Towards Linked Data in Physics
Marcin Skulimowski
Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics, University of Lodz, Pomorska 149/153, 90-236 Lodz, Poland
Semantic Web, Linked Data, Linked Science.
Linked Data refers to machine-understandable data published on the Web using the Resource Description
Framework (RDF). Publishing and linking data using RDF make data easier to discover and easier to use.
Nowadays, Linked Data principles have gained popularity in many elds. In this paper we are going to
examine the possibility of obtaining Linked Data in physics. In particular, we discuss the principles of Linked
Data in the context of publications on physics and present examples of Linked Data in a branch of physics
called quantum mechanics. Moreover we present a web tool supporting manual creation of Linked Data in
domains in which automating extraction of the data is not possible.
Linked Data refers to machine-understandable data
published on the Web using the Resource Description
Framework (RDF). The key feature of RDF is that it
allows usto link identifiers for entities (e.g. digital ob-
jects, real objects, abstract concepts) and not just doc-
uments (as HTML). Moreover, RDF links are typed,
i.e. the nature of connection between two linked en-
tities can be stated explicitly. Publishing and link-
ing data using RDF will make data on the Web eas-
ier to discover, more accessible and, thus, easier to
use. Until now, Linked Data principles have gained
popularity in many fields and are applied to various
kinds of data, e.g. government data (Sheridan and
Tennison, 2010), commerce (Hepp, 2008), education
and social media (Heath and Bizer, 2011). Appli-
cations of Linked Data can be also found in various
branches of science, e.g. in geography (Sren Auer
and Hellmann, 2009), biomedicine (Ciccarese et al.,
2008), chemistry and biology (Wiljes and Cimiano,
2012). The Linked Open Data initiative of the Uni-
versity of M¨unster (LODUM)
, which aims to pub-
lish any non-sensitive data online according to the
Linked Data principles is worth mentioning (Kaup-
pinen et al., 2013).
The purpose of this study is to examine the possi-
bility of obtaining Linked Data in physics. Generally,
the data and knowledge are usually contained in re-
search articles and books. They usually involve con-
siderations using advanced mathematical formalism.
The data may also be formed into plots and tables
(e.g. data from experiments). These ways of storing
scientific data implies difficulties in data processing,
in particular searching for information. The search-
ing is usually restricted to full text search. Machines
are not able to integrate data from the articles. From
a machine point of view the articles are data islands.
And widely used citations are nothing more than rela-
tions between articles. As a consequence a statement
that article A cites article B has no precise meaning.
Does it mean that in article A the ideas and proposi-
tions from article B are creatively developed? Or does
it mean that in article A article B is only merely men-
tioned? To answer these questions we have to look
through the article. The question arises then whether
it is possible to represent data and knowledge avail-
able in physics in such a way that will enable inte-
gration, reusing and sharing the data i.e. according to
Linked Data principles. In order to answer this ques-
tion, we focus our attention on a branch of physics
called quantum mechanics. The main reason for this
choice is central importance of the theory for other
branches of physics and technology. Moreover, in or-
der to obtain Linked Data, we need formal represen-
tations of domain-specific terms which can be used in
RDF descriptions. In the case of quantum mechanics
we are developing an ontology which is suitable for
this purpose (Skulimowski, 2010).
In the rest of paper, we analyze the principles
of Linked Data in the context of data and knowl-
edge available in quantum mechanics. In particular,
we give an example of Linked Data for this disci-
Skulimowski M..
Towards Linked Data in Physics.
DOI: 10.5220/0004504700480054
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 48-54
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pline. We also present a draft version of a web tool
shortly called LYR (Link Your Research) which sup-
ports manual creation of Linked Data in domains in
which automated extraction of the data is not possi-
ble (e.g. quantum mechanics). The paper ends with a
short discussion and an outline of future work.
Previous work related to the presented research have
already been done. Several approaches for a creation
of linked data have been proposed. Among them there
are automated approaches and approaches supporting
manual creation (Wiljes and Cimiano, 2012). In order
to describe data appropriate vocabularies are needed.
As a result various ontologies have been developed,
e.g. supporting semantic publishing and referencing
, scientific discourse
and open annotations
in science
. There also exists a number of systems
similar (in some sense) to LYR. ScienceWISE Plat-
form allows a community of scientists annotating and
bookmarking research articles using appropriate on-
tologies (Aberer et al., 2011). Annotations can be
also created using 4A framework based on idea ”an-
notations any where, annotations any time” (Smrz and
Dytrych, 2011). Scientific workflows and other arte-
facts can be published, shared and discovered using
Experiment Virtual Research Environment (Goble
and Roure, 2007).
Tim Berners-Lee introduced Linked Data principles
describing a set of best practices for publishing struc-
tured data on the Web (Berners-Lee, 2006). Let us
now consider the principles in the context of data
and knowledge contained in research publications on
quantum mechanics.
3.1 Naming Things with URI
The first Linked Data principle advocates naming en-
tities (real or abstract) with URIs (Heath and Bizer,
2011). However a question may arise, whether it is
possible for entities appearing in research articles on
quantum mechanics. In this case the entities usually
correspond to some ’elements’ of mathematical struc-
ture of the theory e.g. observable, quantum state,
orthogonality. There are also entities corresponding
to the structure of an article e.g. definition, theorem,
lemma. In order to name these entities with a URI
we can utilize the Web accessibility of the research
article through the URL. And this URL can be used
to obtain URIs for the entities considered in the arti-
cle. Let us then consider a research article with the
following URI:
We want to assign URIs to various entities from the
article. Assume, for example, that some Concept is
considered in the article. Then it is possible to name
this concept with the URI:
It happens sometimes that an element considered in
an article (e.g. equation, condition) has no special
name. Inside of the article we can refer to it using
its number (e.g. ...equation (12)..., ...condition (7)...).
This number can be also used to assign a URI to the
element e.g.
Standard elements of an article corresponding to its
structure (e.g. theorems, definitions, lemmas etc.) are
usually numbered too. These numbers can be also
used in naming the elements with URIs e.g.
In addition, elements of the theory considered in arti-
cles are very often denoted by symbols e.g. ψ, H
. In
these cases it is possible to assign a URI using (sim-
plified) Latex symbols e.g.
for ψ and H
As the above examples show that it is possible to
name various entities from research publications with
URIs. Notice, however, that in the case when one en-
tity is named with two different URIs (e.g. using an
entity name and an entity number), URI aliases will
3.2 Providing Useful RDF Information
Descriptions of resources that are intended for ma-
chines should be represented in RDF. In general, it is
an impossible task to represent the whole scientific ar-
ticle on quantum mechanics using RDF triples. This
is mainly because of the complicated mathematical
formalism used in the theory which obviously can-
not be represented in RDF. We may, however, apply
a light-weight approach and concentrate only on RDF
links between elements of the theory considered in
some article and elements of the theory from other
articles or publications. Moreover, one may try to de-
termine types of the elements assigning them to vo-
cabulary terms (see Fig.1).
Figure 1: RDF links between entities from article A and
entities from articles B and C. The entities from article A
are also linked to classes from ontologies.
In order to create RDF links in quantum mechan-
ics we need an appropriate vocabularies. The vocab-
ularies are formally defined in the following ontolo-
- an OWL ontology describing main
concepts (e.g. observable, Hamiltonian, spin)
and relations (e.g. commutator, orthogonality) in
quantum mechanics. Aside from quantum me-
chanical concepts and relations, the ontology con-
tains elements which in fact do not belong to
the domain of quantum mechanics e.g. math-
ematical objects which should be contained in
an ontology for mathematics. Unfortunately, to
our best knowledge, an appropriate ontology for
mathematics, which could be imported and used
in quONTOm ontology does not exist. However,
we think that in the future these concepts will be
separated from the ontology and become parts of
auxiliary ontology (or ontologies).
PHYSO (Physical Sciences Ontology)
- an on-
tology describing general concepts (e.g. princi-
ple, problem, assumption) and relations (e.g. has
property, consequence of) of physical sciences.
The ontology can be used to characterize compo-
nent parts and relations of any physical theory and
not only quantum mechanics.
SACO (Scientific Article Content Ontology)
an ontology containing a set of objects proper-
ties enabling description of what is done/used
in a research paper. In such article something
(e.g. some element of the theory) is analyzed, de-
scribed etc. Equivalently, using ’dummy’ subject,
we can say that the paper considers, describes
something (Glasman-Deal, 2010).
We stress that above ontologies are at the moment in-
complete and are gradually developed towards more
complete forms. Consequently, parts of them might
be changed in the near future.
3.3 Including Links to Other Things
The fourth principle of Linked Data recommends in-
cluding links to other URIs. These links are crucial
because they enable the discovery of additional data
resources. There are three types of RDF links.
Relationship Links. In one research article an en-
tity (e.g. equation, concept, definition) from another
article can be used (e.g. generalized). Assuming that
this element is named with a URI (according to one
of the methods considered above) we can create the
following RDF link pointing to this element:
art3:H phys:generalizes art6:H_0 .
A reference to some concept introduced in another ar-
ticle can be represented by the following link:
art3:Concept sac:isIntroducedIn
<> .
is a URI of the article.
Moreover, it is very often that some entity introduced
in one article is a solution to a problem considered in
another article. We can express this by the following
relationship link:
art3:10 phys:solutionTo art6:Theorem_5 .
Identity Links. An important part of RDF links in
Linked Data are identity links. An element of the the-
ory (e.g. operator, concept, definition) may be named
with two different symbols in two different articles.
In this case we can create the following identity link:
art3:V_1 owl:sameAs art6:W_1 .
It may happen that the same definition may have two
different numbers in different articles. We can repre-
sent the situation as follows:
art3:Def_1 owl:sameAs art6:Def_2 .
Identity links are very important because they enable
expression of different views on the same element of
the theory named with URI. Moreover, they enable
clients to retrieve further descriptions about the ele-
Vocabulary Links. The last type of RDF links are
vocabulary links pointing to definitions of vocabulary
terms. For example, in a research paper on quan-
tum mechanics some observable C
can be consid-
ered. Then we can create the following link:
art3:C_2 rdf:type quo:Observable.
It is shown in the next section that RDF links can be
used in RDF descriptions of research articles.
Let us assume now that we want to create RDF links
for some research paper on quantum mechanics. This
can be done in the following steps:
1. We choose entities from the article which we want
to describe in RDF (e.g. concept 7, formula (12),
2. We name the entities with URIs (different ways
of creating URIs were presented in the previous
3. Next we determine the relation between the paper
and the chosen elements (using e.g. SACO ontol-
4. Using appropriate ontologies (e.g. PHYSO,
quONTOm), we determine types of chosen ele-
ments. In this way we create vocabulary links.
5. We add identity links pointing at URIs used in
other articles to identify the same entities.
6. We create relationship links between the entities
of the considered article and entities from other
We assume that RDF links obtained initially may
be incomplete. The quality and depth of detail can be
improved over time by adding new RDF links by the
research community. There are many reasons for this
’progressive enrichment’ (Dodds and Davis, 2011).
For example, the creator of the initial RDF links could
not know about some facts. Another reason may be
some change or improvement in the vocabulary that
was used. It very often happens that results of a pa-
per are used in some other paper published later in the
future. Then appropriate RDF links between the two
papers should be added.
4.1 Example
Let us now consider an example of Linked Data
for the case of quantum mechanics. To this
end we take into account a research paper avail-
able online at arXiv
with the following URL:
http:// The paper is
related to so called time operator problem. For con-
venience, we will use the following prefixes:
Scientific Article Content Ontology,
- quONTOm
- SWAN Discourse relationships vocab-
In order to obtain RDF links we follow steps pre-
sented above:
1. We want to describe in RDF the following entities
from the article: M, g
, σ(M).
2. URIs assigned to the entities:
3. Relations between the article and the entities:
<> sac:analyzes <#M> .
<> sac:determines <#g_(m,lambda)> .
<> sac:determines <#sigma(M)> .
4. Types of the entities:
<#M> rdf:type
quo:SelfAdjointOperator .
<#g_(m,lambda)> rdf:type
quo:EigenStates .
<#sigma(M)> rdf:type
quo:OperatorSpectrumBounded .
5. Identity link:
<#M> owl:sameAs
6. Relationship links:
<#M> quo:hasEigenStates
<#g_(m,lambda)> .
<#M> quo:hasSpectrum <#sigma(M)> .
<#M> sac:introducedIn
doi/10.1063/1.3276419> .
<#M> dr:relatesTo
quant-ph/9611015#Theorem_1> .
Further examples of RDF abstracts for papers on
quantum mechanics can be found on the Link Your
Research project website
4.2 Benefits
Let us now present probable benefits of applying
Linked Data in quantum mechanic, and in physics
in general. To this end assume that we have some
collection of scientific papers on quantum mechanics.
Today, only full text searching can be carried out on
the papers (eventually, with the help of keywords). In
the case when PACS (Physics and Astronomy Clas-
sification Scheme)
is used, searching for papers by
subject is also possible. Assume now that for each pa-
per RDF links are created and stored in a triplestore.
Then, using SPARQL endpoint one could make var-
ious queries against the dataset. For example, in the
case of RDF links created for papers related to time
operator problem in quantum mechanics the follow-
ing queries, among others, could be made:
for some entities e.g. self-adjoint time operators
for properties of a given entity e.g. for the type
of spectrum (
) of some operator
(named with URI).
for a relationship between given entities e.g. for
the commutator relation between some two oper-
ators (
for entities with properties similar to a given en-
tity e.g. for time operators with a given spectrum
for the article in which some entity was introduced
e.g. some time operator (
for articles in which some entity is analyzed e.g.
some time operator (
for articles in which some entity is generalized
e.g. some quantum system (
It is obvious that possibility of asking such queries
opens new opportunities for the retrieval of informa-
tion in quantum mechanics. Scientific papers are no
longer only human-readable data islands. They be-
come in some part machine-understandable (at least
in some part). There are precise relationships between
papers and some entities described in them. Thanks to
that as results of queries we will obtain concrete en-
tities from scientific papers and not papers containing
some string (as today).
Linked Data for research papers on quantum mechan-
ics has to be created manually by the research com-
munity, in particular by the author of a publication.
Automatic creation of valuable and precise relation-
ships between concepts and research papers seems to
be out of scope of this domain due to its complex-
ity. However, one can imagine tools supporting and
simplifying creation of such data. We have devel-
oped a prototype of such web tool called LYR (Link
Your Research)
. This tool supports creation of RDF
links for any kind of publication which is available
online. Such a publication is called in LYR a con-
text. Each context has its URI identifier (usually it is a
URL of the publication). A context corresponding to
some publication contains RDF links created by the
research community. In order to use the tool one has
to register and possess a personal URI identifier. Af-
ter simple registration one can create a new context or
add links to already created contexts. The process of
adding links has a few steps (including six steps de-
scribed in Section 4) and consists of filling up a sim-
ple form available on the website. To this end one
has to know terms from appropriate ontologies (see
Fig.2). A user can choose ontologies he wants to use
from available list. At present, there are only a few
ontologies available however, new ontologies will be
successively added (any user can suggest adding new
All RDF links generated using the LYR tool are
stored in Virtuoso Open-Source RDF Triple Store
The dataset obtained so far consists of a few hundred
of links (RDF triples) generated for several dozen of
research articles. Each article is available on the jour-
nal’s website or at arXiv. Most of the articles are re-
lated to time operator problem in quantum mechanics.
The reason for this limitation is the content of the on-
tology for quantum mechanics. In the actual version
of the ontology only the most fundamental concepts
and relations of the theory are represented, and the
time operator problem is related to such fundamental
concepts. The test dataset is gradually enlarged to in-
clude more links corresponding to various articles.
Figure 2: LYR - adding links to a context.
The tool will be available soon for tests. Please
visit our project website for more infornation at
Figure 3: LYR - search for a resource.
Figure 4: LYR - search for a term.
The LYR tool enables easy search and exploration of
the dataset. One can search the dataset for all RDF
links from some context, an entity (resource) from
some publication (see Fig.3) or a term. In the last
case as a result one obtains resources ”corresponding”
to that term and not strings containing the term (see
Fig.4). It is also possible to retrieve links between re-
sources using SPARQL. Finally, it is worth to notice
that requesting the linked data corresponding to some
context is also possible. To this end one has to use the
following URL:
is the URI of a requested context.
When using this URL in a browser a web page con-
taining all RDF triples from the context is loaded. In
order to facilitate the creation of RDF links using the
LYR tool a Firefox browser extension is developed.
The extension will allow to see and add RDF triples
for a visited research article (context).
In this preliminary paper we consider the Linked Data
in the context of physics. In particular, we exam-
ine the possibility of representing physics data and
knowledge according to the principles. We focus on
research articles on quantum mechanics and showthat
it is possible to obtain Linked Data in those cases, us-
ing terms from appropriate ontologies. In particular,
it is possible to link elements of the theory from two
papers, not just documents containing these papers.
There are, however, two important issues deserving
attention. First, we want to stress that the obtained
RDF links correspond only to part of human-readable
data available in the articles. There are two reasons
of the fact. Lack of the appropriate vocabularies -
presented ontologies remain still under development.
Another reason is that we are not able to represent ad-
vanced mathematical structures of the theory in RDF
and OWL (Skulimowski, 2010). We also want to no-
tice that automatic creation of RDF links for scientific
publications in physics seems to be out of scope in
this domain. The links has to be created manually by
the research community. Taking this into account we
are developing a web tool which support the creation.
The tool is shortly presented in the paper.
Future work should focus on development of the
presented ontologies. In particular, ’harmonization’
between the ontologies and others ontologies (e.g. Se-
mantic Publishing and Referencing (SPAR) ontolo-
gies and SWAN Scientific Discourse Ontology may
be required to remove overlap and conflicts. More-
over, it would be beneficial to provide general hints
on how to create Linked Data for the case of research
articles on physics. Thanks to such hints creation of
Linked Data for a research articles could become a
part of scientific activity and even a part of an edito-
rial process in the future. The future development of
the LYR tool should focus on increasing support dur-
ing the creation of RDF links, for example automatic
generation of URIs or suggesting links between re-
sources. Moreover, visualization possibilities of RDF
links stored in LYR should be extended. In future,
care should be also taken to ensure consistency of
RDF data created using the tool.
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