tics this metric is more inaccurate than the IRT metric
presented in this paper. By relying on three coeffi-
cients we can further refine relationships and besides
identifying equivalence and hierarchical relations also
identify associative relations between the types of two
taxonomies which can not be done with metrics pro-
posed so far.
Our instance enrichment approach is crucial since
it allows us to apply instance-based matching tech-
niques in the first place. Closest to that idea is the
QuickMig system (Drumm et al., 2007) where in-
stances have to be provided manually in a question-
naire. None of the existing systems is able to gener-
ate instances beforehand to apply instance matching
as we do in this paper. Moreover, we are the first to
apply ontology matching techniques for matching text
mining taxonomies.
In this paper we presented a number of contributions
that help to automatically match and integrate tax-
onomies of text mining services and therewith en-
able the combination of several text mining services.
In particular we developed an instance enrichment
algorithm that allows us to apply instance match-
ing techniques in a complex matching strategy. We
proposed a general taxonomy alignment process that
applies a new instance-based matcher using a novel
metric called IRT. This metric allows us to derive
equality, hierarchical and associative mappings. Our
evaluation results are promising, showing that the
instance enrichment and matching approach returns
good quality mappings and outperforms traditional
metrics. Furthermore, the matching process again in-
dicated that the results of different text mining ser-
vices are very different, i.e., the instances of semanti-
cally identical taxonomy types are only partly over-
lapping (partly only 5% of the instances overlap).
This emphasizes the results from Seidler and Schill
(2011) that the quality and quantity of text mining can
be increased through the aggregation of text mining
results from different services. The presented taxon-
omy alignment process will allow us in future to au-
tomate the matching of text mining taxonomies and
subsequently the automatic merging of text mining re-
sults from different services.
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