The paper presents an approach to development of
service-based system for virtual tourist hub. Virtual
tourist hub performs ad-hoc transportation
scheduling based on the available schedules, current
and foreseen availability and occupancy of the
transportation means and services even though they
do not cooperate with each other. It also helps
tourists to plan their attraction attending time and
excursions depending on the context information
about the current situation in the museums (amount
of visitors around exhibits, closed exhibits,
reconstructions and other) and tourists’ preferences,
using their mobile devices. User profiles allow
keeping important information about the visitor and
using it in the smart environment.
The future work is aimed at implementation of
the proposed system as well as adding features of
group recommending systems. Generation of
feasible trip plans taking account explicit and tacit
preferences requires strong IT-based support of
decision making so that the preferences from
multiple users (accumulated in the system and/or
obtained from social networks) could be taken into
account (McCarthy et al., 2006); (Wang et al.,
2012); (Zhang et al., 2012). Group recommending
systems are aimed to solve this problem.
Recommendation / recommending / recommender
systems have been widely used in the Internet for
suggesting products, activities, etc. for a single user
considering his/her interests and tastes (Garcia et al.,
2009), in various business applications (e.g.,
Hornung et al., 2009; Zhena et al., 2009) as well as
in product development (e.g., Moon et al., 2009,
Chen et al., 2010).
The preference revealing can be interpreted as
identification of patterns of the solution selection
(decision) by a user from a generated set of
solutions. The ability to automatically identify
patterns of the solution selection allows to sort the
set of solutions, so that the most relevant (to user
needs) solutions would be in the top of the list of
solutions presented to the user.
Currently, three major tasks of identification of
user preferences can be selected:
1. Identification of user preferences based on
solutions generated for the same context. In this
case, the problem structure is always the same,
however its parameters may differ.
2. Identification of user preferences based on
solutions generated for similar contexts. This
task is more complex then the first one since
structures of the problem are partially different.
3. Identification of user preferences in terms of
optimization parameters. This task tries to
identify if a user tends to select solutions with
minimal or maximal values of certain parameters
(e.g., time minimization) or their aggregation.
Based on the identified user groups, the user
preferences can be revealed as common preferences
of the users from the same group.
Some parts of the research were carried out under
projects funded by grants # 13-01-00286-a, # 13-07-
00271-a, # 12-07-00298-a, # 13-07-00336-a, of the
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project #
213 of the research program “Intelligent information
technologies, mathematical modeling, system
analysis and automation” of the Russian Academy of
Sciences; and project 2.2 of the Nano- &
Information Technologies Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences.
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