Semantic Enterprise Architecture Management
Willy Chen
, Claudia Hess
, Melanie Langermeier
, Janno Stuelpnagel
and Philipp Diefenthaler
Softplant GmbH, Munich, Germany
Department of Computer Science, University of Augsburg, Augsburg, Germany
Semantic Web Technology, Enterprise Architecture Management, Ontology.
Enterprise architecture management (EAM) provides information about an enterprise and its information sys-
tems landscape for thorough analysis. Semantic technologies allow for integrating data sets from various
relevant information sources within enterprises in a so-called EA repository, which serves as a comprehen-
sive formal information base for EAM. We call this approach Semantic Enterprise Architecture Management,
SEAM for short. We show how SEAM uses semantic technologies to bridge the heterogeneity between vari-
ous data sets relevant for EAM, such as The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) models, Business
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) business process models and Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) mod-
els. Query answering and reasoning enable detailed analysis and consistency checks on the SEAM repository
in order to discover complex dependencies and implicit knowledge.
Enterprise architectures (EA) are formal models of
core artifacts of an enterprise and their dependen-
cies (Aier et al., 2008). Within enterprise architec-
ture management (EAM) these models are utilized to
design and align IT landscapes of enterprises based
on strategic, organizational and technological view-
points. Therefore, an EA aggregates information
about business, especially about the business strategy
and business processes, about the application land-
scape, i.e. the information systems used and planned
with their components and interfaces, and last but
not least, about the infrastructure and the technology
used. The EA provides different types of analysis on
all this information for the various stakeholders and
their particular concerns.
During the last years, many so called EA frame-
works have been developed to facilitate the introduc-
tion and the further development of an EAM approach
in an organization. As recent analyses have shown, to-
day an EAM approach “is something that is unique to
every organization, and will be formed from a combi-
nation of frameworks, industry models, and method-
ologies” (Blowers, 2012). EA frameworks therefore
have to be tailored to be used in a particular organi-
zation. (Blowers, 2012) found that the majority of
the interviewed organizations (66%) are using a cus-
tomized framework. One-third of the interviewees
even developed their framework on the basis of two
or more frameworks, resulting in so-called hybrid
Customizing a framework means that terminol-
ogy as well as process and architectural models sug-
gested by the framework are adapted to an organiza-
tion’s needs (Open Group, 2009). The terminology
used in the framework description can be replaced
where necessary with the organization-specific terms.
The Open Group (Open Group, 2009) recommends to
link the EAM approach closely to other EAM related
activities such as project and service portfolio man-
agement processes, project lifecycle, operations han-
dover processes, operational management processes
and procurement processes. All these activities cre-
ate information in their own, specialized information
bases (e.g. service architectures, enterprise service
bus, configuration management databases). These nu-
merous additional sources could provide valuable in-
put to an EA model. However, when integrating dif-
ferent data sources we have to deal with structural,
syntactic and semantic conflicts. In large corporate
groups and in cases of mergers and acquisitions it
is even more challenging to build a single corporate
EA based on multiple EAM approaches and numer-
ous EAM related activities.
According to recent research the documentation of
Chen W., Hess C., Langermeier M., Stuelpnagel J. and Diefenthaler P..
Semantic Enterprise Architecture Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0004445003180325
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 318-325
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the EA is still mostly done manually today (Buschle
et al., 2012; Farwick et al., 2011). This is not only
time consuming but keeping the acquired data up-to-
date is also difficult. We therefore aim to automate
the documentation process of an EA by providing ef-
ficient and intelligent means to reuse and interconnect
existing data sets. This should not only reduce the
amount of effort for creating an initial EA model but
also allow to leverage related management processes
to keep the information within an EA up-to-date.
To this aim, we analyze different data sources rel-
evant to an EA and their interdependencies. We show,
how semantic technologies as being developed for
knowledge representation and reasoning on the Web
allow for building an EA repository based on open
standards and well-studied modeling languages and
formalisms. We provide a mapping between several
of the data sources identified as relevant for EAM.
We then use this mapping to integrate the data sets
and show possible analysis on the linked data sets.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
briefly gives an overview on EA frameworks and
models and discusses possible conflicts that arise
when interconnecting different data sources relevant
to EA. In Section 3 we present our approach to create
a EA repository based on semantic technologies by
formalizing and integrating the data sets from various
sources. We show the applicability of the approach by
integrating EA documentation according to the The
Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) con-
tent metamodel, related process models in Business
Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and informa-
tion on services according to the Service-Oriented Ar-
chitecture Ontology. We discuss the results in Section
4 and analyze related works in Section 5. We con-
clude the paper by discussing further application sce-
narios based on SEAM repositories and pointing out
the future direction of our research.
2.1 EA Frameworks - A Guideline
to EAM Approaches
There are currently more than 50 known frameworks
specified by standards setting organizations, compa-
nies, consultancies, governmental organizations and
military agencies (Matthes, 2011). The Zachman
framework (Zachman, 1987) is one of the early ap-
proaches. Its development was inspired by the pro-
cess of constructing a building and the deliverables
produced in this process. It provides an analogous set
of architectural representations produced for the de-
velopment of an information system. TOGAF (Open
Group, 2009), The Open Group Enterprise Architec-
ture Framework, is an industry standard architecture
framework and is nowadays widely accepted. The
core of TOGAF is its generic enterprise architec-
ture method, the Architecture Development Method
(ADM), which specifies the different steps required
for building up and using an EA. The core content
metamodel, guidelines, recommended standards and
compliant products complete the framework.
The keystone of an EA framework is the archi-
tectural model that it provides to represent an orga-
nization’s enterprise architecture. As EA frameworks
differ in purpose and scope, they all come up with
their own architectural model. TOGAF, for example,
defines the core content metamodel and several ex-
tensions. The core content metamodel encompasses
a minimum set of artifacts for an EAM endeavor. It
partitions the artifacts in five units, first architecture
principles, vision and requirements, then the three ar-
chitecture layers defined by TOGAF (i.e. the busi-
ness, the information systems and the technology ar-
chitecture) and last the architecture realization. On
this basis, analyses such as show me all applications
that are implemented on deprecated platforms’ can be
2.2 Information Sources relevant
to EAM
Within large enterprises and complex information
system landscapes there are numerous structured and
unstructured data sources that hold relevant informa-
tion for a complete EA documentation. Structured
sources include but are not limited to
: business pro-
cess models, software documentation (e.g. UML
documentation or Web service documentation), con-
figuration management databases (i.e. configuration
items in the IT infrastructure following the ITIL stan-
dard), enterprise resource planning (organizational
data such as departments and roles, project manage-
ment and portfolio data), and middleware systems
(e.g. enterprise service bus (Buschle et al., 2012)).
Linking those data into an EA repository provides
a powerful groundwork for complementing and refin-
ing any EA documentation. Today, this information
is mostly added manually to the EA repository, see
e.g. (Buschle et al., 2012; Farwick et al., 2011). This
is very time-consuming and data can hardly be kept
For creating a more comprehensive listing we sug-
gest to utilize electronic product catalogs such as eCl@ss
up-to-date constantly. For automating this process ap-
propriate interfaces for the data exchange have to be
provided and a mapping from the source data to the
EA model has to be defined. Conflicts w.r.t. syntac-
tic, structures and semantics have to be faced.
Syntactic conflicts denote the problem that EAM
related data is represented in various languages spe-
cialized for the intended use. Within domains, this
problem is addressed by standards. Examples are
UML for software documentation, BPMN as a stan-
dard by the OMG for business process models, Archi-
Mate for EA documentation or the CMDB Federation
(CMDBf) specification for representing items from
configuration management databases. Some of these
standards are well-accepted and widely used while
other standards are only emerging, i.e. most data
sources are still provided in their original formats.
In order to integrate the various EAM relevant data
sources in the EA repository, we have to deal with all
these different standards and formats.
Structural conflicts arise when semantically
equivalent information is represented in a structurally
different way. Attributes of the same entities can have
different names or different data types. Such het-
erogeneity will occur, for example, if for an appli-
cation component the date of its go-live is indicated.
One source might call this attribute initial live date
(e.g. according to the TOGAF content metamodel for
physical application components), the other source
simply go-live date. A more complex structural con-
flict occurs when a source uses one object to represent
certain information, and another source uses two or
more objects. This is the case, for example, if the
TOGAF content metamodel is used with and with-
out a particular extension. A source using only the
core artifacts for the application architecture contains
the entity application component while a source us-
ing the core with the infrastructure consolidation ex-
tension extends the application component to a logi-
cal application component and a physical application
Semantic conflicts occur where information is as-
sumed to be equivalent, for instance, due to an iden-
tical name although being different. An often cited
example is here an attribute indicating a price, e.g.
the fixed and variable costs of a service, which may
be given in different currencies. More complex is
the following example. An EA repository might in-
tegrate information on organization units, such as the
headcount. There is a semantic heterogeneity if a
first source counts only the full-time employees (cf.
TOGAF content metamodel) while a second source
also considers freelancers. Semantic heterogeneities
might not only occur with respect to attributes but
also with entities. Integrating information from two
concurrent EAM approaches in different departments,
one might consider as application only the business
applications while the other one lists business and in-
frastructure applications (e.g. as distinguished by the
TOGAF Technical Reference Model). The result of a
query for all infrastructure applications over the inte-
grated data will be misleading.
We call the approach for representing and analyz-
ing enterprise architecture models with semantic Web
technologies Semantic Enterprise Architecture Man-
agement SEAM for short. With SEAM we formal-
ize the knowledge about interdependencies of rele-
vant data sets, including EA frameworks. Therewith
equalities and inconsistencies are identified. SEAM
links existing data within an enterprise instead of du-
plicating it in yet another tool. It facilitates the doc-
umentation of the architecture as it supports the map-
ping and integration of relevant data sets and deriving
the required views for EAM. Semantic technologies,
especially ontologies, provide a mean for bridging the
structural and semantic heterogeneities between the
different data sets. The resulting models for enterprise
architecture do not only serve as a static documenta-
tion but can also be utilized for architecture analysis
and the provisioning of structured data for succeeding
processes such as project initiations.
To resolve structural and semantic conflicts, we
use the metamodel of one of the data sources as
global, neutral model. All other data sources are then
mapped to this neutral ontology. Each data source
keeps its own data model adapted to its particular ap-
plication context instead of enforcing a single model
to all sources. Through a mapping of the elements
and attributes of the local sources to the neutral on-
tology, implicit assumptions of the local models are
made explicit and can be used during query answer-
ing. Having mapped local entities and attributes to
their counterparts in the neutral ontology and having
modeled implicit assumptions, inference mechanisms
can be used for consistency checks.
For providing a SEAM repository based on dif-
ferent existing data sources within an enterprise we
propose the following approach:
Formalize and Analyze Data Sources: formal-
ize the data sources by identifying and defin-
ing the underlying metamodels and analyze their
Expose Data Sets: expose relevant data sets from
the underlying data sources as an abstracted view
using a simplified metamodel
Linking the Data Sets: define a set of mappings
between the data sets within the repository that
can be computed automatically
Refinement: manually refine mappings including
individual equality assertions
The approach is depicted in Figure 1. In the fol-
lowing sections we describe the technical background
of the used representation formalism and give details
and examples on every step.
Figure 1: Approach for creating a SEAM repository.
3.1 Technical Foundations
We propose to use ontologies for representing the data
sources. While the T-Box covers the metamodel of
the data sources, i.e. their structure and semantics,
we use the A-Box for representing the actual model
instances. We choose to start with the QL language
profile from the OWL 2 standard. An OWL 2 pro-
file is a ”trimmed down version of OWL 2 that trades
expressive power for efficiency of reasoning” (Motik
et al., 2012). OWL 2 QL in special is made for ”ap-
plication that use very large volumes of instance data,
and where query answering is the most important rea-
soning task” (Motik et al., 2012). Technically, the
query answering can be implemented by rewriting on-
tology queries, e.g. in SPARQL to SQL queries that
can be posed to standard relational database systems.
Thus, a SEAM repository can be built on top of ma-
ture relational database management systems, which
are widely adopted and operated in enterprises.
Clearly, the expressiveness of OWL 2 QL is lim-
ited. Nevertheless, it still covers most of the for-
malisms required for representing mappings between
different ontologies. Given two ontologies O and
P, class expressions CE, object property expressions
OPE and data property assertions DPE we can define
a set of mappings M based on:
, CE
Additionally individual equalities using the con-
struct SameIndividual(a
... a
) are defined. Although
this construct is not part of the OWL 2 QL language
profile, such axioms can be computed in LOGSPCAE
w.r.t. the size of data by computing the reflexive-
symmetric-transitive closure of the equality relation
and using the resulting relation within query answer-
ing (Motik et al., 2012).
3.2 Formalize and Analyze Data
As mentioned before, information sources within en-
terprise as well as the actual EA models are relevant
data sets for an EAM initiative. To guarantee for most
exact semantic descriptions, we do not need to restrict
the language expressiveness of OWL 2 for formaliz-
ing the relevant data sources in this first step. Within
this paper we consider following existing ontologies,
which represent the T-Box of specific data sources rel-
evant for an EA repository:
TOGAF 9 Content Metamodel Ontology. Ger-
ber et al. (Gerber et al., 2010) have developed
an OWL representation, which should represent
the information from the TOGAF 9 content meta-
model in a more precise and unambiguous man-
BPMN 2.0 Ontology. Natschlaeger
(Natschlaeger, 2011) provides an ontology
for the process modeling standard BPMN. It
formalizes the entire BPMN 2.0 specification
as well as further textual annotations from the
SOA Ontology. The service-oriented architecture
ontology (Open Group, 2010) describes both busi-
ness and technical aspects of a service-oriented ar-
We assume that each data source provides data
sets represented within the A-Box of each of the
ontologies. Moreover, any additional data source
within an enterprise may be formalized using the
same approach, either by reusing existing ontologies
or by modeling special ontologies. This formalization
serves as a starting point for analyzing connections
between the different data sources. Possible struc-
tural and semantic conflicts are identified in this step.
We did this for the above presented ontologies. All
have an overlap within the TOGAF 9 business archi-
tecture. In this architecture TOGAF deals with busi-
ness processes and business services and sets them
into context to other organizational elements. There-
fore, the TOGAF Ontology will be our neutral ontol-
ogy whereas the BPMN 2.0 and SOA ontologies are
the local ones, which will be mapped into the neutral
Based on the formal ontology language following
types of mapping can be identified:
Direct Equivalence: given two class expressions
and CE
, we can state CE
, CE
Subset Equivalence: given two class expressions
and CE
, we can state CE
SubClassO f (CE
, CE
We identified such equivalences between the se-
lected ontologies. For example, the class Process in
TOGAF corresponds to the class Process in the SOA
ontology. Here, we have a direct equivalence. Equiv-
alence between object properties and data properties
can be defined analogously using object property ex-
pressions and data property expressions. While di-
rect equivalences can be applied automatically, subset
equivalences only provide a support to find possible
mappings in a manual refinement step.
3.3 Expose Data Sets
As the different data sources cover very specific de-
tails about a single aspect of an EA, a full integra-
tion of all ontologies into a single ontology covering
the complete semantic and representation is a highly
complex task. To reduce the complexity we limit
the used OWL 2 fragment as explained in chapter
3.1. Complex OWL constructs can be materialized
in OWL 2 QL by applying forward chaining. Addi-
tionally highly specific model elements may be ne-
glected. This is necessary since we want to enable
efficient querying in the combined ontology although
we have to deal with a very high amount of data.
We have done this task with the three ontologies
introduced before. The following examples illustrate
these results.
SEAM TOGAF 9 Content Metamodel Ontology.
Figure 2 shows a TOGAF model excerpt, which cov-
ers organizational and functional aspects of a business
and connects them with business processes. Further-
more it links business services with the supported pro-
cesses. We use a simple UML class notation to visu-
alize this ontology excerpt. UML stereotypes denote
the TOGAF content metamodel classes.
Figure 2: Excerpt of SEAM TOGAF 9 content metamodel
Figure 2 can be represented in OWL 2 functional-
style syntax (FSS). The following excerpt includes the
relevant part of T- and A-Box, but omits the definition
of object properties and object property assertions.
Class(T:OrganizationUnit) Class(T:Function)
Class(T:Process) Class(T:Actor)
Class(T:BusinessService) Class(T:Event)
Individual(T:‘‘Sales department’’)
ClassAssertion(T:OrganizationUnit T:‘‘Sales
Individual(T:‘‘Sales order processing’’)
ClassAssertion(T:Function T:‘‘Sales order
Individual(T:‘‘Order manager’’)
ClassAssertion(T:Actor T:‘‘Order manager’’)
Individual(T:’’Automated order processing’’)
ClassAssertion(T:Process T:‘‘Automated order
Individual(T:‘‘Order management service’’)
ClassAssertion(T:BusinessService T:‘‘Order
management service’’)
Individual(T:‘‘Customer order’’)
ClassAssertion(T:Event T:‘‘Customer order’’)
SEAM BPMN 2.0 Ontology. Using BPMN the busi-
ness process “automated order processing” is mod-
eled in more details (see Figure 3). As typical for
BPMN models, the lane holds a business role (Order
Manager) that is the performer of the tasks associated
with the lane. However, the usage of lane elements
within BPMN is not defined.
Figure 3: Excerpt of SEAM BPMN 2.0 Ontology.
The representation in OWL 2 FSS omitting ob-
ject properties would be (note that the Events and
the FlowNodes are connected via the SequenceFlow
Class(B:Task) Class(B:FlowNode)
Class(B: Event) SubClassOf(B:Event B:FlowNode)
Class(B:StartEvent) Class(B:CatchEvent)
SubClassOf(B:CatchEvent B:Event)
SubClassOf(B:StartEvent B:CatchEvent)
Class(B:EndEvent) Class(B:ThrowEvent)
SubClassOf(B:ThrowEvent B:Event)
SubClassOf(B:EndEvent B:ThrowEvent)
Individual(B:‘‘Process order’’)
ClassAssertion(B:Task B:‘‘Process order’’)
Individual(B:‘‘Order received’’)
B:‘‘Order received’’)
Individual(B:‘‘Order confirmed’’)
B:‘‘Order confirmed’’)
SEAM SOA Ontology. The SOA ontology allows
for modeling the example from an additional point of
view. Figure 4 represents an excerpt of this SEAM
SOA ontology. A process is thereby drilled down into
tasks. Tasks use services to fulfill a service contract.
Note that the service contract is part of the SOA on-
tology but not of this example.
Figure 4: Excerpt of SEAM SOA Ontology.
An equivalent OWL 2 FSS representation, again
omitting the object properties, would be:
Class(S:Event) Class(S:Process)
Class(S:Task) Class(S:Service)
Individual(S:‘‘Process order’’)
ClassAssertion(S:Task S:‘‘Process order’’)
Individual(S:‘‘Order received’’)
ClassAssertion(S:Event S:‘‘Order received’’)
Individual(S:‘‘Order confirmed’’)
ClassAssertion(S:Event S:‘‘Order confirmed’’)
Individual(S:‘‘Automated order processing’’)
ClassAssertion(S:Process S:‘‘Automated order
Individual(S:‘‘Order management service’’)
ClassAssertion(S:Service S:‘‘Order management
Individual(S:‘‘Order manager’’)
S:‘‘Order manager’’)
The examples above only show a small range of
possible contents. In practice the models are far more
detailed and complex. If required, data aggregation
operations can be applied within this step to reduce
the complexity of the next mapping step.
3.4 Linking the Data Sets
The equivalences that were identified in step 1 (For-
malizing and Analyzing Data Sources, see section
3.2) are now formalized. In our example, we can now
add following OWL mappings:
EquivalentClasses(T:Event, B:Event)
EquivalentClasses(T:Event, S:Event)
EquivalentClasses(T:BusinessService, S:Service)
EquivalentClasses(T:Process, S:Process)
EquivalentClasses(T:Actor, S:HumanActor)
By applying the mappings on concrete data sets
within the SEAM repository, equality assertions from
the different data sets can be derived. In our example
this is quite obvious by matching the labels. How-
ever, more intelligent means, e.g. partial matchmak-
ing (Stuckenschmidt, 2007), are required in real world
scenarios. Also, it is crucial in this step to consider
possible semantic conflicts. For our example we can
SameIndividual(B:‘‘Order received’’
S:‘‘Order received’’)
SameIndividual(B:‘‘Order confirmed’’
S:‘‘Order confirmed’’)
SameIndividual(T:‘‘Automated order processing’’
S:‘‘Automated order processing’’)
SameIndividual(T:‘‘Order management service’’
S:‘‘Order management service’’)
SameIndividual(T:‘‘Order manager’’
S:‘‘Order manager’’)
3.5 Refinement
As mentioned in section 3.2 there are subset mappings
that only provide hints on possible equivalences. In a
final step this knowledge is utilized to provide sugges-
tions to the user to refine the SEAM repository. The
user can then add further mappings with the SameIn-
dividual construct.
For the considered ontologies following subset
mappings can be analyzed in more detail:
T:BusinessService T:PlatformService
S:Service S:ServiceComposition
T:Actor T:Role
T:LogicalTechnologyComponent S:Element
The latter mapping for example states that in-
stances of the class Element in the SOA ontology
may show equivalences within individuals of the TO-
GAF classes Actor, Role, LogicalApplicationCompo-
nent and LogicalTechnologyComponent.
During the refinement, the SEAM repository can
be constantly validated using reasoning and query an-
swering in order to detect inconsistencies within the
formal model.
3.6 Architecture Analysis
The resulting SEAM repository can now be utilized
for architecture analysis. For example, having iden-
tified equality between a process within TOGAF and
a business process model in BPMN would allow an
enterprise architect to directly navigate from an EA
model to the actual process definition. Additionally,
such an integrated approach provides further means
for consistency checks. The consistency of the EA
model cannot only be verified based on the meta-
model but also w.r.t. to the data quality. Documented
information systems services within the EA can be
compared with other sources for service definition.
Clearly, enterprise architecture aims at a holis-
tic model of an enterprise whereas the other data
sets contain detailed information about specific as-
pects thereof. As these data is not manually docu-
mented within an EAM initiative but automatically
linked from the actual sources, they can serve as ad-
ditional information that can be considered for de-
cisions within the EA. Also data redundancies can
be reduced if required elements are looked up within
these data sets and referenced using natural or unique
identifiers (e.g. department names, cost centers,
project numbers, Web service name, host name, busi-
ness process name). Detailed and up-to-date informa-
tion can be accessed later on using these identifiers
instead of working on an outdated copy.
In the previous section we presented a methodol-
ogy for building a SEAM repository. We evaluated
the approach by creating a EA repository based on
business process descriptions, service specifications
of a service-oriented architecture and TOGAF-based
EAM documentations. For each of the data sources,
we utilized an ontology-based metamodel to formal-
ize them and to analyze their overlap. Focusing on
efficient query answering and analysis in the SEAM
repository, we derived simplified data sets based on
a formal language with reduced language complexity,
namely OWL 2 QL. Step by step we added mappings
between the data sets to capture all relations and al-
low for analyses within the linked data. Parts of the
resulting SEAM repository has already been shown as
a running example in the last section (the authors may
be contacted to obtain the ontologies).
We have shown that semantic technologies pro-
vide adequate means to overcome syntactic and struc-
tural conflicts. Data sources relevant for an EA can be
transformed into data sets that are linked via the ex-
plicit definition of equivalent classes, properties and
individuals. Still, semantic conflicts (cf. section 2.2)
have to be considered separately. When mapping the
data sets, we have to ensure that the semantics of the
mapped classes and individuals correspond to each
other. Otherwise, there is still the possibility to alter
the step of exposing the data sets.
The SEAM approach allows creating an EA repos-
itory based on linking existing data sources. This sup-
ports in comprising different data formats, enhances
the reusability of existing results in research and in-
dustry and allows for consistency checks and analysis
also between the different data sources. That means,
through an integration of the local ontologies in the
neutral EA ontology inconsistencies between these
local ontologies can be detected, since we have one
big mapped ontology. For example if an activity in
a business process requires a specific data input, but
does not call the corresponding service, this error can
be detected if there is an integrated SOA, BPMN and
EA repository. Through traversing the ontology the
mismatch between the service and the required data
is detected.
The Essential Meta-Model (Essential Project, 2012)
is an EA model that has been developed in the scope
of the Essential Project. It provides on the basis of
the ontology editor Protege an open source EA tool,
the Essential Architecture Manager. They predefine
the T-Box of the architectural model in OWL. It in-
corporates best practices and can be extended to meet
particular requirements. Also, they claim that it can
be easily mapped to industry standard frameworks.
In SEAM we aim at automating the acquisition and
maintenance of the data required for an EAM initia-
tive while relying on existing research and best prac-
tices on EA modeling.
Using semantic technologies for formalizing in-
formation sources yields a number of advantages,
starting with having a formal, unambiguous model to
the possibilities of reasoning and consistency check-
ing. TopQuadrant, for example, describes in its
whitepaper (TopQuadrant, 2012) the vision of exe-
cutable EA models based on semantic technologies.
Executable means that the knowledge base can be
consulted at run time by humans as well as by applica-
tions. In the last years, architectural models have been
published as ontologies (such as for the TOGAF con-
tent metamodel (Gerber et al., 2010)). As described
in section 3, the SEAM approach uses these models.
Enterprise architecture management (EAM) aims to
optimize the alignment of business and IT. EA repos-
itories provide the required information base for deci-
sions on the information systems landscape, e.g. for
the development of a new application or new services.
EA frameworks such as TOGAF provide metamodels
as guideline for creating EA repositories. They define
which information is required and how it is linked.
This information, however, is only the core. A more
comprehensive information base can be provided by
integrating data from other EAM related information
sources. Connecting such already existing informa-
tion sources to the EA documentation avoids redun-
dant time and effort for its creation and maintenance.
However, integrating the data from these heteroge-
neous sources, each coming with its own data model
in a particular language, is a complex task.
We propose the use of semantic technologies for
integrating heterogeneous EAM relevant information
sources allowing for a Semantic Enterprise Archi-
tecture Management - SEAM. We defined a process
for building a SEAM repository that uses linked data
within an enterprise. Thereby, existing enterprise data
sets are exposed as ontologies and linked into the en-
terprise architecture. The EAM initiative can thus fo-
cus on modeling the interdependencies between busi-
ness, information systems and IT infrastructure. Mis-
matches between the documentation within the infor-
mation sources and reality can be easily discovered
and made transparent. We demonstrated the approach
by linking EA documentation (according to TOGAF),
business process models (in BPMN) and aspects of
services (according to the SOA ontology).
Depending on the existence of relevant data sets
the documentation task within an EAM initiative can
thus be reduced. Moreover, the resulting EA model
does not only statically document an EA, but is avail-
able in a formal and machine-readable representa-
tion formalism. Semantic technologies provides a
strong foundation for architecture analysis and con-
sistency checks as well as additional supporting tasks
for EAM. These will include visualization but also
novel applications of AI methodologies such as au-
tomated planning in the field of EA.
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fined mapping axioms and the inclusion of additional
data sources based on well-known standards. As the
chosen OWL language fragment is limited, complex
mapping operations such as aggregations or conver-
sions may be applied outside the repository within a
data provisioning step.
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