better on livingroom.tif, about 14% better on
mandril.tif and more than 46% better on
For other types of distortions including Gaussian,
speckle, “salt&pepper” noises rules 1
and 2
performed better than others: about 10% outperform
(Chang, 2005) for Gaussian on livingroom.tif, just
1% better than (Chang, 2005) for Gaussian on
mandril.tif, but 27% better than (Chang, 2005) for
speckle on cameraman.tif. There was no
considerable advantage found for “salt&pepper”
noise for any rule. However rules 1
and 2
usually perform worse under conditions with
Gaussian, speckle, and “salt&pepper” noises. The
rule ∞
has considerable advantage on jpeg which
is close to the advantage 2
has and under
conditions with Gaussian, speckle, and
“salt&pepper” noises in some cases performs several
percent better than (Chang, 2005) (livingroom.tif
and cameraman.tif). The highest achievement for
rule 1
is to be 15% better toward (Chang, 2005)
under jpeg-attack for cameraman.tif, but the gaps in
trials with Gaussian, speckle, and “salt&pepper”
noises are sometimes too high, so, it should probably
be rejected from future experiments.
It is possible to issue a short guidance for end-
user that reflects better flexibility of proposed
method utilizing different rules: embedding rules
and 2
should be used if there are comparable
chances for each kind of tested distortions to occur;
rule ∞
is better to be used when chances of jpeg
compression are higher; we recommend to use rule
in case the only kind of possible distortion is
The threshold used in all our embedding rules
was the same. On the other hand, PSNRs of the
watermarked images are quite high. So, in the future
we would like to experiment with different values of
the threshold (probably greater) and also apply
adaptation for each block as it is proposed in
(Tehrani, 2010). Another direction we might wish to
explore is an embedding in matrix of the blocks of
greater size, but this requires a different model of
orthogonal matrix to be used for approximation.
The watermarking method operating on -domain of
transform was proposed. Its robustness is better
than those for the method proposed in (Chang,
2005). The improvements are due to optimizations
done on two stages of embedding.
The first stage serves for the approximation of
matrix of transformed 4x4 image blocks. The
approximation was done according to the proposed
model that describes orthogonal matrix analytically.
This procedure allows to preserve orthogonality of
matrix after watermark bit is embedded.
Orthogonality of -matrix improves extraction rate.
The second stage represents an embedding
according to one of five proposed embedding rules.
Each of the embedding rules has its own trade-off
between robustness and transparency which allows
to choose the best rule for particular application. A
minimization of embedding distortions was done for
each rule during embedding which reduces
degradation of original image.
Several kinds of attacks were applied to test
robustness. It was experimentally confirmed that for
each kind of attack there is a different embedding
rule which is more preferable than the others.
However, watermarking according to each of the
proposed embedding rules outperforms the method
proposed in (Chang, 2005) under condition of JPEG-
The first author is thankful to Tampere Program in
Information Science and Engineering for the
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