A Model for the Automatic Generation of Text Summaries
Claudia Gomez Puyana and Alexandra Pomares Quimbaya
Systems Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot
a, Colombia
Text Mining, Summary Generation, Natural Language Processing.
The excessive amount of available narrative texts within diverse domains such as health (e.g. medical records),
justice (e.g. laws, declarations), assurance (e.g. declarations), etc. increases the required time for the analysis
of information in a decision making process. Different approaches of summary generation of these texts have
been proposed to solve this problem. However, some of them do not take into account the sequentiality of
the original document, which reduces the quality of the final summary, other ones create overall summaries
that do not satisfy the end user who requires a summary that is related to his profile (e.g. different medical
specializations require different information) and others do not analyze the potential duplication of information
and the noise of natural language on the summary. To cope these problems this paper presents GReAT a model
for automatic summarization that relies on natural language processing and text mining techniques to extract
the most relevant information from narrative texts focused on the requirements of the end user. GReAT is
an extraction based summary generation model which principle is to identify the user’s relevant information
filtering the text by topic and frequency of words, also it reduces the number of phrases of the summary
avoiding the duplication of information. Experimental results show that the functionality of GReAT improves
the quality of the summary over other existing methods.
During the last thirty years the information systems
have stored huge amounts of information in different
formats. In some domains such as health (e.g. med-
ical records), justice (e.g. laws, declarations), assur-
ance (e.g. declarations) and research (e.g. research
articles) a lot of this information is stored as narrative
texts, hindering its use for decision making processes.
The process of discovering the knowledge contained
in these texts, or creating new hypotheses according
to them include human and time expensive tasks (In-
niss et al., 2006),(Mohammad et al., 2009) that can-
not be afforded by most organizations. To face these
problems of narrative information overload, different
approaches of summary generation have been pro-
posed, however, our investigation found out that these
approaches are not enough to create a summary out
of a text. Initially, there are mainly two approaches to
perform this task: Statistical and Linguistic Methods.
The statistical methods are independent of the lan-
guage. For example, they are based on the frequency
of words, or on heuristics such as taking into account
the title, headings, position and length of the sentence.
On the other hand, linguistic methods include dis-
course structure and lexical chains (Zhan et al., 2009),
for example, some proposals of this method use Clus-
tering based strategies that group phrases with simi-
lar characteristics, however, they have had accuracy
problems due to the ambiguous terms within the lan-
guage. Some commercial tools are based upon basic
statistical approaches, and rely heavily on a particu-
lar format or writing style, such as the position in the
text or some lexical words(Park et al., 2008). How-
ever, most of the tools rely on methods like centroid-
based, position-based, frecuency-based summariza-
tion or keywords to extract relevant sentences into
the summary as MEAD, Dragon ToolKit, LexRank
(Gunen, 2004). On the other hand, there are methods
and tools based typically on abstraction, which are
more complicated compared to approaches based on
extraction, since there are still problems regarding se-
mantic representation, inference and natural language
generation (Zhang, 2009). ML (Machine Learning)
and IR (Information Recuperation) Algorithms need
to have a good similarity measure between docu-
ments, due to ambiguities in used vocabulary. That
is, if two documents or publications discuss the same
topic, they may use different vocabulary while being
semantically similar. Generally, these are some of the
Gomez Puyana C. and Pomares Quimbaya A..
GReAT - A Model for the Automatic Generation of Text Summaries.
DOI: 10.5220/0004454602800288
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 280-288
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
problems seen in the proposals of the consulted lit-
erature. To cope these problems this paper presents
”GReAT” a model for automatic summarization that
relies on natural language processing and text min-
ing techniques to extract the most relevant informa-
tion from narrative texts focused on the requirements
of the end user, and the quality and coherence of
the summary. GReAT is an extraction based sum-
mary generation model which principle is to iden-
tify the relevant categories to the user across the text
to use them for reducing the number of phrases in-
cluded in the summary and to avoid the redundancy
of data. Experimental results show that the function-
ality of GReAT improves the quality and coherence
of the summary over other existing methods. This pa-
per is organized as follows: Section 2, presents Pre-
liminary Concepts on text automatic summarization
techniques, Section 3 shows the General Process of
the Proposed Model - Great for automatic generation
of text summaries, Section 4, compares GReAT with
important proposals and illustrates the main strategies
for text summary generation, Section 5 evaluates the
functionality of GReAT through its application in a
Case of Study in the Health domain in Spanish lan-
guage and finally, Section 6 presents the Conclusions
and Future Work.
The main concepts that must be kept in mind to un-
derstand the proposed model are the following:
Summary: The objetive of a summary is to ex-
tract a smaller size document but keeping the relevant
information from the original document, i.e, automat-
ically create a comprehensible version of a given text,
providing useful information to the user (Kianmehr
et al., 2009). There are different types of summaries,
including: Single Document: The summary is gen-
erated from a single input text document. Multi-
Document: The summary is generated from multiple
input documents (Zhang, 2009). Specific Domain:
The summary is generated from multiple input docu-
ments, but considering the context or domain in which
it was written. General or Generic: Its purpose is to
try to cover as much content as possible, preserving
the organization of general topics of the original text.
There are two strategies to extract phrases and gener-
ate a summary: (Chang and Hsiao, 2008). Summary
Based on Extraction: Its purpose is to generate the
summary with phrases that are included literally. This
strategy produces a summary by selecting a subset
of sentences from the original document. Summary
Based on Abstraction: It is a more difficult task, be-
cause the information in the text is re-phrased con-
sidering semantic representation and natural language
generation (Genest and Lapalme, 2011). Moreover, in
the literature there are different approaches to gener-
ate summaries out of a text, they include: Statistical
or Probabilistic approaches: They are based on the
frequency of terms to determine the importance of the
term. Semantic-based or Linguistics approaches:
These are based on the incorporation of some form of
natural language processing to generate summaries,
considering the semantics and linguistics. Heuristic
based approaches: The most commonly used heuris-
tic techniques are: Cues-words, Key-words, Title-
words, Synonyms y Location / Position (Dalal and
Zaveri, 2011). Oriented-Questions or Topic ap-
proaches: It focuses on a user’s topic of interest, ex-
tracting text information that is related to the specific
topic. Its approach is to identify significant topics in
the data set and generate the topical structure based on
these topics. Cluster-based Approaches: These are
based on forming sentence clusters grouped by sim-
ilarity measures between sentences. The number of
clusters is more or less equal to the number of top-
ics covered in the text (Gunen, 2004). The proposed
GReAT model is within the following characteristics:
Multi-Document, Specific Domain, Topic-oriented
and Based-Extraction Summary. There are several
challenges and opportunities identified in the litera-
ture which will be addressed by the solution proposed
in this document regarding to the automatic genera-
tion of text summaries, such as: i) improve the quality
and coherence of the summaries, ii) adapt summaries
to every user according to their needs and granulari-
ties of information, taking into account the different
topics that are often important to a person in a spe-
cific domain, iii) keep the sequentiality of the original
document, iv) use an alternative way to extract the rel-
evant information instead of training examples from
domain of knowledge, and finally, v) detect noise in
text collections due to the use of natural language.
The next section details these challenges and how
they are addressed by the proposed model.
GReAT is a model that produces summaries with the
following characteristics: Multi-Document, Specific
Domain, Topic-oriented and Based-Extraction
Summary. It uses several techniques of Information
Retrieval and Natural Language Processing (NLP),
such as: Tokenization, Chunking, Named Entity
Extraction, among others. This approach takes into
account some considerations for extracting knowl-
Figure 1: GReAT Model.
edge or generating an adequate summary such as:
quality, consistency, adaptation, duplicity, user pro-
file, size, noise and sequentiality, which can be seen
in Table 1. Additionally, GReAt uses techniques that
have not been fully addressed, such as those based on
topics. These considerations are addressed as follows:
i) Quality. to improve the quality GReAT compare
similar information in the texts and applies filtering
techniques to avoid the duplication of information. ii)
User: to adapt summaries to every user according to
their needs and granularities of information, it takes
into account the different topics of interest selected
by the user. iii) Sequentiality: to keep the sequential-
ity of the original document it extracts the sentences
while taking into account the same chronological or-
der in which they were stored and allowing the user
to select the more or less recent text to the summary.
iv) Relevance: It uses an alternative to extract the rel-
evant information instead of training examples using
the knowledge domain and filtering the sentences by
topic and frequency of words. v) Noisy: to detect
noise in text collections it applies spelling techniques.
The steps or phases that are part of the Great
model are presented in Figure 1. It consists of three
main steps: Preprocessing, Identifying Categories
and Extracting Candidate Phrases. The Preprocess-
ing step is divided into several processes: Stop-words,
Tokenization, Spelling and Filtering .
3.1 Preprocessing
This phase is divided into four main processes: Tok-
enization, Stop-words, Spelling and Filtering, which
are detailed below:
Tokenization. In order to obtain a summary based
on the needs of a user, it is necessary to divide the
text into phrases that allow us to process information
independently (Hotho et al., 2005). The output is the
set of sentences.
Stop-words. Some words from the texts do not pro-
vide relevant information, such as articles, preposi-
tions, among others. To address the problem of high
dimensionality that commonly occurs in a text min-
ing process, it has been proposed to delete the words
with low relevance to the language with the technique
known as Stop-Words (Brun, 2004). This process re-
quires a dictionary of stop-words of the language. The
result are the sentences without the Stop-Words.
Spelling This phase performs a spelling of narrative
text, which involves taking the text input and pro-
vides a corrected text, restoring texts spaces without
space. Spell Checking is performed on the Noisy-
channel model, which models user errors (typograph-
ical) and expected user input (based on data) (Daum
and Marcu, 2002). The errors are modeled by the
weights of the Edit Distance technique and the ex-
pected input by model language characters. Edit dis-
tance measures the minimum number of edit oper-
ations to transform one string into another (Wang
et al., 2009). The result is the set of correctly spelled
Filtering. By having the information divided into
parts (phrases) without stop-words plus the words
spelled correctly and in their roots, it is assumed that
the information is in a suitable form, therefore this
process proceeds to remove the redundancy of in-
formation found in these texts. To achieve this, we
use a technique known as Fixed Weight Edit Distance
where the simplest form of weighted edit distance
simply sets a constant cost for each one of the edit
operations. This algorithm will maximize the num-
ber of matches between the sequences along the entire
length of the sequences (Mehdad et al., ), improving
the process performance. At this point, Fixed Weight
Edit Distance technique is used for purposes of elim-
inating duplication of information, because the com-
parison in the previous section is used along with a
Spanish language dictionary to correct the words or-
thographically. The output of this stage is the removal
of common phrases to each other, leaving only one in-
stance of them. This step is optional.
3.2 Identifying Categories
This phase is divided into two main processes: Veri-
fying Profile and Phrases Annotation:
Verifying Profile. As users may have different infor-
mation needs, at this point of the process a set of cat-
egories of the specific domain knowledge is defined.
Thus the user will be able to select which one these
categories he wants to find according to his needs. For
example, the categories of Health domain of the case
of study that the user can select are: Drugs, Diseases,
Exams, etc. Once the user selects the categories he
wants to find, we proceed to make the information
search on these categories. For this, it performs a pro-
cess consisting of annotating the words contained in
the sentences resulting from the preprocessing phase,
which is explained in the following subsection:
Phrases Annotation. To assign the annotations, there
is a technique known as Named Entity Extraction,
which involves supervised training of a statistical
model, or more direct methods such as dictionary or
regular expressions to classify texts or phrases of a
document within a category. We will use a dictionary
of specific domain with the technique called Chunk-
ing based on Dictionary, which aims to find adja-
cent words that make sense being together in a sen-
tence. One example is ”diabetes mellitus type I” in
the Health domain. This phase will be based upon
the implementation of the Matching Text Strings Aho-
Corasick algorithm, which consists in finding all the
alternatives of words against a dictionary indepen-
dently of the number of matches or the size of the dic-
tionary (Tran et al., 2012). The output of this phase
is each phrase, along with the set of annotated words
of the corresponding category, applying heuristics to
eliminate phrases that have no set of annotated words
on the categories selected by the user. See Algorithm
Algorithm 1: Identifying Categories.
Require: S( f ) f S: Corrected sentences set f of a document
D. Where every sentence f is composed a set of words p.
Require: D(c) c D: Dictionary of domain terms t of each
category c user-selected.
Ensure: F(a): Set of sentences in the document D with p words
annotated belonging to the category c.
for all p F(c) do
To each p applies operation CH dictionary-based Chunking
to t D(c)
if CH(p) = 1 then
Annotate the word p to the category c and added the
annotation-word p to the set F(a).
end if
end for
return F(a)
This algorithm requires two input data: the set
of corrected sentences of a document and the dictio-
nary of domain terms of each category selected by
the user. The output of the algorithm is the set of sen-
tences in the document with annotated words belong-
ing to each category selected by the user. The pro-
cess starts iterating each word of the sentences of a
document, applying the ”Dictionary-based Chunk-
ing technique”, which purpose is to find the category
to which the word belongs. If the result of this opera-
tion is equal to 1, this word is annotated into the found
category and the sentence to which this word belongs
is added to the final set of sentences.
3.3 Extraction of Candidate Phrases
This phase involves finding key phrases to form the
summary. After the preprocessing phase, which pur-
pose was to debug the information and the phase
of identification of phrases were realized, a list of
phrases with annotated words in the categories cho-
sen by the user is selected to extract the most rele-
vant and adequate sentences. If the results are more
than the expected by the user, it may require further
filtering of information depending on the size of the
summary. For this, the selection of phrases is based
on three steps: calculation by topics, calculation by
frequency and filtering by categories, frequency and
Calculation by Categories. To find the most rele-
vant information, the technique known as LDA (La-
tent Dirichlet Allocation), will be used to automati-
cally discover topics within the phrases. LDA rep-
resents documents as mixtures of topics containing
words with certain probabilities. LDA makes the as-
sumption that the number of subjects is the same as
the number of items or the number of events describ-
ing the corpus, and furthermore, that a complete sen-
tence in a document belongs to one or more subjects,
thereby, it calculates the probability that the phrase
belongs to the topic (Arora and Ravindran, 2008).
Calculation by Frequency. For each one of the
words that were annotated for each sentence, we cal-
culate the ”TF-IDF” frequency on the complete doc-
ument, regardless the stop-words. TF-IDF is a well
known statistic measure used to evaluate how impor-
tant a word is to a document corpus (Liu et al., 2010).
Filtering by Categories, Frequency and Order. Af-
ter the process computes the probability of each sen-
tence into a category, the inverse frequency of the fre-
quent words in each sentence in the previous steps,
we will calculate the total of annotated words and the
number of categories to which the phrase might be-
long. These calculations of each sentence are summed
to form a ranking of sentences. If the maximum num-
ber of phrases indicated by the user is greater than the
number of annotated sentences obtained in the ”Iden-
tifying Categories phase”, we use the ranking of sen-
tences (probability, the inverse frequency, the number
of annotated words and the number of categories) to
filter the phrases, selecting sentences from each cate-
gory with higher ranking. It is important to mention
that it is only allowed to select a phrase once, even if
it belongs to more than one category, avoiding dupli-
cation of information. Then the phrases are selected
by order, i.e. according to the recency of the sentence,
note that the sentences are organized from the most to
the least recent or vice versa, according to the selec-
tion of the user. The result of this phase is the sum-
mary of text phrases selected as the most important
ones out of the original text. See Algorithm 2.
Algorithm 2: Extraction of Candidate Phrases.
Require: F(a) a F: Set of phrases f of document D with the
annotated words a to c a category.
Require: C: Set of categories c user-defined for the summary.
Require: | f |: Total user-defined sentences for the summary.
Require: |C|: Total user-defined phrases for each category.
Require: |a|: Total of sentences f with annotated words for the
selected categories c by the user.
Require: |p|: Total words in a sentence belonging to a category.
Require: |c|: Total of categories to which a sentence can belong.
Require: |t|: Frequency value of each term t on document D, ap-
plying the technique TF-IDF and using phrases with annotated
words F(a).
Require: P(c): Value of the likelihood that each sentence f be-
longs to a category c, applying the technique ”LDA”.
Require: T : Set of values ordered ranking |t| of each sentence
obtained by adding: |t| = P(c) + |p| + |c| + |t|. If any value is
equal to another, the values are organized by the criteria selected
by the user (the most recent sentence or less recent).
Ensure: R: Set of phrases selected for the summary R. Since |R|
total of added sentences for the summary.
if | f | > |a| {If the total of sentences is greater than annotated
sentences maximum total user-defined.} then
for all c C {for all user-defined categories.} do
for all f F(a) {for all sentences with annotations.} do
for all |r| T {for all values ranking of each sentence.}
while |R| < |C| {while the total of phrases is less
than total phrases by user-defined.} do
if f 3 R {if the phrase does not exist in the set
of sentences of the summary.} then
The phrase f is added to the set of sentences
for summary R.
end if
end while
end for
end for
end for
end if
return R
This algorithm requires several input data such as:
the set of phrases of a document with the annotated
words into a category, the set of categories selected
by the user for the summary, the total of sentences
for the summary, the total of phrases selected by user
for each category, the total of sentences with anno-
tated words for the categories selected by the user,
the total of words in each sentence belonging to a
category, the total of categories to which each sen-
tence might belong, the value of the frequency of
each term of the document, the value of the likeli-
hood that each sentence belongs to a given category,
the set of ordered values ranking of each sentence
obtained by adding the previous values (specifically,
|t| = P(c) + |p| + |c| + |t|). If any ranking value is
equal to another, the values are organized by the crite-
ria selected by the user (in order from the more or less
recent document). The output of this algorithm is the
set of phrases selected to the summary. The process
starts verifying if the total of sentences selected by the
user is greater than the total of annotated sentences
by category, then it proceeds to iterate all categories
selected by the user, then iterates all sentences with
annotations, after that, it iterates all ranking values of
each sentence. As long as the total of phrases by cate-
gory is lower than the total of phrases selected by the
user, the process adds up the sentence by category to
the final set of sentences if the phrase does not ex-
ist in this set. When the iterations are completed, the
result will be the set of phrases comprising the text
In recent years, Natural Language Processing (NLP)
has been influential in narrative text extraction. It
solved many problems bringing significant benefits
from the introduction of robust techniques. Regard-
ing the automatic summarization of narrative texts,
there are many efforts based on heuristics as an in-
tegral part of automatic text summarzation (Dalal and
Zaveri, 2011), (Park et al., 2008), (Kianmehr et al.,
2009). In addition, Cross-language text summaries
from trained models (Yu and Ren, 2009) or Citations-
based summaries that identify the most important
aspects of an article or publication (Abu-Jbara and
Radev, 2011) as well as the use of Reduction Rules
(Devasena, 2012). Various tasks such as Text Min-
ing and Information Retrieval rely on ranking the data
items based on their Centrality or Prestige in order to
summarize a text. Specifically, the work of Radev,
which purpose was to evaluate the Centrality of each
sentence in a cluster and extract the most important
to include it in the summary (Gunen, 2004). The
hypothesis states that sentences that are similar to
many of the other sentences in a cluster are more cen-
tral (or salient) to the subject. Other type of works
such as Qiaozhu (Mei et al., 2010) propose a rank-
ing algorithm called DivRank, to balance diversity
and prestige of the words. Different approaches to
Table 1: Phrase Relevance.
Project Frequency Topics Profile Orden Duplicity
(Dalal and Zaveri, 2011) X X
(Ling et al., 2008) X X X
(Liu et al., 2010) X X
(Chang and Hsiao, 2008) X
(Saravanan et al., 2005) X
(Bossard et al., 2009) X X
(Guelpeli et al., 2011) X
(Long et al., 2010) X X
(Devasena, 2012) X
(Muthukrishnan et al., 2011) X X X X X
(Mohammad et al., 2009) X
(Reeve et al., 2006) X
(Park et al., 2008) X X
(Gunen, 2004) X
(Genest and Lapalme, 2011) X X X
(Kianmehr et al., 2009) X
(Zhan et al., 2009) X X
extract summaries from narrative texts have reduced
the problem of information overload, however, there
still are some limitations that should be taken into ac-
count to increase the quality of the summaries. The
first important issue is to consider the user profile
that generates the summary, this aspect will allow
generating summaries adapted to the actual require-
ments of information. The second aspect is to respect
the sequentiality of the original document producing
well formed summaries. The third aspect is to handle
synonyms and avoiding duplication of information to
produce compact and right sized summaries. Table 1
shows related works that have used the most common
techniques in the text mining area for text summaries
generation. The characteristics compared in these ta-
bles are: frequency, topics, profile, order and du-
plicity . The symbol ”X” indicates that the project
contains the characteristics depicted on the table and
the meaning of each one is described as follows: i)
Frequency: It indicates if the project takes into ac-
count the frequency of words to extract the relevant
phrases to the text summary. ii) Topics: It indicates if
the project takes into account the topics in the text that
are important to the user to create the text summary.
iii) Profile: It indicates if the project gives importance
to the user’s information needs. v) Order: It indicates
if the project keeps the sequentiality of text original
to form the text summary. vii) Duplicity: It indicates
if the project eliminates the duplication of informa-
tion in the text. In conclusion, no project contains
all of the features and these are highlighted by some
limitations, which are taken into account in the pro-
posed GReAT Model. To emphasize, the paper (Park
et al., 2008) proposed a method for summarizing the
Web content that attempts to explore the user feed-
back (comments and tags) in the social bookmarking
service. This work applies a feature extraction tech-
nique using TF-IDF method and heuristics taking into
account the titles of the texts. This strategy is not
enough to extract the most relevant information in a
summary, and has some weaknesses like the handling
of the high dimensionality and the absence of meth-
ods that consider user needs and sequentiality of orig-
inal texts. Finally, the (Zhan et al., 2009) approach is
based on the text summary regarding the structure of
topics from online product reviews that extracts rel-
evant topics. It includes a data preprocessing tech-
niques step such as Stop-words and Lemmatization, a
topic identifying step with the Text Segmentation tech-
nique based on similarity and frequency of sequences,
to finally extract candidate phrases with the Maximal
Marginal Relevance (MMR) method that reduce the
redundancy of information until the summary is pre-
sented to the users. However, user requirements, the
size of the summary, the sequencing and the duplica-
tion of information were not considered.
To evaluate GReAT, we applied it in the health do-
main using data from narrative texts in Spanish lan-
guage from medical records of patients. The main
screen of GReAT System have filter options: initial
date, end date, categories and phrases sorted by
category, these may be selected by the user accord-
ing to his preferences. For the case of study, the
options Gender Category, Age Category and Key-
words Category were included, as well as the date
range of a record. As an example, a medical record
Figure 2: Summary 1.
in chronological order of a patient identified by the
number 1679861 will be shown and summarized in a
single text following the steps of the proposed GReAT
Model: (note that for simplicity and space the result
of each step is not shown, just the final result (the text
Original Medical History: 2011-01-25 13:49:00.000
ENDOCRINOLOGIA Edad 44 aos DX: 1. POP Reseccin
de masa pancretica insulinoma 7/10/2010 2. Hipoglicemia
hiperinsulinemica 2.1 Insulinoma 3. Sobrepeso IMC 28 3.
Hipertensin arterial 4. TEP subsegmentario Tratamiento ac-
tual: - Enalapril 20 mg cada 12 horas - Omeprazol 20 mg
al dia - Warfarina 5 mg al dia Reporte de patologa: Se re-
aliza inmunomarcacin obteniendo Fuerte y difusa positivi-
dad para Synaptofisina y con menor fuerza para Cromo-
granina. El Ki67 muestra actividad mittica en menos del
5% de las clulas tumorales, el CEA es negativo. El mar-
cador de Insulina fue negativo. Diagnostico: pncreas. lesin-
enucleacin: tipo de tumor: tumor endocrino bien diferenci-
ado tamao: 2 cm actividad mittica: 0-1 por campo de alto
poder invasin vascular: no evidente invasin perineural: no
evidente estudios prequirurgicos: - tac de abdomen: no ob-
serva lesiones del pancreas, lesion en segmento vi hepatico
compatible con hemangioma rnm abdominal: juni 09. no
lesiones en pancreas - peptido c: 4.1 normal - glicemia mas
baja: 25mg/dl - insulina 26.7 uu/ml - eco endoscopia bilio-
pancreatica: hacia el proceso uncinado, en estrecha relacion
con la vena mesenterica superior se encuentra una lesion
hipoecoica homogenea, de bordes bien definidos, ovoide
que mide 12mm de diametro mayor. Paciente que no ha
vuelto a presentar hipoglucemia sintomatica, actualmente
asintomtico. Asiste con reporte de laboratorios: 7/12/2010:
glucosa en ayuno de 90 mg/dl Examen fisico ver vietas
CONCEPTO PAciente con Insulinoma pancreatico sin evi-
dencia de metastasis resecado, hipoglucemia resuelta quien
ha perdido 13 Kg, en quien como parte del estudio se debe
descartar la posibilidad de MEN, por o cual se solicitara
niveles de prolactina y calcio serico. Control en 3 meses
con glucosa.
Step 1 - Preprocessing. This phase executes five pro-
cesses Tokenization, Stop-words, Spelling and Filter-
ing, and its result is a shorter text, corrected and with-
out duplication of information.
Step 2 - Identifying Categories. In this phase, the
user profile was initially verified, specifically the cat-
egories that the user selected to be considered in
the summary. For example, the selected categories
were: Diseases, Drugs and Exams, the Keywords
ostico”, Age Category and Gender Category.
The date range selected was ’2011-01-25’. We as-
sume that the user profile selected at most (6) phrases,
from which the user wants to see: (1) phrase by cat-
egory selected. As a result of this step, the phrases
belonging to these selected categories by the user will
be extracted.
Step 3 - Extraction of Candidate Phrases. This
phase is characterized by filtering the sentences anno-
tated in the previous step, following three steps: Cal-
culation by Categories, Calculation by Frequency and
Filtering by Categories, Frequency and Order. The
end result of the filtering process is presented in Fig-
ure 2. Each color highlighting the words in this fig-
ure represents a word that belongs to a category; for
example, the grey color represents a word annotated
within the Disease Category, the fuchsia color - Age
Category, the blue color - Drug Category, the pink
color - the Keywords Category and the aquamarine
color - the Exam Category. We can see that the gen-
erated summary achieved to extract the existing in-
formation out of the categories selected by the user,
with the adequate coherence, in a shorter text, in the
order as they exist chronologically and without dupli-
cation of information. We also compare the results
obtained with the System Dragon ToolKit, using the
same clinical records. In terms of metrics, the results
regarding amount of information (in terms of words
that belong to the categories selected by the user),
comparing both systems (Dragon ToolKit and GReAT
System), indicates that GReAT gets more relevant in-
formation to the user, because it gets more categories
than the Dragon Toolkit System. See table 2. Several
tests were conducted with 100 records, which results
are shown in Table 2. This table shows the metrics
used for the evaluation of both systems, for example,
the metrics regarding to the quality were: Duplic-
ityindicates if a system duplicates data or not, Noise
indicates whether a system corrects or not the spelling
of the text within the records and Sequentiality indi-
Table 2: Comparison of Results.
Date Range # HCE GReAT DragonTool
01/09/2011-30/09/2011 43 No Yes
01/12/2011-30/12/2011 18 No Yes
01/07/2011-30/07/2011 15 No Yes
01/10/2011-30/10/2011 13 No Yes
01/08/2011-30/08/2011 11 No Yes
01/09/2011-30/09/2011 43 No Yes
01/12/2011-30/12/2011 18 No Yes
01/07/2011-30/07/2011 15 No Yes
01/10/2011-30/10/2011 13 No Yes
01/08/2011-30/08/2011 11 No Yes
01/09/2011-30/09/2011 43 Yes No
01/12/2011-30/12/2011 18 Yes No
01/07/2011-30/07/2011 15 Yes No
01/10/2011-30/10/2011 13 Yes No
01/08/2011-30/08/2011 11 Yes No
01/09/2011-30/09/2011 43 58 14
01/12/2011-30/12/2011 18 22 4
01/07/2011-30/07/2011 15 12 2
01/10/2011-30/10/2011 13 40 16
01/08/2011-30/08/2011 11 71 17
01/09/2011-30/09/2011 43 48384 2550
01/12/2011-30/12/2011 18 43353 1306
01/07/2011-30/07/2011 15 34192 1316
01/10/2011-30/10/2011 13 20244 2393
01/08/2011-30/08/2011 11 16395 2178
cates if a system maintains or not text sequentiality
found in the medical record when it summarizes the
texts. On the other hand, the metric called User is a
measure in terms of #Total words by category found
in the final summary for each system, and finally, the
metric Performance measures the total milliseconds
to finish the summary process for each system. The
results show that the GReAT improves the quality of
summaries, eliminating noise and duplicity of infor-
mation within the text, preserving the sequentiality
of the original text and providing more information
according to the user’s needs. This table shows that
GReAT System extracts more relevant information to
the user than the DragonTool System. However, in
terms of performance, the Dragon Toolkit System has
better results than the System GReAT, this will be an
important challenge for the future work.
From the review of the literature about the existing so-
lutions for automated generation of text summaries,
GReAT seeks to address some weaknesses and for-
ward challenges. Although it is in a process of evalu-
ation and validation, initial results show an improve-
ment in quality and consistency of summaries ob-
tained, taking into account the needs of users, and
topics that are often important in the domain, the se-
quentiality of the original text and the noise that nat-
ural language presents. As future work we will focus
on improving the performance and reducing the com-
putational cost of the analysis and data mining on text
documents, being able to solve the existing problems
to compute the similarity between documents when
not using the same vocabulary, covering shortcom-
ing of missing words such as” Internet” and” World
Wide web” as the same concepts and finally achiev-
ing a suitable length to present summaries of texts de-
pending on the size of the input document.
This work was supported by the project “Extraccion
semi-automatica de metadatos de fuentes de datos es-
tructuradas: Una aproximacion basada en agentes y
mineria de datos” made by Banco Santander S.A. and
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