In this paper we have presented the first steps in
combining a SD and a DE model resulting in a
holistic model of a system while looking at parts of
it in more detail. In this study, we used publicly
accessible data on landings and quota allocations,
which were scaled over the whole fleet under
consideration. The output of this work is a simple
model which can be improved by adding more
system details. Next step is to add more species but
the model is easily scalable in terms of number of
species. Another obvious step to make in terms of
improving the analysis is to expand the system
boundaries, for instance to include jobs throughout
the whole value chain.
We present a simulation framework which makes
it possible to combine LCA data with a hybrid DES-
SD model. Using logbook data, as an input to the
DE model, the fishing phase could be modelled in
more detail but the fishing phase is the part of the
life cycle of cod which has the most negative
environmental impact due to fossil fuel
consumption. With data from logbooks and more
detailed operational data, the model could be more
realistic and used for further scenario evaluation on
quota allocation. In terms of future research, it
would be possible to model agent based vessels for
finding company operations revenue and equilibrium
based on different quota allocations. Such a model
could be used to identify opportunities to minimise
environmental impact and reduce cost by simulating
alternative fishing routs for the vessels.
To conclude, the findings made from the combined
SD DE model shows and confirm the results in
terms of clarification of economic and
environmental impact of longliners versus bottom
trawlers. The model also shows a need for a larger
more complete modelling approach including
logbooks from the vessels for increasing accuracy on
catch and redirection of traffic to minimize cost and
environmental impact while maintaining job
The authors would like to acknowledge support from
Matís through the EcoFishMan project (FP7-KBBE-
2010-4) and ProViking through the EcoProIT
project and VINNOVA (Swedish Agency for
Innovation Systems). This work has been carried out
within the Sustainable Production Initiative and the
Production Area of Advance at Chalmers. The
support is gratefully acknowledged.
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