How are they Watching Me
Learning from Student Interactions with Multimedia Objects Captured from
Classroom Presentations
Caio C
esar Viel
, Erick Lazaro Melo
, Maria da Grac¸a C. Pimentel
and Cesar A. C. Teixeira
DC, Universidade Federal de S
ao Carlos, S
ao Carlos, SP, Brazil
ICMC, Universidade de S
ao Paulo, S
ao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Interactive Multimedia, E-learning, Ubiquitous Capture, Capture and Access, NCL, Interactions.
The performance of a teacher in the exposition of a subject is a rich experience that can be captured and
transformed into a corresponding multimedia learning object, given the multimodal and multi-device nature
of the presentation. Using as a starting point an interactive multimedia object which is an electronic version of
a problem solving lecture recorded by the teacher, in this paper we report how a group of students interacts with
one multimedia learning object composed of synchronized videos, audio, images and context information. The
qualitative analysis of the data allows the teacher to infer useful information not only for refining the lecture
content but also for improving its presentation. The case study presented illustrates how a similar analysis
can be performed by other instructors with respect to their own lectures, and demonstrates both the power of
capturing the multimodal and multi-device nature of the original presentation, and the utility of logging the
student-multimedia learning object interaction.
When lecturing to her students, the performance of an
instructor in the classroom can be considered a mul-
timodal and multi-device live presentation that can be
captured and transformed into a corresponding multi-
media learning object.
The classroom activity is the primary learning
context in many courses (Abowd et al., 1999), so cap-
turing such activities, lectures in special, may be in-
teresting for several reasons. From the attendee’s per-
spective, a student may use the recordings when solv-
ing assignments or to study for an exam, or a student
who misses a class may still have access to what was
presented by watching the recordings. From the in-
structor’s perspective, a professor who will be absent
from the campus may prepare a recorded lecture to
deliver to the students. Moreover, a previously cap-
tured lecture may be improved and reused, or a por-
tion of captured lecture may be used as a comple-
mentary learning object in different educational ap-
proaches. Last but not least, captured lectures can be
a valuable resource for e-learning and distance educa-
tion courses (Liu and Kender, 2004).
We are aware that there are strong divergences
among educators as to the efficiency of the lecture
format as a method of instruction in middle school
and higher education. Ross, for example, states that
“when I was younger, I used to say that it took 40
years for any change in significant higher education
to take effect, because that was the time by when all
the existing teachers would have retired. I now real-
ize that I was not a cynic, but an optimist, since lec-
tures are just the prevalent as they ever were” (Ross,
2011). However, as Ross himself acknowledges, lec-
tures are still widely used in all levels of education.
Moreover, Schwerdt and Wuppermann observe that
“contrary to contemporary pedagogical thinking, we
find students score higher on standardized tests in the
subject in which their teachers spent more time on
lecture-style presentations than in the subject in which
the teacher devoted more time to problem-solving ac-
tivities” (Schwerdt and Wuppermann, 2011).
Although recording lectures is common practice
in several universities, producing quality video lec-
tures demands a high operational cost. To reduce such
costs, many tools for the (semi) automatic capture of
lectures were developed in the past (Brotherton and
Abowd, 2004), (Chou et al., 2010), (Dickson et al.,
2010), (Halawa et al., 2011), (Nagai, 2009). How-
ever, such tools usually record only video streams and
generate, as a result, a single video stream (e.g. a
Viel C., Melo ., Pimentel M. and A. C. Teixeira C..
How are they Watching Me - Learning from Student Interactions with Multimedia Objects Captured from Classroom Presentations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004454500050016
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 5-16
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
podcast). In several scenarios, this may not be always
enough to reproduce the classroom experience.
The classroom itself can be viewed as a rich mul-
timedia environment where audiovisual information
is combined with annotating activities (Abowd et al.,
1999). Furthermore, the context of the class (e.g.
the slide being presented, what the lecturer says and
her body language) and how the different audiovisual
contents relate to each other are also important. For
instance, sometimes it is necessary to relate the slide
presentation with the whiteboard for the comprehen-
sion of an exercise or lesson (Dickson et al., 2012). In
addition, the interaction between the lecturer and the
students is also a valuable part of the learning process.
In this work, capturing a presentation means
recording the audio and one or more video streams
of the speaker, the images presented on the screen or
projector, the writings and drawings made on white-
boards, and capturing relevant contextual informa-
tion the aim is to use the captured information
to automatically generate an interactive multimedia
object, as proposed by the Linking by Interacting
paradigm (Pimentel et al., 2000). We refer to as an
“interactive multi-video object” the composition of
several videos, audio and some static media, properly
synchronized and with facilities for flexible interac-
tion and browsing.
From the multi-video object, the lecture may be
reconstituted and explored in dimensions not achiev-
able in the classroom. The student may be able, for
example, to obtain multiple synchronized audiovisual
content that includes the slide presentation, the white-
board content, video streams with focus on the lec-
turer’s face or the lecturer’s full body, or the lec-
turer’s web browsing, among others. The student may
choose at any time what content is more appropriated
to be exhibited in full screen. The student may also
be able to perform semantic browsing using points of
interest like slides transitions and the position of lec-
turer in the classroom. Moreover, facilities can be
provided for users to annotate the captured lecture
while watching it, as suggested by the Watch-and-
Comment paradigm (Cattelan et al., 2008).
In this paper we report how a group of students
interacts with a multimedia learning object composed
of synchronized videos, audio, images and context in-
formation, and discuss how the analysis of the inter-
action data allows the instructor to infer useful infor-
mation for improving the lecture. The case study il-
lustrates how a similar analysis can be performed by
other instructors with respect to their own presenta-
tions, and demonstrates both the power of capturing
the multimodal and multi-device nature of the original
presentations, and the utility of logging the student-
multimedia learning object interaction.
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2
we discuss related works; in Section 3 we describe
our proposed model to capture live lectures; in Sec-
tion 4 we present our current prototype implementa-
tion; in Section 5 we present one case study in which
one instructor used the prototype to capture one prob-
lem solving session and generate an associated multi-
media learning object; in Section 6 we detail lessons
learned from the instructor after a qualitative analy-
sis of the interaction a group of students had with the
learning object; and in Section 7 we present our final
Several authors report results from building systems
designed to capture lectures. The AutoAuditorium
records classroom activities using a spotting and a
tracking camera controlled by computers. The camera
orchestration is carried out in real-time using some
heuristics based on audiovisual production. The main
idea is to create a “TV-like” production without the
usual cameraman, video director, audio engineer and
other professionals (Bianchi, 2004).
Lampi et al. consider the use of multiple cameras
to record lectures. The authors use sensors and com-
putational vision techniques to do the cameraman’s
job. They also use a finite state machine to define,
at each moment, which camera stream should be in-
cluded in the final stream (Lampi et al., 2008).
Nagai uses an environment with a high definition
camera (Advanced Video Coding High Definition -
AVCHD) placed at the back of the classroom. The
camera can record the whole lecture scene (lecturer,
whiteboard, slide presentation, students, etc.). By us-
ing tracking techniques, the camera performs digital
zoom to what is considered the focus of attention at
different moments (Nagai, 2009).
Chou et al. use tracking techniques to detect the
lecturer’s movements and screens (whiteboard, slide
presentation) changes. A camera action table is then
queried to get what must be done (zoom in, zoom out,
pane, etc.) in order to highlight the image that must
be the focus of attention (Chou et al., 2010).
All the aforementioned works differ from the
work reported in this paper in that the resulting prod-
uct of the lecture capturing process is a single video
stream instead of a multi-video object.
In the work of Liu et al., lectures are captured in a
similar process to the ones mentioned before, result-
ing a single video stream. The difference is that the
set of slides used in the presentation is added to the
video stream. However, the slides are not synchro-
nized with the video (Liu and Kender, 2004). Given
that the result is single-video-stream, students do not
have autonomy to choose the camera that gives them
the best view of the lecture for each situation, or to
focus their point of interest, as allowed in our multi-
video object.
ClassX is a tool designed for online lecture deliv-
ery (Halawa et al., 2011) (Pang et al., 2011). A live
lecture is captured by means of an AVCHD stream
split in several virtual standard resolution cameras.
By using tracking techniques, the most appropriated
virtual camera for a given moment is chosen and
streamed to the remote students. The students have
the opportunity to choose a different stream from
another virtual camera or even watch the original
AVCHD stream, and a synchronized slide presenta-
tion is offered — but no other navigation facilities are
available the students.
REPLAY is a system for producing, manipulating
and sharing lecture videos (Schulte et al., 2008). Be-
sides offering similar features to the aforementioned
systems, REPLAY uses computer vision to recog-
nize written words, and deploys MPEG-7 to index the
videos. Although REPLAY allows more navigation
alternatives than the previous systems, it does not pro-
duce an independent multi-video object.
Other authors report the use of other features such
as image processing and audio transcription (Dickson
et al., 2012), (Dickson et al., 2010)), (Brotherton and
Abowd, 2004), (Cattelan et al., 2003), the result being
hypermedia documents that offer interfaces providing
different ways of indexing the recorded information.
The model for capturing and recovering lectures pre-
sented in this paper allows more flexibility. This flex-
ibility results from the ability to specify the context
information that must be captured, and to specify how
this context information should be combined to gen-
erate a multi-video object, or to promote live inter-
ventions in the classroom during the capture process
for example in the case that there is a change in the
illumination of the room because the light was off.
In order to produce quality lecture videos, the con-
ventional lecture recording process usually requires
the presence of audiovisual professionals. Our infras-
tructure offers a self-service approach, allowing the
instructor to record a lecture herself. Some solutions
usually rely on computational vision, tracking tech-
niques and sensors to perform camera orchestrations
in a attempt to produce a single video or audio stream
As detailed elsewhere, the model we have pro-
posed goes a step further (Viel et al., 2013). As de-
picted in Figure 1, the model aims at capturing all
the content presented in the classroom. The capture
process is pervasive, does not rely on human media-
tion and generates automatically an interactive multi-
video object which preserves as much as possible of
the lecture content and context.
An environment, usually a classroom, is instru-
mented with physical devices (Figure 1(1)), such as
video cameras, microphones, whiteboards, interactive
whiteboards and slide projectors. The instrumented
classroom may also contain sensors, such as temper-
ature sensors and luminosity sensors, and secondary
screens, such as notebooks, TVs, tablets, etc. The
video cameras should be placed in points where they
can frame important classroom’s points (instructors,
students, whiteboard, slide presentation, etc.).
Computer devices capture all the content pro-
duced by the physical devices used in the class-
room (e.g. whiteboards and slides) and represent
them as video, audio and data streams (Figure 1(2)).
Cameras produce video and audio streams, micro-
phones produce audio streams and sensors produce
data streams. By capturing the screen output from
the secondary screens or by intercepting the signal
sent to the slide projector, we can also produce video
streams. The electronic whiteboard can produce both
data and video streams. By capturing its strokes we
can generate a data stream; intercepting the signal
sent to its projector, we can generate a video stream.
All such streams are stored (Figure 1(3)) for fur-
ther use in the multi-video object generation. The
streams are also sent to the capture controller (Fig-
ure 1(4)), a component responsible for managing the
capture process. The capture controller uses signal
analysis to analyse the captured streams and to send
commands (Figure 1(5)) back to the physical devices
and actuators (Figure 1(6)) present in the classroom.
The instructions in the capture controller are de-
fined in a customizable action table. The action ta-
ble can be used to define actions for certain events
which may occur during the capture process. For in-
stance, zooming into the image of a specific camera
when the lecturer starts talking, or activating an ac-
tuator in order to reduce the light intensity when the
lecturer starts a slide presentation.
Our model allows the instructor to split her pre-
sentation in different modules, an approach usually
adopted in e-learning platforms.
A multi-video pre-
Examples include and
Figure 1: Capture Workflow.
sentation can be composed of one or more modules.
This is useful to better organize the content of a lec-
ture. The lecturer may, for instance prepare a prob-
lem solving presentation with one exercise per mod-
ule. And, it also allows the lecturer to take breaks
during the recording process and the students to navi-
gate in the modules of the multi-video presentation.
Splitting the presentation into modules can also
minimize the time need for repeating the recording
in case of errors. For instance, if in one module the
lecturer starts stuttering or becoming confused and
wishes to make a retake, she only needs to record
that module again. Reusing the modules to compose a
new presentation is another advantage of splitting the
recording process into modules — reuse is in fact one
of the main ideas underlying learning objects.
Given that the processes of analysing and convert-
ing the captured streams can demand much compu-
tational power and time, once the capture process is
finished the data is transferred to a server for further
Considering points of Interest as moments in the
lecture which may have particular importance for stu-
dents, we designed recognizer components that use
one or more captured streams to automatically detect
potential points of interest. The points of interest can
be used to provide a more semantic navigation over
the multi-video object, allowing the students to seek
for the next slide transition, for instance.
Some points of interest have been suggested in
the literature ((Dickson et al., 2012), (Cattelan et al.,
2003) and (Brotherton and Abowd, 2004)), while oth-
ers were inspired on our own observation of real lec-
tures. Examples of Points of interest are slide transi-
tion, whiteboard interaction and change the eye-gaze
of the instructor.
The resulting multi-video learning object is com-
posed of videos and other captured media. Although
the multi-video object cannot reproduce several as-
pects of the live lecture experience (live interactions,
odors, temperature, etc.), it offers other facilities to
the students when they are interacting with the object.
As a proof-of-concept of the model, we developed a
prototype tool for capturing lectures and generating
multi-video objects. This prototype was mainly de-
veloped in Python. Figure 2 depicts an overview of
the prototype.
The prototype is composed of three main parts:
the Capturing tool used to capture streams; the Pro-
cessing tool in charge of stream analysis and the gen-
eration of the multi-video object; and the Presenta-
tion tool, which allows the user to playback the multi-
video object.
Capturing Tool
The Capturing tool, named Classrec, (Figure 2(A))
performs the lecture capturing process. Each com-
puter used in the capturing process runs an instance
of Classrec, and one of these instances is selected to
be the session manager (Figure 2(B)). It corresponds
to the Capture Controller of the workflow (Figure 1).
The session manager is responsible for handling the
lecturer’s stimulus and for controlling the other Class-
rec instances, keeping them synchronized.
The capturing process is based on video streams.
Classrec captures content (video and audio streams)
produced by AVCHD and outputs produced by com-
puters (such as computer screens, slide presentations,
etc.). It also records metadata about the lecture, such
Figure 2: Prototype Overview.
as module structure, available streams and authoring
information into an XML file.
We opted to capture the electronic whiteboard out-
put as a video stream instead of its strokes. This
was done because a video stream is more portable
than strokes and, given the modern video encoding
as h.264 Advanced Video Codec and the static na-
ture of whiteboard outputs, the bit rate of the video
stream is low. We could record a stroke stream, but
it would require a specialized media player to play it
back (as it is the case with other systems, e.g. (M
and Ottmann, 2000)).
Some streams, such as slides, whiteboards and
computer screens may contain segments with a lot
of static content, but they are still captured as video
streams. A possible improvement would be to re-
place the video for a combination of non-static con-
tent videos and a single image to represent a static
segment (video with no changes during a period of
The communication among the different applica-
tions is carried out using the Apache ActiveMQ mes-
sage broker (Figure 2(C)).
Processing Tool
The Processing tool, named Classgen (Figure 2(E)),
performs the multi-video generation process. This
tool uses as input the video streams and metadata
recorded by Capturing tool. It also supports an XML
configuration description language, which allows the
specification of which recognizers (and its inputs)
should be used, and the codecs that should be used
to encode audio and video.
We have implemented recognizers capable of de-
tecting (i) the presence of a lecturer in a video stream;
(ii) if the lecturer is facing a camera; (iii) slides tran-
sitions; (iv) interactions with whiteboard or PC; and
(v) a list of spoken keywords.
It is also possible to specify an orchestration of
video streams in order to produce a new video stream.
This is useful in environments with multiple cameras
recording different angles of the lecturer. Through the
XML configuration description language, it is possi-
ble to select which stream will be used in the orches-
tration and how to orchestrate then. For instance, it is
possible to specify that when a recognizer detects the
lecturer’s face in video segments, the camera orches-
tration stream should include that segment.
Classgen uses the OpenCV library (Bradski,
2000) to perform pattern recognitions in order to
identify points of interest for composing the context
stream. The media manipulation during the orches-
tration process and the audio/video conversion is han-
dled by the libav library.
Once the several processes associated with recog-
nition of points of interest, orchestration and video
conversion are concluded, the information they gen-
erate (the specification of the points of interest, the
orchestration stream, and the converted streams) are
stored in the XML lecture. The XML is then passed
to a component of the Processing tool responsible for
generating the final multi-video object (Figure 2(5)).
Our prototype generates NCL
(ABNT, 2007) docu-
ments, but the Classgen can be extended to generate
other types of multi-video objects, such as HTML5
pages or stand-alone desktop, tablet or smartphone
The XML configuration description language can
also describe the video streams (including the orches-
tration, if any) and points of interest will be used in
the final multi-video object. It is also possible to
generate different multi-video objects using the same
recorded lecture (for instance, by using the orchestra-
tion stream or not).
Nested Context Language -
Presenting Tool
It is desirable to offer students a platform-independent
way to access the captured lectures. We would like to
avoid students having to install specific software to
playback the lecturers. To fulfill this requirement we
choose a web-based implementation.
The multi-video object generated from the cap-
ture imposed some challenges. In the scenario where
we considered the generation of the object directly in
HTML5 + JavaScript, a large development effort to
implement the synchronization capabilities was esti-
mated. We also noticed that most obstacles identified
in the HTML5-based implementation would be eas-
ily overcome with the use of a declarative language
specialized in media synchronization. However, there
were no solutions to support it that did not demand
external plug-ins.
As a result of these needs, we were motivated
to propose and develop a multimedia presentation
engine based on standard Web technologies. We
conducted an implementation based on HTML5 +
JavaScript that enables the presentation of multi-
video NCL documents, named WebNCL
et al., 2012). Thanks to WebNCL, any device which
has an HTML5-compatible browser (PC, Smart TV,
Tablet, Smart Phone, etc.) can present NCL docu-
ments natively.
The choice for implementing support to the NCL
language was taken because it is a powerful language
for media synchronization, under active development
and adopted as iDTV (ABNT, 2007) and IPTV stan-
dards (H.761, 2009). A good side effect of this choice
was the possibility to reuse the content generated in
different platforms.
Figure 3 shows running NCL learning objects gen-
erated by the prototype. The NCL document offers
some facilities for students. One of these facilities
is the synchronization of the captured audio/video.
The multi-video object synchronizes the multiple au-
dio/video streams, so students can see what was writ-
ten in the whiteboard when the lecturer points to the
slide presentation. This synchronization is essential
to recover the whole audiovisual context of the cap-
tured lecture at a given moment. It is also possible to
insert non-synchronized complementary media to the
multi-video object like, for instance, an image from a
The multi-video object offers a more semantic and
easy way to navigate in the captured lecture than time-
line navigation, common in video (however, timeline
navigation is still present). For instance, the student
WebNCL is an open-source software, available at
(a) Timeline
(b) Multiple Videos (c) Full-screen
Figure 3: Multi-video learning objects.
can move forward to the next slide transition or back-
wards to the previous one. When the lecturer begins
to write something in the whiteboard, the student can
skip all the writing process and see the final result. In
a future implementation, students will also search for
a keyword and move forward in the multi-video object
to the point where the lecturer said “for instance”.
Similar to in-classroom lecture, wherein the stu-
dent can pay attention to different spots (the lecturer,
whiteboard, slide presentation, the textbook, or an-
other screen), the multi-video object, which contains
several navigation controls besides the timeline (Fig-
ure 3(a)), allows the student to choose whether he
wants to see more than one video at the same time
(Figure 3(b)), or which video stream he wishes to see
in full screen (Figure 3(c)).
Finally, the student has the facility to make an-
notations in the multimedia object by means of the
watch-and-comment paradigm. For instance, he can
mark some part of the lecture as important or irrele-
vant, or he can delimit a snippet of the lecture which
he did not understand for further research or to ask the
professor or tutor. He can also make comments on the
lecture via audio or text, in similar in-classroom stu-
dents do with paper and pencil.
Instrumented Classroom
The capture-tool prototype was deployed in a multi-
purpose room (Figure 4). At the front of the room
(Figure 4(a)) there is a conventional whiteboard, an
electronic whiteboard and a notebook in which the
presenter can browse the Web or use other software.
The interactive whiteboard can be used to present
slides (there is a Bluetooth presenter to control the
presentation) and it allows drawing and writing over
the screen. At the back of the room (Figure 4(b)) we
placed two AVCHD, one with focus on the interactive
whiteboard and the other with focus on the conven-
tional whiteboard. We placed a webcam as a wide-
shot cam, framing the whole front of the room. The
cameras are locked cabinets when not in use.
(a) Front Side (b) Back Side
Figure 4: Instrumented Classroom.
We invited six instructors to use the prototype
and record presentations. Four instructors recorded
a lecture simulation (without students), one professor
recorded a conventional lecture (with students), and
one instructor recorded a problem solving class. We
also used the prototype to record the presentation of
term paper.
In the next sections, we report on results from
analysing the interactions students had with the mul-
timedia learning object resulting from the capture of
the problem solving class.
Using the capture-tool prototype, one instructor cap-
tured one lecture: the capture was made in several
modules, without students in the classroom. The stu-
dents had access to the multimedia learning object to
prepare to their final exam.
The lecture captured was a problem solving ses-
sion for a Computer Organization course in which an
instructor solved a total of 15 exercises. These ex-
ercises were related to each other and usually a sub-
sequent exercise used some results from the previous
one. The exercises also become more difficult as the
presentation progressed.
The presentation was organized into 12 modules,
performing a total of 1 hour and 18 minutes of con-
tent. The first 3 exercises were grouped in the module
1, module 5 contained 2 exercises, and all the other
modules presented one exercise each.
Figure 5 depicts the multimedia object generated
from the presentation. There are four streams: (1) the
capture of the projected slide, which contained the de-
scription of the exercise; (2) the camera focused on
the conventional whiteboard; (3) the camera focused
on the slide; and (4) the wide-shot camera. Although
the generation process has a feature that allows the
automatic orchestration of the cameras (e.g., the auto-
matic selection of which video stream would be pre-
sented in the main (bigger) window), in this study
case we did not use it. The aim was to exploit the stu-
dents’ interaction, forcing them to choose, for a better
learning experience, which would be the video to be
presented in the main window at each instant.
Figure 5: Problem Solving Presentation.
The multimedia object was made available for the
students in the Web and, using the WebNCLs log
API, we logged all the interactions carried out by the
students, such as when and where the users clicked
and to which point they seek in the presentation time-
line. The loggged data were stored in a NoSQL
database. We developed python scripts to extract in-
formation relative to how the students interacted with
the multimedia object.
Figure 6 presents information about the time spent
by the students, as well as the number of interactions
they performed with the multimedia object. Each
point in the horizontal axis represents a student (iden-
tified in the chart as letters from A to R). The blue bars
show the amount of time each student spent watch-
ing the multimedia object (left vertical axis) and red
bars show the number of interactions each student
performed (right vertical axis).
The total duration of the 12 modules was 1 hour
and 18 minutes. Eighteen students watched the pre-
sentation for at least 4 minutes. The average playback
time of these 18 students is 3542.67 seconds (about
59 minutes) with a standard deviation of 2382.23 sec-
onds (about 39 minutes). The average number of in-
teractions of the students is 118.55 with a standard
Figure 6: Students Interactions.
deviation of 99.58.
Figure 7 summarizes the number of interactions of
each category performed by the students. The inter-
actions were organized in the following categories:
Main Video Selections: interactions carried out
by the students in order to change the main video
Play/Pause: interactions causing the pause and the
resume of the playblack;
Timeline navigation: interactions that cause a
move forward or backward through the timeline;
Module Navigation: interactions that cause the
change of the module currently watched;
Points of Interest: interactions resulting from nav-
igation by points of interest (e.g. slide transitions).
Figure 7: Interactions per Category.
Figure 8 summarizes how much time each module
was watched. In order to get a better visualization, the
values in the left vertical axis were normalized by the
module time length. The blue bars represent the time
in which the presentation was running (not paused)
and the red bars are the time in which the presenta-
tion was paused. The green line represents the num-
ber of students that watched each module for at least
10% of their time length. The figure suggests that the
modules in which the students spent more time were
Figure 8: Presentation Modules Statistics.
the module 2 and module 4. It also suggests that the
number of different students that watched the mod-
ules decreases as the presentation progress
Figure 9 summarizes the watching attendance of
some modules. The horizontal axis is the number of
seconds of each module (Presentation Space). The
blue line represents the number of times the instant
was watched by students, and the red line the number
of different students that watched each instant.
As the modules always start from second 0, it is
natural that the attendance of the first seconds is big-
ger. The points where the blue line is above the red
line mean that the moment was watched more than
once by the same students. This graphic can be useful
for lecturers to find out which parts of a lecture are
more useful or important for the students, or even to
identify points where students have difficult to under-
stand. For instance, after the second 800 in Module 1
(Figure 9(a)), the blue line deviates from red line, it
suggests that that segment of module 1 were watched
more times by the students.
Given that the multimedia object has more than
one video stream and that the students can choose
which stream they wish to see as the main stream, the
information of which stream is most selected as the
main stream at each moment can be useful.
Figure 10(a) and Figure 10(b) summarize which
streams were most selected as the main stream in
each moment of, respectively, module 1 and module
4. Each line represents how many times a stream
was watched in a specific moment. The blue line
refers to the slide projection capture (Figure 5(1)); the
red refers to the camera focused on the conventional
whiteboard (Figure 5(2)); the green camera focused
on the slide presentation (Figure 5(3)); and the purple
the wide-shot camera (Figure 5(4)).
According to Figure 10(a), the more watched
streams were the slide presentation and the white-
board camera. We can also note that the slide presen-
tation is more watched near the moments when there
(a) Module 1
(b) Module 2
(c) Module 4
Figure 9: Modules Attendance.
are slide transitions in the module 1 (seconds 213 and
515). Figure 10(b) suggests that after the second 100
the predominant stream was the whiteboard camera
Figure 11 illustrates the behavior of 2 students
when interacting with the presentation for module
1, 2 and 4. The student P (blue line) and Q (red
line) are the same students from the Figure 6. The
horizontal axis is the playback timeline and the ver-
(a) Module 1
(b) Module 4
Figure 10: Streams View.
tical axis is the presentation timeline (presentation
space). Vertical straight lines represent a navigation
that the student performed during playback and hori-
zontal straight lines represents moments in which the
student paused the presentation. These graphics allow
to visualize how a student interact with the presenta-
tion in detail. For instance, we can observe in Fig-
ure 11(a) that student P starts watching from second
180 and performed some backward moves mainly in
the end of the presentation. Student Q watched almost
linearly until second 650 and then returned to the be-
ginning of the presentation and watched it again until
the end performing some pauses.
The graphics were presented to the instructor. He
analysed them taking into account the content of his
presentation, how it was presented and which and how
students interacted with it.
(a) Module 1
(b) Module 2
(c) Module 4
Figure 11: Students Navigation.
His first observation: “the graphics are very ab-
stract for a teacher to analyse them by himself”. As as
consequence, the remaining analysis was carried out
then with the help of one of the authors. From now
on, what is reported in this section is a combination
of what the teacher observed and some conclusions
of the authors.
Not all students interacted with the multimedia
learning object, even knowing that it could have tips
for the exam. Reasons for this may have been the
commitments of students with other exams, the late
release of the learning object (two days before the
exam), and also its long duration, about one hour and
twenty minutes (4800 s). As shown in Figure 8, sev-
eral of the students only watched the first modules.
Besides the reasons already mentioned, some of them
may have found the presentation boring. A question-
naire with explicit questions could help understand
this attitude.
Students were able to view the slides presented in
two ways, watching the video of the instructor pre-
senting (and maybe interacting with) the slide on the
interactive whiteboard, or watching the slide captured
directly from the output of the projector (best qual-
ity). The preference was for the latter, as shown in
Figure 10(a) with the blue and green lines. It is likely
that the type of the presentation, without many inter-
actions with the interactive whiteboard, does not jus-
tify the view of the slide in lower quality.
The resulting multimedia learning object may
consider context information. It can then guarantee
that the focus of the presentation, at every moment, be
automatically taken to the main window display. So,
when the teacher uses the whiteboard, her or his video
could be automatically selected to the main window.
The same applies for the videos associated with the
interactive whiteboard, the application captures, etc.
However, we chose to force the student himself to
perform all the video switching. Some students ex-
pressed frustration with such duty. The goal was to
keep them alert to the presentation in order to make it
less monotonous. The strategy worked. As shown in
Figure 7, 60% of the interactions (975) were used for
selecting the video to the main window. The effec-
tiveness of the strategy in terms of learning, however,
needs to be evaluated.
Figure 7 also shows the limited use of the navi-
gation using Points of Interest. Students preferred to
use the Timeline (14% of interactions) to control the
presentation. Two reasons may be related to this: stu-
dents are used to the paradigm of watching video in
the Web; and the lesson has not encouraged or justi-
fied the need for this type of navigation. However, the
navigation through the modules happened with a fre-
quency (7%) corresponding to the one expected (and
planned) by the teacher.
Figure 9(a) shows that an almost constant public
watched module 1 (in terms of number of student).
However, the blue line shows some peaks in visits to
some parts of the presentation, in terms of times the
segment was played. The moments around the 900th
second are the evident ones. The analysis of the video
in those moments, carried out by the teacher, indicates
that the subject could be presented more clearly – that
is, there is room for improvement in the way the pre-
sentation was made.
Modules 2 and 4 were the most popular, not the 1
as expected for being the first. The visiting time was
normalized by the duration of the module in Figure 8.
As the first module was the one with the longer dura-
tion, it may indicate that large modules are more ver-
bose (which was confirmed by the teacher for mod-
ule 1) and therefore tend to be somewhat repetitive.
Moreover, this feature can be further studied since the
content of module 1 was less complex than the others.
The navigation patterns, illustrated in Figure 6,
show different behaviors by the students. There are
students who simply “watch” the presentation and do
not perform any interaction at all, even to change the
video in the main window, as was the case of the stu-
dents G and O. These, probably thinking they would
be evaluated by their performing in viewing the pre-
sentation, let the presentation run without perhaps
give attention to it. Others, such as students L and
P, watched all the presentation and performed many
interactions. There are also students, as Q and R,
who, besides interacting a lot, also watched repeat-
edly parts of the presentation, nearly doubling the
original time of the presentation. The figures show
that the number of interactions was proportional to the
time in which the presentation was watched, which in-
dicates a similar degree of interactivity between the
students in the class. Another interesting observa-
tion about the behavior of students was made by the
teacher: “one of the students who watched and inter-
acted the most with the multimedia learning object,
the student N, usually shows a very apathetic behavior
in the classroom”. This may indicate that interactive
multimedia learning objects, generated by capturing
multimodal and multi-device presentations, may be a
good option for students who like to be in control of
what they pay attention to.
Extra-class material may be offered to students in the
form of multimedia objects that integrates synchro-
nized text, image, audio and video explanations on
the studied subject. A learning object like this can
be produced in studios, with support of various pro-
fessionals. Alternatively, as is the case presented in
this paper, the multimedia object can be automatically
generated from the ubiquitous capture of a traditional
lecture in the classroom. The lecture can be delivered
to a group of students, or be delivered to an empty
classroom just for capture purposes. Context infor-
mation informing moments of interest such as slide
transitions can be included in the multimedia object
to provide students with semantic navigation.
The multimedia object should be instrumented to
log the navigation performed by students so that, be-
sides acting as extra-class material, they can be effec-
tive as tool that provides feedback which contributes
to improve its own content. In the situation presented
in this paper, it is the instructor who receives the feed-
back, which she can analyse to identify improvements
not only in terms of the content itself but also in terms
of how the exposition was made at the time of capture.
The case study presented suggests how similar
analyses that can be performed in other presentations,
even though only a portion of the logged information
was used. As a result, the analysis is useful both as
a reference for the preparation of presentations used
in research involving interactive multimedia objects,
and in the research in Education.
Regarding future work, we plan to investigate al-
ternatives for: (a) the enrichment of the graphic inter-
face of the multimedia object so as to improve inter-
activity; (b) the capture of more contextual informa-
tion during the presentation toward providing novel
navigation facilities; (c) the development of visual-
ization tools for the instructor to analyse the informa-
tion captured while the students interacted with the
multimedia object. The aim is to built a general in-
frastructure that helps building similar capture-based
applications (Pimentel et al., 2007).
We also to conduct interdisciplinary research to-
ward better understanding the impact, on education,
of the use of multimedia learning objects built from
the capture of multimodal and multi-device presenta-
The teacher also noted a relationship between stu-
dent’s performance on assessment on the subject of
the presentation and the time each one spent with the
multimedia learning object. Most who watched and
interacted with all modules of the presentation per-
formed well. The individual analysis of each student
can be performed using graphs similar to those shown
in Figure 11, for instance.
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