The lightweight AquaTablet is shown in operation in
Figure 5. Figures 5(a) and (b) provide a sense of scale
of the tablet in operation and the reduced size/weight
of the tablet relative to the earlier tablet designs is
clear. The reduced mass/volume of the tablet in par-
ticular makes the device much easier to deploy and
use than the previous versions of the device.
Figure 5(c) shows the Nexus 7 mounted inside the
housing with all of the associated cables, connectors
and power supply. The entire device is not that much
wider and taller than the Nexus itself as can be seen,
although it is about 2” deep. In order to make the en-
tire device more easily operated by a diver the hous-
ing is attached to a base that is slightly larger than the
housing. This provides a shield for the switches to
reduce the possibility that they might be flicked acci-
dentally and a mounting point for a safety line so that
the housing is not lost if it is dropped by a diver.
The lightweight AquaTablet has undergone extensive
sea trials off the coast of Holetown, Barbados. When
controlled by the tablet the robot is normally operated
by a three person team. A cable wrangler deals with
spooling and unspooling cable to the robot, an oper-
ator controls the tablet and a third team member acts
as a safety diver/videographer.
The reduced volume/mass/surface area of the
tablet relative to the earlier versions of the device was
found to be of particular benefit. As can be seen from
Figure 5 the form factor of the lightweight AquaT-
ablet makes operation very straightforward. The de-
vice can be held quite easily by a diver operator with-
out interfering with the diver’s ability to maintain
their position/orientation within the water column and
indeed to swim near the robot when it is operating.
Having a direct line of sight to the vehicle makes
it substantively easier to operate than when operated
from above the surface. The choice of a limited num-
ber of input switches was also found to be effective
as this reduced the potential for the diver operator to
have to “hunt” for the right input. The reduced visi-
bility available underwater – including fogging of the
operator’s goggles – means that it is difficult to la-
bel the various switches in a meaningful way and the
reduced number of switches actually reduces the po-
tential for confusion.
Although the vehicle state display was useful
when initially launching the vehicle it was found that
during nominal operation such displays were essen-
tially ignored and that for nominal operation a larger
video display feed might be more appropriate.
Although the choice of the Nexus 7 as the display-
compute unit enabled the construction of a smaller
underwater tablet, the decision did have significant
implications in terms of hardware and software. It
was decided in the project to utilize an “un-rooted”
(aka stock) Android tablet. This reduced the options
for various pieces of external hardware as they must
function “out of the box” with the Android. Of par-
ticular importance here is the limited availability of
USB-Gigabit Ethernet adapters that are supported on
the Android.
From a software point of view the Android plat-
form provides substantively less computing power
and memory than the PC-based tablets used previ-
ously. As such certain decisions in terms of the
software infrastructure had substantive implications
in terms of overall system functionality. By default,
will send every message it receives to an
external agent. The limited processing power of the
Android can make servicing all of these messages
problematic. Throttling messages prior to exporting
them via
may be appropriate or necessary.
A more subtle issue related to the use of the
-WebSockets-yaml-JSON pipeline is the
large number of String objects that are created in the
process. Although this is not normally an issue in PC-
based implementations, Android processes must op-
erate within a very limited memory footprint. Mini-
mizing the size of the String’s being processed and the
number of String objects that are created is important
in order to ensure liveliness in terms of the user inter-
face. This problem becomes most acute when images
are transferred through yaml. yaml is a printable en-
coding which means binary data such as images must
be encoded as printable characters. This means that
the “raw” yaml message is extremely large. This mes-
sage must then be decoded into an image (another
large structure on an Android platform) which must
be further drawn onto internal structures within the
Android in order to display them. Although it is cer-
tainly possible to send an image stream encoded as
yaml messages to an Android platform, it is not nec-
essarily the best way given the memory and network
bandwidth constraints involved.
The lightweight AquaTablet was designed to be
sufficiently small that it can be mounted on top of the
robot directly. In this configuration the device can act
as an external display for operators swimming near
the robot, as well as providing GPS information and
WiFi communication when the robot is at the sur-
face. The choice of
as the communica-