A Preliminary Short Survey of State of the Art Enterprise Search
Engines for Future Work Place
Selver Softic, Manfred Rosenberger, Markus Zoier, Konstantin Mondelos
and Erik Pillinger
Virtual Vehicle Research and Test Center, Graz University of Technology, Inffeldgasse 21A, Graz, Austria
Survey, Evaluation, Enterprise Search, Future Work Place.
This short survey represents a first step towards identifying relevant enterprise search engines as possible key
enablers for challenges related to Future Workplace like knowledge transfer and individual and organisational
information management inside an enterprise collaboration cycle. In the early period of our research we
want to deliver a short overview on current state of the art solutions that can contribute to the idea of Future
Workplace. We summarised in our literature study most significant parameters from current research on the
topic of semantic and enterprise search. Information was collected via product sheets and white paper of the
vendors as well using previous studies and accessible information at the web. Four most advanced solutions
in this area has been evaluated. We used them to check their appliance for Future Workplace trends and are
aiming at expansion of our review for additional solutions in the future.
The Future Workplace tries bringing answers as:
which tools, services, processes and actors will be
the most challenging for a Knowledge Worker in the
near future. One of them is the search and consum-
mation of relevant information in a more precise and
faceted way. Hereby the choice of adequate retrieval
technology has to suffice to the demands like mobil-
ity, flexibility, privacy issues as well as precision re-
garding search results. Search engines cannot suf-
fice the information need and the specific demands
of the Knowledge Worker. This rises a requirement
for a new generation of search engine frameworks.
Especially in the enterprise surrounding inquiry for
such solutions is growing with the complexity of data
that should be managed for every day working pro-
cess. We analysed the needs identified by the other
studies in this field and defined upon these findings
a subset of eminent features as criteria for evaluating
of enterprise search systems. Since no other studies
treated enterprise search for Future Workplace we de-
cided to choose the most prominent provider in this
field and to evaluate them, using the extracted fea-
ture set. Enterprise search represents a step forward
regarding the strong data cross-linking which is one
of the main demands for Future Workplace as current
research claims (Denger et al., 2012). In this short
survey we present results of our evaluation for prod-
ucts: Sinequa, Conveawer, Semaphore and IntraFind.
This short paper is organised as follow: After intro-
ductory note we will describe some related work re-
garding Knowledge Worker, Future Workplace, enter-
prise search studies which tried to define the key con-
cepts to evaluate such systems. Further we will move
on with precise description of our methodology and
describe the results of our evaluation made upon de-
rived feature set on four enterprise search engines. We
will finally draw conclusions from evaluation results
and describe the ongoing future work.
Knowledge Worker as such has been natively defined
over 50 years ago by Drucker in (Drucker, 1959), as
a person who is payed for intellectual work and cor-
responding knowledge. In today’s enterprises the im-
portance of this role grows with the knowledge cumu-
lation through increased information flow and cross
linking. Almost everybody involved in decision pro-
cesses acts as Knowledge Worker inside the collabo-
ration cycle. Future Workplace therefore as such de-
fines new demands on roles as such involved within
the whole process with the occurrence of technolo-
Softic S., Rosenberger M., Zoier M., Mondelos K. and Pillinger E..
A Preliminary Short Survey of State of the Art Enterprise Search Engines for Future Work Place.
DOI: 10.5220/0004505706260629
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (FWP-2013), pages 626-629
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
gies like search engines, social media, cloud com-
puting etc., as current research on this topic reveals
(Denger et al., 2012; Stocker et al., 2012). Further,
according to the recent works the need for increased
faceted information consumption with the high degree
of mobility and flexibility regarding the service which
provides support for this demand is one of the key en-
ablers of Future Workplace. Such demands require
more then a simple keyword based search as provided
by state of the art search engines like Google
. These
demands therefore raised the question of enterprise
search engines.(Mukherjee and Mao, 2004) described
the main aspects in more generic way. Studies like
(Hager, 1997; Ulbrich et al., 2009; Gronau, 2005)
have shown that demands on retrieval, data cross-
linking and information consumption for an enter-
prise search system should provide overlap in a cer-
tain set of features. Based upon their findings and
demands related to the idea of Future Workplace we
summarized the most significant aspects and gener-
ated evaluation feature set for the semantic enterprise
engines in our survey.
In our current research we are seeking for solu-
tions that support management of structured, semi-
structured and unstructured data. Desired solution
should also at least include personalised search with
variety of options and visualisation of such results
along with navigation facets and search history sup-
port. Access rights management on a huge data pool
has been also defined as one of the criteria relevant for
the choice of evaluation candidates. Sinequa
, Con-
, Semaphore
and IntraFindIntraFind
resent this level of enterprise search solution which
has qualified them as candidates for evaluation.Our
methodology includes following steps: First, we iden-
tified a subset of studies that deal on feature detection
(Hager, 1997; Ulbrich et al., 2009; Gronau, 2005) for
rating the enterprise search solution. After comparing
the findings in this literature work we derived the rel-
evant common results from all studies and rated them
as more significant toward other aspects we found.
Demands derived out of the interview series done by
(Denger et al., 2012) delivered the additional reduc-
tion criteria regarding the final choice of the eval-
uation feature set. Table 1 shows the features set
Table 1: Extracted evaluation metrics.
Domain Feature
A. Indexing 1 Structured Data
(e.g databases, xml, MS Excell)
2 Semistructured and unstruc-
tured data
(e.g. e-mail, pdf, MS Word, MS
3 Persons
(e.g. contacts)
4 Media data
(videos, models, pictures etc.)
5 Meta data
6 Different sources
(file system, databases, social
media, web)
B. Rights 1 Early Binding
(integrative approach)
2 Sticky Policies
(item specific access)
C. Analytics 1 Semantic
2 Natural Language Processing
3 Statistic
4 Text Mining
D. Results 1 Classification
(result type distinction)
2 Diversity
(diff. types at same time)
3 Locality
(location reproducible)
4 Results personalisation
5 Performance and scalability
(realtime, Big Data)
6 Alternative result visualisation
(diff. visualisation)
7 360 degree view
8 Navigation facets - search his-
E. Search 1 Keywords
2 Query Expansion (QE)
3 Boolean operators
4 Wildcards
5 Case sensitivity
6 Different search modi
F. OS 1 Windows
2 Linux, Unix
3 Other
G. Support 1 Forum/Online Portal
2 E-mail
3 Chat
4 Hotline
5 Other
H. Languages 1 English
2 German
3 Other
I. Integration 1 Portals
2 Applications
4 Search engines
5 Other platforms
J. Administr. 1 Installation
2 Configuration
3 Indexing control
that has been extracted as the final version of litera-
ture study. As evaluation source we used white pa-
pers, official web pages, product sheets (IntraFind,
2013a; IntraFind, 2013b; ConWeaver, 2013; Dirsch-
Weigand and Schmidt, 2006; Sinequa, 2013; IBM,
2013; Smartlogic, 2013b; Smartlogic, 2013a) other
comparisons as well all accessible product facts that
can be found via Web. In the reference part of this
paper only official sources has been referenced. The
evaluation process will use value + for full support, o
for partial support, ˜ if uncertain information is only
available,- for none support and ? if no information
could be found. For legend refer Table 2.
Table 2: Evaluation symbols legend.
Symbol Meanining
+ full support
o partial support
˜ uncertain information
- none support
? no information found
The idea was to evaluate technical, functional, in-
tegral and user oriented features interesting for a
Knowledge Worker at Future Workplace. Results
on evaluation has been summarized in Table 3 and
compared in Figure 1. Considering A.Indexing,
C.Analytics, E:Search and D.Results feature overlap-
ping between the enterprise search engines is quite
high. Methodologies of content analysis differ, how-
ever the coverage of feature remains the same. For in-
stance Sinequa and ConWeaver reside more strongly
semantic knowledge networks while Semaphore and
IntraFind rely on Concept and Topic Maps. The 360
degree view remains typical for Sinequa as well as the
integrated Early Binding access rights support. All of
the search engines reveal in evaluation to be highly
integrative and modular (refer domain I.Integration).
Figure 1: Preliminary feature set comparision.
Some of them more in a generic way, the other ones in
customized sense, as in case of IntraFind where tailor
made solutions are considered as integration. Multi-
ple language support is claimed to be an extra good
integrated feature by all of the providers. Semaphore
hand in hand with Sinequa seems to have the most
professional G.Support, while Sinequa as only prod-
uct offers an indexing J.Administration. Although
Performance and Scalability (D.5) is characterized as
integral part of the product by each of the providers,
most impressive information has been delivered from
. Current installations deal with hundreds
of millions of documents. Highest divergence in re-
sults occurs in domains F.OS, J.Administration and
Despite the awareness that a literature study can un-
veil only partly aspects of certain technical systems,
results of this survey can be still interpreted in differ-
ent ways. Choosing the best solution in given context
is no valid inference. This work is more overview
then rating. The main benefit of this contribution re-
lies on extracted feature set which can be re-used and
refined for further evaluations regarding the search
requirements for Future Workplace concepts where
search as integral part plays a very decisive role. In
the future work we are aiming at refinement of fea-
ture set and expanding the survey on other enterprise
search providers. As stated in the introductory part all
evaluations rely on the information provided by the
vendors via web pages, product sheets and white pa-
pers as well from the one very massively elaborated
literature comparison done by (Gronau, 2005). The
authors made no technical evaluation of described so-
lutions which means that this evaluation is not in-
tended to be exhaustive and claims not to be complete.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial
support of the ”COMET K2 - Competence Centres for
Excellent Technologies Programme” of the Austrian
Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Tech-
nology (BMVIT), the Austrian Federal Ministry of
Economy, Family and Youth (BMWFJ), the Austrian
Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Province of
Table 3: Survey results.
Sinequa ConWeaver Semaphore IntraFind
A.1 + + + +
A.2 + + + +
A.3 + + + +
A.4 + ? + ?
A.5 + + + +
A.6 + + + +
B.1 + - - -
B.2 - - ? -
C.1 + + + +
C.2 + + + +
C.3 + + o +
C.4 + + + +
D.1 + + + +
D.2 + + + +
D.3 + + + +
D.4 + + + +
D.5 + ˜ + +
D.6 + + + +
D.7 + ˜ ˜ ?
D.8 + + + o
E.1 + + + +
E.2 + + + +
E.3 + + + +
E.4 + + + +
E.5 + + + +
E.6 + + + +
F.1 + + + +
F.2 - o - +
F.3 - o - -
G.1 - - + -
G.2 + + + +
G.3 - - - -
G.4 + + + +
G.5 + + + +
H.1 + + + +
H.2 + + + +
H.3 + + + +
I.1 + + + o
I.2 + + + o
I.3 + + + o
I.4 o o + +
I.5 + ˜ + o
J.1 + ? + +
J.2 ? ? + +
J.3 ? ? ? +
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