A Data-adaptive Trace Abstraction Approach to the
Prediction of Business Process Performances
Antonio Bevacqua
, Marco Carnuccio
, Francesco Folino
, Massimo Guarascio
and Luigi Pontieri
DIMES Department, University of Calabria, via P. Bucci 41C, 87036, Rende, CS, Italy
ICAR-CNR, National Research Council of Italy, via P. Bucci 41C, 87036, Rende, CS, Italy
Data Mining, Regression, Clustering, Business Process Analysis.
This paper presents a novel approach to the discovery of predictive process models, which are meant to support
the run-time prediction of some performance indicator (e.g., the remaining processing time) on new ongoing
process instances. To this purpose, we combine a series of data mining techniques (ranging from pattern min-
ing, to non-parametric regression and to predictive clustering) with ad-hoc data transformation and abstraction
mechanisms. As a result, a modular representation of the process is obtained, where different performance-
relevant variants of it are provided with separate regression models, and discriminated on the basis of context
information. Notably, the approach is capable to look at the given log traces at a proper level of abstraction,
in a pretty automatic and transparent fashion, which reduces the need for heavy intervention by the analyst
(which is, indeed, a major drawback of previous solutions in the literature). The approach has been validated
on a real application scenario, with satisfactory results, in terms of both prediction accuracy and robustness.
The general aim of process mining tech-
niques (van der Aalst et al., 2003) is to extract
information from historical log “traces” of a business
process (i.e., sequences of events registered during
different enactments of the process), in order to
help analyze and possibly improve it. An emerging
trend in this field (see, e.g., (van Dongen et al.,
2008; van der Aalst et al., 2011; Folino et al., 2012))
concerns the prediction of performance indicators
(defined on each process instance), as a way to
help improve future process enactments, through,
e.g., recommendation or risk analysis. In general,
these approaches face the problem by inducing
some kind of prediction model for the given per-
formance indicator, based on some suitable trace
abstraction function (mapping, e.g., the trace onto
the set/multiset of process tasks appearing in it).
In particular, a non-parametric regression model
is used in (van Dongen et al., 2008) to build the
prediction for a new (possibly partial) trace, based on
its similarity towards a set of historical ones – where
the similarity between two traces is evaluated by
comparing their respective abstract views. However,
such an instance-based scheme is likely to take long
prediction times (unsuitable for many real run-time
environments), especially in the case of complex and
flexible processes, where a large amount of historical
traces should be kept (and retrieved) to capture ade-
quately its wide range of behaviors. A model-based
prediction scheme is conversely followed in (van der
Aalst et al., 2011), where an annotated finite-state
machine (FSM) model is induced from the input
log, with the states corresponding to abstract repre-
sentation of log traces. The discovery of such FSM
models was combined in (Folino et al., 2012) with
a context-driven (predictive) clustering approach,
in a way that different execution scenarios can be
discovered for the process, and equipped with distinct
(more specific and more precise) local predictors.
In general, a critical issue in the induction of such
prediction models, especially in the case of complex
business processes, concerns the definition of a suit-
able trace abstraction function, capable to focus on
the core properties of the events (happened in a pro-
cess instance) that impact the more on its performance
outcomes. In fact, as discussed in (van der Aalst
et al., 2011), choosing the right abstraction level is
a delicate task, where an optimal balance has to be
reached between the risks of overfitting (i.e., having
an overly detailed model, nearly replicating the train-
ing set, which will hardy provide accurate forecasts
over unseen cases) and of undefitting (i.e., the model
Bevacqua A., Carnuccio M., Folino F., Guarascio M. and Pontieri L..
A Data-adaptive Trace Abstraction Approach to the Prediction of Business Process Performances.
DOI: 10.5220/0004448700560065
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 56-65
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
is too abstract and imprecise, both on the training
cases and on new ones).
Previous approaches mainly leave the responsibil-
ity to tune the abstraction level to the analyst, allow-
ing her/him to select the general form of trace abstrac-
tions (e.g., set/multiset/lists of tasks), and to possibly
fix a maximal horizon threshold h i.e., only the
properties of the h more recent events in a trace can
be used in its abstract view, so discarding older events.
On the other hand, FSM-like models cannot effec-
tively exploit non-structural (context-oriented) prop-
erties of the process instances, which might actually
impact on performances as well. In fact, the idea of
including such data (in addition to tasks) in the con-
struction of trace abstractions will clearly emphasize
the combinatorial explosion issue discussed above.
Core Idea and Contributions. We try to overcome
the above limitations, by devising a novel approach,
capable of both taking full advantage of “non struc-
tural” context data, and of finding a good level of ab-
straction over on the history of process instances, in a
pretty automated and transparent fashion.
Our core belief is that handy (and yet accurate
enough) prediction models can be learnt via vari-
ous existing model-based regression algorithms (ei-
ther parametric, such as, e.g., (Hardle and Mammen,
1993; Quinlan, 1992), or non-parametric, such as,
e.g., (Harlde, 1990; Witten and Frank, 2005)), rather
than resorting to an explicit representation of process
states (like in (van der Aalst et al., 2011; Folino et al.,
2012)) or to an instance-based approach, like in (van
Dongen et al., 2008). This clearly requires that an ad-
equate propositional representation of the given traces
is preliminary build, capturing both structural (i.e.,
task-related) and (“non-structural”) aspects. To this
end, we propose to convert each process trace into a
set or a multi-set of process tasks, and let the regres-
sion method decide automatically which and how the
basic structural elements in such an abstracted view
of the trace are to be used to make a forecast.
Moreover, we still leverage the idea of (Folino
et al., 2012), of combining performance prediction
with a predictive clustering technique (Blockeel and
Raedt, 1998), in order to distinguish heterogeneous
context-dependent execution scenarios (“variants”)
for the analyzed process, and eventually provide each
of them with a specialized regressor. In fact, such an
approach brings, in general, substantial gain in terms
of readability and accuracy, besides explicitly show-
ing the dependence of discovered clusters on context
features, and speeding up (and possibly parallelize)
the computation of regression models which are
typically more compact, more precise and easier to
read/evaluate/validate than a single regression model
extracted out of the whole log. In fact, we believe
that (as confirmed by the empirical results in Sec-
tion 5) even very simple regression methods can fur-
nish robust and accurate predictions, if combined with
a properly devised clustering procedure. Moreover,
this can even allow for a scalable usage of instance-
based regression schemes (which are likely to take
prohibitive prediction times on real logs), seeing as
only the traces of a single cluster (selected on the ba-
sis of context features) would be scanned over.
We pinpoint that the target features used in the clus-
tering (where context features conversely act as de-
scriptive attributes) are derived from frequent struc-
tural patterns (still defined as sets or bags of tasks),
instead of directly using the abstract representations
extracted by the log, as done in (Folino et al., 2012).
These patterns will be discovered efficiently via an
ad-hoc a-priori-like (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994)
method, where the analyst is allowed to specify a min-
imum support threshold, and possibly an additional
(“gap”) constraint, both enforced in the very genera-
tion of the patterns. Notably, such an approach frees
the analyst from the burden of explicitly setting the
abstraction level(i.e., the size of patterns, in our case),
which is determined instead in a data-driven way.
Organization. The rest of the paper is structured as
follows. After introducing some handy notation and
core concepts in Section 2, we present the proposed
approach, in an algorithmic form, in Section 3. We
then discuss the implementation of the method in Sec-
tion 4, and an experimentation on a real data in Sec-
tion 5. Section 6 finally presents some concluding
remarks and future work directions.
2.1 Logs and Performances
As usually done in the literature, we assume that
for each process instance (a.k.a “case”) a trace is
recorded, storing the sequence of events happened
during its unfolding. Let T be the universe of all (pos-
sibly partial) traces that may appear in any log of the
process under analysis. For any trace τ T , len(τ) is
the number of events in τ, while τ[i] is the i-th event
of τ, for i = 1 .. len(τ), with task(τ[i]) and time(τ[i])
denoting the task and timestamp of τ[i], respectively.
We also assume that the first event of each trace is al-
ways associated with a unique “initial” task A
sibly added artificially before analyzing the log), and
its timestamp registers the time when the correspond-
ing process instance started.
Let us also assume that, for any trace τ, a tuple
context(τ) of data is stored in the log to keep informa-
tion about the execution context of τ — like in (Folino
et al., 2012), this tuple may gather both data prop-
erties and environmental features (characterizing the
state of the BPM system). For ease of notation, let A
denote the set of all the tasks (a.k.a., activities) that
may occur in some trace of T , and context(T ) be the
space of context vectors — i.e., A
and context(T ) = {context(τ) | τ T }.
Further, τ(i] is the prefix (sub-)trace containing the
first i events of a trace τ and the same context data
(i.e., context(τ(i] = context(τ)), for i = 0 .. len(τ).
A log L isa finite subset of T , while the prefix set of
L, denoted by P(L), is the set of all the prefixes of Ls
traces, i.e., P (L) = {τ(i] | τ L and 1 i len(τ)}.
Let ˆµ : T R be an (unknown) function assigning
a performance value to any (possibly unfinished) pro-
cess trace. For the sake of concreteness, we will focus
hereinafter on the special case where the target per-
formance value associated with each trace is the re-
maining process time (measured, e.g., in days, hours,
or in finer grain units), i.e., the time needed to fin-
ish the corresponding process enactment. Moreover,
we assume that performance values are known for all
prefix traces in P (L), for any given log L. In fact, for
each trace τ, the (actual) remaining-time value of τ(i]
is ˆµ(τ(i]) = time(τ[len(τ)]) time(τ[i]).
A (predictive) Process Performance Model (PPM)
is a model that can estimate the unknownperformance
value (i.e., the remaining time in our setting) of a pro-
cess enactment, based on the contents of the corre-
sponding trace. Such a model can be viewed as a
function µ : T R estimating ˆµ all over the trace uni-
verse which also includes the prefix traces of all
possible unfinished enactments of the process. Learn-
ing a PPM hence amounts to solving a particular in-
duction problem, where the training set takes the form
of a log L, and the value ˆµ(τ) of the target measure is
known for each (sub-)trace τ P (L).
Recent approaches to this problem (van der Aalst
et al., 2011; van Dongen et al., 2008; Folino et al.,
2012) leverage all the basic idea of applying some
suitable abstraction function to process traces, with
the ultimate aim of capturing only those facets of the
registered events that influence the most process per-
formances — while disregarding minor details.
2.2 Trace Abstraction
An abstracted (structural) view of a trace gives a con-
cise description of the tasks executed during the cor-
responding process enactment. Two common ways of
building such a view consist in simply regarding the
trace as a multiset (a.k.a. bag) or as a set of tasks, are
formally defined below.
Definition 1 (Structural Trace Abstraction). Let T
be a trace universe and A
,... ,A
be the tasks
in A
. A structural (trace-) abstraction func-
tion struct
: T R
is a function map-
ping each trace τ T to an an abstract representa-
tion struct
(τ), taken from a abstractions’ space
. Two concrete instantiations of the above func-
tion, denoted by struct
: T N
(resp., struct
T {0, 1}
), are defined next to which map each
trace τ T onto a bag-based (resp., set-based)
representation of its structure: (i) struct
(τ) =
,τ),. .. , count(A
,τ)i, where count(A
,τ) is
the number of times that task A
occurs in τ; and
(ii) struct
(τ) = hocc(A
,τ),. .. , occ(A
,τ)i, where
,τ) =
iff count(A
,τ) > 0.
The two concrete abstraction “modes” (namely,
bag and set) defined above summarize any trace τ into
a vector, where each component corresponds to a sin-
gle process task A
, and stores either the number of
times that A
appears in the trace τ, or (respectively)
a boolean value indicating whether A
occur in τ or
not. Notice that, in principle, we could define abstract
trace representations as sets/bags over another prop-
erty of the events (e.g., the executor, instead of the
task executed), or even over a combination of event
properties (e.g., the task plus who performed it).
Example 1. Let us consider a real-life case study
pertaining a transshipment process, used for the ex-
periments described in Section 5. Basically, for each
container c passing through the harbor, a distinct log
trace τ
is stored, registering all the tasks applied to
c, which may include: moving c by means of either
a straddle-carrier (MOV), swapping c with another
container (SHF), and loading c onto a ship by way
of a shore crane (OUT). Let τ be a log trace stor-
ing a sequence he
i of three events such that
) = task(e
) = MOV and task(e
) = OUT.
With regard to the abstract trace representations intro-
duced in Def. 1, it is easy to see that struct
(τ) =
[2,0,1], and struct
(τ) = [1,0, 1] — where the traces
are mapped into a vector space consisting of the di-
mensions A
The structural abstraction functions in Def. 1 are
a subset of the ones used in previous approaches to
the discovery of predictive process models (van der
Aalst et al., 2011; van Dongen et al., 2008; Folino
et al., 2012). To be more precise, (van Dongen et al.,
2008) also considers the possibility to map a trace into
a vector of task durations, as well as to combine mul-
tiple structural abstractions with data attributes of the
traces, while the other two approaches also allow for
abstracting a trace into the list of tasks appearing in it
(as an alternative to bag/set -oriented abstractions).
2.3 Clustering-based PPM
Like in (Folino et al., 2012), we here consider a spe-
cial kind of PMM model, relying on a clustering of
the process traces. Such a model, described below, is
indeed a predictive clustering model, where context
data play the role of descriptiveattributes, whereas the
target variables are derived by specific performance
values, extracted out of the traces.
Definition 2 (Clustering-based Performance Predic-
tion Model (
)). Let L be a log (over T ), with
context features context(T ), and ˆµ : T R, be a per-
formance measure, known for all τ P (L). Then
a clustering-based performance prediction model
) for L is a pair M = hc,hµ
,... ,µ
ii, which
encodes the unknown performance function ˆµ in
terms of a predictive clustering model, with k de-
noting the associated number of clusters (found for
L). More specifically, c is a partitioning function,
which assigns any (possibly novel) trace to one of the
clusters (based on its context data), while each µ
the PPM of the i-th cluster i.e., c : context(T )
{1,... ,k}, and µ
: T R, for i {1,... ,k}. The
performance ˆµ(τ) of any (partial) trace τ is eventually
estimated as µ
(τ), where j=c(context(τ)).
In this way, each cluster has its own PPM model,
encoding how ˆµ depends on the structure (and, possi-
bly, the context) of a trace, relatively that cluster. The
prediction for each trace is hence made with the pre-
dictor of the cluster it is assigned to (by function c).
In general, such an articulated kind of PPM can be
built by inducing both a predictive clustering model
and multiple PPMs (as the building blocks imple-
menting c and all µ
, respectively). In particular,
in (Folino et al., 2012), the latter task is accomplished
by using the method in (van der Aalst et al., 2011),
so that each cluster is eventually provided with an
A-FSM model. As mentioned in Section 1, in or-
der to develop an easier-to-use and data-adaptive ap-
proach, we will not use A-FSM models (which typi-
cally require a careful explicit setting of the abstrac-
tion level), and will rather employ one of the various
regression methods available for propositional data.
To this purpose, an ad-hoc view of the log will be pro-
duced, where both the context-oriented and structure-
oriented (cf. Def. 1) features of a trace are used as
descriptive attributes, whereas the target attributes are
derived by projecting the trace onto a space of struc-
tural patterns. These patterns, which will be com-
puted via an ad-hoc data mining method, are de-
scribed in detail in the following.
2.4 Structural Patterns
In our setting, structural patterns are meant to cap-
ture regularities in the structure of traces, abstracted
via sets or bags of tasks. In particular, these patterns
can be regarded as (constrained) sub-sets or sub-bag
of tasks that appear frequently in the (abstracted) log
traces. Let mode {bag,set} denotes a given abstrac-
tion criterion, T be the reference trace universe, and
= {A
,..., A
} be its associated process tasks.
Then, a (structural) pattern w.r.t. T and mode sim-
ply is an element p of the abstractions’ space R
– over which the structural trace-abstraction function
ranges indeed. The size of p, denoted by
size(p), is the number of distinct tasks in p (i.e., the
number of ps components with a positive value.
Having a structural pattern the same form as a
(structural) trace abstraction, we can apply usual
set/bag containment operators to them both. Specifi-
cally, given two elements p and p
of R
(be each
a pattern or a full trace representation), we say that p
contains p
(and symmetrically p
is contained in p
denoted by p
, if p
[ j] p
[ j], for j = 1,,n,
and for i = 1, 2 where p
[ j] is the i-th component
of p
, viewed as a vector in D
(cf. Def. 1).
As we want to eventuallyuse such patterns for clus-
tering purposes, we are interested in those that capture
significant behavioral schemes. In particular, an im-
portant property required for such patterns is that they
occur frequently in the given log (otherwise, little,
low significant clusters are likely to be discovered),
as specified in the following notion of support.
Definition 3 (Pattern Support and Footprints). Let τ
T be a trace, mode be a given abstraction mode, and
p be pattern (w.r.t. T and mode).
Then, we say that τ supports p, denoted by τ
p if its corresponding structural abstraction con-
tains p (i.e., p struct
(τ)). In such a case,
a footprint of p on τ is subset F = { f
,..., f
{1,... ,len(τ)} of positions within τ, such that
(hτ[ f
],... ,τ[ f
]i) = p. Moreover, gap(F)
is the number of events in τ which match no
position of F and appear in between a pair of
matching events i.e., gap(F) = max
{ f
{ f
} |F| + 1. Finally, with little abuse
of notation, we denote gap(p,τ) = min {{}
{ gap(F) | F is a footprint of p on τ } }.
In words, a footprint F of a pattern p, on a trace τ
supporting it, identifies a subsequence of τ which (i)
contains the events occurring in τ at one of the po-
sitions in F, and (ii) has a structural representation
Input: A log L over a trace universe T , with associated tasks AS = A
,... , A
and target performance measure ˆµ
(known over P (L) ), an abstraction mode m {set, bag} (cf. Def. 1), three thresholds, minSupp [0,1),
maxGap N {}, and K
{}, and a base regression method REGR
Output: A
model for L (fully encoding ˆµ all over T ).
Method: Perform the following steps:
1 Let context(τ) be the vector of context data associated with each τ L;
2 Build a structural view S
of P (L), by replacing each τ P (L) with a transaction-like representation of struct
3 RSP :=
4 RSP : =
(RSP, kTop);
6 Let RSP = {p
,... , p
7 Build a log sketch P
for L, by using both context data and RSP-projected performances;
8 Learn a PCT T, using context(τ) (resp., val(τ, p
), i=1..s) as descriptive (resp., target) features for each τ L;
9 Let L[1],. . .,L[k] denote the discovered clusters;
10 for each L[i] do
11 Induce a regression model ppm
out of P (L[i]), using method REGR — regarding, for each τ P (L[i]),
context(τ) and struct
(τ) as the input values, and the performance measurement ˆµ(τ) as the target value;
10 Store ppm
as the implementation of the prediction function µ
: T M (for cluster i);
11 end
12 return h c,{ µ
,... , µ
} i.
Figure 1: Algorithm
AA-PPM Discovery
coinciding with p. Clearly, if p is not supported by τ,
gap(p,τ) will take an infinite value.
Figure 1 illustrates the main steps of our approach to
the discovery of a CB-PPM model, in the form of an
algorithm, named
AA-PPM Discovery
. Essentially,
the problem is approached in three main phases.
In the first phase (Steps 1-5), a set of (frequent)
structural patterns are extracted from the log, which
are deemed to capture the main behavioral schemes
of the process, as concerns the dependence of per-
formance on the execution of tasks. To this end, af-
ter converting the structure of each (possibly partial)
trace τ into an itemset (Step 2)
, we compute all the
structural patterns (i.e., sub-sets, of various sizes) that
occur frequently in the log and effectively summarize
the behaviors in the log. More precisely, we first com-
pute the set {p R
| supp
) minSupp}
(cf. Def.3), by using function
, which
is stored in RSP note that this set will never be
empty, since (as an extreme case) at least a singleton
pattern with A
is frequent (no matter of minSupp,
m and maxGap). These patterns are then filtered by
, which selects the kTop
most relevant patterns among them. Notably, we
can still use all the discovered patterns, by fixing
maxGap = (no real filter is applied in this case).
In particular, as to bags, any s = struct
(τ) N
turned into {(A
) | 0 i n, s[i] > 0 and 1 j s[i] }.
Both these functions are explained in details later on.
In the second phase, the selected patterns are used
to associate a series of numerical variables with all
traces (Step 7), and to carry out a predictive clustering
of them (Step 8). To this end, a propositional view of
the log, here named log sketch, is produced by trans-
forming each trace into a tuple, where context prop-
erties play as are descriptive attributes and the projec-
tion onto the space of selected patterns are the target
numerical features. Specifically, any selected pattern
p gives rise to a target (performance) feature, such
that the value val(τ, p) taken by it on any trace τ is be
computed as follows: (i) val(τ, p) =
, if τ 0 p,
or (ii) val(τ, p) = ˆµ(τ( j
]), where j
is the biggest in-
dex j {1,. ..,len(τ)} such that τ( j] p. Like in
(Folino et al., 2012), the clustering is computed by in-
ducing a Predictive Clustering Tree (PCT) (Blockeel
and Raedt, 1998) from the log sketch (Step 8).
Finally, each cluster is equipped with a basic (not
clustering-based) PPM model, by using some suit-
able regression method (chosen through parameter
REGR), provided with a dataset encoding all the pre-
fixes that can be derived from the traces assigned to
the cluster. Specifically, each such prefix τ is en-
coded as a tuple where context(τ) and struct
(τ) are
regarded as input values, while the associated perfor-
mance measurement ˆµ(τ) represents the value of the
numerical target variable that is to be estimated.
3.1 Function minePatterns
This function computes all the patterns, of any size,
that get a support equal to or higher than minSupp
in a transactional view of trace structures. Notably,
the function does not require the analyst to specify
the size of each pattern (differently from the horizon
threshold h used in previous methods), which is in-
stead determined automatically, in a data-driven way.
However, it allows for possibly fixing a finite maxGap
threshold for the gaps admitted between patterns and
traces, in case she/he wants to keep some more details
on the actual sequencing of the tasks. Technically, this
constraint is used to introduce a refined support func-
tion, defined as follows:
(p,L) =|{τ L | τ p and
gap(p,τ) < maxGap+1}| (1)
Note that this function actually coincides with
the standard one when maxGap = (under the
usual convention that + 1=). As a result,
will return each pattern p R
that supp
(p,L) minSupp. It can be proved
that this computation can be done in a level-wise way,
despite the fact that the support function does not en-
joy any (anti-)monotonicity property.
The basic computation scheme for the function
, sketched in Figure 2, assumes that:
m is the chosen (structural) trace abstraction mode,
minSupp and maxGap are the thresholds for specify-
ing support and gap requirements, respectively, and L
is the original log, taken from a reference trace uni-
verse T . In practice, the function actually works with
a transactional encoding of L, storing a set-oriented
representation of struct
(τ) for each τ P (L)).
: transaction set; minSupp:
real; maxGap: integer; m : {set,bag}): a set of fre-
quent structural patterns (i.e., a subset of R
:= {x AS | minSupp× |S
| |{t S
| x is in t}| };
:= I
F := I
while I
0 do
C {p
= p {x} p I
x I
x / p};
for each τ P (L) do
{p | p C τ p gap(p,τ) < maxGap+ 1}
for each p C
count[p] count[p] + 1;
:= { p | p C count[p] minSupp× |S
| };
F := F
return F
Figure 2: Function
Clearly, all the above constraints (including the
gaps one) are enforced at each level of the pattern gen-
eration procedure, with the advantage of shrinking the
amount of patterns generated at each step (k), as well
as the overall computation time.
This can be done with no risk of endangering the
correctness and completeness of results, as informally
proven in the folllow.
Let us first consider the case maxGap = . As, in
this case, function supp
(cf. Eq. 3.1) is anti-
monotonic w.r.t. pattern size, when computing the
patterns of size k we can safely filter out any pattern p
of them such that supp(p) < minSupp – indeed, there
cannot be any pattern p
such that size(p
) = k + 1,
p p
and supp(p
) minSupp.
By converse, such a monotonicity property is not
enjoyed by gap constraints. Indeed, when remov-
ing an element from a pattern, the resulting pat-
tern may contain a higher number of spurious ac-
tivities (i.e., may get a higher gap score) on some
traces. For example, consider the pattern p =
{a,b,c,d} (of size 4) and the trace τ encoding the se-
quence y
,... ,y
,a, b,x
,... ,z
of task
labels. For the sake of simplicity, and w.l.o.g.,
let us assume that the tasks a, b,c,d do not occur
in any other parts of the traces (i.e., {a,b,c,d}
,... ,y
,... ,z
)} =
0), so that we can focus on
the subsequence of tasks a, b,x
,d which
actually determines the gap score for p and τ.
Clearly, for every pattern p
obtained by removing
an “internal” element (i.e., different from both a and
d in the example) from a given pattern p, it holds
,τ) gap(p, τ) e.g., gap({a,c,d},τ) =
gap({a,b,d},τ) = 4 > 3 = gap(p,τ).
However, the two patterns obtained by removing
one of the two “extreme elements” (i.e., either a or
d) are guaranteed to have the same gap as p, or even
to lower it. For example, gap({b, c,d},τ) = 3 =
gap(p,τ), and gap({a, b,c},τ) = 2 < gap(p, τ).
Consequently, in the computation scheme de-
picted above, for any relevant pattern p of level
k > 1 (i.e., for any k-sized pattern p such that
(p,L) minSupp), there are at least two
relevant sub-patterns of level k 1 which will produce
p when merged together.
3.2 Function filterPatterns
The function is meant to select a subset of mostly sig-
nificant and useful patterns, in order to allow for a
more effective and more scalable computation of pre-
dictive clustering models. In particular, we want to
prevent the case where the PCT learning algorithm
has to work in a sparse and high-dimensional tar-
get space, where low-quality will hardly be found,
while long computation times are likely to take place.
Hence, we allow the analyst to ask for only keeping
the kTop patterns that seems to discriminate the main
performance profiles at best. To this end, we employ
a variant of the scoring function φ proposed in (Folino
et al., 2012) (giving score 0 to every feature with no
positive correlation with context data), which is es-
sentially meant to give preference to patterns ensuring
a higher values of the followingmeasures: (i) support,
(ii) correlation with the context attributes and (iii) and
variability of the associated performance values (i.e.,
val(p,τ), with τ ranging over L). Further details can
be found in (Folino et al., 2012).
The prototype system
Time Prediction), specializes algorithm AA-PPM Dis-
covery to the case where the remaining processing
time is the target performance. The logical architec-
ture of the system is sketched in Figure 3, where the
arrows between blocks stand for information flows,
while Log Data is a collection of process logs repre-
sented in the MXML (or XES) format (van der Aalst
and et al., 2007).
The Scenario Discovery module is responsible
for identifying behaviorally homogeneous groups of
traces, in terms of both context data and remaining
times. In particular, the discovery of different trace
clusters is carried out by the Predictive Clustering
submodule which groups traces sharing both simi-
lar descriptive and target values. This latter mod-
ule leverages the CLUS system (DLAI Group, 1998),
a predictive clustering framework for inducing PCT
models out of propositional data.
In this regard, the Log-View Generator submod-
ule acts as a “translator” which converts all log traces
into propositional tuples, according to the ARFF for-
mat used in CLUS. As explained above, this mapping
relies on the explicit representation of both context
data and target attributes, derived from the original
log. In this process, each trace can be enriched with
additional (environmental) context features, such as
workload indicators and aggregated time dimensions,
in case they are not explicitly stored in the log.
These context-enriched traces are then mapped into
a transactional form and delivered to the Pattern Min-
ing module. This latter, in its turn, will provide the
Log-View Generator with a set of frequent patterns,
which are to be eventually used as target features for
the predictive clustering step. Specifically, the extrac-
tion of frequent patterns is carried out by the Pattern
Mining module in two steps: first patterns are first
mined (by the Pattern Extractor submodule), and then
Log Data
Prediction Error
Adaptive Abstraction – Time Predictor (AA-TP) Plugin
Scenario Discovery
Time Predictors Learning
Pattern Mining
Figure 3: Logical architecture of the
the most relevant of them are selected (by the Pattern
Filter submodule).
Once the predictive clustering procedure has been
completed, the traces (each labeled with a cluster ID)
are delivered to the Time Predictors Learning mod-
ule, which implements a range of classical regression
algorithms (including, in particular, IB-k, Linear Re-
gression, and RepTree). These algorithms are eventu-
ally used to induce the local predictor (i.e., PPM) of
each discoveredcluster, which will compose (together
with the logical rules discriminating among the clus-
ters) the overall
model, returned as the main
result. For inspection purposes and further analysis,
such a model is stored in a repository. Finally, the
Evaluation module helps the user assess the quality
of time predictions on a generic test set.
This section illustrates some experimental activities
that we conducted, on real data, with the prototype
, implementing a specialized version of
AA-PPM Discovery algorithm, where the target per-
formance measure is the remaining processing time
(i.e., the time needed to complete a partial process in-
stance) — as explained in the previous section.
5.1 Testbed
The experiments were performed on the logs of a real
transshipment system, mentioned in Example 1
more precisely, on a sample of 5336 traces, corre-
sponding to all the containers that passed through the
system in the first third of year 2006.
The log stores a series of logistic activities applied
to each container passing through a maritime termi-
nal. Basically, each container is unloaded from a
ship and temporarily placed near to the dock, un-
til it is carried to some suitable yard slot for be-
ing stocked. Symmetrically, at boarding time, the
container is first placed in a yard area close to the
!% (% )% *% !% (% )% *% !% (% )% *% !% (% )% *% !% (% )% *% !% (% )% *% !% (% )% *% !% (% )% *%
(% *% (% *% (% *% (% *%
!+#% !+&% !+'% !+(%
(a) The effect of parameters on rmse results.
!# (# )# *# !# (# )# *# !# (# )# *# !# (# )# *# !# (# )# *# !# (# )# *# !# (# )# *# !# (# )# *#
(# *# (# *# (# *# (# *#
!+%# !+&# !+'# !+(#
(b) The effect of parameters on mae results.
!# %# '# )# !# %# '# )# !# %# '# )# !# %# '# )# !# %# '# )# !# %# '# )# !# %# '# )# !# %# '# )#
%# )# %# )# %# )# %# )#
!*(# !*$# !*+# !*%#
(c) The effect of parameters on mape results.
Figure 4: Sensitiveness of AA-TP w.r.t. parameters at varying of kind of regressor.
dock, and then loaded on a cargo. Different kinds
of vehicles can be used for moving a container, in-
cluding, e.g., cranes, “straddle-carriers”, and “multi-
trailers”. This basic life cycle may be extended with
additional transfers, devoted to make the container
approach its final embark point or to leave room for
other ones. Several data attributes are available for
each container as context data (of the correspond-
ing process instance), including: the origin and final
ports, its previous and next calls, various properties
of the ship unloading it, physical features (such as,
e.g., size, weight), and some information about its
contents. Like in (Folino et al., 2012), we also consid-
ered a few more (environment-oriented) context fea-
tures for each container: the hour (resp., day of the
week, month) when it arrived, and the total number of
containers that were in the port at that moment.
Considering the remaining processing time as the
Table 1: Errors (avg±stdDev) made by
and its com-
petitors, when using the bag abstraction mode.
0.205±0.125 0.203±0.082 0.291±0.121 0.505±0.059
0.064±0.058 0.073±0.033 0.142±0.071 0.259±0.008
0.119±0.142 0.189±0.136 0.704±0.302 0.961±0.040
Table 2: Errors (avg±stdDev) made by
and its com-
petitors, when using the set abstraction mode.
0.287±0.123 0.286±0.084 0.750±0.120 0.752±0.037
0.105±0.061 0.112±0.035 0.447±0.077 0.475±0.009
0.227±0.131 0.267±0.060 2.816±0.303 2.892±0.206
target performance measure, we will measure predic-
tion effectiveness by way of three classic error metrics
(computed via 10-fold cross validation): root mean
squared error (rmse), mean absolute error (mae), and
mean absolute percentage error (mape). For an easier
interpretation of results, the former two metrics will
be normalized w.r.t. the average dwell-time (ADT),
i.e., the average length of stay over all the containers
that passed through the terminal. In this way, all the
quality metrics will be dimensionless (and hopefully
ranging over [0,1]). Moreover, for the sake of sta-
tistical significance, all the error results shown in the
following have been averaged over 10 trials.
5.2 Test Results: Tuning of Parameters
We tried our approach (referred to as
inafter) with different settings of its parameters, in-
cluding the base regression method (REGR) for in-
ducing the PPM of each discovered cluster. For the
sake of simplicity, we here only focus on the usage of
two basic regression methods: classic Linear regres-
sion (Draper and Smith, 1998), and the tree-based re-
gression algorithm RepTree (Witten and Frank, 2005).
In addition, we consider the case where each PPM
model simply encodes a k-NN regression procedure
(denoted by IB-k hereinafter), as a rough term of com-
parison with the family of instance-based regression
methods (including, in particular, the approach in (van
Dongen et al., 2008)). For all of the above regres-
sion methods, we reused the implementations avail-
able in the popular data-mining library Weka (Frank
et al., 2005). We remind that the other parameters
are: minSupp, (i.e., the minimum support for frequent
patterns), kTop (i.e., the maximal number of patterns
to keep, and then use in the clustering), and maxGap
(i.e., the maximal number of spurious events allowed
to occur among those of a given pattern, in a trace that
supports this latter). Figure 4 allows for analyzing the
three kinds of errors varies, respectively, when using
different regression methods (distinct curves are de-
picted for them), and different values of the parame-
ters (namely, maxGap = 0,4,8, , kTop = 4,, and
minSupp = 0.1,... ,0.4).
Clearly, the underlying regression method is the
factor exhibiting a stronger impact on precision re-
sults. In particular, the disadvantage of using linear
regression is neat (no matter of the error metrics),
whereas both IB-k and RepTree methods performs
quite well, and very similarly. This is good news, es-
pecially for the RepTree method, which is to be pre-
ferred to IB-k for scalability reasons. Indeed, this lat-
ter may end up being too time-consuming at run-time,
when a large set of example traces must be kept even
though, differently from pure instance-based methods
(like (van Dongen et al., 2008)), we do not need to
search across the whole log, but only within a single
cluster (previously selected, based on context data).
As the to remaining parameters, it is easily seen
that poorer results are obtained when minSupp = 0.1
and kTop = 4, as well as when minSupp = 0.4. As
a matter of fact, the former case epitomizes the cases
where we cut little (according to frequency) during
the generation of patterns, while trying to reduce their
number in the filtering phase; the latter, instead, is an
opposite situation where a rather high threshold sup-
port threshold is employed, at a higher risk of loos-
ing important pieces of information on process be-
haviour. In more detail, in the former case, the nega-
tive outcome is alleviated when setting maxGap = 0,
i.e., the patterns are required to exactly match a seg-
ment (i.e., subsequence of contiguous elements) in
their supporting traces. It is worth noticing that, apart
from these extreme cases,
exhibits good stabil-
ity and robustness, over a wide range of parameter set-
tings. Remarkably, when minSupp gets a value from
[0.2,... ,0.3], the remaining two parameters, namely
kTop and maxGap, do not seem to affect the quality
of predictions at all. In practice, it suffices to choose
carefully the regression method (and a middling value
of minSupp) to ensure good and stable prediction out-
comes, no matter of the other parameters which
would be, indeed, quite harder to tune in general.
5.3 Comparison with Competitors
Let us finally compare our approach with two other
ones, defined in the literature for the discovery of a
(Folino et al., 2012) and
(van der
Aalst et al., 2011). Tables 1 and 2 reports the average
errors (and associated standard deviations) made by
, while varying and the base regression
method (namely, Linear, RepTree and IB-k). In par-
ticular, the first table regard the case when bag repre-
sentations are used for abstracting traces, whereas the
second corresponds to the usage of set abstractions.
These values were computed by averaging the ones
obtained with different settings of the parameters min-
Supp, kTop, and maxGap. Similarly, for both of
the approaches
, we computed the av-
erage of the results obtained using different values
of the history horizon parameter h (precisely, h =
1,2,4, 8,16), and the best-performing setting for all
the remaining parameters which are of minor in-
terest here, since we mainly want to contrast our ab-
straction strategy to the classical ones of competitors.
Interestingly, the figures in Tables 1 and 2 indicate
that our approach is more accurate than both competi-
tors, irrespective of the abstraction strategy adopted.
It is worth noticing that the best results (shown in bold
in the tables), for all the error metrics, are obtained
is used with the bag abstraction mode.
Indeed, when combining this abstraction mode with
the IB-k regressor,
manages to lower the pre-
diction error by about 55.9% on average w.r.t.
and by an astonishing 74.1% w.r.t.
, on average
(w.r.t. all the error metrics). Similar results are ob-
tained when using RepTree (still with bag abstrac-
tions), where a reduction of 50.7% (resp., 70.6%) is
achieved w.r.t. to
We have presented a new predictive process-mining
approach, which fully exploits context information,
and determines the right level of abstraction on
log traces in data-driven way. Combining several
data mining and data transformation methods, the
approach allows for recognizing different context-
dependent process variants, while equipping each of
them with a separate regression model.
Encouraging results were obtained on a real appli-
cation scenario, showing that the method is precise
and robust, and it yet requires little human interven-
tion. Indeed, it suffices not to use extreme values for
the support threshold to have low prediction errors,
no matter of the other parameters (i.e., maxGap and
kTop) — which would, indeed, harder to tune.
As future work, we plan to explore the usage of
sequence-like patterns (e.g., k-order subsequences)
possibly combined with those already considered
here in order to capture the structure of a process
instance in a more precise (but still abstract enough)
manner, as well as to fully integrate our approach into
a real Business Process Management platform, in or-
der to offer advantage run-time services.
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