Topics and Treatments in Global Software Engineering Research
A Systematic Snapshot
Bilal Raza, Stephen G. MacDonell and Tony Clear
SERL, School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences, Auckland University of Technology,
Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Keywords: Global Software Engineering (GSE), Distributed Software Development, Systematic Mapping.
Abstract: This study presents an analysis of the most recent literature addressing global software engineering (GSE).
The primary purpose is to understand what issues are being addressed and how research is being carried out
in GSE – and comparatively, what work is not being conducted. We examine the current state of GSE
research using a new Systematic Snapshot Mapping (SSM) technique. We analysed 275 papers published
between January 2011 and June 2012 in peer-reviewed conferences, journals and workshops. Our results
provide a coarse-grained overview of the very recent literature addressing GSE, by classifying studies into
predefined categories. We also follow and extend several prior classifications to support our synthesis of the
data. Our results reveal that, currently, GSE studies are focused on Management and Infrastructure related
factors rather than Human or Distance related factors, using principally evaluative research approaches.
Most of the studies are conducted at the organizational level, mainly using methods such as interviews,
surveys, field studies and case studies. We use inter-country network analysis to confirm that the USA and
India are major players in GSE, with USA-India collaborations being the most frequently studied, followed
by USA-China. Specific groups of countries have dominated the reported GSE project locations (and the
locations of research authors). In contrast, regions including Central Asia, South Asia (except India), Africa
and South East Asia have not been covered in these studies. While a considerable number of GSE-related
studies have been published they are currently quite narrowly focused on exploratory research and
explanatory theories. The critical research paradigm has been untouched, perhaps due to a lack of criteria
and principles for carrying out such research in GSE. An absence of formulative research, experimentation
and simulation, and a comparative focus on evaluative approaches, all suggest that existing tools, methods
and approaches from related fields are being tested in the GSE context. However, these solutions may not
scale to cover GSE-related issues or may overlook factors/facets specific to GSE.
Global software engineering (GSE) is a growing
field as is clearly evident in the diversity of locations
involved and the rapidly increasing number of
published studies into GSE-related issues. As the
number of such studies increases it becomes
important to periodically summarize the work and
provide overviews of the results (Petersen et al.,
2008), as a means of reflection on what work is
being done and what gaps might exist. Various fields
have specific methodologies to carry out such
secondary studies (Petersen et al., 2008). Often in
these studies, at least in the software engineering
(SE) domain, the evidence pertaining to a specific
topic or research question is investigated over a
period of five to ten years. In this paper, we utilize a
different approach – we investigate the breadth of
topics covered over a short timeframe, an approach
we refer to as a systematic snapshot. This establishes
a baseline state that could be extended in a backward
or forward direction to analyse changes over time.
The systematic mapping (SM) method has been
widely used in medical research (Petersen et al.,
2008) and was first adopted in software engineering
research by Bailey et al. (2007). SM aims to provide
high-level analysis of relevant research literature by
classifying the work according to a series of defined
categories and visualizing the status of a particular
field of research (Mohd Fauzi et al., 2010, Petersen
et al., 2008). This technique has been used recently
in the GSE field (Steinmacher et al., 2012, Jalali and
Wohlin, 2010, da Silva et al., 2011, Mohd Fauzi et
Raza B., G. MacDonell S. and Clear T..
Topics and Treatments in Global Software Engineering Research - A Systematic Snapshot.
DOI: 10.5220/0004444700850096
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2013), pages 85-96
ISBN: 978-989-8565-62-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
al., 2010, Portillo-Rodríguez et al., 2012). In these
studies specific aspects of GSE research were
categorized (using guidelines presented in
(Kitchenham and Charters, 2007, Petersen et al.,
2008)). These studies considered between 24 and 91
papers (24, 91, 77, 70 and 66 studies, respectively)
up to the year 2010 in their final analyses. The
aspects of GSE analysed in these studies were
software configuration management, awareness
support, agile practices, project management, and
tools in GSE. All five studies therefore classified the
GSE literature from a relatively narrow perspective
but covering a wide temporal range. They were
published in well-known journals and conferences
and provide valuable contributions to the body of
GSE literature. In our study, we instead use a new
systematic mapping process called Systematic
Snapshot Mapping (SSM), briefly described in
section 3, to classify the very current global software
engineering literature.
The next section provides a brief background to
related studies, and section III describes our method.
In the subsequent section IV our results are
presented followed by a discussion of validity
threats in section V. In section VI we conclude this
paper and section VII conveys future work.
Interest in software development carried out by
globally distributed, culturally and/or temporally
diverse teams arose with the advent of outsourcing
in the last two decades and it continues to increase
(Šmite et al., 2010). Its importance has led to the
specific area of research and practice called global
software engineering (GSE) (Šmite et al., 2010). In a
recent review Šmite et al. classified the empirical
GSE research, considering studies published
between 2000 and 2008, and presented the results in
two papers (Šmite et al., 2008, Šmite et al., 2010).
They concluded that GSE was (still) an immature
field with limited empirical studies. They further
concluded that the majority of studies focused on
different aspects of GSE management rather than the
in depth analysis of GSE solutions.
Jalali and Wohlin (2010) reported a SM study
based on their analysis of 77 studies published
between 1999 and 2009. They focused their work on
the application of agile practices in GSE and
explored under which circumstances these practices
have been used successfully in that context. The
results reveal that in most cases agile practices were
modified based upon the context and requirements.
The authors also expressed the need for integrating
experiences and practices to assist practitioners. da
Silva et al. (2011) presented an evidence-based
project management model for distributed software
development based on the synthesis of 70 papers
published between 1997 and 2009. They aimed to
provide feedback to help practitioners and
researchers understand challenges and implement
effective solutions to improve project management
in distributed settings. Fauzi et al. (2010) presented
the results of a SM study of software configuration
management (SCM) in GSE. They found that a lack
of group awareness and coordination exacerbates the
issues of SCM and no process had been proposed to
address this. Their review considered 24 papers
published between 1999 and 2010. Rodriguez et al.
(2012) conducted a SM study, analysing 66 papers
published between 2000 and 2010. They compiled a
list of 132 tools used in global software projects and
classified them to help practitioners and researchers
make use of the available tool support. It was found
that the majority of these tools had been developed
at research centres and just 19% were reported to
have been tested outside the context in which they
were developed. Another SM study was reported by
Steinmacher et al. (2012). In this paper they
reviewed 91 studies regarding awareness support in
distributed software development (DSD). They
found that coordination is the most supported
dimension of the 3C model whereas communication
and cooperation are less frequently explored. All of
the above mentioned SM studies provide valuable
contributions to the body of GSE literature and
include content intended to support practitioners.
Each addresses a specific aspect of GSE and
considers around a decade of research in the field. In
our study we covered a shorter time period using a
different approach, described in the next section.
The results presented in this paper correspond to our
classification of the current literature on GSE. We
used a new method for carrying out SM studies
called Systematic Snapshot Mapping (SSM). In
order to classify the current literature, we chose the
time period between January 2011 and June 2012.
This study followed guidelines presented by Petersen
et al. (2008) for carrying out systematic mapping
studies. However, instead of narrowing down the
topic and considering a large temporal period, we
limited the time span and considered the full breadth
of topics covered. This study was inspired by several
prior classifications of SE and GSE literature
including that of Glass et al. (2002), but instead of
following a random sampling technique to select
papers (as in (Glass et al., 2002)) we used a
systematic process. We followed the general
guidelines of (Petersen et al., 2008) and employed a
defined protocol for choosing search strings and
executing them against relevant databases to cover
the breadth of GSE-related studies. Thus, instead of
limiting the topic itself (as per the SMs cited above)
we limited the scope by using a small temporal
range, giving us an up-to-date snapshot overview of
the literature. We defined our categories at the outset
of our analysis and chose various dimensions to
present the results, mainly leveraging the prior
classification work of Richardson et al. (2012) and
Glass et al. (2002). We present our results in the
form of tables, bar graphs, bubble plots and network
analysis graphs to provide visual representations of
the data. We believe such a snapshot approach is
especially useful in cases where a field is moving
rapidly and where there is consequently rapid
growth in the research literature. This new approach
for carrying out SM also provides an opportunity to
effectively build upon different researchers’ work by
using different temporal ranges. Since traditional
approaches such as systematic literature reviews and
systematic mappings use narrowly defined topics it
is difficult to analyse how overall trends evolve over
a period of time. This study provides a baseline
against which analyses using other temporal ranges
could be compared.
3.1 Research Questions
In order to present a current snapshot of the GSE
research literature, the following research questions
were established for this study:
RQ1. What are the factors, levels and locations
investigated in the current GSE literature?
RQ2. How is the current research being carried
out in GSE in regard to methods and approaches?
3.2 Search Strategy
Our search strategy was designed to keep the topic
general while addressing a short time period to
provide an up-to-date overview of the research
literature. Initial search keywords were selected
from known GSE systematic literature reviews and
mapping studies. These keywords were updated
based upon various dry runs carried out on the
Scopus database to ensure their effectiveness. In the
initial run, a target was set to ensure at least those
studies from which the keywords were taken were
retrieved. In the second run, a random set of ten
studies was selected from the Proceedings of the
2009-2011 ICGSE conferences, and the search
strings were further refined to ensure that these
sample studies were also retrieved. A similar method
was used by Jalali and Wohlin (2010) to justify and
improve the utility of their selected key terms.
Table 1 shows the final list of keywords used to
cover as many variations of the same term as
possible. As this area of research is still maturing,
we intentionally adopted many keywords having low
precision but high recall (Dieste and Padua, 2007).
Table 1: List of keywords used as search strings.
3.3 Data Sources
We searched across multiple data sources to retrieve
as many potentially relevant studies as possible.
Initial preference was given to the use of the
electronic database Scopus as it provides
comprehensive coverage of relevant GSE journals. It
is especially recommended for the software
engineering and computer science fields as it covers
many of the well-known publishers in these
disciplines. Simultaneously, IEEE Xplore, the ACM
Digital Library, SpringerLink and ScienceDirect
were also searched to complement the Scopus
results. Each database has its limitations in terms of
the number of keywords accepted at a specific
instance; therefore, we had to break the search
phrases to suit the particular database. These
subsequent searches, which tended to find limited
additional studies to those found via Scopus, added
to our confidence that relevant studies had not been
missed in our search.
3.4 Data Retrieval
Data was retrieved in multiple steps. In the first step,
citations of retrieved studies were downloaded and
stored as separate EndNote files based upon their
abstracts and titles. After this process, all the
EndNote files were combined and duplicate papers
were removed. Once all the duplicates were
removed the studies were then considered for the
inclusion process. The search and retrieval process
was conducted in July 2012 and the date range was
limited to January 2011 to June 2012. The search
was carried out on metadata (title, abstract,
keywords) and only peer-reviewed literature
published in English was considered.
3.5 Inclusion Process
The steps taken in the inclusion process to select
studies are shown in Figure 1. After searching each
database 2020 studies were retrieved. The decision
for further analysis of studies was based upon the
first author’s reading of the papers’ titles or abstracts
(resulting in 1125 studies). After this step, duplicates
were removed using the ‘Find Duplicates’ feature of
EndNote – this led to the removal of more than half
of the studies under consideration. After removing
the duplicates full text versions of each study were
sought. For 12% of the papers (53 of the 437
remaining) the full text was not available to us,
primarily because the papers were not published in
well-known journals or conference proceedings.
These studies were not considered for further
analysis. The full text of the remaining 384 papers
was then reviewed by the first author and a final set
of 275 studies was selected for inclusion in the SM
analysis. In this stage, studies in the form of short
papers, extended abstracts and position papers (only
describing future work) were excluded. A number of
studies, not related to the software engineering
domain, had slipped through to this stage and upon
cursory review of the full text were also excluded. .
3.6 Data Extraction and Synthesis
We followed the general guidelines provided in
(Petersen et al., 2008) to build a classification
scheme. The included studies were categorized
according to various dimensions: research approach,
research method, GSE factors, level of analysis and
GSE locations. In order to reduce the threats to
validity, regular meetings of the three authors were
held to discuss issues and address misconceptions.
In order to reduce bias effects the three researchers
also conducted a sample classification together. At a
later point a further sample of studies which were
initially classified by the first author were verified
by the senior researchers, discussions were held
again and issues were addressed. It was established
Figure 1: Inclusion process.
that the authors were in general agreement regarding
the classification, based upon the sample results.
The classification scheme utilized by Glass et
al. (2002) was used to characterize the research
approach for our set of studies. This scheme (Glass
et al., 2002) was based on an earlier categorization
by Morrison and George (1995) in which the
following four approaches were employed:
Formulative, Evaluative, Descriptive and
Developmental. The first three categories were
further divided to provide a rich set of candidate
research approaches (Glass et al., 2002). The
descriptive and formulative categories characterize
non-empirical studies (Glass et al., 2002). The
descriptive category has three subcategories.
Subcategory Descriptive-System was used to capture
papers focused on describing a system, Descriptive-
Other was used to categorize papers that included an
opinion piece, and the third descriptive category
used was Review of literature (Glass et al., 2002).
The formulative approaches were classified into six
subcategories to cover the major entities being
formulated: Framework, Guidelines/standards,
Model, Process/method, Classification/taxonomy
and Concept (Glass et al., 2002). The Evaluative
category in (Glass et al., 2002) drew on three main
research epistemologies identified by Orlikowski
and Baroudi in (1991): Positivist as Evaluative-
Deductive, Interpretive as Evaluative-Interpretive,
and Critical as Evaluative-Critical. Evaluative-Other
(Glass et al., 2002) was added in this list to include
studies that have an evaluative component but did
Final Search
Read abstracts/titles
Removing duplicates
If Full text available
Text review
Peer reviewed, with in title, abstract, keywords,
From Jan ’11 to June ‘12
not use any of the above approaches e.g. opinion
surveys. So in total, we used these 13 subcategories
formulated in (Glass et al., 2002) to classify the
research approaches used in our set of GSE studies.
It was found that epistemologies were rarely
mentioned in the Abstract or Introduction of the
studies and various other sections had to be
traversed to enable this particular classification.
Glass et al. (2002) also encountered this same issue.
We also mainly considered (Glass et al., 2002)
for the list of methodologies used in software
engineering research. However, to better reflect the
GSE perspective we also considered the
methodologies considered in (Šmite et al., 2008,
Šmite et al., 2010). We added computer mediated
communication (CMC) analysis to cover studies that
investigate artefacts such as chat-histories and
emails. Although grouped together in prior studies,
Observations and Interviews were considered
separately, as many studies use them to complement
other methods. Interviews are widely used as a sub-
method in Case Studies and Observations are used in
Ethnographies. However, we observed that these
methods are being used in their own right and we
therefore classified them separately. We included the
method Data Analysis to signify studies that utilized
data from Repositories, Incident Management
Systems and Archives of previous projects. We used
Proof of Concept for non-empirical studies in which
entities were formulated but were only described by
examples rather than any formal validation. Some
other generic data along with the above
categorizations were captured in a spread sheet:
Title of the paper
Author (s) and their geographic location
Summary of the conclusion
The source (journal, conference or workshop)
Process activities/artefacts, practices (if
Type of contribution
Geographical locations of mentioned projects.
This section presents the results obtained based on
the data extracted from our final set of 275 studies.
4.1 Findings for Factors
Richardson et al. (2012) identified 25 GSE factors in
an empirical study and grouped them in the four
broad categories of Distance, Infrastructure,
Management and Human Factors. We used these
categories to also characterize our identified studies.
We added Learning/Training/Teaching, Competition
and Performance to the Management category and
Relationship to the Human Factors category. We
also updated the latter category with
Coordination/collaboration. Table 2 presents the
results of this classification. The results clearly show
that current GSE studies are heavily focused on
Management and Infrastructure related factors
compared to Human and Distance related factors.
Šmite et al. in (2010) presented a systematic review
of empirical GSE studies and also found that most of
the studies were focused on management related
issues. Comparing these results with the SWEBOK
(Alain et al., 2001) knowledge areas (KAs), it was
found that the standard lacks specific considerations
for GSE. As a corollary, it was also found that KAs
related to design, construction, testing and
maintenance are not widely addressed in the recent
GSE literature.
Table 2: Findings for GSE factors.
GSE Factors Percentage
Distance 17.5%
Communication 8.9%
Language 1.1%
Culture 5.5%
Temporal issues 1.8%
Human Factors 14.7%
Fear 0.5%
Motivation 2.3%
Trust 2.7%
Cooperation 1.8%
Coordination/collaboration 5.9%
Relationship 1.4%
Management 44.5%
True Cost 1.8%
Project Management 8.9%
Risk Management 2.3%
Defined roles and responsibilities 1.6%
Team Selection 0.9%
Effective Partitioning 4.6%
Skills Management 0.4%
Knowledge transfer/knowledge 6.7%
Visibility 3.4%
Reporting Requirement 0.0%
Information Management 1.1%
Teamness 5.5%
Learning/Training/teaching 4.6%
Competition 0.6%
Performance 1.6%
Infrastructure 23.3%
Process Management 7.1%
Tools 8.5%
Technical Support 0.4%
Communication tools 7.1%
4.2 Findings for Research Approach
GSE presents a complex context that demands a
more extensive repertoire of research methods and
approaches than those currently prevailing (Clear
and MacDonell, 2011). Table 3 presents the findings
of the classification of research approaches used in
current GSE-related studies. In terms of the three
main categories, the dominant research approach is
Evaluative, followed by Descriptive and then
Formulative. This is in sharp contrast to the results
reported in 2002 by Glass et al. in which the order
was Formulative, Descriptive and Evaluative. One
of the main reasons for the present dominance of
Evaluative research is the inclusion of new empirical
methods such as CMC analysis, Interviews, Data
Analysis and Observations. These results appear to
be in contrast with the results of Šmite et al.’s
systematic review (2010) of GSE-related studies
published between 2000 and 2008. They concluded
that GSE-related studies are relatively small in
number and immature and most of them focused on
problem-oriented reports. Our current results show,
however, that GSE publications have grown in
quantity and quality and more studies have used
evaluative approaches. Of note is these evaluative
approaches are mostly confined to previously
formulated work. We interpret this to mean that
existing methods, tools and so on from related fields,
such as collocated software engineering (CSE), are
being evaluated in the context of GSE.
Given that GSE is fundamentally different from
CSE (Richardson et al., 2012), it seems likely that
solutions formulated for CSE will need to be
updated or enhanced for GSE. Entirely new
solutions may also need to be identified and assessed
in the GSE context. Similarly, there is clear potential
for critical research in this context particularly in
light of the power structures that can exist between
GSE ‘partners’, and the associated issues of trust,
fear, cooperation and the like (as shown in Table 2).
Criteria or principles for carrying out critical
research are lacking generally in information
systems (IS) (Myers and Klein, 2011). Considering
its importance, Myers and Klein in (2011) proposed
a set of principles for conducting critical research –
these principles could be considered in future
investigations of human factors in GSE.
4.3 Findings for Research Methods
Figure 2 depicts the research methods used. The
most dominant methods are Interview, Survey, Field
Study and Case Study, indicating that most of the
studies employed qualitative methods. These results
are also in stark contrast to (Glass et al., 2002) in
Table 3: Findings for research approach.
Research Approach Percentage
Descriptive 25.4%
Descriptive-system (DS) 7.8%
Review of literature (DR) 9.7%
Descriptive-other (DO) 7.8%
Evaluative 56.2%
Evaluative-deductive (ED) 17.1%
Evaluative-interpretive (EI) 26.4%
Evaluative-critical (EC) 0.0%
Evaluative-other (EO) 12.7%
Formulative 18.3%
Formulative-framework (FF) 5.1%
Formulative-guidelines/standards/approach 1.9%
Formulative-model (FM) 5.6%
Formulative-process, method, algorithm 3.1%
Formulative-classification/taxonomy (FT) 0.7%
Formulative-concept (FC) 1.7%
which SE researchers used very few case or field
studies. For studies in which multiple methods were
used we assigned more than one research approach
and method. Research methods in GSE are currently
skewed towards exploratory research focusing on
theories relating to ‘Explanation’ as described by
Gregor (2006). These theories aim to provide
explanation about what, how and why things happen
and to promote greater understanding of phenomena.
Thus, although GSE research has grown in terms of
the number of studies being conducted, these studies
are exploratory and/or explanatory in nature. It will
be interesting to compare these results with future
studies to determine whether work moves towards
more predictive studies as the field matures.
Figure 2: Findings for research methods.
4.4 Findings for Level of Analysis
Figure 3 shows the level of analysis considered
currently by GSE researchers. The dominant level of
analysis was found to be Organizational followed by
Inter-Organizational - combined together they are
used in more than half the studies reviewed. Fewer
studies addressed group, individual and societal
levels, a finding that coincides with the results of
Glass et al. (2002) in respect of SE studies.
Figure 3: Findings for level of analysis.
4.5 Findings for Distribution of Studies
Table 4 presents the distribution of studies across
various conferences, journals and workshops with
frequency greater than one. (This limit was imposed
due to space considerations and for ease of
interpretation.) The majority of the selected studies
were published in conference proceedings and drew
on an industrial context.
4.6 Bubble Plot Analysis
The use of visual techniques, such as bubble plots,
has been recommended by (Petersen et al., 2008) and
such techniques have been used to convey the results
of mapping and classification studies (Šmite et al.,
2008, Jalali and Wohlin, 2010). Figure 4 presents the
results of this study in the form of a bubble plot. We
chose to represent three classifications within it:
Research approach is on the right X-axis, GSE-
factors, grouped in their four major categories, are on
the Y-axis, and level of analysis is on the left X-axis.
The results clearly show that most of the current
studies are focused on using evaluative approaches
around management and infrastructure factors and
analysed at the organizational levels. Studies based
Table 4: Distribution of studies across Journals,
Conferences and Workshops.
IST Journal 8 PROFES 6
IET Software 6 ICIC 3
IEEE Software 4 ISEC 3
POM Journal 2 CollaborateCom 2
IS 2 CTS 2
J Grp Dec Negot 2 CTGDSD 13
ICSE 8 Global Sourcing 3
upon specific groups, societies and individuals are
found to be limited. Organizational concerns have
been at the forefront in terms of the level of analysis,
leaving much scope for consideration of groups and
individuals for future studies.
Figure 5: Number of locations used in GSE projects.
4.7 Location of GSE Projects
Figure 6 and Table 5 provide graphical and tabular
representations of the locations involved, whereas
Figure 5 depicts the spread of the number of
locations involved in GSE projects. Figure 5 shows
that most of the studies are focused on projects
involving two locations. A few studies also
mentioned regions rather than countries; we
considered them in the next section. In Figure 6,
countries and regions marked by darker shades are
0.36 %
1.46 %
1.82 %
7.30 %
67.15 %
0,00 20,00 40,00 60,00 80,00
9 locations
6 locations
5 locations
4 locations
3 locations
2 locations
those most frequently involved in GSE. For ease of
analysis we grouped these countries into six
categories based upon the number of studies that cite
their involvement in global projects. Not
unexpectedly, the two countries reported as most
frequently involved in global software projects are
the USA and India. Countries including Germany,
Finland, China, the UK, Australia and Brazil are
ranked in the second group, closely followed by a
group comprising Sweden, Japan, Argentina, the
Netherlands, Spain, Canada and Switzerland. In the
next two categories lie the potentially upcoming and
emerging countries of Russia, Eastern European
countries such as Lithuania, Far Eastern countries
including Malaysia and Indonesia, and the
South/Central American countries of Chile and
Mexico. These representations give some insight
into the diversity of countries’ involvement in GSE
projects. Some of these regions are underrepresented
but this does not necessarily mean that these
locations are not involved in GSE; it could be that
these regions have simply not been considered in
recent studies. Researchers often seek industrial
contacts to validate their research outcomes and
gather feedback to improve their results, and often
times they rely on personal contacts in their national
industries. Our study also shows that the top seven
locations of GSE authors are the USA, Finland,
Germany, Spain, Brazil, India and Sweden. Apart
from Spain, which is thirteenth, all six other
countries are in the list of top ten locations involved
in GSE projects.
4.8 Inter-country Relationship Analysis
Figure 7 shows the results of our inter-country
network analysis. We used NodeXL, an extendable
tool kit used for data analysis and visualizations and
an add-in to Microsoft Excel spread sheet software
(Smith et al., 2009), to support our analysis. Table 6
lists the pairwise relationships with frequency
greater than one. (This constraint was imposed due
to space limitations; however, all the relationships
are shown in Figure 7.) It can be seen in Figure 7
and Table 6 that the most connected nodes are the
USA and India. Some studies explicitly mentioned
the collaborating locations whereas others only
specified the locations involved without clearly
stating which actively collaborated. For the latter
studies, we assumed pairwise relationships between
each location. For future studies we recommend that
authors clearly state the nature of each party’s
involvement. A few studies also mentioned regions
rather than countries; we used these as needed in
Figure 7.
One of the main threats to the validity of our study is
the incomplete selection of primary studies or
missing relevant studies. There is a possibility that,
even though we followed a systematic process, we
may have missed some related work. In order to
mitigate this risk we formulated a wide variety of
search-terms. These terms were taken from related
SM/SLR studies and were updated based upon the
retrieved results. Initially, we ensured that at least
those SM/SLR studies were indeed retrieved using
the search terms drawn from each study. In the next
stage, we constructed a sample list of studies from
various ICGSE proceedings and ensured that the
search terms retrieved these studies as well. During
this process the search terms were continuously
updated until all sample studies were retrieved,
similar to the approach taken by (Jalali and Wohlin,
Figure 4: Bubble plot analysis.
2010). A second validity threat arises due to
researcher bias during the classification process. In
order to reduce this threat, we carried out some
sample classifications collectively. Furthermore, the
lists of studies as classified by the first author were
validated by the senior researchers involved. A high
level of agreement was achieved, giving us
confidence that the classification process was
executed appropriately and consistently.
Table 5: Locations involved in GSE projects.
Country Frequency Country Frequency Country Frequency
US 238 Italy 11 Estonia 4
India 159 Norway 11 Philippines 4
Germany 57 Czech 10 Thailan
54 Lithuania 10 Vietna
China 44 Israel 9 Korea 4
38 Malaysia 9 Costa Rica 3
Australia 32 Mexico 9 Colombia 3
Brazil 32 Senegal 9 Ecuado
Sweden 27 Singapore 9 Egypt 3
Japan 20 New Zealan
8 Greece 3
Argentina 19 Cambodia 7 Polan
Netherlands 19 France 7 Taiwan 3
Spain 18 Belgiu
6Romania 2
Canada 16 Chile 6 Slovakia 2
16 Croatia 6 Turke
Ukraine 15 Hungar
6 Bangladesh 1
Russia 13 UAE 5 Pakistan 1
11 Panama 5 South Africa 1
11 Austria 4 Tunisia 1
Figure 6: Locations involved in GSE projects.
Table 6: Inter-country relationships.
Location A Location B Frequency Location A Location B Frequency Location A Location B Frequency
India US 67 Singapore US 4 Australia Spain 2
China US 23 UK Ukraine 4 Australia Germany 2
Germany India 14 US Singapore 4 Belgium US 2
Brazil US 11 US Russia 4 Brazil UK 2
Australia US 10 US Israel 4 Cambodia Senegal 2
Europe US 10 China Japan 3 Cambodia India 2
UK US 10 Denmark India 3 Canada India 2
Finland India 8 E. Europe Finland 3 Canada Europe 2
Germany US 8 Finland Sweden 3 Europe Japan 2
Australia India 7 Finland Lithuania 3 Finland Japan 2
India Europe 7 Finland Baltic C. 3 Finland Brazil 2
UK India 7 Germany Russia 3 France Germany 2
US Argentina 7 Germany Brazil 3 Germany Czech 2
Finland US 6 India Senegal 3 India Switzerland 2
US Ukraine 6 India Japan 3 India Middle East 2
US Finland 6 India China 3 Ireland China 2
US Canada 6 Italy Switzerland 3 Lithuania US 2
Croatia Sweden 5 Japan India 3 Malaysia India 2
Czech Finland 5 Norway Finland 3 Netherlands Ukraine 2
Japan US 5 Spain Germany 3 Netherlands UK 2
Sweden Croatia 5 US Switzerland 3 New Zealand US 2
US Japan 5 US Sweden 3 Norway Sweden 2
US Ireland 5 US Spain 3 Norway Czech 2
W Europe India 5 US Senegal 3 Spain Lithuania 2
Brazil India 4 US Norway 3 Switzerland Vietnam 2
Finland Germany 4 US Mexico 3 Switzerland Ukraine 2
India Sweden 4 US Malaysia 3 US Taiwan 2
India Argentina 4 US Egypt 3 US Middle East 2
Netherlands US 4 US Denmark 3 US Cambodia 2
Netherlands India 4 Asia US 2 W Europe US 2
Through this study we have provided a current
snapshot of the GSE-related literature. We classified
275 empirical and non-empirical studies, published
between January 2011 and June 2012, into
predefined categories (see
Papers). We examined the following characteristics:
GSE factors, research approaches, research methods,
level of analysis, and GSE project locations. The
GSE factors most frequently researched were related
to management and infrastructure using evaluative
approaches and taking an organizational perspective
as the level of analysis. Regarding research methods,
interviews, surveys, case studies and field studies are
the most commonly used. In relation to project
locations, the USA and India are the predominant
nations involved in global software projects. Inter-
country network analysis also shows that USA-India
collaboration is at the top followed by USA and
China. It will be interesting to carry out further
similar snapshot studies on an on-going basis to see
if or how these trends evolve. Similarly, studies
could be carried out retrospectively on previous
Figure 7: Inter-country relationship analysis.
years’ research literature to enable comparisons with
this study. This study aims to provide a stepping
stone for further related studies.
It appears that, in general, existing solutions are
being applied in a GSE context, even though these
solutions may lack specific considerations needed
for GSE. For instance, aspects of non-functional
requirements and stage/phase-related issues are not
addressed separately in the current GSE literature.
Although the field of GSE research has grown
rapidly in terms of the number of studies conducted,
these studies are quite narrowly focused towards
exploratory research and the provision of
explanatory theories. Furthermore, in spite of GSE
providing a natural and potentially fruitful setting for
critical research, such work is yet to be conducted.
The current research focus is mainly directed to
organizational concerns, leaving much scope for
consideration of the needs of stakeholder groups and
individuals. The research is also skewed towards
projects having two locations showing a dearth of
studies relating to multiple locations and their
underlying complex relationships. Finally, there are
regions of the world that are not being currently
studied by researchers and it may be useful to
consider them in the future studies, particularly if the
dimensions of culture and their impact on GSE are
of interest.
A notable omission in the current focus of work
relating to GSE is any sustained coverage of issues
to do with power and exploitation. While the human
factors tabulated in Table 2 above include some
focus on the factors of fear, trust, cooperation and
relationship, these are given relatively limited
attention. Again in Figure 4 there is a noted absence
of studies at an individual unit of analysis. There are
no studies giving personal narratives or biographies
– are the workers in GSE deliberately kept invisible?
Is this absence a function of the research methods
used, for instance, no examples of critical evaluative
work have been identified in this review? Or is it an
abrogation of our duties as academics to act in the
role of ‘critic and conscience of society’? Will the
future see more equal partnerships in sustainable
global ventures, or will there be a backlash against
crude models of global labour arbitrage? What risks
might that pose to a multi-billion dollar industry?
These issues warrant more attention by researchers,
although difficult to confront. In addition such
research will be challenging to design and conduct,
yet the absence of critical evaluative studies presents
a glaring gap in current GSE research.
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