An Analysis of Software Quality Attributes and Their
Contribution to Trustworthiness
Nazila Gol Mohammadi
, Sachar Paulus
, Mohamed Bishr
, Andreas Metzger
, Holger Koennecke
Sandro Hartenstein
and Klaus Pohl
Paluno-The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology, Duisburg-Essen University, 45127 Essen, Essen, Germany
Department of Economics, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, 14770 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
Keywords: Trust, Trustworthiness, Trustworthiness Attributes (TA), Socio-Technical Systems (STS), Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT).
Abstract: Whether a software, app, service or infrastructure is trustworthy represents a key success factor for its use
and adoption by organizations and end-users. The notion of trustworthiness, though, is actually subject to
individual interpretation, e.g. organizations require confidence about how their business critical data is
handled whereas end-users may be more concerned about the usability. These concerns manifest as
trustworthiness requirements towards modern apps and services. Understanding which Software Quality
Attributes (SQA) foster trustworthiness thus becomes an increasingly important piece of knowledge for
successful software development. To this end, this paper provides a first attempt to identify SQA, which
contribute to trustworthiness. Based on a survey of the literature, we provide a structured overview on SQA
and their contribution to trustworthiness. We also identify potential gaps with respect to attributes whose
relationship to trustworthiness is understudied such as e.g. accessibility, level of service, etc. Further, we
observe that most of the literature studies trustworthiness from a security perspective while there exist
limited contributions in studying the social aspects of trustworthiness in computing. We expect this work to
contribute to a better understanding of which attributes and characteristics of a software system should be
considered to build trustworthy systems.
Trust underlies almost every social and economic
relation and is regarded as the glue that binds society
together. Humans, processes and organisations, with
different perceptions and goals, increasingly interact
via the Internet. In such online settings, gaining and
establishing trust relations within socio-economic
systems becomes more difficult where interactions
are mediated by technology rather than face-to-face
communication and/or collaboration making it more
difficult to infer trust through social clues. The
question this paper deals with is about the software
system attributes that can foster trustworthiness in
and within Socio-Technical Systems (STS) mediated
through online networks. STS are increasingly being
part of our daily life in form of apps, Internet-based
applications, services, etc. The people involved in
online businesses, though, have generally limited
information about each other and about the STS
supporting their online and offline transactions.
There are several reports indicating an increasing
number of victims of cyber-crime leading to massive
deterioration of trustworthiness in current STS.
Therefore, individuals and organizations are more
concerned about trusting and placing confidence on
current STS and show interest in how to handle their
business critical data. Consequently, trustworthiness
of a software, app, service or infrastructure becomes
a key factor for their wider use and adoption by
organizations and end-users. Accordingly, as in any
modern society, trust and trustworthiness in such
systems play a larger role in reducing the complexity
of transactions and result in positive impacts on the
economy and social aspects of modern life.
ICT trends such as cloud computing, apps,
services, smart devices and Future Internet facilitate
the growing of STS and their integration in our daily
life. They have enabled significant improvements in
efficiency and cost reduction. However, the
Gol Mohammadi N., Paulus S., Bishr M., Metzger A., Koennecke H., Hartenstein S. and Pohl K..
An Analysis of Software Quality Attributes and Their Contribution to Trustworthiness .
DOI: 10.5220/0004502705420552
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2013), pages 542-552
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
distributed nature and the use of the Internet as a
medium for communication causes trustworthiness
concerns. Because of the difficulty of preventing
malicious attacks or the misuse of critical
information, users might not trust these systems.
Examples of STS are: healthcare systems/patient
monitoring systems, market places and social
networks. Users of these modern applications are
concerned about their trustworthiness. Thus, STS
need to be made trustworthy to mitigate the risks and
trust concerns of their users. Understanding which
Software Quality Attributes (SQA) and properties
foster trustworthiness is thus increasingly important
for successful trustworthy software and system
There are limited contributions that approach the
trust and trustworthiness issues described from
angles other than security. However, security is not
the only aspect of trustworthiness. Most existing
approaches have assumed that one-dimensional
properties of services lead to trustworthiness of such
services, and even to trust in it by users, such as a
certification (e.g. Common Criteria), the presence of
certain technologies (encryption), or the use of
certain methodologies (SSE-CMM) (Pazos-Revilla
and Siraj, 2008), (CMMISM, 2002), (Huang et al.,
2008). In this work, we assume that such a one-
dimensional approach will not work, and instead
consider a multitude of attributes.
With a literature review, we attempt to identify
and capture the attributes so far known as
contributing to trustworthiness. These attributes
have been classified to major quality categories.
This paper provides a structured and comprehensive
overview on SQA and their contribution to
The reminder of this paper is structured as
Section 2 provides a brief overview on the basics
and background and Section 3 describes the
classification of Trustworthiness Attributes (TA).
The grouping of the attributes under a category is
done according to the observed common underlying
concepts. Section 4 discusses related work and gives
recommendations, and Section 5 presents
conclusions and future work.
This section introduces the trust from different
perspectives and moves on to define the meaning of
trustworthiness in this paper. We then identify the
relation between trust and trustworthiness. Finally,
we discuss how they relate to STS.
2.1 Trust and Trustworthiness: A
From a sociological perspective two converging
branches of sociology characterize the field. The
first focus is on the societal whole, its complex
structures and social systems. The second focus is on
societal members, individual actions and relations
between them. This second strand brought to
attention trust as an element emerging from
individual interactions and based on individual
actions (Sztompka, 1999). In this second branch,
individuals rely on people engaged in representative
activities (Dahrendorf, 2005), in other words, they
rely on those who act on our behalf in matters of
economy, politics, government and science. Such
dependence implies high degrees of trust on part of
the individual. Extending this view to Information
Systems (IS), we also rely on systems to run daily
activities across large swaths of our society. They
can be referred to as STS which are comprised of
networks of individuals and IS organized around
certain tasks. The delegation of tasks to such STS by
individuals or organizations entails establishing
some level of trust in such systems by the
individuals. Consequently, it can be said that the
trustworthiness of such systems is an important
quality that needs to be fostered and even engineered
in the fabric of these systems to maintain high levels
of trust within society.
One of the problems occurring when studying a
notion like trust is that everyone experiences trust.
Hence, a personal view of what trust actually is
(Golembiewski and McConkie, 1975). This is the
first intuitive explanation of why trust has multiple
and varying definitions. A second explanation is the
fact that there are multiple definitions of trust simply
because there are that many types of trust (Deutsch,
1962), (Shapiro, 1987).
In (Sztompka, 1999) trust is defined as “a bet
about the future contingent actions of others”. The
components of this definition are belief and
commitment. There is a belief that placing trust in a
person or a system will lead to a good outcome and
then a commitment to actually place trust and take
an action to use this system based on this belief. E.g.
when a user decides to use a system on the web, then
he is confident that it will meet his expectations. In
(Luhmann, 1979) a different outlook on trust is
presented. Luhmann explains that “further increases
in complexity call for new mechanisms for the
reduction of complexity” (Luhmann, 1979) and
suggests that trust is a more effective mechanism for
this purpose. Given this view we can assert that
increasing trust in STS has the effect of reducing
uncertainty and complexity both online and offline
in our society and this in turn has positive social and
economic impacts.
In this paper, we stick to the earlier mentioned
definition of trust in (Sztompka, 1999) while
extending it to include STS: “a bet about the future
contingent actions of others be they individuals or
groups of individuals, or entire STS”.
Trustworthiness on the other hand has been used
sometimes as a synonym for security and sometimes
for dependability. Trustworthiness in general is a
broad-spectrum term with notions including
reliability, security, performance, and user
experience as parts of trustworthiness (Mei et al.,
However, given our chosen definition of trust we
argue that while trust is an act carried out by a
person, trustworthiness is a quality of the system that
has the potential to influence the trust this person has
in the system in a positive way. When studying
attributes conducive to trustworthiness it is thus
important to identify two types of attributes:
a. Trustworthiness attributes that have the
potential to give the trustor a perception of the
system’s trustworthiness prior to consenting to
use the system. We call these “Perceptive TA”
b. Trustworthiness attributes that ensure the
trusted individual or system will act according
to well defined criteria as expected by the
trustor. We call these “Operational TA” (OTA).
Trustworthiness can then be defined as the
intersection of PTA and OTA so that a system
always gives trustworthiness cues to the trustor and
then reinforces these cues by honouring the placed
trust. In this paper, we are not concerned with
classifying the studied attributes according to the
two categories above and will leave this to future
2.2 Socio-Technical Systems
STS are systems that include humans, organization
and their IS. There are interactions between these
autonomous participants, between human and
organizations as a social and software system as
technical interactions (Sommerville, 2011). These
social and technical components strongly influence
each other. Our focus is on distributed applications
that enable connection and communication of
people via the Internet. Therefore, here, STS are
applications, services, and platforms where
technology and human behaviour are mutually
dependent (OPTET Consortium, 2012). Thus, in
STS people or organizations may communicate or
collaborate with other people and organizations that
emanate from interactions mediated by technology
rather than face-to-face communication or
collaboration (Whitworth, 2009).
Internet-based applications are becoming an ever
increasing part of our daily life. We use them every
day for e-commerce, information access, and in our
social life where we have inter-personal interactions.
Humans, processes and organisations, as entities of
these systems with different perceptions and goals,
interact via the Internet. Section 1 explained our
research focus and understanding of STS. The
development and management of STS is
challenging. Hence, it has been considered a
complex system (Sommerville, 2011).
2.3 Trustworthiness in Socio-Technical
As we discussed in the last section, STS are to be
made trustworthy to merit the trust of their users. It
has been defined as assurance that the system will
perform as expected (Avizienis et al., 2004).
Furthermore, trustworthiness of software has been
defined as worthy of being trusted to fulfil
requirements which may be needed for a particular
software component, application, system (Li et al.,
2009). Trustworthiness is a potentially central aspect
of distributed STS. We argue it as a multi-
dimensional construct combining specific attributes,
properties and characteristics.
The relation between trust and trustworthiness
concepts always depends on decision-making
processes which have to be performed by users of
the system explicitly or implicitly considering the
risk and possible consequences. There could be an
imbalance between the level of trust in and the
trustworthiness of the system with the possibility of
two extreme cases. Typical situations are e.g. when
too conservative users miss potential benefits of the
system or when too optimistic users take too much
risk by using the system (data misuse, etc.). Hence,
there are major concerns about the trustworthiness of
STS as the underestimation of side-effects of
untrustworthy systems and mismanaging the vital
and critical trust requirements has led to cyber-
crime, e-frauds, cyber-terrorism, and sabotage.
Reports show an increased number of citizens that
have fallen victim to these crimes, e.g. data loss. All
of these issues occur because of either lack of
trustworthiness or the awareness thereof.
Therefore, trustworthiness has recently gained
increasing attention in public discussion. Figure 1
illustrates the identified gap in research in building a
well-accepted STS for supporting socio-economic
systems in the real world. The supporting
applications lack expected (demonstrated)
characteristics of such kinds of systems in the real
world. The first step in closing this gap thus is the
identification of trustworthiness attributes that may
contribute to trust of socio-economic entities. Then,
STS should be made capable to present these
properties and characteristics.
Figure 1: The Socio-Technical Gap inspired from
(Whitworth, 2009).
There are, though, some inconsistencies between
expected trust properties by the SC and promised
trustworthiness from the SP in general. To mitigate
these deficiencies and to bridge the gap resulting
from the asymmetry between trust and
trustworthiness, we will investigate which
trustworthiness attributes a system can hold (with
which mechanism and/or technologies), and whether
these attributes are capable of contributing to
trustworthiness addressing the trust concerns of user.
Trustworthiness in the literature has addressed
the confidentiality of sensitive information, the
integrity of valuable information, the prevention of
unauthorized use of information, guaranteed QoS,
the availability of critical data, reliability and
integrity of infrastructure, the prevention of
unauthorised use of infrastructure, etc. In order to
prove being trustworthy, software applications could
promise to cover a set of various quality attributes
(Mei et al., 2012) depending on their domain and
target users. Trustworthiness should promise a wide
spectrum including reliability, security,
performance, and user experience. But
Trustworthiness is domain and application
dependent and a relative attribute, i.e. if a system
was trustworthy in respect to some QoS like
performance, it would not necessarily be successful
in being secure. Trustworthiness and trust should not
be regarded as a single construct with a single effect,
rather it is strongly context dependent.
Related to this observation is the fact that the
demonstration of trustworthiness attributes like
Common Criteria certifications (ISO 15408, 2009)
or remote attestation procedures focus on security
related attributes, whereas much more domains
actually contribute to trustworthiness. E.g. a broad
range of literature has argued and emphasized the
relation between QoS and trustworthiness (San-
Martín and Camarero, 2012), (Chen et al., 2009),
(Harris and Goode, 2004), (Gomez et al., 2007),
(Yolum and P. Singh, 2005), (Yan and Prehofer,
2007). Therefore, trustworthiness is influenced by a
number of quality attributes than just security-
related. Trustworthiness of entities and individuals
has been investigated in open, distributed systems
(e.g. online marketplaces, multi agent systems, and
peer-to-peer systems).
Note that in this paper we strictly adhere to the
perspective of a to-be-constructed system, and
therefore will ignore potential trustworthiness (or
trust) attributes like reputation or similar
representing other users feedback, since they will
only be available when the system is in use.
In this work, we investigate the properties and
attributes of a software system that contribute to
trustworthiness. To this end, we built on the
software quality reference model defined by S-Cube
(S-Cube, 2008). The S-Cube model is extensive and
has considered several other models such as:
(Boehm et al., 1976), (Adrion et al., 1982), (McCall
et al., 1977), and (ISO 9126-1, 2001). In this paper
we have excluded two types of the S-Cube SQA
from our analysis. Firstly, some of the attributes
contributing to trustworthiness are not identified in
our literature review. Hence they were excluded.
Secondly, some quality attributes, e.g. integrity, can
be achieved, among other ways, through encryption.
In this case we included the high level attribute
(integrity) as a contributor to trustworthiness but did
not include encryption on its own because it is
encompassed by the higher level attribute. Both
cases are further discussed in Section 4.
Figure 2: Trustworthiness attributes.
Additionally, we have included attributes that have
been studied in the literature in term of
trustworthiness. These attributes are marked with an
asterisk (*). Attributes appeared in the literature as
contributing characteristics of software systems to
trustworthiness, are listed in Tables 1-11 with an
indication of the respective papers. Because of space
limitations, surveyed papers have been marked with
index numbers and listed in Table 13. Figure 2
outlines the result of this work.
3.1 Security
Security covers the capability of a software system
to protect entities against attacks and misuse despite
certain vulnerabilities and to protect the access to
resources. The sub-attributes of the security quality
category are the following (listed in Table 1):
Table 1: Security category and its contributing attributes to
Quality Categor
1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27, 30, 29, 31,
32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 49, 52, 53, 55,
56, 57, 63, 64, 66, 22, 23, 67, 70, 71, 72
Accountability 43, 65
8, 20, 43
8, 9, 17, 38, 43, 53, 54, 58, 62,
63, 64
1, 8, 13, 20, 30, 34, 38, 41, 43,
46, 53, 54, 56, 58, 62, 63, 64,
1, 6, 8, 20, 39, 48, 49, 53, 54,
57, 58, 62, 63, 64, 22, 23, 70
43, 56
Accountability: The state of being accountable,
liable to be called on to render an account, the
obligation to bear the consequences for failure to
perform as expected.
Auditability/Traceability: Capability of the
service to be monitored and to generate in a reliable
and secure way events producing an audit trail.
Based on this audit a sequence of events can be
reconstructed and examined. Security events could
include authentication events, policy enforcement
decisions, and others. The resulting audit trail may
be used to detect attacks, confirm compliance with
policy, deter abuse, or other purposes.
Confidentiality: The ability to limit access to the
system and its data only to authorised agents. It is
defined as the absence of unauthorized disclosure of
Integrity: The ability to ensure that the system
and its data are not corrupted, improper system state
alterations either accidental or malicious alternation
or removal of information are prohibited.
Safety: The ability to operate without risk of
injury or harm to users and the system’s
environment. It can be achieved by absence of
consequences on the users and the environment.
Non-Repudiation: The ability to prove to the
data sender that data have been delivered, and to
prove the sender’s identity to the recipient, so that
neither the sender nor the recipient can deny
operations of sending and receiving data.
3.2 Compatibility
Compatibility/Interoperability (Table 2) has been
defined as the ability of diverse services to work
constructively with each other. Actually, different
services can coexist without side effects, without
even knowing each other. Compatibility amounts to
the necessity of two interacting parties to fulfil each
other’s constraints and, therefore, to correctly
interact. The following sub-attributes belong to
compatibility quality category:
Openness means the system is designed in such a
way that it is transparent how it works and how to
connect to the system. This relates to other attributes
like interoperability, transparency and extensibility
(McKnight and Kacmar, 2002) (Patil and
Shyamansundar, 2005 ).
Reusability can be defined on two levels,
namely, syntactic level and operational. The former
relies on type definition and type compatibility rules.
The later is about operation signatures.
Table 2: Compatibility or Interoperability.
Quality Category Citing
22, 23, 67, 72
Openness* 8, 14, 20, 43, 72
Reusability* 22, 23, 67, 72
3.3 Configuration-related Quality
This quality category contains quality attributes that
influence the way a service is configured to function
or characterize if the promised functional and quality
level has been actually delivered during the service’s
lifetime period e.g. completeness, stability. The
following sub-attributes belong to configuration-
related quality category (listed in Table 3):
Table 3: Configuration related quality category and its
contributing attributes to trustworthiness.
Quality Category Attribute Citing
Related Quality
35, 72
Stability 1, 9, 57, 72
Completeness 6, 64, 72
Change Cycle/Stability: Change related to the
service in terms of its interface and/or
Completeness: A measure of the difference
between the specified set of features (e.g. functions)
and the implemented set of features.
3.4 Compliance
The service should comply with standards (e.g.
industry specific standards) and/or regulations. This
can affect a number of other attributes, such as e.g.
the security, portability and interoperability of the
service (Table 4). Behaviour of a service should
always comply with the user's expectation
Table 4: Compliance attribute and its cite map.
Attribute Citing
Compliance 6, 3, 60
3.5 Privacy
In internet connected systems, privacy (Table 5)
from a system perspective is viewed as the system’s
ability and functionality that allows users to take
control of the usage of their private information.
From this system perspective privacy is a strong
contributor to trustworthiness of the system. Systems
that provide the users with the means to have
visibility and control on how the users’ private
information is used will be more trustworthy
systems. E.g. a system that guarantees a user that no
third parties can access or use their private
information is more trustworthy than a system that
provides no such control or guarantees. Moreover, in
most countries such as in the EU countries privacy is
a human right and strict privacy laws must be
respected. Consequently, when designing systems
the designers must ensure through their design
process that the way in which the system will handle
private information is in compliance with the local
and international laws in order to render these
systems as trustworthy.
Table 5: Privacy attribute and its cite map.
Attribute Citing
Privacy* 1, 13, 29, 31, 39, 43, 49, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65
3.6 Cost
Cost (Table 6) is a (composite) quality attribute
consisting of three (atomic) service attributes: cost
model, fixed costs and variable costs. Actually, cost
can be computed either from all atomic cost
attributes or only from the fixed costs attribute.
Table 6: Cost attribute and its cite map.
Attribute Citing
Cost 9, 26, 50
3.7 Data Related Quality
Data related quality (information and data quality)
characterize input/output data by quality attributes
that traditionally have been used in the information
and data quality domains, e.g. accuracy and
timeliness. The way that this information is provided
(sensed or derived), the generated delivered time,
and the level of detail affects the quality of context
information. These attributes are an important factor
that contributes to the trustworthiness in adaptive
services. They should be designed and executed
considering the quality of context that is delivered in
the way that will be able to make rational and
realistic decisions when and how to adapt. The
following sub-attributes belong to data related
quality category (listed in Table 7):
Data Integrity: It can be compromised by human
errors, malicious attacks, intentional data
modification, transmission errors, system/software
bugs or viruses, or hardware malfunctions.
Data Reliability: Correctness of the data used by
the system. It depends on the sub-systems used as
well as on the provenance of the data.
Data Timeliness: The property of information
being able to arrive early or at the right time.
Data Validity: The data values satisfy acceptance
requirements of the validation criteria or fall within
the respective domain of acceptable values. Validity
criteria are often based on ”expert opinion” and are
generally viewed as ”rules of thumb” although some
validity criteria may be based on established theory
or scientific fact.
Table 7: Data related quality category and its cite map.
Quality Category Attribute Citing
Data Related
49, 14, 20, 57, 61
Data Integrity 14, 20, 56, 57
Data Reliability 5, 14, 36, 68
Data Timeliness 49, 67, 70
Data Validity 56, 64, 68
3.8 Dependability
Dependability of a computing system is the
property/ability that reliance can justifiably be
placed on the service it delivers. It also has been
defined as a correct and predictable execution and
ensured that, when executed, it functions as
intended. In (Avizienis, et al., 2004), dependability
and trustworthiness are considered to have same
goals while both suffering the same threats (faults,
errors, and failures). The attributes belong to this
quality category are as below (listed in Table 8):
Table 8: Dependability quality category and its cite map.
Quality Category
8, 14, 54, 58, 59, 71
1, 8, 6, 9, 20, 22, 23, 39, 47, 49, 52, 53, 54,
58, 62, 64
Failure Tolerance
8, 20, 49, 6, 22, 23, 70
8, 20, 30
20, 31, 50, 53, 54, 55,
58, 62,1, 6, 22
9, 6, 14, 20, 50, 23
6, 53, 54
8, 6, 9, 20, 22, 23, 24,
55, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67,
Observability /
1, 6, 8, 9, 14, 20, 22, 27, 36, 39, 45, 48, 49,
52, 53, 54, 58, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71
49, 22, 72
1, 8, 53, 54, 58, 62, 67
22, 23
Accuracy: Definition of the error rate produced
by the service calculated on the basis of the expected
Availability: The ability to deliver services
whenever it is required.
Failure Tolerance: The ability of a service to
provide its functionality to clients in case of failures.
In general, it is the capability of a service to handle
failures. The circumstances of service failures and
how a service will react to failures are described.
Compensation is its sub-attribute. It is the ability to
undo the effects of a service invocation when using
stateful services.
Flexibility/Robustness: It refers to the capability
of the service to behave in an acceptable way in
anomalous or unexpected situations or when the
context changes. Adaptability, reparability, self-
healability, recoverability, predictability and
survivability are grouped under this attribute.
Adaptability and controllability refer to the
capability of the service to dynamically modify its
state and behaviour according to the context, e.g.
user preferences, device and network characteristics,
available user peripherals, user location and status,
natural environment characteristics, and service and
content descriptions and can be expressed in
parameters that are time and space dependent.
Reparability is the ability of a system and its repair
actions to cope with any unexpected situation. Self-
healability is the property that enables a system to
perceive that it is not operating correctly and,
without human intervention, make the necessary
adjustments to restore itself to normality.
Recoverability and survivability allows the service to
continue to fulfil its mission even if there are
attacks, failures, or accidents and delivers essential
services in hostile. Resistance, monitorability and
recovery are grouped under survivability. Resistance
is the ability of the service to repel attacks.
Recognition, observability, diagnosability, and
monitorability have been used interchangeably. It is
the capability of a system and its monitors to exhibit
different observables for different anticipated faulty
situations. It is prerequisite of performing runtime
checks on a system. Recovery is the ability of the
service to restore essential services during attacks
and to recover to full service after attack.
Predictability is the expected behaviour of a non-
deterministic system.
Reliability: The ability of a service to perform its
required functions under stated conditions for a
specified period of time (failure-free operation
capability in specified circumstances and for a
specified period of time).
Scalability: The capability of increasing the
computing capacity of the SP’s computer system and
the ability of the system to process more operations
or transactions in a given period.
Maintainability is the ability of a system to
undergo evolution with the corollary that the system
should be designed so that evolution is not likely to
introduce new faults into the system (Sommerville
and Dewsbury, 2007). Maintainability has been
defined as the process of making engineering
changes to the system by involving the system
designers and installers. Therefore, it is in contrast to
adaptability, which is the process of changing a
system to configure it for its environment of use.
Testability is the possibility of validating software
upon modification.
3.9 Performance
This quality category contains quality attributes that
characterize how well a service performs. The
following attributes belong to performance quality
category (listed in Table 9):
Table 9: Performance quality category and its cite map.
Quality Category Attribute Citing
Performance 8, 9, 39, 47, 49, 22, 23, 72
Throughput 39
Response Time 39, 47
Transaction Time: Time elapsed while a service
is processing a transaction.
Throughput: It refers to the number of event
responses handled during an interval. It can be
further distinguished into input-data-throughput
(arrival rate of user data in the input channel),
communication throughput (user data output to a
channel) and processing throughput (amount of data
Response Time: The time that passes while the
service is completing one complete transaction.
Latency as sub-attribute of response time is the time
passed from the arrival of the service request until
the end of its execution/service. Latency itself has
been constructed with Execution time and delay time
in queue. The former is the time taken by a service
to process its sequence of activities. The latter is the
time it takes for a service request to actually be
3.10 Usability
Usability/Representation collects all those quality
attributes that can be measured subjectively
according to user feedback. It refers to the ease with
which a user can learn to operate, prepare input for,
and interpret the output of the service. The attributes
belong to usability quality category are described
below (listed in Table 10):
Satisfaction: Freedom from discomfort and
positive attitudes towards the use of the service.
Attractiveness as a sub-attribute is the capability of
the service to attract the user and their trust (e.g.
having contact information and pictures of staff).
Learnability: Capability of the service to enable
the user to learn how to apply/use it.
Comprehensibility (sub-attribute) is the capability of
the service to enable the user to understand whether
its functionality is suitable, and how it can be used
for particular tasks and under particular conditions
of use. Perceivable content (sub-attribute) makes the
service useable and understandable to users,
unambiguous or difficult.
Effectiveness: Accuracy and completeness with
which users achieve specified goals.
Efficiency of Use: Resources expended in
relation to the accuracy and completeness with
which users achieve their goals.
Table 10: Usability quality category and its cite map.
Attribute Citing
9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 30, 29, 67, 72
Satisfaction 1, 28, 45
Attractiveness 11, 12, 14, 15, 28, 69
Learnability 11, 13, 67, 72
Comprehensibility 11
Effectiveness 1, 20, 22
Efficiency of
29, 67
3.11 Correctness
Correctness (Table 11) deals with the system
behaviour conformed to the formal specification
(accordance to expected behaviour and the absence
of improper system states).
Table 11: Correctness and its cite map.
Attribute Citing
Correctness* 1, 9, 6, 20, 24, 25, 37, 53, 63, 64, 68, 72
3.12 Complexity
Complexity (Table 12) deals with highly fragmented
composite services which in most cases would be
considered less trustworthy than a more atomic one.
Composability has been defined as the ability to
create systems and applications with predictably
satisfactory behaviour from components,
subsystems, and other systems.
Table 12: Complexity and its cite map.
Attribute Citing
9, 67
Composability* 9
We discuss the domain, context and application
dependence of trustworthiness by looking at a few
example scenarios:
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) application and
health care domain. For AAL systems, the set of
attributes which have primarily been considered
consists of: availability, confidentiality,
integrity, maintainability, reliability and safety,
but also performance and timeliness.
For the area of critical infrastructures, the major
trustworthiness attributes to be considered are:
integrity, timeliness, correctness, failure
tolerance, and availability.
Provability: The service performs provably as
expected, resp. as defined. This is more a property of
the engineering process rather than of the service
delivered, but should be taken into account as well.
Predictability: In general, the service performs in
such a way that the user can predict its behaviour,
either according to past experience (= best
practices), or just due to logic inference of activities.
Flexible continuity: In case the service does not
perform as expected, or fails, then there is a process
to not only fix the issue in adequate time, but also to
inform the user, give them the chance to be
involved, and to re-use the service as soon as
possible. This relates to recoverability and
flexibility, but specifically applies to situations with
failure potential.
Level of Service is defined as the type of QoS
commitment given to the application or user. It is
often part of contractual agreements and therefore is
often expressed in measurable terms. Although less
well treated in literature related to trustworthiness, it
constitutes an important trustworthiness component
in most business applications. This attribute should
be part of the “performance” group of attributes.
Accessibility defines whether the service is
capable of serving requests, specifically to clients
with limited capabilities. While many services are
ready to use, they might not be accessible to specific
clients. For instance, the connection between the
service and the client is problematic or the service
requests the clients to be able to read. This attribute
should be part of the “usability” group of attributes.
Content Accessibility is ensuring that the content
of the service can be navigated and read by
everyone, regardless of location, experience, or the
type of computer technology used. It is also part of
the “usability” group of attributes.
Data Accuracy is defined as correctness of a data
value or set of values as source in view of an
expected level of exact computing. It should be part
of the “data related qualities” set of attributes.
Data Completeness is defined as the availability
of all required data. Completeness can refer to both
the temporal and spatial aspect of data quality.
Data Consistency means that when a service
fails and then restarts, or is evoked to different
points in time, the data returned by the service
should be still valid, respectively responding with
the same result.
Resolution denotes the granularity of
information treated, and although being of good
value for decision making, it does not reflect an
attribute of the system in general.
Operability is the capability of the service to
enable the user to operate on it.
STS lie at the intersection of the social aspects of
people, society and organizations with the technical
aspects and IS used by and underlying such social
structures. A premise of the STS theory is that
optimization of the socio-elements or the technical-
elements of a system independently of each other
will increase the unpredictable relationships inside
the system, particularly the relationships that may be
harmful to the system.
Trust can be viewed as a mechanism to reduce
complexity in society and trustworthiness can be
viewed as a driver for building trusting relationships.
Hence, determining the system attributes that foster
trustworthiness contributes to building and
optimizing STS such that higher trust can be
achieved in such systems.
To identify the attributes that foster
trustworthiness we explored an extensive literature
survey guided by earlier work in the S-Cube project
(S-Cube, 2008), which has been established based
on (ISO 9126-1, 2001) to identify software attributes
that affect trustworthiness. While passing through
this survey, we also identified some software
attributes that either have ambiguous definitions or
their relationships to trust have not been well
studied. This study highlights several interesting
issues about the subject of trustworthiness with
respect to STS:
The concept of trustworthiness needs rigorous
specification and definition in the context of
STS before we are able to build grounded
trustworthiness measures.
To be able to work operationally with
trustworthiness attributes, metrics are necessary
to set targets, measure progress, and identify the
best possible investment by using ROI
calculations. While this paper identifies
software attributes that foster trustworthiness, it
falls short of identifying software
trustworthiness metrics that could be universally
applied. Such metrics require further analysis
and study.
Much like trust, trustworthiness in the context
of STS includes some subjective component,
and always will to some extent. To limit the
subjective nature of any trustworthiness metric,
a restriction of the context in which the metric is
used will be essential.
This is a work-in-progress paper. The main ideas
and findings will be further investigated in the EU
project OPTET. Our future research will focus on
three important questions:
It is important to understand how the attributes
identified in this paper actually influence trust
by the users of the system. Empirical research is
necessary, and needs to be carried out. Just as
for the identification of the attributes, existing
literature will only look at individual aspects.
We need to understand how to identify
interdependencies between different attributes,
and how consequently to define a “profile” (=
set of trustworthiness attributes) for a certain
application area.
Substantial work is needed to investigate
existing development methodologies, and to
show how they can be enhanced to enable
taking trustworthiness attributes into account, in
a measurable and comparable way.
Current certification and attestation programs
need to be investigated how they could benefit
from taking a wider range of attributes into
account than just those related to security, as it
is mostly the case today.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union's Seventh
Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant
agreement 317631 (OPTET).
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Table 13: The Paper indices
Nr. Paper Reference
Paper Reference
1 (Song & Wang, 2010) 37 (Aßmann, et al., 2006)
2 (Audun Jøsang, 2007) 38 (Aikebaier, et al., 2012)
3 (Tyrone Grandison, 2000) 39 (Hasselbring & Reussner, 2006)
4 (Mei, et al., 2012) 40 (Ying & Jiang, 2010)
5 (S-Cube, 2008) 41 (Qureshi, et al., 2011)
6 (Zuo-Wen, et al., 2010) 42 (Irvine & Levit, 2007)
7 (Homeland Security, 2009) 43 (Patil & Shyamansundar, 2005 )
8 (ResiliNets, 2008) 44 (Verberne, et al., 2012)
9 (ANIKETOS, 2011) 45 (Harris & Goode, 2004)
10 (Corrittore, et al., 2003) 46 (Luarn & Lin, 2003)
11 (Wang & Emurian, 2005) 47 (Jing, et al., 2008)
(Scheffelmaier & Vinsonhaler,
48 (Shi, et al., 2012)
13 (Belanger, et al., 2002) 49 (Ding, et al., 2011)
14 (McKnight, et al., 2002) 50 (Gomez, et al., 2007)
15 (Lenzini, et al., 2010) 51 (Yolum & P. Singh, 2005)
16 (Chopra & Giorgini, 2011) 52 (Yan & Prehofer, 2007)
17 (Castelfranchi & Tan, 2002) 53 (Kuz, et al., 2012)
18 (Lipner, 2004) 54 (Avizienis, et al., 2004)
(Koufaris & Hampton-Sosa,
55 (Li-Ping, et al., 2009)
20 (Zheng, et al., 2009) 56 (Dai, et al., 2012)
21 (ISO/IEC 15408, 2009) 57 (Li, et al., 2009)
22 (Zhang & Zhang, 2005) 58 (Dewsbury, et al., 2003)
23 (DARPA, 2004) 59 (Paja, et al., 2013)
24 (Xiaoli, et al., 2007) 60 (Ba, 2001)
25 (Hussain, et al., 2006) 61 (Teler & Cristea, 2012)
26 (Limam & Boutaba, 2010) 62
(Sommerville & Dewsbury,
27 (Meng, et al., 2012) 63 (Schneider, 1999)
28 (Cassell & Timothy, 2000) 64 (Hall & McQuay, 2011)
29 (San-Martín & Camarero, 2012) 65 (Barber, 1998)
30 (Chen, et al., 2009) 66 (He, et al., 2009)
31 (Pavlidis, et al., 2009) 67 (Yang, 2011)
32 (Cofta, et al., 2011) 68 (Gefen, 2002)
33 (Reith, et al., 2007) 69 (Hussin, et al., 2007)
34 (Le-chang, et al., 2011) 70 (Yu, et al., 2010)
35 (Araújo Neto & Vieira, 2009) 71 (Ray & Chakraborty, 2004)
36 (Waluyo, et al., 2012) 72 (Yuan, et al., 2010)