPIT tool. In
order to avoid possible distortions in the obtained
results both in the trial of SPIT and the
questionnaire’s resolution phase it didn’t occur
having any interaction with the interviewer.
4.4 Analysis
There are different analysis techniques depending on
the characteristics of the collected data and on the
applied design. The methods of analysis can roughly
be divided into two major blocks: parametric and
non-parametric methods. According to Miles and
Huberman (1994), parametric tests are statistically
more powerful than non-parametric methods.
However, if these parametric tests are not
conclusive, then the analysis will have to resort to
the application of non-parametric tests. Considering
these two types of analysis techniques, the drawing
of conclusions was attempted by rejecting the null
hypotheses with the parametric test or/and accepting
them with the non-parametric test.
For the testing of hypotheses, in a context of one
factor and two treatments, the literature suggests the
significance test called ‘T test’ for two independent
samples (if performed a parametric test) or ‘Mann-
Whitney test’ (if it is a non-parametric test). This
definition was taken after verifying if the
distribution was normal or not (by the ‘Shapiro-Wilk
test’) and checking the variance of the data obtained
by running the experiment (‘Levene Test’).
According to the scope of this research, it was
necessary to evaluate these two hypotheses: effort
and accuracy. For the hypothesis analysis of this
research, we used the T test (suitable for comparing
the averages of a quantitative variable between two
independent groups) or Mann-Whitney test (if the
test is non-parametric). Then, the verification of
each null hypothesis for each developed scenario
was performed. The null hypothesis (H
) is related to
the randomness of the observed results, that is, if it
is true, statistically the results of the experiment
evidence to be occasional (no conclusion can be
drawn). The alternative hypothesis (H
) is one that
will be accepted if the null hypothesis is rejected.
Still, it must be noted that the level of the test
significance (p-value) was fixed in 5%. The analyses
presented in this experiment were made using the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
5.1 First Hypothesis: Effort
Through an initial analysis of the distribution, the
behaviour of the samples could be evaluated.
Initially, we studied the behaviour of each sample
(traditional and SPIM) in order to find outliers. An
outlier is an observation that lies an abnormal
distance from other values in a random sample from
a population (Grubbs, 1969). According to the
boxplot graph it was observed that the effort variable
does not have outliers. After that, it could be verified
that the data has a normal distribution through
Shapiro-Wilk test. However, the T test also assumes
that the variability of each group is approximately
equal. With this goal, two hypotheses were defined:
: The variances are equal; H
: The variances are
not equal. The Levene's test (see Table 1) shows if
its assumption of the T test has been met.
Table 1: Levene's test for the effort variable.
Variable Assumption Significance
Effort Equal Variances assumed 0.271
Equal Variances not assumed 0.271
According to the results, the significance (p-
value) of Levene's test is 0.271. If this value is lower
than or equal to the significance level (α) for the test
(in this case 0.05), then the null hypothesis in which
the variability of the two groups is equal may be
rejected, implying that the variances are unequal. If
the p-value is greater than the α level, then, equal
variances are assumed. In this case, 0.271 is greater
than α, so the fact that the variances are equal was
assumed. Once it was identified that the distribution
was normal and variances were equal, the T test was
applied (see results in Table 2).
This is a two-sided test, in which the p-value =
0.140 is directly compared with α = 0.05
(significance level). Since p-value=0.140 > 0.05, H
is not rejected. Thus, there is no statistical evidence
to reject the hypothesis that the effort average to
accomplish the planning of the activities using the
traditional model is equal to the spent effort with the
SPIM model. It was observed that the effort average,
in minutes, to carry out the planning of the activities
using the SPIM model was around 48 minutes while
using the traditional model it was around 43
minutes. For the presented analyzes, the conclusion
is that, statistically, there is no significant difference
in relation to the effort to make the planning of
projects using the traditional method and the SPIM.
Table 2: T test for the effort variable.
Variable Criterion T Sig.
Equal Variances assumed -1.511 0.140
Equal Variances not assumed -1.511 0.140
5.2 Second Hypothesis: Accuracy
Similarly to the analysis of the first hypothesis, it
was observed that the accuracy variable does not
have outliers. However, using the Shapiro-Wilk test,
it was not possible to identify if that the data has a
normal distribution. Therefore, a parametric test
(like T test) could not be used. The Mann-Whitney,
however, test could be used. It is a non-parametric
analog to the independent samples T test and can be
used when we do not assume that the dependent
variable is a normally distributed interval variable.
Thus, the Mann-Whitney test for two independent
samples was used to verify that the observed
differences between the averages in two independent
groups are statistically significant. To achieve this
objective, the following hypotheses were defined:
: There is no difference between the mean of the
two samples; H
: There is a difference between the
mean of the two samples. The results of the Mann-
Whitney can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: Mann-Whitney test for the accuracy variable.
Whitney U
Wilcoxon W Z
Accuracy 66.500 237.500 -3.046 0.002
Since the degree of significance (0.002) is
smaller than the level of significance given (0.05),
the hypothesis H
was rejected. Based on the results
presented for the accuracy variable it is understood
that there is a difference between the mean effort to
do the planning with the traditional and SPIM
methods. However, based on the results of the
Mann-Whitney test only the null hypothesis can be
rejected, but it was not possible to evaluate the
alternative hypotheses. Comparing the mean values
of the SPIM approach (84%) with the traditional
approach (52%) we conclude that the accuracy in
making the planning model using the SPIM is larger
than in the traditional model.
A qualitative exploratory evaluation has also been
conducted. At the end of the experiment’s execution
each participant answered a questionnaire, produced
in accordance to Rea and Parker (2005). The survey
had 17 questions where the first 8 were focused on
the managers individual knowledge mapping and the
remaining were used to estimate the SPIM model’s
contributions in the planning process from the
project managers’ point of view.
An analysis of the obtained results from the
questions related to the profile of respondent
individuals shows that 52.63% of these had a project
management experience between two and five years
and 21.05% had experience between five and ten
years. In addition to that experience of the
respondents, 34.21% of the sample reported their
experience in project management as little while the
remaining 65.79% declared it as moderate or
advanced. In addition, 72.42% of the subjects
classified their knowledge of software development
processes as moderate or advanced. This indicates a
sufficient range of experience regarding project
management by the subjects.
Table 4: Perceived benefits in performing the integrated
planning of managerial and productive activities.
Question %
Reduction in time during the project’s elaboration
Identification of the dependencies between the
management supporting activities and production
Identification and measuring of the indirect costs of the
project, due to the management support activities
Being able to access enterprise workflow information 75
The capacity of avoiding distortions during planning
when support activities are involved
Helps to anticipate the needs stemming from support
areas of the organization during the project planning
Makes an explicit distinction between the activities of a
software project and the activities belonging to other
departments within the organization;
The analysis of the SPIM begins with the
respondents’ evaluation of the direct benefits in
performing the integrated planning of managerial
and productive activities in a project (see Table 4).
According to the second and the last rows in
Table 4, all participants found that the integrated
planning allows the identification of the hidden
dependencies between the management supporting
activities and the production activities, while
avoiding frequent distortions in the planning of the
projects due to the uninformed use of resources from
the management supporting activities. The visibility
of management supporting activities with the
activities in the software project (whether productive
of managerial) was also identified as a strong benefit
of SPIM by all of the interviewees.
When questioned whether they agreed or not on
the distinct nature of the three types of activities,
most of the respondents (75%) answered that the
SPIM model helps managers to access enterprise
workflow information. Also, 87.50% of the
interviewed subjects agreed that the SPIM model
contributes in identifying the dependencies of the
activities between the project workflow and the
organization workflow, which allows the prediction
of the needs that come upon the organizational
support areas during the planning of the project. As
a final consideration, the majority of the participants
found that the SPIM contributes in the identification
and measuring of the indirect costs of the project,
due to the management support activities.
This paper presented the SPIM, a model to integrate
software project management with organizational
workflows. An experimental strategy was chosen to
evaluate the proposed model. This experiment aimed
to compare the accuracy and the effort of integrated
planning model SPIM compared to the traditional
model of software project planning, considering the
characteristics and particularities involved in the
Unified Process.
The experiment reveals that the use of the SPIM
helps managers to create and conduct a more precise
project plan than the traditional method. In certain
circumstances, the project manager only perceives
the need to have asked another department for some
information earlier just at the very moment the team
must execute a project’s activity that depends on that
other department. The obscurity in identifying this
kind of relationship during the planning and
execution of a software project can negatively affect
the project schedule. This evidence was clear during
this study while analysing accuracy variable.
An evidence related to the effort variable could
also be extracted: the time for planning the activities
using the SPIM is similar to the traditional model.
The idea behind the SPIM comes from the need to
reduce the complexity in visualizing the
interdependencies of both organizational workflows
and individual project’s workflow of activities. Most
of the effort of using the SPIM is related to filling
the extra information proposed by this model.
Nevertheless, the results of the effort variable did
not become favorable to the traditional method. The
results of this experiment reaffirm the benefits that
the SPIM provides in solving problems related to the
inadequate definition of tasks due to the obscurity in
visualizing the interdependency between the
organization’s and project specific workflows.
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