reaches a percentage about 98% in the MCS
architecture, 97% in the hybrid architecture (CK-
Baseline) and 95% in the Baseline architecture.
We compared the simulation results of the tow
approaches while showing their sensitivity to some
adjustable parameters. It should be noted that these
results are also influenced by the mapping between
the super-peers. Indeed, this mapping is more
important (dense) more queries are received by a
super-peer are broadcasted to a larger number of
super-peers, which automatically increases the time
required to answer a query.
In this paper, we explored the contribution of
grouping domain within the SON. We were placed
in a specific context where each Peer has its own
schema and is related to a SP. As a Background, a
SP topology as a suitable topology for schema-based
P2P networks was discussed, and how additional
clustering in such network can be used for query
routing among peer communities. We proposed an
advanced method using hypergraph-based algorithm
with minimum traversal to route a given query. The
advantage of this model is the robustness in Queries
routing and scalability issues in P2P Network One
important area for improvement is performance.
An important problem remains unresolved for
communities approach proposed which is the
influence of the dynamics of groups and their
characterizations on system performance. Indeed, it
is possible to introduce mechanisms that allow a
community to exclude a member (inactive Super-
Peer) or to accept a new one (newcomers or those
whose interest has evolved).
This work has been done as a part of the following
projects: "Automatic information extraction form
Arabic texts" supported by the CNRSL, "Extraction
automatique d’information à partir des documents
Arabes", supported by the UL, and "Arabic speech
synthesis from text, with natural prosody, using
linguistic and semantic analysis" supported buy the
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