Which Side Are You On?
A New Panopticon vs. Privacy
Miltiadis Kandias, Lilian Mitrou, Vasilis Stavrou and Dimitris Gritzalis
Information Security & Critical Infrastructure Protection Research Laboratory,
Dept. of Informatics, Athens University of Economics & Business, 76 Patission Ave., GR-10434, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Awareness, Panopticon, Privacy, Social Media, Surveillance, User Profiling, YouTube.
Abstract: Social media and Web 2.0 have enabled internet users to contribute online content, which may be crawled
and utilized for a variety of reasons, from personalized advertising to behaviour prediction/profiling. One
negative case scenario is the political affiliation profiling. Our hypothesis is that this scenario is nowadays
realistic, applicable to social media, and violates civil rights, privacy and freedom. To demonstrate this, we
developed a horror story, i.e., a Panopticon method, in order to reveal this threat and contribute in raising
the social awareness over it. The Panopticon relies on data/opinion mining techniques; hence it classifies
comments, videos and playlists, collected from the popular social medium YouTube. Afterwards, it aggre-
gates these classifications in order to decide over the users’ political affiliation. The experimental test case
of the Panopticon is an extensive Greek community of YouTube users. In order to demonstrate our case, we
performed an extensive graph theoretical and content analysis of the collected dataset and show how and
what kind of personal data (e.g. political attitude) can be derived via data mining on publicly available
YouTube data. Then, we provide the reader with an analysis of the legal means that are available today, to a
citizen or a society as a whole, so as to effectively be prevented from such a threat.
The exponential growth of Information and Commu-
nication Technologies (ICT) and the rapid explosion
of social media have contributed to substantive
changes in the social dimensions of information sha-
ring and (mis)use. However, several inherent featu-
res of Internet (and especially Web 2.0) supported
technologies and platforms (e.g., digitization, avail-
ability, recordability and persistency of information,
public or semi-public nature of profiles and messa-
ges, etc.) encourage not only new forms of interacti-
on but also surveillance behaviours and tendencies
(Tokunaga, 2011). ICT have often been accused for
facilitating surveillance via CCTV or even the Inter-
net (Brignall, 2002).
The common conception of surveillance is this of
a hierarchical system of power between the observer
and the observed, represented in metaphors, such as
the “Panopticon” of J. Bentham, i.e. a theoretical
prison structure, an “ideal” prison building designed
in a way that allows observing of the prisoners from
a central location at all times. The observed subject
is never sure of whether or not she is under surveil-
lance. Foucault, who elaborated extensively on the
modern implications of the Panopticon, emphasized
that the conscious and permanent visibility assures
the automatic functioning of power (Foucault,
1975). The Panopticon creates “a consciousness of
permanent visibility as a form of power, where no
bars, chains and heavy locks are necessary for domi-
nation, anymore” (Almer, 2012).
Is the Internet surveillant in the way of a Panop-
ticon? The metaphor of Panopticon offers perhaps
the ultimate example of unilateral and vertical sur-
veillance, while social networks and media indicate
and incorporate the shift to interpersonal, horizontal,
and mutual information aggregation and surveillan-
ce. However, despite the lack of centralized control
over the Internet, its platforms and applications al-
low multilevel and latent surveillance, thus pose new
risks for the rights of the individuals by forming new
power relations and asymmetries. Surveillance and
surveillors remain invisible: The technology hides
both the possibility of surveillance and the signs of
what/who is monitored (Uteck, 2009); (Fuchs,
2011), although persons living in future ubiquitous
computing environments can - in antithesis to the
Kandias M., Mitrou L., Stavrou V. and Gritzalis D..
Which Side Are You On? - A New Panopticon vs. Privacy.
DOI: 10.5220/0004516500980110
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 98-110
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
classical “Panopticon” - assume (or even accept, if
not wish) that they will be monitored.
May Web 2.0 become an Omniopticon, in which
“the many watch the many”? (Jurgenson, 2010). Is
the “social” and “participatory network” (Beyer et
al., 2008) the ideal “topos” for “social surveillance”
(Tokunaga, 2011); (Marwick, 2012) and “participa-
tory panopticism” (Whitaker, 1999) By being
subject of communication and engaging in social
networking activities the users are becoming objects
of a lateral surveillance (Fuchs, 2011). In social
media users monitor each other. Moreover, such si-
tes and interaction platforms are, by design, destined
for users to continually digital traces left by their
“friends” or persons they interact with - often by
simply consuming or commenting user-generated
Nowadays, several often rely on user generated
content in social media, which is the most popular
type of information transmitted through internet, as
users are able to express themselves, inform others,
republish/redistribute news and opinions of others,
thus they form their personal identity in the digital
world. All these activities produce user generated in-
formation flows. These flows may be - in fact have
been - utilized for purposes ranging from profiling
for targeted advertising (on the basis of analysing
online features and behaviour of the users), to perso-
nality profiling and behaviour prediction.
Along with consumer and configuration based
offerings, exploitation/use of user generated data has
contributed to the shaping of the “Open Source In-
telligence” (Gibson, 2004). This data may be used
for both, the social good/in the interest of the society
(e.g. Forensics), or in a way that infringes funda-
mental rights and liberties or private interests (e.g.
social engineering, discriminations, cyber bullying,
etc.) (Gritzalis, 2001); (Lambrinoudakis, 2003);
(Marias, 2007); (Mitrou et al., 2003); (Spinellis et
al., 1999).
The voluntary exposure of personal information
to an indefinite audience gives rise both to the tradi-
tional and social panopticism (Nevrla, 2010). Sur-
veillance of user generated content and information
flows takes place between organisational entities and
individuals and between individual users (Marwick,
2012). Governments’ interest on information gained
through data aggregation and mining of social media
is easily understandable, as law enforcement and cri-
me prevention may require “connecting the dots”
and combining information about political beliefs
and every-day activities.
However, such information aggregation and pro-
filing of political beliefs and affiliations may result
to a “nightmare” for a democratic State, especially in
the case that such practices concern a large thus dis-
proportional) number of citizens/netizens. Users’ po-
litical profiling implicates the right to decisional and
informational privacy and may have a chilling effect
on the exercise of freedom of expression.
In order to prove our hypothesis we have develo-
ped a proof-of-concept panopticon and applied it on
real-life data. We crawled the YouTube social medi-
um and created a dataset that consists solely of Gre-
ek users, hence a Greek YouTube community. We e-
xamined the data (comments, uploads, playlists, fa-
vourites, and subscriptions) using text classification
techniques via comments classification. The panop-
ticon can predict the political affiliation of a video
and then predict the political affiliation expressed in
a list of videos. The method applies the above on u-
sers’ comments, uploaded videos, favourite videos
and playlists, so as to aggregate the results and ex-
tract a conclusion over the users’ political affiliation.
We have decided to define three categories of
broad political affiliations, namely Radical, Neutral
and Conservative. These assumptions are context-
dependent, given that our experimental test case is a
real-life Greek community. Thus, in order to reflect
the recent political/historical context in Greece, we
define the following pairing: Radical political affili-
ation refers to centre-left, left, and far-left political
beliefs, Neutral political affiliation refers to non-po-
litical content, whereas Conservative political affili-
ation refers to centre-right, right and far-right politi-
cal beliefs. The definition of the above categories
has no impact on the results of the analysis.
The paper is organized as follows: In section 2
we review the existing literature. In section 3 we
describe the panopticon methodology and the testing
environment. In section 4 we demonstrate when and
how a political affiliation of a YouTube user can be
revealed. In section 5 we provide a detailed statisti-
cal results evaluation and analysis. In section 6 we
highlight the social threats that can emerge from a
malevolent exploitation of a panopticon, along with
an analysis of the legal means that are available to-
day to a citizen or a society in order to avoid such a
case. Finally, in Section 7 we conclude and refer to
our plans for future work.
The advent of Web 2.0 has contributed in the trans-
formation of the average user from a passive reader
into a content contributor. Web 2.0 and social media
have, in particular, become a valuable source of per-
sonal data, which are available for crawling and pro-
cessing without the user’s consent. The rise of social
media usage has challenged and directed researchers
towards opinion mining and sentiment analysis
(Pang and Lee, 2008).
Opinion mining and sentiment analysis constitute
computational techniques in social computing (King
et al, 2009). As presented by King et al., social com-
puting is a computing paradigm that involves multi-
disciplinary approach in analysing and modelling so-
cial behaviour on different media and platforms to
produce intelligence and interactive platform results.
One may collect and process the available data, so as
to draw conclusions about a user mood (Choudhury
and Counts, 2012). Choudhury and Counts present
and explore ways that expressions of human moods
can be measured, inferred and expressed from social
media activity. As a result, user and usage profiling
and conclusion extraction from content processing
are, today, more feasible and valuable than ever.
Several methods have been utilized in order to
process online data and materialize the above menti-
oned threat. These methods include user behaviour
characterization in online social networks (Beneve-
nuto et al., 2008), as well as analysis of the relation-
ship between users’ gratifications and offline politi-
cal/civic participation (Park et al., 2009). Park et al.
examine the aforementioned relationship through
Facebook Groups and their research indicated the
four needs for using Facebook groups. The analysis
of the relationship between users' needs and civic
and political participation indicated that informatio-
nal uses were more correlated to civic and political
action than to recreational uses.
Users often appear not to be aware of the fact
that their data are being processed for various rea-
sons, such as consumer behaviour analysis, persona-
lized advertisement, opinion mining, user and usage
profiling, etc. Automated user profiling (Balduzzi et
al., 2010) and opinion mining may be used for male-
volent purposes, in order to extract conclusions over
a crowd of users. Balduzzi et al. utilized the ability
of querying a social network for registered e-mail
addresses in order to highlight it as a threat rather
than a feature. Furthermore, they identified more
than 1.2 million user profiles associated with the col-
lected addresses in eight social networks, such as Fa-
cebook, MySpace and Twitter. They also proposed a
number of mitigation techniques to protect the user’s
privacy. Such techniques include CAPTCHA, limit-
ing information exposure, rate-limiting queries to
prohibit automated crawling and raising user aware-
ness. In order to raise awareness the attack was ap-
plied on a realistic environment, consisting of a soci-
al networks group. Graph theoretic analysis has, al-
so, been utilized in order to examine narcissistic be-
haviour of Twitter users (Kandias et al., 2013).
Jakobsson et al., as well as Ratkiewicz (Jakobs-
son et al., 2008); (Jakobsson and Ratkiewicz, 2006),
have also conducted research on a realistic social
media environment regarding online fraud
experiments, such as phishing, with respect to users’
privacy. Such realistic approaches are proposed as a
reliable way to estimate the success rate of an attack
in the real-world and a means of raising user
awareness over the potential threat.
In this paper we have experimented with an extensi-
ve Greek community of YouTube. We present a pa-
nopticon political affiliation detection method, in
order to raise user awareness over political profiling
via social media. Furthermore, we present our find-
ings related to political profiling as a proof-of-con-
cept. The twofold purpose of this research is to (a)
raise users’ awareness over political profiling, and
(b) highlight the social threat of processing users’
online available data for discriminative purposes.
3.1 Data Crawling
In order to collect our dataset, we crawled YouTube
using its REST-based API, which simplifies and ac-
celerates the procedure. Each API request includes
parameters, such as the number of results and the
developer key. We have chosen to use a developer
key, as the crawler is less likely to be flagged as ma-
levolent for quota violations. Thus, we managed to
send more API requests and accelerate the process
of data collection. When quota violation emerges,
YouTube rejects all API calls for 10 minutes to “re-
set” quota. Regarding the number of results, YouTu-
be poses a limit of 1000 results/request. However,
the limit turned out to be much lower (50 results/re-
quest); otherwise, YouTube API kept returning error
codes. During the process of data crawling we col-
lected only publicly available data and respected qu-
ote limitations posed by YouTube, so as not to cause
even the mildest harm to YouTube’s infrastructure.
Crawling was initiated by a set of a few Greek
users. In order to crawl more users, we ran a breadth
-first search on user subscribers and on the users
who have commented on the crawled videos. During
the data collection process a user was added to the
crawling queue only if she had added a Greek locati-
on to her profile or had a profile description written
in Greek.
The gathered data were classified into three ca-
tegories: (a) user-related information, e.g., her profi-
le, uploaded videos, subscriptions, favorite videos,
and playlists, (b) video-related information, e.g., vi-
deo’s license, the number of likes and dislikes it has
received, its category and tags, and (c) comment-re-
lated information, e.g., the content of the comment
and the number of likes and dislikes received. The
collected data include: (a) 12.964 users, (b) 207.377
videos, and (c) 2.043.362 comments. The time span
of the collected data covered 7 years (Nov. 2005 -
Oct. 2012).
We added to the collected data an anonymisation
layer. In specific, usernames have been replaced
with MD5 hashes, so as to eliminate possible con-
nections between collected data and real life users.
Each user is processed as a hash value, so it hardly
feasible for the results to be reversed. Thus, single
real life users cannot be detected.
It is in principle possible, though, to reverse this
process by using indirect means, such as searching
for specific comments in search engines (e.g. Google
hacking), or by utilizing Open Source Intelligence
3.2 Graph-theoretic Approach
The forms of interactions in YouTube are easily no-
ticed. Each user can subscribe to other users, so as to
receive notifications about the recently generated
content. Furthermore, users are able to comment on
videos. These types of interaction are considered re-
lationships between users and represent ties in the
network graph of the collected dataset. In this secti-
on we present a graph analysis, so as to identify cha-
racteristics of users’ behaviour in YouTube.
Figure 1: Small world phenomenon.
Figure 2: Indegree distribution.
The main conclusions from this analysis are:
(a). The small world phenomenon does apply to the
collected Greek community. This is depicted in
Fig. 1, where we calculated the effective
diameter of the graph, i.e. every user of the
community is 6 hops away from everyone else
(Watts and Strogatz, 1998).
(b). A small group of users have the most subscri-
bers, while the rest of the users have
considerably fewer subscribers (Fig. 2). Most
nodes (users) have a low number of ingoing ties.
A small fraction of the nodes have a big number
of ingoing ones. Also, a small number of nodes
(users) have a lot of outgoing ties. The rest of the
nodes have fewer outgoing ties (Fig. 3). Higher
outdegree means more subscribers to the user, or
intense comment activity on a video.
Figure 3: Outdegree distribution.
User indegree value indicates the number of
users who subscribe to the user or comment to her
uploaded videos, while outdegree value is the num-
ber of users to whom she subscribes or comments.
Both indegree and outdegree distributions tend to
have heavier tails (Costa et al., 2007), (Barabasi,
2005) for the biggest values of indegree and outdeg-
ree values, respectively. Fig. 2.shows the indegree
distribution of the graph, while Fig. 3 shows the out-
degree distribution.
(c). Users join YouTube to participate. Fig. 4 repre-
sents the group of nodes formed in the graph.
There is one large and strongly connected com-
ponent consisting of approximately 175.000
users, 2 small connected components with
approximately 20 users, and 3.795 consisting of
one user. Thus, most nodes in the graph have an
outgoing tie to another node. Only a considerably
small number of nodes have no outgoing ties and
is inactive.
Figure 4: Group of nodes.
3.3 Tag Cloud Description
For better observing the axis of content of the collec-
ted data, we visualized the results in the form of a
tag cloud. This is demonstrated in Fig. 5.
Figure 5: Tag cloud of the dataset.
Tags “Greece” and “greek” appear frequently in
the dataset because the experimentation focuses on a
Greek community of YouTube. The majority of the
tag cloud tags are Greek words written in Latin (i.e.
“greeklish). We have transformed the Greek tags to
greeklish, in order to deal with duplicates of a word
(one in Greek and one in greeklish).
The majority of videos are related to music and
entertainment. The next topic that can be found on
the collected YouTube video tags is sports. Several
tags containing Greek sports teams’ names are also
shown in the tag cloud. One may also notice politi-
cal content in the tag cloud (i.e., tags with the names
of the Greek major political parties).
3.4 Panopticon and Youtube
Our experimentation was carried out in a real envi-
ronment (YouTube). We have followed this appro-
ach so as to offer a real-life proof-of-concept of a
panopticon and contribute in the international debate
over the issue. We exploited the results, so as to en-
hance user privacy and raise user awareness, without
disrespecting users’ permissions of profile access.
According to official statistics depicted in Fig. 6
(www.youtube.com/yt/press/statistics.html) YouTu-
be is a popular social medium. Furthermore, it grows
exponentially along with user generated content that
it hosts. YouTube is characterized by emotional-
driven responses in its comments because of videos’
emotional content. Audio-visual stimuli, combined
with the anonymity offered by usernames, appear to
enable users to express their feelings and opinions,
regarding the content of a video. Also, YouTube
users are able to interact with each other through
video comments or subscriptions. Even though it is
not essential for the users to have formed a real life
bond, they can interact on the basis of common inte-
rests, views, hobbies, or political affiliations.
Our observations indicate that users tend to parti-
cipate in the medium and generate personalized con-
tent. YouTube videos and comments contain politi-
cal characteristics as presented in the tag cloud.
Thus, we formed the hypothesis that political affilia-
tion may be extracted via content analysis. Based on
our observations, we consider that:
(a) YouTube often contains political content.
(b) Users often feel free to express their opinions,
especially when it comes to politics (because of
the anonymity they assume and the emotional
content of the medium).
(c) Most users join YouTube to participate, so one
can reasonably expect that they will reveal, inter
alia, their personal data.
Figure 6: YouTube penetration.
3.5 Drawing Conclusions
We demonstrate that one can identify the political
affiliation of a user via the political beliefs expressed
within the comments of her videos. The reason why
videos are examined is because video is YouTube’s
basic module. Since we cannot process the video it-
self, we draw a conclusion for the video through its
comments. We detect the political affiliation expres-
sed in a comment by performing text classification
into three main categories: (a) category R, which
contains expressions related to radical affiliation, (b)
category C, which contains expressions related to
conservative affiliation and (c) category N, which
contains all the comments that hold a neutral politi-
cal stance or have no political content.
Text classification uses machine learning techni-
ques to classify a comment in the appropriate cate-
gory. Assigning a comment into one of the categori-
es is equivalent to the fact that the comment contains
the respective political affiliation its category de-
picts. An alternative would be to create a vocabulary
including words of each category and scan each
comment to detect specific words. Machine learning
leads to a more reliable result than a simple word e-
xistence check. Also, text classification performs
better than scanning lists of words in a vocabulary.
Comment classification enables to extract conc-
lusions for a video’s political affiliation. The conclu-
sion drawn helps us to classify any video into one of
the defined categories of political affiliations. So, by
assigning a comment into a category implies that the
conclusion drawn for the comment is the political af-
filiation expressed in the category. The same applies
to a list of videos, such as favorite videos and play-
lists. Having the category in which a video falls into,
a conclusion can be drawn for the political affiliation
expressed in the list. Being able to classify user’s
content, we may extract conclusions for user’s com-
ments, uploaded videos, favourite videos and play-
lists. This way we can draw a final conclusion about
user’s political affiliation.
We store the crawled data in a relational database for
further analysis. The first step of the process is to
train a classifier that will be used to classify com-
ments into one of the three categories of political af-
filiation (radical, neutral, conservative). Comment
classification is performed as text classification (Se-
bastiani, 2002), which uses machine learning techni-
ques to train the system and decide in which catego-
ry a text falls into. The machine is trained by having
as input text examples and the category the exam-
ples belong to. Label assignment requires the assis-
tance of an expert, who can distinguish and justify
the categories each text belongs to.
We formed a training set so as to perform com-
ment classification. By studying the collected com-
ments, we noticed that a significant percentage of
the comments are written in the Greek language. An-
other characteristic of the Greek YouTube commu-
nity is that users write Greek words using Latin al-
phabet in their communication (“greeklish”). This is
the dominant way of writing in Greek YouTube (the
51% of our dataset’s comments are written in greek-
lish). Most users prefer to use greeklish, instead of
Greek, because they do not care about correct spel-
ling of their writings.
The appearance of those two different types of
writing in comments has led us to pick two different
approaches in comment classification, i.e., analyze
them as two different languages. Another issue is
due to the use of both greeklish and Greek. In order
to mitigate this problem we have chosen to merge
these training sets into one and train only one classi-
fier. Forming Greek and greeklish training sets requ-
ires the selection of comments from the database and
proper label assignment for each one of them, based
on the category it belongs to. We consulted a domai-
n expert (i.e., Sociologist), who could assign and ju-
stify the chosen labels on the training sets. Thus we
created a reliable classification mechanism. We cho-
se 300 comments from each category (R,C,N) of the
training set for each language. The expert contribu-
ted by assigning a category label to each comment.
Apart from the training set, we also created a tes-
ting set, which is required to evaluate the efficiency
of the resulting classifier. The testing set contains
pre-labeled data that are fed to the machine to check
if the initial assigned label of each comment is equal
to the one predicted by the machine. The testing set
labels were also assigned by the domain expert.
We performed comment classification using: (a)
Naïve Bayes Mutlinomial (McCallum and Nigam,
1998) (NBM), (b) Support Vector Machines (Joac-
hims, 1998) (SVM), and (c) Multinomial Logistic
Regression (Anderson, 1982) (MLR), so as to com-
pare the results and pick the most efficient classifier.
We compared each classifier’s efficiency based on
the metrics of precision, recall, f-measure and accu-
racy (Manning et al., 2008).
Accuracy measures the number of correct classi-
fications performed by the classifier. Precision mea-
sures the classifier’s exactness. Higher and lower
precision means less and more false positive classifi-
cations (the comment is said to be related to the ca-
tegory incorrectly) respectively. Recall measures the
classifier’s completeness. Higher and lower recall
means less and more false negative classifications
(the comment is not assigned as related to a catego-
ry, but it should be) respectively. Precision and re-
call are increased at the expense of each other.
That’s the reason why they are combined to produce
f-score metric which is the weighted harmonic mean
of both metrics.
Table 1 presents each classifier’s efficiency, bas-
ed on accuracy, precision, recall, and f-score met-
rics. Multinomial Logistic Regression and Support
Vector Machines achieve the highest accuracy. The
accuracy metric is high due to the dominant number
of politically neutral comments. Precision and recall
are proper metrics to evaluate each classifier (Man-
ning et al., 2008).
Table 1: Metrics comparison of classification algorithms.
Classifier NBM SVM MLR
65 93 55 75 91 74 83 91 77
83 56 85 80 89 73 77 93 78
73 70 60 76 89 73 80 92 77
68 84 87
Multinomial Logistic Regression achieves better
precision value and SVM better recall value. Multi-
nomial Logistic Regression achieves a slightly better
f-score assesment. Support Vector Machines and
Multinomial Logistic Regression achieve similar re-
sults regarding both recall and precision metrics. As
a result, we chose Multinomial Logistic Regression
because of the better f-score value achieved for each
one of the categories.
4.1 Video Classification
Regarding the extraction of the political affiliation
expressed in a video, we studied each video, based
on its comments, classified to one of the three cate-
gories. Also, we know the number of likes/dislikes
each comment has received. Likes and dislikes re-
present the acceptability a comment has from the au-
dience, so it may be an indication of the comment’s
importance to the overall video’s result. Thus, a
comment that receives a significant number of likes
should be treated differently than a comment with no
likes, as the first one is acknowledged as important
by more users. This assumption has been confirmed
by the data mining process. Subsequently, in order
to extract a conclusion for the video, we take into
consideration only comments that belong either to
category R or C. Neutral comments are ignored.
Each comment importance is measured via its
number of likes and dislikes. In order to come to a
video overall result we utilize two sums, one for ca-
tegory R and one for C. For every comment that be-
longs to categories R or C we add the following
quantity to the respective aggregation:
1  _
 _
The quantity added to each sum shows that a com-
ment that has received more likes than dislikes
should affect the overall score more than a comment
with more dislikes than likes. Finally, the category
with the larger sum is the category that represents vi-
deo’s political affiliation.Table 2 illustrates the pro-
cedure described above.
Table 2: Example of video classification decision.
Video “Example”
Comment Political affiliation Likes Dislikes
#1 R 90 10
#2 C 15 20
#3 R 30 5
#4 N 5 2
#5 R 10 3
Total 150 40
Sum R equals to:
1 90 150
10 40
1 30 150
5 40
1 10 150
3 40
whereas Sum C equals to
1 15 150
20 40
0.6. Sum R C, so video “Example” is classified to
category R and expresses radical political affiliation.
4.2 List Classification
The procedure followed to extract a conclusion a-
bout a list of videos is similar to the above mention-
ed video method. The only difference is that we uti-
lize videos instead of comments. The two sums are
also applied, one for category R and one for C. In
this case, instead of likes and dislikes we used the
video ones. In the end, the category with the greater
sum is the result for the list’s political affiliation.
This procedure is applied to the “favourite videos”
list, as well as to the other playlists that the user may
have created.
4.3 User Classification
A user political affiliation can be identified based on
the category she is assigned to. The procedure, as
shown in Fig. 7, takes into account a user’s com-
ments, her uploaded videos, her favourite videos,
and her playlists. A user is able to: (a) write a com-
ment to express her feelings or her opinion, (b) up-
load a video (the content may have a distinctive me-
aning for her), (c) add a video to her favourites list
(it may have an emotional or intellectual meaning
for her), and (d) create a playlist and add videos to it.
Figure 7: User classification process.
Based on these observations one may look for in-
dications of political beliefs within the user genera-
ted content. For the needs of our experimentation,
we have defined ad-hoc weights for each of the ca-
ses we examine (Table 3). Each phase of the process
generates a result on the category each user belongs
to. In comment classification, the result is based on
the number of political comments that exhibit the
highest aggregation. If the comments classified in
category R are more than those classified in category
C, then the result is that user tends to be Radical.
The results on uploaded videos, favourite videos,
and playlists are extracted as described in the list
result extraction process. User comments are the
most important factor to decide of a user’s political
affiliation (Table 3).
Table 3: Ad-hoc weights of each element.
Comment Upload Favourite Playlist
3 2 2 1
Regarding the aggregation of the results, we uti-
lize two sums, one for category R and the other for
C. Comments, videos, and lists classified as neutral
do not contribute to the aggregation. The sub-results
are appropriately weighted and added to the final
sums, in order to extract the final result. An example
of this procedure appears in Table 4.
Table 4: User classification example.
User “Example”
Political beliefs Weight
Comments R 3
Uploaded videos N 2
Favorite videos R 2
Playlists C 1
Sum R equals to 3 + 2 = 5, while Sum C equals
to 1. Sum R Sum C, which implies that the user
belongs to category R. A user is classified to catego-
ries R, or C, if there is at least one political comment
or political video detected to her content. A user
may not express a political stance via her comments
or uploaded videos; however, she may have added a
video with political content to her playlists. The re-
sult for the user will be that she belongs either to ca-
tegory R or C, depending on the political thesis ex-
pressed in the video. The weights are defined on an
ad-hoc basis. The weight of each result could be bet-
ter determined after a meta-training process.
Based on the analysis, the 2% of the collected com-
ments exhibit a clear political affiliation (0.7% was
classified as R, while 1.3% was classified as C). On
the contrary, 7% of the videos were classified to one
of these categories, 2% as R and 5% as C. On the ot-
her hand, 50% of the users have been found to clear-
ly express, at least once, their political affiliation.
Out of them, the 12% of the dataset has been found
to express Radical affiliation and 40% Conservative.
Regarding users classified as radicals, we found
that - on average - the 20% of their comments has a
political position expressed. Also, they tend to prefer
the Greek alphabet (i.e., 54% of their comments are
written in Greek, 33% in greeklish, and 13% use
both Greek and Latin alphabet).
On the other hand, users classified as conservati-
ves tend to prefer the greeklish way of expression,
namely 55% of the comments are in greeklish, 35%
written using the Greek alphabet and 10% use both
Greek and Latin alphabet. In table 5 the average
number of characters that a comment consists of is
Comments written in greeklish tend to be shorter
and more aggressive. On the contrary, comments
written in Greek tend to be larger, more explanatory,
and polite. Another finding is that the more aggressi-
ve a comment, the more misspelled it is.
Table 5: Average number of characters in a comment.
Average no. of
characters (R)
Average no. of
characters (C)
294 179
Greeklish 245 344
Both 329 227
Regarding the license assigned to each video
(Typical YouTube or Creative Commons), the 7% of
the videos are published under the Creative Com-
mons license. A 55% of these videos were uploaded
by users classified as Radicals, 10% by Conservati-
ves and 35% by Neutrals.
Radicals tend to massively comment on the same
videos. We found that these videos have unequivo-
cal political content, namely political events, music,
incidents of police brutality, etc. Moreover, the vi-
deos that radicals tend to add to their favourites are
mainly documentaries and political music clips.
Conservatives tend to share mainly conspiracy-based
videos, as well ones with a nationalistic content.
The use of this kind of methods may result to prob-
lems that are actually inherent in every kind of profi-
ling. In brief, these methods may be regarded as a
kind of (behavioural) profiling on the Internet, in the
meaning of collecting data (recording, storing, track-
ing) and searching it for identifying patterns (Castel-
luccia et al., 2011). Such profiling methods interfere
with the right to informational privacy and are asso-
ciated with discrimination risks.
The observation of the behaviour and characteri-
stics of individuals through mining of large quan-
tities of data may infringe fundamental rights, let
alone the determination of correlation between cha-
racteristics and patterns and the respective classifica-
tion of individuals. A major threat for privacy rights
derives from the fact that profiling methods can ge-
nerate sensitive information “out of seemingly trivial
and/or even anonymous data” (Hildebrandt, 2009).
By studying user’s uploads it is possible to ex-
tract information related to the content, especially
when it refers to areas such as political affiliation.
Furthermore, a user is possible to have a private pro-
file, however her comments could be collected from
crawling random videos. Thus, a limited profile can
be build based on those comments. The predominant
rationales for acquiring knowledge about the politi-
cal opinions and the relative sentiments seems to be
either (political) research purposes or the goal of re-
ducing risks both in the private and the public sector.
However, personal data that are, by their nature, par-
ticularly sensitive and vulnerable to abuse, deserve
specific protection.
Collecting and processing data about political be-
liefs is regarded by law as a highly exceptional situ-
ation. Many international and national laws prohibit
explicitly the processing of personal data revealing
political opinions (e.g. Art. 8 of the European Data
Protection Directive and Art. 6 of the Convention
108 of the Council of Europe). Derogating from the
prohibition on processing this “sensitive category”
of data is allowed if done by a law that lays down
the specific purposes and subject to suitable sa-
feguards. Such derogations rely on a manifest public
interest or the explicit, informed and written consent
of the person concerned.
However, in European data protection law dero-
gation is sometimes allowed also in the cases that
“the processing relates to data which are manifestly
made public by the data subject” (Art. 8, §2e of the
European Data Protection Directive), which is the
case if people generate content or comment on other
users’ content in social networks or media using the-
ir real identity and aiming at expressing their opini-
ons publicly. According to the American theory and
jurisprudence there is no “reasonable expectation of
privacy if data is voluntarily revealed to others” (So-
love, 2006). It is “apparent”, according to this theo-
ry, that one cannot retain a reasonable expectation of
privacy in the case of YouTube, videos, likes, and
comments left open to the public (Henderson, 2012).
By generating content in social media users are
generating information flows and aggregations. Pro-
viders and Online Social Networks encourage - also
through the default settings - “producers” (Bruns ,
2006) to publish personal information and enable
anyone accessing this information thus actively con-
tributing to shaping social media as an attractive
product (Ziegele and Quiring, 2011). Does self-ex-
posure in social media amount to freely and consci-
ously chosen privacy abandonment?
YouTube offers several privacy options to users.
These privacy options encompass: (a) creation of
private channel/profile, which disables access to u-
ser’s channel where her profile is available, (b) crea-
tion of private videos, which enables users to share
them with a limited number of viewers (up to 50
persons) after inviting them, (c) creation of private
video lists, which applies to favourite videos and
playlists and disable a playlist from being publicly a-
vailable, and (d) potentially disclose user’s activity,
e.g., comments, subscriptions or favourite videos.
These options may protect user’s actions from being
tracked in order to get information about the video
she likes, comments on, or the users she is subscrib-
ed to. However, we should take into consideration
individual’s general inertia toward default terms
(Mitrou, 2009); (Mitrou, 2003); (Lambrinoudakis et
al., 2003). Moreover, it seems that the majority of
users choose to disclose their personal data to as ma-
ny users as possible, although average users do not
have a clear idea about the actual reach of informa-
tion they reveal or they underestimate the possible
reach of their profiles visibility (Ziegele and Qui-
ring, 2011).
Users are losing control over their data and the
use thereof, as they are becoming detectable and
“correlatable”. The combination of all this informati-
on provides a powerful tool for the accurate profil-
ing of users. Moreover, it is quite simple to identify
a particular person, even after her key attributes (na-
me, affiliation, address) have been removed, based
on her web history (Castelluccia et al., 2011).
However, even if individuals are profiled in a
pseudonimised way they may be adversely influenc-
ed (Schermer, 2011); (Spinellis, 1999).
Informational privacy protects individuals against
practices that erode individual freedom, their
capacity for self-determination, and their autonomy
to engage in relationships and foster social
appearance. If individuals fear that information
pertaining to them might lead to false incrimination,
reprisals or manipulation of their data, they would
probably hesitate to engage in communication and
participatory activities (Mitrou, 2010). The autono-
my fostered by informational privacy generates col-
lective benefits because it promotes “reasoned parti-
cipation in the governance of the community” (Co-
hen, 2000).
Risks of misuse and errors arising out of the ag-
gregation and data mining of a large amount of data
made public for other purposes are manifest. Accor-
ding to the German Federal Constitutional Court the
“cataloguing” of the personality through the connec-
tion of personal data for the purpose of creating pro-
files and patterns is not permitted (Judgment of the
Bundesverfassungsgericht, 4 April 2006, 1 BvR 518/
02, 23.05.2006). A mass profiling of persons on the
base of their views expressed in social media could
have intimidation effects with further impacts on
their behaviour, the conception of their identity and
the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms
such as the freedom of speech (Cas, 2011). Fear of
discrimination and prejudice may result to self-cen-
sorship and self-oppression (Fazekas, 2004). Indeed,
while profiling risks are usually conceived as threats
to informational privacy we should point out the - e-
ventually more - significant and actual risk of discri-
mination (Gutwirth and Hert, 2008). The safeguards
relating to the use of personal information aim -
among others. if not principally - at preventing dis-
crimination against persons because of their opini-
ons, beliefs, health or social status. Studies conveyed
how profiling and the widespread collection and ag-
gregation of personal information increase social in-
justice and generate even further discrimination a-
gainst political or ethnical minorities or traditionally
disadvantaged groups (Mitrou, 2010).
Individuals may be confronted with major pro-
blems both in their workplace and in their social en-
vironment. Employers or rigid micro-societies could
demonstrate marginalizing behaviour against per-
sons because of their deviating political affiliation.
There are a lot of historical examples of people who
have been side-lined by the hegemonic attitude of
society. One should not look for numerous examples
in order to evaluate this thesis: Victor Hugo’s “Les
Miserables” (Section X: The Bishop in the presence
of an unknown light) is the most representative evi-
dence towards this result.
If we may generalize the above mentioned consi-
deration to a macro environment, consequences to
the deviating from the average political affiliation
could lead to mass social exclusion, prejudice and
discriminations. Such minorities may even be consi-
dered de facto delinquent and face a social stigma.
In the context of a totalitarian/authoritarian regime,
implementation of such methods could lead to mas-
sive violation of civil and human rights or even
threat the life of specific individuals.
In this paper we dealt with the possibility of a social
threat that is based on user generated content exploi-
tation and leads to political affiliation profiling; na-
mely a new panopticon of the digital era. Political
beliefs and affiliation have been a cause for social
marginalization, prejudice, and discrimination, espe-
cially in totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. Thus,
we bring this issue to the fore and contribute to the
debate and awareness raising. A user might want to
protect personal information other than political affi-
liation, namely information related to sexual orienta-
tion, racial discrimination or even the health conditi-
on of the user regardless of the national scope. Such
an improper information disclosure could be easily
conducted via expantion of the Panopticon methodo-
logy on the condition that domain experts of each
case are available to interp-ret the collected data and
train an appropriate model.
In order to prove and highlight the above mentio-
ned we developed a panopticon methodology that is
able to materialize this threat. During our research
we collected a number of 12.964 users, 207.377
videos and 2.043.362 comments from YouTube. Af-
terwards, we conducted content and graph theoretic
analysis of the dataset in order to verify that it is
possible to extract conclusions over users’ political
affiliation. Our results confirmed the initial hypothe-
sis that YouTube is a social medium that can support
the study of users’ political affiliation, namely au-
dio-visual stimuli along with the feeling of anonymi-
ty enables users to express their political beliefs, e-
ven the most extreme ones.
The panopticon needs the contribution of a field
specialist in order to assign category labels (Radical,
Neutral or Conservative) to each comment of the
training set. Then, a machine is trained in classifying
YouTube comments to these categories. We experi-
mented with three algorithms, i.e., Naïve Bayes
Multinomial, Support Vector Machines, and Multi-
nomial Logistic Regression. Comparison of each
classifier’s efficiency was based on the metrics of
precision, recall, f-score and accuracy and indicated
that the MLR algorithm is the most appropriate be-
cause of the better f-score value achieved for each of
the categories. F-score is a combination of recall and
precision metrics. Classifying comments to these ca-
tegories enables the panopticon to classify playlists,
lists of favourites and uploads, thus it manages to
classify users to the above mentioned categories.
Furthermore, we carried out a series of statistics
regarding our dataset. In specific we quoted charac-
teristics and demographics of the radical and conser-
vative users that we located in our data. Alongside
with these characteristics, we highlighted possible
consequences of an alleged implementation of the
described panopticon method. Regardless of the sco-
pe of the implementation, the resulting threats in-
clude working place discriminations, social prejudi-
ce or even stigma and marginalization of the victims.
These phenomena could be identified even in a de-
mocratic and stable society, not to mention the th-
reats one could face in a military or totalitarian regi-
me. Thus, we adopted a pro-privacy attitude and in-
cluded a legal point of view in our analysis, along
with the emergence of the demand for raising social
awareness over this threat and the necessity for insti-
tutionalization of digital rights.
For future work we plan on further studying the
panopticon and recognize more aspects of this social
threat. We intend on spreading our research on other
social media and study the phenomenon under the
prism of different tools and methodologies along
with optimization of our weight factors. Finally, we
plan on proposing optimized methods for online pri-
vacy and anonymity with particular interest on the
field of social media.
Authors would like to thank N. Bosovic for his help
in the process of data mining, K. Galbogini for her
contribution in the graph theoretic analysis of the da-
taset and V. Rongas for his help with Sociology and
political affiliation analysis.
This work was supported in part by the Solo (56
NEW_B_2012) project, funded by the Hellenic Ge-
neral Secretariat for Research & Technology.
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