Massive Group Message Authentication
with Revocable Anonymity
Boaz Catane and Amir Herzberg
Department of Computer Science, Bar Ilan University, 52900, Ramat Gan, Israel
Digital Signatures, Group Signatures, Revocation, Efficient Implementations.
We present and implement schemes for authenticating messages from a group of users to a recipient, with
revocable anonymity and massive (very high) message rate. Our implementations present a trade-off between
the efficiency and the security required: from online group managers that participate in every message sent
to offline managers, from assuming a trusted group manager and a trusted recipient to securing against both
entities. All implementations have the traceablity feature, allowing distributive and efficient tracing of all mes-
sages originating from a specific group member without violating anonymity of other members. In addition,
our schemes are efficient and practical.
Schemes where messages are sent to a central loca-
tion are widely used for various purposes. In many
cases, only a designated group of users may send mes-
sages to the central location. In addition, sometimes
the designated users’ privacy should be kept. In such
cases an anonymous messaging or reporting scheme
should be used.
Commonly, when questionable or faulty reports
are found in a system, the identity of the originator
of such reports should be revealed. In such cases
schemes allowing anonymity revocation should be
used. Moreover, if the originator is found to be mali-
cious there is also a need to efficiently single out all
reports generated by this user.
An example where such schemes can be useful is
when numerous organizations want to anonymously
share sensitive data, such as information regardingcy-
ber security breaches. When an organization (e.g. a
bank) identifies its computer systems were breached,
it would not want this information to leak out. How-
ever, it would like to know if it was a target of a pin-
pointed attack or if similar computer systems of other
organizations were breached as well, as this will af-
fect the organization’s reaction. A scheme that allows
anonymous reporting of cyber attacks, with the abil-
ity to break anonymity in extreme cases (e.g. faulty
reports), can be used. Another application of such
a scheme is a log of keycard access to restricted ar-
eas that permit entry to members of a specific group
only, when it is inappropriate to track movements of
individual members. Again, in extreme cases such as
faulty reports there is a need to retrospectively break
anonymity and identify the specific member that en-
tered the restricted zone at a specific time.
To resolve this and other privacy related problems,
Chaum and Van Heyst introduced group signatures
(Chaum and Van Heyst, 1991). Their scheme enables
members of a group to create indistinguishable mes-
sage signatures, i.e. they provide unlinkability and
anonymity within members of the group. A special
entity, the group manager, is responsible for identify-
ing the group member that originated the signature.
Later works on group signatures provided more ef-
ficient constructions based on different assumptions,
but usually achieve the same goals. See Related Work
(Section 1.4) for further details.
A close observation reveals that some security fea-
tures of group signatures are not vital in scenarios
such as the cyber security database or the keycard ac-
cess log given above:
Group signatures are publicly verifiable. How-
ever, in the given scenarios only a single entity
(the cyber security database or the keycard access
system) should be able to verify authentication as
no other entity is given a signature.
Many group signature schemes require that the
group manager or the recipient is unable to imper-
sonate members (i.e. create signatures on their be-
half). We argue that in the given scenarios as well
Catane B. and Herzberg A..
Massive Group Message Authentication with Revocable Anonymity.
DOI: 10.5220/0004509203310338
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 331-338
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
as many others this requirement is not needed:
Since there is a single group manager as well as
a single recipient, trusted parties can be found for
both. A national cyber security database for banks
managed by the government or a keycard access
system run by the army to restrict personnel ac-
cess to sensitive military zones are such examples.
The government or the army are either trusted or
haveenoughpower to frame innocent group mem-
bers without the use of such a system.
1.1 Entities
In our massive group message authentication schemes
the following entities are involved:
Recipient. The central entity to which messages are
sent. When a new message is received, the re-
cipient validates the message was originated by a
group member before saving it. In extreme cases
(e.g. when a fraudulent message is found) the
recipient will send a message it received to the
group manager in order to identify the message
Group Members. Users that are members of the
group. They send messages to the recipient.
Group Manager. Manages the group by adding and
removing members to or from the group. In ad-
dition, the group manager can revoke anonymity
and retrospectively reveal the identity of the orig-
inator of a given message.
1.2 Contribution
Motivated by the observation that a fully featured
group signature scheme is not needed in many appli-
cations, we present efficient massive group message
authentication schemes that allow anonymity revoca-
tion. The schemes vary in the exact trade-offs be-
tween efficiency and the trust given in the group man-
ager or the recipient. We also compare the security
and efficiency of our schemes with those of related
1.3 Requirements
The requirements for revocable-anonymity group
message authentication schemes are:
Authentication. When receiving a report, the recipi-
ent should be able to verify that the originator of
the report is a group member.
Anonymity. Given a report, the recipient should not
be able to identify the specific group member that
originated the report.
Anonymity Revocation. The group manager should
be able to retrospectively identify the originator
of a given report. This requirement can be defined
by any or all the following requirements:
Against Peers. Reports sent by group members
will not be verified by the recipient unless the
group manager is able to identify the true orig-
inator of the report.
Against the Group Manager. Reports sent by
the group manager on behalf of honest (non-
colluding) group members will not be verified
by the recipient.
Against the Recipient. The recipient will not be
able to send a report to the group manager such
that the manager will identify it as originating
from an honest (non-colluding.) group mem-
Traceability. Given the identity of a specific group
member, the manager and the recipient can to-
gether trace all reports originating from that mem-
ber, and without revealing the identities of the
originators of other reports.
Efficiency. Scheme operations should have high ef-
ficiency. In particular, they should avoid or re-
quire a few group operations (e.g. modular expo-
nentiations) as possible. In addition, when tracing
all reports originated from a given group member,
the recipient should be able to trace the reports
distributively using untrusted agents, i.e. these
agents will not be giventhe recipient’ssecret keys.
Regarding efficiency, it seems desirable that in ad-
dition to low computationalcosts (as discussed above)
the group manager will be able to work offline, i.e.
will not have to participate in every report sent, but
rather only at offline intervals (e.g. at the initializa-
tion phase). See Section 6 for a detailed efficiency
analysis and comparison to related work.
1.4 Related Work
Group signature schemes, in which a group member
can sign messages on behalf of the group without
revealing the signer’s identity, were first introduced
by Chaum and Van Heyst (Chaum and Van Heyst,
1991). Later, Bellare et al. (Bellare et al., 2003)
gave a more provable-security oriented formal defi-
nition. They introduced the full-anonymity and full-
traceability security requirements and showed they
imply many other security requirements mentioned in
the literature. They also provided a construction of a
group signature scheme assuming only the existence
of trapdoor permutations, and proved the security of
the scheme in the standard model. The group is as-
sumed to be static, meaning the number and identi-
ties of group members cannot change after the initial
setup. The sizes of all keys depend logarithmically on
the number of group members. Bellare et al. (Bellare
et al., 2005) continued to formalize a definition and
provide a construction for partially dynamic groups
in which members join (but not leave) the group over
Additional works present efficient schemes, but
rely on non-standard pairing-based assumptions (e.g.
(Ateniese et al., 2005; Boyen and Waters, 2006))
or are secure in the random oracle model (such as
(Camenisch and Groth, 2005)), which is not sound
(Canetti et al., 2004).
Kiayias et al. (Kiayias et al., 2004) were the
first to introduce the privacy primitive traceable sig-
natures, which enables tracing of all signatures of a
single group member efficiently and without violat-
ing privacy of signatures that do not belong to that
member. Based on that work and on bilinear pairing,
Choi et al. (Choi et al., 2006) present a more efficient
traceable signature scheme using shorter signatures.
In their paper, Przydatek and Wikstr¨om (Przy-
datek and Wikstr¨om, 2010) observe that some fea-
tures of group signatures, such as the public verifia-
bility of signatures, are not necessary in many appli-
cations. They present a relaxed notion of group sig-
natures and provide both generic and concrete imple-
mentations for it. In our paper we follow the same
path: We argue that some observed group signature
features are nonessential, and provide implementa-
tions for a relaxed notion that renounces the nonessen-
tial features. Nevertheless, our work differs in many
aspects from Przydatek and Wikstr¨om, as shown in
Table 1 (regarding security requirements) and in Sec-
tion 6 (regarding efficiency).
Cheng et al. (Cheng et al., 2011) present an
interactive and efficient group signature scheme in
which an Opener (i.e. the group manager that breaks
anonymity) is actively involvedin every signature (i.e.
the Opener is online when signing messages). The ad-
vantages of their scheme are the efficiency and con-
venience of using regular signature schemes such as
RSA signatures along with the straightforward way
for members to join or leave the group. The disadvan-
tages are the need to interact with an online Opener
for each signature. We show in Section 2 how to
modify their scheme in order to meet the traceability
In their paper, Cheng et al. (Cheng et al., 2011)
present an interactive and efficient signature scheme.
We show below that although their scheme does not
satisfy the traceability requirement, it can be easily
modified in order to satisfy it with minor performance
overhead. When storing (i, H(M), t
) in the signature
table (as stated in their GSig algorithm), the Opener
can sort the data by the values of H(M) and also store
an index of the data according to the group member
identifier i. This will allow the Opener, when receiv-
ing a message by the Database (i.e. the recipient), to
not only identify the originator of the report (by find-
ing the record containing the value H(M)), but also
to single out all hash values of reports that originated
from that same member. These values can be given to
the Database. The Database, which is also modified
to store each report with its hash value and sort the
records according to these values, can efficiently find
all relevant reports, effectively identifying all reports
originating from the aforementioned member.
Based on this scheme, we present in Figure 1 a
new scheme that fits the needs of a single recipient
serving multiple members of a specific group. In this
scenario group members send reports anonymouslyto
the recipient while the recipient can verify only that a
group member sent a report, but cannot identify the
member. The scheme is as follows:
1. A group member sends a hash value of the report
with her
signature on that value to the manager.
2. The manager signs the hash value and returns it to
the member.
3. The member sends the report along with its
manager-signed hash value to the recipient.
4. After verification of the manager’s signature, the
report and the signature are added as a record to
the recipient’s database.
If anonymity revocation is needed, the recipient
can send the hash value of a report to the manager.
The manager will consult his table, in which he stored
(H(M), i) pairs, and reveal the identity of the report’s
originator. He will then single out all hash values
of reports originating from that member and forward
them to the recipient, who will single out all reports
received from that member.
For clarity of reference, we use she, her, etc. to refer to
the group members, and he, his, etc. to refer to other entities
(the group manager and the recipient).
Table 1: Security requirements comparison.
Security Require-
Przydatek and
om, 2010
Cheng et al.,
Online Man-
ager Scheme
(Section 2)
Offline Manager
Schemes (Sections
3 and 4)
Enhanced Se-
curity Scheme
(Section 5)
Anonymity Yes
Authentication Yes
Yes Yes
Traceability No No Yes Yes Yes
Anonymity revocation
- Against peers Yes
- Against the group
Yes Yes No No Yes
- Against the recipient No Yes Yes No Yes
Figure 1: Online manager scheme.
2.1 Evaluation
As with the scheme presented in (Cheng et al., 2011),
the advantages of this scheme is the efficiency ob-
tained by using regular digital signatures and ease of
adding or removing group members. Furthermore,
we do not rely on bilinear pairings, but at the cost of
security. Specifically, this scheme assumes a trusted
group manager. As mentioned, our scheme also has
the traceability requirement. The disadvantage is the
need for an online manager to participate in every re-
Figure 2 presents an offline manager scheme in which
group members send reports to the recipient along
with one-time tokens. The tokens are created and
handed out to the members by the manager at the of-
fline phase, and each token consists of a random string
of bits and its corresponding MAC. The MAC is com-
puted using a secret key known only to the manager
and the recipient. When receiving a report and its at-
tached token the recipient acknowledges the report if
and only if he can authenticate the MAC. By authen-
ticating it the recipient is convinced that the manager
issued this token and will be able to identify the mem-
Assuming a trusted group manager.
Figure 2: Offline manager scheme.
ber that received it and sent it with her report. The
scheme is as follows:
At the beginning of each time period t the following
steps are taken:
1. the manager and the recipient agree on a new se-
cret MAC key k
2. The manager sends each member n tokens, each
consists of a random string and its MAC, gener-
ated using k
During time period t group members may do any of
the following steps:
1. Request more tokens from the manager (who will
respond offline, i.e. at some point in the future,
but during the current time period t).
2. Send a report:
(a) Send a (report, token) pair to the recipient.
(b) The recipient will authenticate the MAC in the
token and validate it was not used before. Then
it will add the (report, token) pair as a record.
Notes about token reuse: Firstly, schemes in
which a single token can be used m times with m > 1
could be constructed, but for simplicity we consider
only one-time token schemes. Secondly, before ac-
knowledging a report the recipient checks whether the
token was used before. Actually, a more optimistic
approach can be used: When a (report, token) pair is
received the recipient adds it as a record without fur-
ther inspection. Additionally, the recipient performs
occasional searches for tokens that are used multiple
times. If such a token is found the recipient can con-
tact the manager in order to reveal the identify of the
misbehaving member.
Adding or removing members from the group is
done as follows: To join the group a user needs only
to contact the manager,which will give her tokens. To
remove a member from the group the manager needs
only to send the recipient all tokens (actually, all ran-
dom string portions of the tokens) sent to that member
in the current time period t. The recipient will not ac-
cept reports with the corresponding tokens until the
end of t. Note that at the beginning of time period
t + 1 the manager and the recipient will exchange a
new key k
, rendering tokens from previous time
periods obsolete.
In order to prevent eavesdropping or modification
of tokens confidentiality and integrity of messages
should be kept, and group members and the manager
should be able to authenticate each other when com-
municating. Additionally, when group members com-
municate with the recipient they should be able to au-
thenticate the recipient (but not vice versa, else group
members’ privacy is lost). These requirements can
be achieved by using the SSL protocol throughout all
communications, with certificates for all parties: in
communications between the manager and the group
members both sides should present certificates, while
in communications between a group member and the
recipient only the recipient should present a certifi-
cate. Note that anonymous communication channels
are assumed (e.g. the recipient cannot identify a group
member by her IP address).
3.1 Evaluation
This offline manager scheme is efficient, does not re-
quire the manager to participate in every signature,
and requires less communication than the online man-
ager scheme. However, in this scheme the man-
ager and the recipient should be trusted since each of
them can frame members. The manager can lie when
queried about a report’s originator. The recipient can
frame group members by modifying reports (e.g. in-
serting inappropriate content) but without modifying
Figure 3: Offline manager scheme without SSL.
the related tokens. These modified reports would look
to the manager as if originated by an honest group
The creation of SSL connections for every report (or
keeping alive previously used SSL connections for
long durations) may introduce a substantial overhead.
Thus, we present an improved version of the afore-
mentioned offline manager scheme (Section 3) which
does not use SSL. This scheme is shown in Figure 3.
The scheme is as follows:
1. Initialization: Each member i shares a symmet-
ric encryption key i.e and a MAC key i.a with
the manager. All communication between group
members and the manager are encrypted and au-
thenticated using these keys.
When users join the group they negotiate keys
with the manager. This can be done using com-
mon methods such as the Diffie-Hellman key ex-
change (Diffie and Hellman, 1976).
2. Setup: At the beginning of each time period t the
following steps are taken:
(a) the manager and the recipient agree on a new
secret MAC key k
(b) The manager sends n tokens for each member
i. Each token consist of a random string and
its MAC, generated using k
. The tokens are
encrypted and MACed using keys shared with
member i.
3. During time period t group members may do any
of the following steps:
(a) Request more tokens from the manager (who
will respond offline, i.e. at some point in the
future, but during the current time period t).
(b) Post a report:
i. Send a (report, token) pair to the recipient.
ii. The recipient will verify the MAC is correct
and the token has not been used before. Then
it will add the (report, token) pair as a record.
All reports sent from group members to the re-
cipient are encrypted using the recipient’s pub-
lic encryption key In order to achieve
integrity, provably secure non-malleable en-
cryption schemes should be used (such as the
Cramer-Shoup scheme (Cramer and Shoup,
1998)). If the recipient replies to members (e.g.
to state that a report was added) integrity of the
reply can be achieved by the recipient MACing
the reply with a one-time MAC key that was
previously created by the member and sent to
the recipient alongside the report.
4.1 Evaluation
As can be seen, this scheme achieves confidential-
ity, integrity and authenticity as the Offline Manager
Scheme (Section 3) without the use of the SSL proto-
When the manager or the recipient might frame group
members a more secure scheme should be used, such
as the scheme shown in Figure 4. It ensures a higher
degree of security but is less efficient. The scheme is
as follows:
Figure 4: Enhanced security scheme.
1. Offline phase:
(a) Each member creates n (public key, secret key)
one-time signature pairs to be used later. These
pairs can be created efficiently using schemes
such as presented by Lamport (Lamport, 1979).
The member then sends all public keys from
these pairs to the manager, signed with her pri-
vate signing key
(b) If the member is a new member the manager
creates a key i.h and stores it along with the
member’s identity i.
(c) The manager sends back a list containing,
for each received public key pk, the values
(pk, r, H
(r)) signed by his private signature
key; r is a random number and H
(r) is the
value of a cryptographic hash function com-
puted on r using the key i.h.
2. Online phase:
(a) To send a report, a member sends the follow-
ing to the recipient: M and Sign
(M)) - the
report and its signature created using a previ-
ously unused secret key from a one time signa-
ture pair; pk - the public key corresponding to
the used secret key; the values r and H
and Sign
(pk, r, H
(r)) - the manager’s
signature on the public key, the random num-
ber and the hash value.
(b) After validating both the managers signature
on pk (using the manager’s public key) and
the member’s signature on the report (using the
given key pk) the recipient adds the record
M, Sign
(M), pk, r, H
(pk, r, H
When there is a need to identify the originator of
a report M the following steps are taken:
1. The recipient sends the manager the values
hM, Sign
(M), pk, r, H
(r)i that correspond to
the report M.
2. After validating the signature (using the given pk),
the manager tries all member keysi.h until the one
corresponding to the received r, H
(r) is found.
He then outputs i as the identity of the report’s
originator and the value Sign
(pk), i.e. is sig-
nature on pk, as a proof of the originators iden-
If there is a need to trace all reports generated
by this member the manager sends the recipient
hi, Sign
(pk), i.hi.
3. If all is reports are to be traced the recipient val-
idates Sign
(pk) (using is publicly known sig-
nature verification key). Then, for each record the
Table 2: Efficiency comparison.
Przydatek and
Cheng et
al., 2011
(Section 2)
(Section 3)
Offline Man-
ager Scheme
without SSL
(Section 4)
(Section 5)
Manager par-
ticipates in
every report
No Yes Yes No No No
Number of Group Operations (e.g. modular exponentiations)
Creation of
group sign. or
5 4 (1 by
member, 3
by manager
+ 1 bilinear
2 0 0 2 (1 by
and 1 by
Verification of
group sign. or
6 0 (1 bilin-
ear pairing)
1 0 0 1
Commun. be-
tween member
and recipient
Member - 19,
recipient - 17,
(full authenti-
cation protocol,
including Zero
0 0 0 Member - 5,
recipient - 6,
(encryption and
decryption by
the Cramer-
Shoup scheme
(Cramer and
Shoup, 1998))
Member -
0, recipient
- 1
recipient computes the value H
(r) using the re-
ceived i.h and the value r in the report
. Reports
whose stored H
(r) value can be recomputed us-
ing H, r, and i.h are identified as belonging to user
5.1 Security
Lemma 1. The given scheme is secure against fram-
ing of honest users.
Proof. Omitted for lack of space.
An efficiency comparison of the presented and related
schemes is shown in Table 2. The table compares
whether the group manager needs to actively partic-
ipate in each report sent (e.g. personally sign each re-
port), and the number of group operations(e.g. modu-
lar exponentiations or bilinear pairings) needed in ba-
sic scheme operations.
This computation can be distributed between many
agents, each with access to the reports stored by the recipi-
ent and to i.h .
In this paper we presented various practical schemes
for a relaxed notion of group signatures, allowing
a single recipient to validate that received messages
were sent by group members while preserving mem-
bers’ anonymity. If needed, a trusted group manager
can retrospectively break anonymity and reveal the
identity of the originator of a message. In addition,
the group manager is able to efficiently trace all mes-
sages originated from a given group member without
affecting the anonymity of other messages. The secu-
rity and efficiency of the schemes proposed are com-
pared to state of the art, and are shown to be more
We thank the following organizations for financially
supporting this research: The Ministry of Science and
Technology, Israel, and the RSA division of EMC
corporation. In addition, this work is part of the
Kabarnit-Cyber Consortium (2012-2014) under Mag-
net program, funded by the chief scientist of the Is-
raeli Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor.
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