In this work we have presented the ROAMFREE mo-
bile robot pose tracking and sensor self-calibration
framework along with experimental results about the
very first deployment of the framework to target the
Quadrivio ATV. ROAMFREE is being continuously
developed and our work focuses on the framework
structure, enriching the sensor library and improving
the sensor fusion techniques.
ROAMFREE is going to be extended to handle ac-
celeration measures. To do this, we plan to employ
Lie Groups operators to compute the finite difference
derivative of the pose nodes in the graph, consistently
working on the SE(3) manifold. This will also allow
us to interpolate the pose nodes in the graph assum-
ing constant acceleration and thus obtain virtual pose
nodes placed at the precise measurement timestamps.
We are also working on the extension of the cali-
bration suite to allow the estimation of latencies possi-
bly compromising measurement timestamps, and we
are considering to feedback the output of the on-line
tracking module to the logical sensors so that they can
take advantage of the accurate estimate of Γ
(t) to
update their internal state (i.e., update the tracked im-
age feature positions in a visual odometry system).
This work has been supported by the Italian Min-
istry of University and Research (MIUR) through the
PRIN 2009 grant “ROAMFREE: Robust Odometry
Applying Multi-sensor Fusion to Reduce Estimation
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