On-demand Data Integration for Decision-making Applications
Jānis Grabis and Jānis Kampars
Institute of Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Kalku 1, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Data Integration, Data Services, Service Selection, Decision-making.
Abstract: Decision-making efficiency depends upon timely availability of appropriate data. On-demand data
integration from web based data sources provides an attractive solution to data gathering. The two major
challenges associate with on-demand data integration are selection of appropriate data services and efficient
implementation of the data integration process. In this paper, it is proposed to use service’s business value
as a service selection criterion and to elaborate a lightweight method for XML based definition of the
integration processes. The business value driven approach implies that services are selected according to
their impact on quality of decisions made rather than solely according to their QoS characteristics. The data
integration process definition methods partitions the data integration process into atomic data integration
tasks, thus allowing for high level of data retrieval parallelization, accommodating data interdependencies
and enabling error recoverability without delaying the whole data integration process. The data integration
methods are evaluated using a case study, which investigates on-line decision making at a taxi company.
Decision-making efficiency depends upon timely
availability of appropriate data. Data warehousing is
the most widely used solution for providing these
data. However, this solution has limited flexibility
and induces significant data processing and
maintenance overhead (Zhu et al., 2004).
Proliferation of web services including data services
provides an alternative solution in the form of on-
demand data integration (Delen and Demirkan,
2013). Two major challenges associated with the
usage of the data services are: 1) selection of
appropriate services; and 2) efficient implementation
of the data integration process, especially, in the
case of real-time decision making problems. The
current work on the service selection focuses on
using Quality of Service (QoS) data as selection
criteria (Strunk, 2010). Among others Canfora et al.,
(2008) and Wang et al., (2007) use optimization
techniques to maximize QoS characteristics of
composite services. Jeong et al., (2009) and
Tsesmetzis et al., (2008) also incorporate functional
characteristics of candidate web services in their
service selection models. In this paper, the service
selection challenge is addressed by using the service
business value as a selection criterion.
To implement the data integration process,
enterprise service bus (Abrahiem, 2007) and Extract-
Transform-Load (ETL) (Bhide et al., 2009) based
approaches can be used though they are not
primarily designed for data integration and on-
demand processing purposes, respectively. ETL is
not well suited for processing semi-structured data
and data retrieval from remote heterogeneous web
services (Yue and Wang, 2010). Wang et al., (2009)
have proposed a dynamic data integration model
based on SOA (Service-oriented architecture), and
Frehner and Brändli (2006) use a virtual database to
integrate distributed spatial data. Ali et al., (2009)
propose a distributed extended xQuery technology
for efficient data retrieval from heterogeneous web
services. In this paper, a lightweight XML based
data integration method is proposed with emphasis
on specification of the data integration process to
account for data interdependences and acceleration
of the data integration process.
The objective of this paper is to elaborate a
service’s business value driven approach to on-
demand data integration from remote data sources
for real-time decision making purposes. The
approach perceives data integration as a continuous
process, where candidate services are monitored and
evaluated, and the data integration solution can be
updated if better services become available. The
business value driven approach implies that services
Grabis J. and Kampars J..
On-demand Data Integration for Decision-making Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004445802010208
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 201-208
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
are selected according to their impact on quality of
decisions made rather than solely according to their
QoS characteristics. The on demand integration
implies that data from external sources are retrieved
for every decision making case. Methods for
accelerating the data integration and improving data
quality are also used. The approach proposed is
evaluated using a case study, which investigated on-
line decision-making at one of the leading Latvian
taxi . A major attention is devoted to comparison of
actual data accumulated by the company and data
given by web services. The comparison allows to
assess accuracy of decision-making and to adjust the
decision-making results to reduce the impact of
The main contributions of the paper are 1) the
method for using business value as a service
selection criterion; 2) the method for definition and
execution of the data integration process; and 3)
assessment for accuracy of mapping web services.
The data integration process definition method
partitions the data integration process into atomic
data integration tasks, thus allowing for high level of
data retrieval parallelization, accommodating data
interdependencies and enabling error recoverability
without delaying the whole data integration process.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the on-demand data integration
approach along with the methods used for service
selection and specification of the integration process.
An application of the approach is demonstrated in
Section 3, and Section 4 concludes.
The data integration approach proposed in the paper
consists of design and execution cycles, and
selection of appropriate services and specification of
the data integration process are key methods of the
2.1 Overview
The data integration objective is to gather the
necessary data for real-time decision making. The
data are gathered from distributed source, are not
stored locally and are used immediately for the
current decision-making case. The data integration is
split in two phase, namely, the design phase and the
execution phase (Figure 1). The design phase
defines data integration problem and the data
integration process. It also includes identification of
appropriate data sources (i.e., different types of web
services) and selects services the best suited for the
decision-making problem. Data are actually
retrieved from the data sources and integrated
together during the execution phase. The data
integration process is executed for every decision-
making case. Methods for speeding-up data
integration and for addressing data quality issues are
used during the execution phase.
2.2 Service Selection
Identification and selection of appropriate services is
of major importance for on-demand applications. In
this paper, the services are selected according to
their business value, i.e., rather than using evaluation
criteria like QoS and similar, the services are
selected according to their impact on quality of
decisions made. This quality is measured by the cost
of using services.
Each candidate service is characterized by a set
of attributes
, where 
There is a cost associated with the th attribute, and
it is denotes by
. The total cost of using the th
service is expressed as
In order to select a service or services providing the
best business value, they are selected to minimize
the total cost of using all web services
is one if the service is selected and zero if
service is not selected. Bonders et al. (2011) show
that both functional and non-functional selection
criteria can be expressed in terms of costs. For
instance, the response time characteristic of web
services can be expressed in term of costs as a cost
of employees’ time wasted to wait for the web
service response.
In the case of additional constraints and
requirements, the minimization problem can be
solved using mathematical programming or other
optimization methods. If other constraints are not
considered, services can be selected by ranking.
2.3 Data Retrieval
The data are integrated from multiple heterogeneous
data sources that are mostly controlled by third
parties and whose interfaces are dynamically
changing. The data retrieval process consists of
multiple steps. The main data integration challenges
are to minimize data integration time and to ensure
high data quality. There are multiple interdependen-
Figure 1: The design and execution cycles of the on-demand data integration approach.
cies among the steps of the data integration process,
and the data retrieved should be transformed
according to formatting requirements determined by
decision-making needs. The data integration process
starts with an XML document, which contains initial
data for initialization of the data integration process
and defines a required data structure. The final result
is the XML document populated with all data
required for decision making. The XML format is
chosen as it has become a de-facto standard in
electronic data interchange. Other semi structured
data formats like JSON can be easily converted to
XML if necessary.
In order to define the data integration process,
three types of data integration tasks (DIT) are
Simple task (ST) – used to create loops for
processing multiple XML nodes.
Transformation task (TT) – used for XSLT based
XML node transformation to provide
conformance with abstract data retrieval
operation input data models.
Operational tasks (OT) – used to identify and
query the corresponding data source based on the
specified abstract data retrieval operation and
input data model (execution of abstract data
retrieval operation).
During the design phase, the process is composed
using these three types of DIT and relationships
between DIT are established (Figure 2). During the
data integration process execution, DIT exchange
with data integration requests (DIR). The exchange
is controlled by a broker that monitors the status of
the individual DIR and ensures conformance to DIR
interdependencies defined in the data integration
process. DIR contain a global XPath address of the
element used as an input data for the recipient DIT.
DIR statuses are defined as:
Idle – DIR cannot be sent to the recipient due to
a blocking dependency. Some of the data
required for DIR execution are still unavailable.
Created – the broker has received a DIR from a
certain DIT and has created DIR for its child
Sent – the broker has sent the DIR to the
recipient DIT (only possible if there are no
blocking dependencies).
Processing – DIT has received the inbound DIR
and it is being processed (e.g. a request to a data
source is being made).
Finished – DIT has finished processing of the
inbound DIR and changes have been saved to the
XML document. The outbound data integration
task is created and sent to the broker.
Error – there has been an error while executing
There are two types of the DIT relations (Figure 2):
Succession – DIT A is successor of DIT B if it
receives a DIR originating from DIT B.
Dependency – DIT E depends on DIT D if it can
process an inbound DIR only when DIT B has
finished dependent DIR. In the example, DIR
with relative XPath address /S/Q2 is idled until
related DIR originating from the common parent
of both DIT have been finished.
During the design phase data retrieval operations are
defined as abstract data operations, and they are
bound to actual physical data services in the
performing the execution phase. In case of a QoS or
Quality of Data (QoD) issues the abstract data
operation is bound to an alternative physical data
service. If no alternative services exist, the status of
the corresponding DIT is changed to “Error”.
Figure 2: DIR execution.
A case study is used to evaluate the proposed on
demand data integration approach. It focuses on
service selection and definition of the data
integration process.
3.1 Case Description
A taxi company’s call center operations are
investigated in the case study. The taxi company
receives customer calls for taxi services. The
decision-making problem is to find an available taxi
and to quote time and cost of the service. To prepare
the quote, the taxi company uses multiple services
including a service for locating the current location
of taxies and mapping services for geocoding and
routing. Figure 3 shows the data retrieval and
decision-making process at the taxi call center. As
the decision-making result, a taxi to serve the
customer request is determined and the customer is
informed about waiting time for the taxi to arrive
and about expected fare. It is assumed that a taxi
driver individually decided on the actual route she
chooses. The business value of the selected services
is determined by time and distance the taxi driver
travels to pick-up the customer at origin, and the
cost of using the routing service is calculated as
0.5 is the taxi travel cost by distance,
6 is the taxi travel cost by time,
is the
travel distance estimate given by the th service and
is the travel time estimate given by the th
As identified in several previous studies (e.g.,
Ehmke et al., 2012), mapping services overestimate
or underestimate travel time and distance because of
local traffic conditions and other factors. Given that
the actual travel time and distance data are available
to the taxi company, an error of the mapping
services can be assessed, and an adjustment
coefficient is introduced to account for the error for
each attribute:
The adjustment coefficient is specific to the
particular service and it is calculated as
where index 0 refers to the actual data accumulated
by the taxi company and  refers to one particular
taxi route for which actual travel data as well as
those given by mapping services are available
Figure 3: The business process of gathering information
and quote preparation in response to the customer call.
Three types of web services are required to
implement the decision-making process:
1. Geocoding service, which positions the customer
request on the map;
2. Routing service, which determines the route
between two geocoded locations;
3. Taxi tracking service, which identifies current
location of taxis.
Multiple geocoding services are available. They
Receive origin and
destination addresses
Geocode origin
Geocode destination
Get taxi coordinates
Get taxis' routes to origin
Find suitable taxi
Get route from origin to
Generate response
Figure 4: The interval plot of the difference between actual and estimated (a) travel distance and (b) travel time.
functionality differs by their ability to evaluate
different types of customer requests, for instance,
calls by address, point of interest or intersection. As
a business value oriented criterion is readily
available, it is decided to use all services
simultaneously, and the final result is selected
according to the confidence level returned by service
provider. In cases when a geocoding service is
unable to geocode the location, alternative services
are queried. Only one taxi tracking service is
available. The business values driven selection is
performed for the routing service, and four different
services are evaluated. These services are denoted as
, S
, S
and S
The QoS criteria are not used in the case because
a related study by Bonders et al., (2011) has found
that they have minor impact on service selection
results for this kind of application.
3.2 Service Selection Results
In order to select appropriate services according to
their business value, the taxi company’s historic
service data are used and compared with data given
by the candidate services. The historic data contains
a list of customer requests received and actual travel
time and distance between different points of origin
and destination. A thousand pairs of origin and
destination are used. For all these pairs, the actual
data are known, and time and distance given by four
publicly available mapping web services are also
Figure 4 shows an interval plot of differences
between the actual values and the estimates given by
the mapping services. It can be observed that more
significant variations among services are for
estimates of the travel time. Additionally, two of the
services underestimate the travel time while two
remaining services overestimate travel time. Values
of the adjustment coefficient are reported in Table 1.
These values show that the travel distance estimates
are relatively more accurate than the travel time
Table 2 represents the service selection results. It
compares the selection results if the cost of using the
service is determined by (1) the travel distance only
0 in Eq. 4), (2) the unadjusted travel time
and distance cost calculated using Eq. 4, and (3) the
adjusted travel time and distance calculated using
Eq. 5. The unadjusted criteria imply that
is the
most appropriate service. However, the adjusted
criterion implies that
is the best service to be
used. Using the adjusted criterion is important,
otherwise a service giving inaccurate underestimated
travel distance and time values would be preferred
over services giving more realistic estimates.
Table 1: Values of travel distance and time adjustment
coefficients for each service.
1.14 1.09 1.11 1.09
1.51 0.86 0.82 1.20
Table 2: The total cost of using candidate services
according to the cost criterion used.
Cost criterion used S
2597 2709 2698 2729
3176 3636 3667 3420
3792 3805
Mapping services
Distance, m
a) travel distance estimate
95% C I for the Mean
Mapping services
Time, s
b) travel time estimate
95% CI f or the Mean
Figure 5: The data integration process for the taxi service case.
3.3 Process Definition Results
The data integration process is defined to gather the
data necessary for decision-making (Figure 5). It
starts at ST1, which reads the root node of the input
data XML and sends it to all successor tasks. OB1
performs an abstract data integration operation in
order to retrieve the list of available taxis, which is
then saved to the XML document. OB2 and OB3
geocode client origin and destination, respectively.
OB4 is responsible for calculating the route from the
origin to the destination. OB4 depends on OB2 and
OB3 as both pairs of coordinates are required for
routing. TR1 transforms the XML document and
adds client origin coordinates to each taxi XML
node. The transformation can be performed only
when the available taxi list is retrieved and origin is
geocoded (dependency on OB1 and OB2). After the
transformation SB2 creates a loop to process all taxi
nodes and sends the corresponding DIR to OB5.
OB5 calculates route from taxi location to the
customer’s origin for all of the available taxis. When
routes are calculated the most suitable taxi is chosen
in OB6.
The structure of input and output XML
documents is shown in Figure 6. The input
document contains the origin (street intersection)
and destination (address) of the customer. After
completion of the data integration process, the origin
and destination nodes have been updated with
corresponding coordinates retrieved by OB2 and
OB3. A route between the origin and the destination
has been calculated by OB4 and the results have
been saved in two child nodes of the root element –
distance and duration. A new taxis node has been
created by OB1. Each of its child nodes has been
updated with client origin coordinates (TR1),
duration and distance of the route to client (OB5)
and fitness (OB6). The name of the chosen taxi is
saved in the chosenTaxi node.
Abstract data integration operations geocoding
(OB2, OB3 in Fig. 5) and routing (OB4, OB5 in
Figure 5) are mapped to publically available spatial
data processing web services. None of the available
web services is able to provide all of the required
functionality (geocoding of address, point of
interest, street intersection and routing). The
approach used allows combining functionality from
all services and adding new ones without altering the
data integration logic. The decision of which
geocoding service to use is made during late binding
based on the input data model and performed
abstract data integration operation. If multiple
routing services have nearly equal business value,
load balancing can be used to reduce data integration
time. The availability of multiple alternatives also
minimizes the risk of process blocking error in case
of QoS or QoD issues. If the queried web service is
not able to return the result due to data quality
problems, a request to an alternative web service is
performed. This way the data integration solution is
able to provide better data quality than each
individual web service.
Figure 6: Input and output XML documents.
The business value driven on-demand data
integration approach has been elaborated. This
approach is suitable for decision-making
applications, where decisions are made on-line and
impact of the data quality provided by data services
on decisions made can be readily quantified. In the
sample case study presented in the paper, it can be
readily quantified that services giving inaccurate or
sub-optimal routing estimates would directly affect
business performance (e.g., costs) of the service
The comparison of actual data and estimates
given by the services allows to determine accuracy
of travel time and distance quoted to customers.
Although the taxi call center operators do not quote
these errors o customers, these could be provided on
company’s web site or mobile apps.
In the case presented, selection of only type of
services was considered and QoS characteristics
were ignored (all services analyzed have very high
level of the QoS chacteristics) though additional
parameters and constraints can be accommodated by
the proposed approach. It that case, optimization
techniques like genetic algorithms should be used
for service selection.
Dissemination of this research has been funded in
part by the ERDF project „The development of
international cooperation, projects and capacities in
science and technology at Riga Technical
University” Nr. 2DP/
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