,-." /-." 01/-."23425#" 01/-."23425"$"
678" 9" :;<<=" :;<="
Figure 2: Execution time as a factor of the EKF case.
pared with the increased duration of step 3. TASK
B(II) in the two SRUKF cases is also significantly
longer than that of the UKF, particularly with option
2. The dominant component here is the Cholesky fac-
tor update operation in step 7 and, for the case of op-
tion 2, the additional operations required for calcu-
lation of D
. The execution time of the EKF algo-
rithm is dominated by TASK C, which is around 9
times longer than the corresponding task in the other
estimators. However this duration is still much less
pronounced than the contribution of TASK B(I) in the
UKF/SRUKF cases.
The results of the previous section clearly illustrate
the general tracking superiority of Dual control over
Cautious and HCE control. In addition, use of the
UKF or SRUKF estimators leads to even better track-
ing results than the EKF - C is reduced by circa 18%
on average in the Dual control case. The SRUKF of-
fers no significant advantages in terms of tracking per-
formance with respect to the UKF, neither with option
1 nor option 2.
However, this improvement in tracking perfor-
mance comes at the cost of significantly increased
execution time. The UKF and SRUKF with option
1 respectively take 8.2 and 8.4 times longer than the
EKF-based controller, while the SRUKF with option
2 takes around 8.8 times longer.
One therefore concludes that Dual control with a
UKF-based estimator should be used for best track-
ing performance, provided that the hardware is able to
execute the estimation and control algorithm within a
small percentage of the sampling interval. If this con-
dition is not satisfied, the faster EKF-based Dual con-
troller could be implemented instead but with a com-
promise; namely an inferior tracking performance.
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