crucial for achieving our fulfillment. Furthermore,
we have analyzed the quality model by using simi-
lar modules of StoRM and WNoDeS projects charac-
terized by having in common programming language
and build tool. We have decided to present our work
at this stage to share our thoughts with researchers in-
terested in modeling. We hope that some parts of our
works might help to understand the evolution of soft-
ware engineering models. In the near future this work
should be repeated by involving more heterogeneous
modules of the stated projects, and, hence, increasing
the validity of the described model. By doing this,
larger data sets could be produced leading to a better
estimation of our work. To enlarge the input data of
the used predicting technology, on one hand the set
of metrics will be extended with the dynamic one; on
the other hand other best practices included in their
set will be modelled.
This research was supported by INFN CNAF. The
findings and opinions in this study belong solely to
the authors, and are not necessarily those of the spon-
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