Figure 6: The testing phase trajectory traces of robots con-
trolled by CAEPSO with (a) and without application of past
knowledge. Different colors represent different robots. The
survivor rescuing tasks are time dependent and the environ-
ment is corrupted by illusion.
The figure indicate occasional stagnation and robots
inability to map a high percentage of the environment.
In contrast, as evidenced in sub figure b, when past
knowledge is presented to robots considerable per-
centage of the environment is mapped by each robot.
This is also evident from the difference in the quality
of the made decisions presented in tables 2 and 3. The
combination of the presented results in tables 2 and 3
and fig 6 suggest the importance of knowledge trans-
fer in environments polluted by combination of noises
originating from different sources as in illusion noise.
This study discussed the impact of past knowledge
on decisions made by a group of robots controlled
by two variations of PSO called Area Extended PSO
(AEPSO) and Cooperative AEPSO (CAEPSO). In or-
der to evaluate such an impact a type of noise called
Illusion effect is simulated. The illusion effect repre-
sent an iteratively changing noise that is the outcome
of some combinations of noises originating from dif-
ferent sources located somewhere near or far away.
The results of simulated experiments indicates the im-
portant role of past knowledge in compensating the il-
lusion noise and making correct decisions by the sim-
ulated robots.
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