Since condition (15) is not valid for the matrices
the solution must be improved. An analysis shows
that increase of the observer dimension cannot
overcome this difficulty therefore the additional
observer estimating the variable
must be used.
It can be shown that the main and additional
observers are described as follows:
zysignyx Bl
zuxxx Bl
zyux Bl
xyyr ,
1001.1200 yyxxz
. Numerical
values of the electrical servoactuator parameters can
be found in (Zhirabok et al., 2010).
The residual
)(tr time behavior is shown in
Figure 1, the fault occurred at
s; obviously,
the disturbance does not influence on the residual.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 1: Simulation results.
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models with non-smooth nonlinearities has been
considered. The logic-dynamic approach suggested
in the paper allows solving this problem by linear
methods. The method which allows obtaining a full
set of solutions with full decoupling with respect to
unknown inputs has been suggested.
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