obtaining mathematical models of small scale
helicopter through practical identification methods is
followed (Morris et al., 1994); (Remple, 2007);
(Putro et al., 2009); (Taha et al., 2010); (Deboucha
and Taha, 2010); (Wang et al., 2011a). In this
method, a candidate model is proposed and the
unknown parameters are estimated by fitting the
response of the candidate model to dynamic data
collected from the system.
Collecting helicopter flight data is a challenging
task because of the inherent instability of the system.
A trend in previous research (Lidstone, 2003);
(Song, 2010) has been to affix the rotorcraft to a
safety structure in an attempt to lower the risks of
experimentation. The main disadvantage of this
approach is that the safety structures unavoidably
affect the dynamics of the system deteriorating the
model fidelity under real operation conditions.
The experimental approach presented in this
paper follows a different path where the system data
is collected in free flight operation (Mettler et al.,
1999); (Abbeel et al., 2010). In our study, an
experienced pilot generates control signals that
excite the helicopter orientation dynamics and keep
the system in hover mode.
Strong assumptions about the system behaviour
were used in the development of linear models used
in previous research. In (Wang et al., 2011b) the
orientation dynamics in different axes (i.e. roll,
pitch, yaw) were assumed to be decoupled and
individual Single-Input Single-Output (SISO)
models were identified for each axis. In (Morris et
al., 1994) a state space structure that assumed
coupling between the rate of change of the angular
dynamics was proposed. As a result, these models
do not accurately describe cross coupled dynamics
observed in the data.
Unlike previous works, we propose a linear
model without assumptions about de-coupled
orientation axes. Using black-box identification
techniques, a 6
order state space model is identified
in this paper. The proposed model is used to
estimate the orientation dynamics including the
relationships between the axes. The results obtained
show that the model is able to predict cross-axes
dynamics that previous models could not predict.
Previous works have also focused on
identification of large Radio Controlled (RC)
helicopters (i.e rotor diameters > 1200 mm). Large
RC helicopters are not as agile as the miniature (i.e.
rotor diameter < 1200 mm) version due to their large
inertia. However, miniature helicopters have less
payload capabilities compared to large RC
helicopters. This represents a further challenge
during their instrumentation. In this research, a low-
weight, low-cost acquisition system specifically
targeted for identification and control of miniature
RC helicopters is developed.
Previous works have identified models assuming
that no perturbations were present during the data
acquisition experiments. This assumption is valid
when the effects of the forces applied by the
actuators are more significant than the effects of the
external forces. Unfortunately, this is not the case
with miniature RC helicopters that have smaller
inertia and less actuator power compared to large
RC helicopters. Therefore, ignoring the effects of
perturbations during the identification of miniature
RC helicopters would significantly deteriorate the
performance of the models. In the proposed
approach the perturbations are considered during the
identification process. Separate input-output and
perturbation-output dynamic models are identified.
The proposed structure prevents the model from
over-fitting the data that improves model fidelity in
variable operation scenarios.
Nonlinear models have also been employed to
describe helicopter orientation dynamics. In
particular, artificial neural networks (ANNs) have
been extensively used because of their ability to
describe complex relationships (Suresh et al., 2002,
Putro et al., 2009, Taha et al., 2010). In this research,
an artificial neural network with autoregressive
components is investigated. Unlike the state space
model, also identified in this paper, the neural
network model does not decouple the input-output
dynamics from the perturbation-output dynamics.
The accuracy of the identified models is studied
by comparing the output of the model with actual
system outputs. The models are evaluated with the
data set used for training (i.e. identification) and also
with an independent data set. The difference in the
observed performance with the identification and the
validation data sets is used as an indicator of the
effectiveness of the model. The results obtained
show that including perturbation dynamics prevents
the model from erroneously interpreting the effects
of perturbations as if they were caused by the inputs
of the system.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 presents a description of the system.
Section 3 introduces the structure of the proposed
models. The collection of flight data is explained in
Section 4 and the identification of the parameters in
the model is discussed in Section 5. Finally in
Section 6, the performance of the models is analysed
and the conclusions of the study are presented in
Section 7.