REENACT: Augmented Reality and Collective Role Playing to Enhance
the Pedagogy of Historical Events
Mart´ın L´opez-Nores, Yolanda Blanco-Fern´andez, Jos´e J. Pazos-Arias, Alberto Gil-Solla, Jorge
Garc´ıa-Duque and Manuel Ramos-Cabrer
AtlantTIC Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies,
Department of Telematics Engineering, University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Future Internet Research and Experimentation, Technology-enhanced Learning, Augmented Reality.
Much of human history has been shaped by the outcomes of countless battles and wars. Unfortunately, the
classical pedagogy of these events merely tells about who were the belligerent forces, how long the fights lasted
for, and who ended up winning. We present one proposal to engage groups of people into immersive collective
experiences that will make them learn about a certain battle or war both from the inside, as reenactors, and
from the outside, as historians. The participants will be equipped with smartphones or tablets that interact
with the technological facility developed within the EXPERIMEDIA FP7 project, which provides support
for the implementation, deployment and execution of distributed live games, social networking features and
augmented reality.
History is commonly taught in a way that major bat-
tles and wars are put down as occasional events that
just happen, that involve two sides (often appearing
as the good and the evil forces) and that apparently
end fortuitously, as by tossing a coin. Nothing is
that simple in reality, and so the classical pedagogical
approach neglects many facts about the reasons for
the battles, alliances and supporters, why things went
on the way they did, what were the winning or los-
ing choices, what were the consequences in the short,
medium and long terms, etc. As a result, the general
awareness of History in our society is rather partial
and deficient.
Fortunately, novel technologies provide powerful
means to make things better and more interesting.
Smartphones and tablets have already been around for
some time (Akkerman et al., 2009; Sala et al., 2011),
just like social networking (Arends et al., 2012),
videogames for learning (Charsky and Ressler, 2011;
Watson et al., 2011) and even virtual reality (Jacob-
son et al., 2009). We present a new approach (called
REENACT) that introduces augmented reality tech-
nologies in History learning. The aim is to engage
groups of people into immersive collective experi-
ences that will make them learn about the prelude, the
course and the aftermath of battles and wars with the
aid of tactile mobile devices, repositories of multime-
dia contents, an advanced technological facility and
remote experts. Very briefly, the REENACT experi-
ences will be organised in three stages:
Stage 1 (reenactment) is about involving groups
of people in the reenactment of battles. They will
be moving around in a room, playing the actions
defined for a given role by a script of the event
and interacting with the other participants inside
the game. Tactile mobile devices will provide the
participants with an augmented reality vision re-
sembling a multiplayer role-playing game.
In stage 2 (replay), the participants will be taken
to a projection room to analyse what has been hap-
pening. They have already lived the battle from
inside, with a very partial vision, and now it is
turn to learn more by watching things from out-
side, and to see how their recreation compares
to the real historic events. The explanations will
be given by one expert, who may be physically
present at the projection room or appearing on the
screen from a remote location.
Finally, in stage 3 (debate), the expert will drive a
collective brainstorming about the consequences
of the conflict in the short, medium and long
Lopez-Nores M., Blanco-Fernandez Y., J. Pazos-arias J., Gil-solla A., Garcia-Duque J. and Ramos-Cabrer M..
REENACT: Augmented Reality and Collective Role Playing to Enhance the Pedagogy of Historical Events - An EXPERIMEDIA Experiment.
DOI: 10.5220/0004499801110118
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless
Information Networks and Systems (SIGMAP-2013), pages 111-118
ISBN: 978-989-8565-74-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
terms. The projection screen will become a dy-
namic big board to display comments posted by
the participants, which can be rearranged by the
expert as the debate goes on. At any time, the ex-
pert will be able to choose multimedia contents to
illustrate the different points that are raised.
In this paper, we firstly present the details of the
REENACT proposal (Section 2) and its implementa-
tion (Section 3). Then, we describe our experimen-
tation plans (Section 4), taking a look at some of the
indicators we will be measuring to assess the value
of the proposal for different stakeholders, in terms of
Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Commu-
nity (QoC). Conclusions are given in Section 5.
We will look into the three stages of the REENACT
approach by borrowing examples from the specific
scenario of the Battle of Thermopylae, which is the
first event we will experiment with. This eventis quite
popular as a symbol of courage against overwhelming
odds, but it is not really well understood due to non-
rigorous treatment in movies and comics. Fortunately,
the details reported by Herodotus (Herodotus (author)
and A. D. Godley (translator), 1922) and other histo-
rians provide sufficient scenes to yield both a didactic
and enlightening experience to explain such facts as
the advantages of training, equipment and good use
of terrain as force multipliers. These are some of the
points to highlight during the experiences.
2.1 Details of the Reenactment Stage
Once a sufficient group of people has been formed to
participate in a REENACT experience about a given
battle or war, they will be taken to a room where they
will first watch a brief projection explaining the his-
torical context of the conflict. Then, they will be
armed with their tactile mobile devices and assume
a given role in the battle, fighting for whichever side.
The tactile mobile devices will be providing the
participants with the actions they may make at any
given moment: to advance on a certain stand, to re-
treat, to fight one way or another, to surrender or not,
etc. The choice of possible actions will be a function
of each individual’s choices, the orders delivered by
the respective commanders or decisions made collec-
tively by voting. The options appear on the top half of
the mobile devices’screens, along with links to pieces
of content that explain the current state of things (see
Fig. 1).
Some of the reenactors’ actions will require them
to move around the room, seeking different zones
identified by 2D codes on the floor or on the walls.
The mobile devices help identify the zones by aug-
menting the world seen through the cameras with rep-
resentative 3D models, as shown in Fig. 2.
The zones correspond to locations that are dis-
played on the maps of the bottom half of the devices’
screens (see Fig. 1). This way, each participant will
be able to visualise his/her position in the scenario of
the battle, where the rest of the people will be charac-
terised as per their roles. In the case of the Battle of
Thermopylae, the zones are arranged into three differ-
ent scenes:
The first scene (appearing on the left of Fig. 1)
situates the main locations during the prelude of
the battle: Asia Minor, the Hellespont, Thessaly,
Phocis, Thebes, Corinth, Arcadia and Sparta.
The second scene (appearing on the right of
Fig. 1) displays the relevant locations during the
course of the fights in the Thermopylae area: the
Persian camp, the Greek camp, the old Phocian
wall, the Anopaean path and the Greek rearguard.
These locations can appear either on a satellite
view of the area (as seen nowadays) or on an an-
cient historical map overlaid on it, which helps the
user understand how the area has changed over the
centuries due to a process of sedimentary deposi-
tion that has moved the coastline far apart from
the mountains.
The third scene displays three afterlife locations
to host participants whose characters die during
the reenactment: the Elysium (Greek heaven), the
Tartarus (Greek underworld) and the Garothman
(Zoroastrianism heaven).
Another feature of augmented reality to enhance
the immersion is the provision of 360
views of some
zones, including the Greek and Persian camps at
Thermopylae. One snapshot of the former is shown
in Fig. 3.
Augmented reality is also used when it comes to
battling. One-on-one fights can be easily simulated
by having two reenactors (one from each side) move
2D codes around the surface of a table, interpreting
moves forward and backwards as attack and defense
gestures, respectively. The screens will be display-
ing a fight between 3D models accordingly. Simple
logical puzzles (adapted from Simon Tatham’s collec-
) will also be offered to fill dead times waiting for
other reenactors’ decisions or actions.
Finally, to enhance the feeling of a collective
experience, one laptop can be put to use any big
Figure 1: Snapshots of the main activity of the reenactors’ application.
Figure 2: Displaying 3D models over 2D codes.
screens or projection boards available in the reenact-
ment room to display the visualisation of the scenario
of the battle, along with video footage that may serve
to illustrate what is going on, and even pictures or tex-
tual comments coming from the reenactors’ devices.
If available, loudspeakers will play accompaniment
music and sound effects for further immersion. These
features may enhance the educational aspect too, as
proved in (Fassbender et al., 2012).
Figure 3: A 3D view of the Greek camp at Thermopylae.
2.2 Details of the Replay Stage
Once the recreation of the battle has finished, the
reenactors will be taken to a projection room to anal-
yse what has been happening. They havealreadylived
the battle from inside, with a very partial vision, and
now it is turn to sit down and learn more by watch-
ing things from outside, to see how their recreation
compares to the real historic events.
The second stage of the REENACT experiences
Figure 4: A snapshot of the expert’s interface.
will be driven by one expert, who may be physically
present at the projection room or appearing on the
screen from a remote location. The expert will rely on
a record of the movements and actions of each partic-
ipant during the reenactment. Combining this record
with the script of the battle, the expert will be able
to identify specific situations lived by the reenactors
that could serve to explain important facts about the
course of the fights (e.g. to illustrate the technologi-
cal superiority of one of the opponents, the war tactics
employed, etc).
As it can be seen in Fig. 4, the expert’s interfaces
will show a timeline of what each one of the partici-
pants has done, decided and watched during the reen-
actment stage. The sequence of contents displayed
on the big screens of the reenactment space will be
displayed, too. This way, the expert will be able to
choose the most suitable contents to support his/her
explanations, which will be projected on the top half
of the projection screen. Additionally, the bottom half
will be displaying the video feed from the expert’s
webcam and some additional material, like a map of
the battle with the avatars in place or textual com-
ments typed by the reenactors.
The important point of the replay stage is to re-
late the reenactors’ experiences with the historical
facts, which should help them to realise and memo-
rise facts that usually go unnoticed in traditional His-
tory teaching. Therefore, the expert must devote some
time to explaining what aspects of the reenactment di-
verge from the real facts, either because the scripts
make some allowances or because the participants
have made the opposite of the real characters’ deci-
sions. Also, the expert may choose to run a collec-
tive quiz game with multiple-choice questions about
the prelude and the course of the event. This may be
a qualifying game (the one who misses an answer is
eliminated) or a cumulative one (the one who gets the
greatest number of correct answers, wins). Typically,
there will be only one correct answer, while at least
one other option could make sense and at least one
would be ridiculous, like in the following example:
Who was the predecessor of Xerxes I?
1. Xerxes 0. (FALSE)
2. Darius the Great. (TRUE)
3. Julius Caesar. (FALSE)
4. Arnold the Great. (FALSE)
There will also be questions in which all the an-
swers are correct, just seeing one fact from different
perspectives, like:
What was the year of the Battle of Thermopylae?
1. The 4th year of the 74th Olympiad by the Attic
calendar. (TRUE)
2. Year 274 ab urbe condita. (TRUE)
3. Year 2157/2217 by the Chinese calendar.
4. Year 23 by the Achaemenid calendar. (TRUE)
Finally, there may be features for pure entertain-
ment like awards to the best soldiers of each side,
rankings of participants ordered by how long they
have survived, galleries of user-generated pictures,
2.3 Details of the Debate Stage
After the replay stage, also in the projection room, the
expert will drive a collective brainstorming about the
consequences of the conflict in the short, medium and
long terms, wondering what might havebeen different
in History if things had happened differently. For ex-
ample, considering the Battle of Thermopylae (which
was not really decisive) in the broader context of the
Greco-Persian wars, the topics for debate will include
the following:
Would there be fewer ruins in Athens today if King
Leonidas had stopped the Persians’ advance?
Would the Parthenon ever have been built?
Would the Persians have conquered the whole of
Europe? If so, would all European countries be
like Turkey today? Actually, would there be coun-
Would the Persians have conquered a larger share
of Africa, too?
Who would have been the Persians’ greatest ri-
vals: the Macedons led by Alexander the Great
the next century, the Carthaginians a little bit
later, the Celts, the Vikings, ...?
Would there have been Persian equivalents to
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle?
Would science have developed better or worse?
Would the Middle Ages still have occurred?
Would the Europeans have discovered America,
or someone from America have crossed the At-
lantic Ocean the other way before? If so, who?
Would Iran have been a superpower as the USA
are today?
During the debate stage, the projection screen will
become a dynamic big board to display comments
posted by the participants, which can be rearranged
by the expert as the debate goes on. At any time, the
expert will be able to choose multimedia contents to
illustrate the different points that are raised. Partici-
pants will type their comments using the tactile mo-
bile devices, and, if chosen by the expert, they will
have the possibility to explain their ideas or view-
points to the whole audience in an audio- or video-
call. Some arguments can be voted upon, or socially
rated as possible or impossible”, likely or not
likely”, interesting”, absurd”, original”, so that the
most active participants get some kind of recognition.
Again, there may be quiz games to appraise the par-
ticipants’ understanding of the importance and impact
of the battle.
The REENACT proposal has been implemented on
top of the Future Media Internet (FMI) technolog-
ical facility provided by the EXPERIMEDIA FP7
. As explained in (Salama et al., 2012), the
technologies that reside in the EXPERIMEDIA facil-
ity have been encapsulated into four components un-
der common type of content:
The Experiment Content Component (ECC) mon-
itors, derives experimental data from, and man-
ages the other components, taking control of
installation, deployment at the experimentation
venues, running and termination. The ECC elicits
Quality of Service (QoS), Quality of Experience
(QoE) and Quality of Community (QoC) data from
the other components and delivers it to the experi-
menters so they can analyse the behaviour of tech-
nical systems in relation to user experience.
The Social Content Component (SCC) gathers
and manages data that is generated on social net-
working sites during the course of an experiment.
Internally, it provides access to different social
networks (giving read access and publishing ca-
pabilities) and also communicates social network
monitoring metrics to the ECC, which exposes it
to the experimenters so that they can analyse and
draw information from the social network activi-
ties that take place during the experiment.
The AudioVisual Content Component (AVCC)
provides services related to the management and
delivery of audiovisual contents, including acqui-
sition from a media producer, adaptation and dis-
tribution to different platforms, liveedition and re-
alisation, and data and metadata synchronization.
The Pervasive Content Component (PCC) pro-
vides means to track the users’ locations as a
means by which augmented reality content can be
delivered and user-generated data can be mapped
to a spatial location. The PCC hosts an augmented
reality platform and an online environment for the
orchestration of distributed live games.
The REENACT experiences will be delivered by
a software system comprising one server and three
main interfaces: the reenactors’ front-end, the ex-
pert’s front-end and the administrator’s front-end.
The REENACT server centralises access to pre-
recorded contents and live streaming through the
AVCC, and to store the records of events raised
during the reenactments. Besides, it provides a
repository to store the static images and the text
documents that may be used for illustration pur-
poses at any time.
The reenactors’ front-end is an Android applica-
tion that delivers the interactions envisaged for the
participants, relying mainly on the PCC during the
reenactment stage and on the SCC during replay
and debate.
The expert’s front-end interacts mainly with the
AVCC to allow the expert to join from a remote
location and to browse the content repositories. It
also interacts with the SCC to enable participation
in debates with means to highlight key words, to
rule out offensivecomments or foul language, etc.
Finally, the administrator’s front-end is a web
application that provides the interfaces needed
to supervise the operation of the rest of the el-
ements during the REENACT experiences, in-
cluding manual control over the orchestration of
events during the reenactment stage and the gath-
ering of information for later evaluation in coop-
eration with the ECC.
The main functional blocks and features of the
REENACT system (green) in combination with the
EXPERIMEDIA facility (light blue) are depicted in
Fig. 5. More detailed information can be found
in (Salama et al., 2012) and (L´opez-Nores et al.,
It is worth noting that the tactile mobile devices
of the reenactors may be Android smartphones or
tablets, with screens between 5 and 8 inches
smaller ones would not fit the amount of information
to display, and bigger ones would not be comfortable
to move around during the reenactment. Additionally,
to successfully use and run the AR features, they also
need to have a rear camera, gyroscope, compass and
other sensors, plus sufficient computing power and a
recent version of the Android operating system.
The scenario of the Battle of Thermopylae is be-
ing developed in collaboration with the Foundation
of the Hellenic World (henceforth, FHW), a not-for-
profit cultural institution based in Athens that boasts
a unique technological infrastructure including the
Tholos, a dome-shaped virtual reality (VR) theatre
that delivers 3D contents rendered in real time. On the
one hand, the FHW is providing support from expert
historians to develop historically rigorous scripts for
the reenactments and sets of questions and topics for
replays and debates. On the other, their VR depart-
ment are contributing 3D models for the AR features
as well as some pictures and audio/video footage to
put into the contents repositories.
The core of our experimentation will be done dur-
ing the summer of 2013 in the Hellenic Cosmos (the
venue provided by the FHW in Athens), but this will
be supplemented with trials in the University of Vigo,
both ex ante (to get early feedback and thereby fix de-
fects in the software or in the experimentdesign itself)
and ex post (to gather further evidence for the evalu-
ation or to assess questions that remain unanswered).
Due to EU privacy data protection policies, partici-
pants will be recruited from among the communities
of students, professors, researchers and other staff of
the University of Peloponnese and the University of
During the experimentation sessions, the REEN-
ACT software will be feeding data into the ECC, that
will be processed later to evaluate different parame-
ters of QoS, QoE and QoC. QoS parameters include
the following:
CPU and memory consumption of the reenactors’
Quality and latency of the pre-recorded videos de-
livered to the reenactors’ app from the AVCC.
Quality and latency of the video feeds transmit-
ted by the AVCC from the expert to the projection
Battery consumption of the reenactors’ devices.
Data will be provided at the end of each stage by
the app itself.
QoE data will include both quantitative and quali-
tative measures:
On the one hand, the software will keep track of
the movementsand actions of the participants dur-
ing the reenactments, and also of their interactions
during the replay and debate stages. Likewise, the
application will be providing stats about how and
when the participants use its different features and
On the other hand, the mobile application will
provide brief questionnaires to gather opinions
about the REENACT approach and to rate dif-
ferent features of the experience: educational
value, level of entertainment, convenience of the
interfaces, quality and completeness of the con-
tents, preferences for certain types of contents,
etc. Those ratings will be matched against anony-
mous information about the participants’ educa-
tional background and interest in specific topics.
Halfway between quantitative and qualitative, the
voting and quiz games offered during the replay and
debate stages will be used as sources of information
about the participants’ level of engagement and learn-
ing about the historical events. As a research ques-
tion, it will be checked whether any of the afore-
mentioned parameters depends on the roles played by
the participants during the reenactment stage, since it
might happen that the QoE measurements are better
for someone who has played a main role (say, King
Xerxes in the Battle of Thermopylae) than for some-
one who has played a secondary role (e.g. a Persian
infantryman), or maybe that differences appear be-
tween winning and losing sides.
QoC measurements, again, may reflect both quan-
titative and qualitative aspects of the community of
people that participate in a REENACT session. To
· Specification
· Deployment & configuration
· Data management
· Monitoring
· Social network analytics
· Common SN interface
· SN data management
· Location tracking
· Live games
· QoE measurements
· AR platform
· Live metadata acquisition
· Input manager
· User-generated video
· Recorder/VOD manager
· AV repository
· Media distribution
REENACT server
Reenactors’ front-end
Expert’s front-end
Administrators’ front-end
Figure 5: Main blocks and features of the REENACT system.
this aim, the experimenters will primarily look at the
interactions among the participants during the replay
and debate stages, e.g. counting the number of rat-
ings and analyzing the length, mood and depth of the
comments they exchange using their tactile mobile
devices. Special attention will be paid to what hap-
pens among people who did not know each other be-
fore, for which they will all be asked to tick out the
nicknames of their acquaintances right before start-
ing the reenactment stage. Thus, it will be possible
to address questions like whether strangers keep dis-
tances during the reenactment, whether they comment
on the others’ arguments, or whether there is any ap-
parent bias in the ratings given to acquaintances and
Our experimentation is ultimately intended to assess
the value impact of the REENACT proposal for enti-
ties like the Foundation of the Hellenic World, aiming
to exploit the following facets:
First-hand experimentation with an innovative
FMI application that makes the most of possibly
unused spaces, technological facilities, contents
and personnel.
Offering of a new kind of collective experience
to reinforce the understanding of events that have
shaped the history of a certain area of the world.
New means for remote interaction with
geographically-distributed actors towards the
organisation of new exhibitions, projections of
multimedia productions, collection of opinions
about new contents and activities, etc.
Notwithstanding, we will try to assess whether the
REENACT solution could be taken out of the muse-
ums, for example, to enable new pedagogical experi-
ences in primary and secondary schools.
The data gathered about QoE and QoC will be
used to assess the potential truth of the following
claims for the different people involved in the expe-
Museum visitors or students will enjoy new edu-
tainment experiences aimed at improving the un-
derstanding of historic events. They will have the
opportunity of interacting with one another, and
also with geographically distributed experts via
user-friendly interfaces.
Museum guides and educators will be able to par-
ticipate in a new type of collective experience,
supplementing the expertise and knowledge pro-
vided by the experts in replays and debates.
Experts will be able to offer their services to col-
laborate with museum educators in new pedagogi-
cal experiences, interacting more closely than ever
before with people interested in knowing more
about major historical events. They will be able
to efficiently browse repositories of multimedia
contents to relate historical facts to specific situ-
ations raised during the reenactments, and to con-
duct live debates about the potential consequences
of the fights in the short, medium and long terms.
Content creators/providers will find an additional
outlet for the multimedia contents they produce,
which will be usable to provide historically-
meaningful explanations to the situations arisen
during the reenactments and to the arguments
raised during the debates.
Last but not least, the experimenters (ourselves)
will draw useful conclusions from metrics pro-
posed to assess QoE and QoC from the data gath-
ered during the experiments, about the ease of use
of the game-like interfaces provided for the reen-
actment, the didactic value of the different stages,
the interest of engaging in social discussions, etc.
This valuable insight will serve to enhance our on-
going research activities in the area of informa-
tion services, which deal with various flavours of
technology-enhanced distance learning.
Commercial exploitation could happen through
the selling of the technology, its implantation in the
venues, training courses for professors, implementa-
tion of reenactment scripts and production of multi-
media contents.
The research leading to these results has re-
ceived funding from the European Union Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
agreement no. 287966 and from the Conseller´ıa
de Educaci´on e Ordenaci´on Universitaria (Xunta de
Galicia) incentives file CN 2011/023 (partly sup-
ported by FEDER funds).
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