The Current Landscape of Pitfalls in Ontologies
C. Maria Keet
, Mari Carmen Su
and Mar
ıa Poveda-Villal
School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
UKZN/CSIR-Meraka Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, Durban, South Africa
Ontology Engineering Group, Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Ontology Development, Ontology Quality, Pitfall.
A growing number of ontologies are already available thanks to development initiatives in many different
fields. In such ontology developments, developers must tackle a wide range of difficulties and handicaps,
which can result in the appearance of anomalies in the resulting ontologies. Therefore, ontology evaluation
plays a key role in ontology development projects. OOPS! is an on-line tool that automatically detects pitfalls,
considered as potential errors or problems, and thus may help ontology developers to improve their ontolo-
gies. To gain insight in the existence of pitfalls and to assess whether there are differences among ontologies
developed by novices, a random set of already scanned ontologies, and existing well-known ones, data of 406
OWL ontologies were analysed on OOPS!’s 21 pitfalls, of which 24 ontologies were also examined manually
on the detected pitfalls. The various analyses performed show only minor differences between the three sets
of ontologies, therewith providing a general landscape of pitfalls in ontologies.
A growing number of ontologies are already avail-
able in different domains thanks to ontology devel-
opment initiatives and projects. However, the de-
velopment of ontologies is not trivial. Early ontol-
ogy authoring suggestions were made by (Noy and
McGuinness, 2001), and (Rector et al., 2004) present
the most common problems, errors, and misconcep-
tions of understanding OWL DL based on their ex-
periences teaching OWL. OWL 2 DL contains more
features and there is a much wider uptake of ontology
development by a more diverse group of modellers
since. This situation increases the need for training,
for converting past mistakes into useful knowledge
for ontology authoring, and it requires a clear notion
of ontology quality both in the negative sense (what
are the mistakes?) and in the positive (when is some
representation good?). Several steps have been taken
with respect to quality in the negative sense, such as
to identify antipatterns (Roussey et al., 2009) and to
create a catalogue of common pitfalls—understood as
potential errors, modelling flaws, and missing good-
practices in ontology development—in OWL ontolo-
gies (Poveda et al., 2010; Poveda-Villal
on et al.,
2012), and in the positive sense by defining good and
‘safe’ object property expressions (Keet, 2012) and
taxonomies (Guarino and Welty, 2009). The cata-
logue of common pitfalls included 29 types of pitfalls
at the time of evaluation and 21 of them are automati-
cally detected by the online OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner!
(OOPS! With the au-
tomation of scanning pitfalls as well as advances in
ontology metrics, this now provides the opportunity
to obtain quantitative results, which has been identi-
fied as a gap in the understanding of ontology quality
before (Vrande
c, 2009). Here, we are interested in
answering two general questions, being:
A. What is the prevalence of each of those pitfalls in
existing ontologies?
B. To what extent do the pitfalls say something about
quality of an ontology?
The second question can be broken down into several
more detailed questions and hypotheses, which one
will be able to answer and validate or falsify through a
predominantly quantitative analysis of the ontologies:
1. Which anomalies that appear in OWL ontologies
are the most common?
2. Are the ontologies developed by experienced de-
velopers and/or well-known or mature ontologies
‘better’ in some modelling quality sense than the
ontologies developed by novices? This is refined
into the following hypotheses:
(i) The prevalence and average of pitfalls is sig-
nificantly higher in ontologies developed by
novices compared to ontologies deemed estab-
Keet C., Suárez-Figueroa M. and Poveda-Villalón M..
The Current Landscape of Pitfalls in Ontologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004517901320139
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 132-139
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(ii) The kind of pitfalls observed in novices’ on-
tologies differs significantly from those in well-
known or mature ontologies.
(iii) The statistics on observed pitfalls of a ran-
dom set of ontologies is closer to those of
novices’ ontologies than the well-known or ma-
ture ones.
(iv) There exists a positive correlation between
the detected pitfalls and the size or number of
particular elements of the ontology.
(v) There exists a positive correlation between
the detected pitfalls and the DL fragment of the
OWL ontology.
To answer these questions, we used the 362 ontolo-
gies scanned by OOPS! over the past year, 23 novices
ontologies, and 21 ontologies that are generally con-
sidered to be well-known, where the latter two sets
were also scanned by OOPS! and evaluated manu-
ally. Although all 21 types of pitfalls have been de-
tected, the most common pitfalls concern lack of an-
notations and domain and range axioms, and issues
with inverses, and to some extent creating uncon-
nected ontology elements and using a recursive def-
inition. The results falsify hypotheses (i), (ii), and
(v), partially validate (iv)—for novices, the number
of pitfalls/ontology does relate to the size and com-
plexity of the ontology—and validate (iii); i.e., there
are no striking differences between the three sets of
ontologies, therewith providing a general landscape
of pitfalls in ontologies.
In the remainder of this paper, we describe the
state of the art in Section 2, report on the experimental
evaluation in Section 3, and conclude in Section 4.
When developing ontologies, developers must tackle
a wide range of difficulties, which are related to the
inclusion of anomalies in the modelling. Thus, ontol-
ogy evaluation, which checks the technical quality of
an ontology against a frame of reference, plays a key
role when developing ontologies. To help developers
during the ontology modelling, early ontology author-
ing guidelines to avoid typical errors when modelling
ontologies were provided in (Noy and McGuinness,
2001). Such guidelines help developers to prevent
errors related to the definition of classes, class hier-
archies, and properties during frame-based ontology
developments. Rector and colleagues (Rector et al.,
2004) help with the precise meaning of OWL DL and
provide some guidelines on how to avoid diverse pit-
falls when building OWL DL ontologies. These pit-
falls were mainly related to (a) the failure to make
information explicit, (b) the mistaken use of univer-
sal and existential restrictions, (c) the open world rea-
soning, and (d) the effects of domain and range con-
straints. A classification of errors was identified dur-
ing the evaluation of consistency, completeness, and
conciseness of ontology taxonomies (G
2004). First steps towards a catalogue of common
pitfalls started in 2009 (Poveda et al., 2010) lead-
ing to a first stable version in (Poveda-Villal
on et al.,
2010). This catalogue is being maintained and is ac-
cessible on-line as part of the OOPS! portal. OOPS!
on et al., 2012) is a web-based tool for
detecting potential pitfalls, currently providing mech-
anisms to automatically detect a subset of 21 pit-
falls of those included in the catalogue and there-
with helping developers during the ontology valida-
tion activity. Related to the aforementioned catalogue
of pitfalls, is the identification of a set of antipat-
terns (Roussey et al., 2009). Theory-based methods
to help developers to increase ontology quality in-
clude defining good and ‘safe’ object property ex-
pressions (Keet, 2012) and ontologically sound tax-
onomies (Guarino et al., 2009). To help developers
during the ontology evaluation activity, there are dif-
ferent approaches: (a) comparison of the ontology to
a “gold standard”, (b) use of the ontology in an appli-
cation and evaluation of the results, (c) comparison of
the ontology with a source of data about the domain
to be covered, and (d) evaluation by human experts
who assess how the ontology meets the requirements
(Brank et al., 2005). A summary of generic guide-
lines and specific techniques for ontology evaluation
can be found in (Sabou and Fernandez, 2012). An
ontology evaluation approach based on the three fol-
lowing layers is presented in (Gangemi et al., 2006):
(1) O2 (a meta-ontology), (2) oQual (a pattern based
on O2 for Ontology Quality), and qood (for Quality-
Oriented Ontology Description). This allows one to
measure the quality of an ontology relative to struc-
tural, functional, and usability-related dimensions. A
compendium of criteria describing good ontologies
is reported in (Vrande
c, 2009) (including accuracy,
adaptability, clarity, completeness, computational ef-
ficiency, conciseness, consistency/coherence and or-
ganizational fitness) and it presents a review of do-
main and task-independent evaluation methods re-
lated to vocabulary, syntax, structure, semantics, rep-
resentation and context aspects.
To the best of our knowledge, what is missing at
present in the ontology and evaluation field is a quan-
titative analysis of the most common pitfalls develop-
ers include in the ontologies. Based on this study, one
then may create a relevant set of guidelines to help
developers in the task of developing ontologies and
refine ontology quality criteria.
3.1 Materials and Methods
3.1.1 Data Collection
With the aim of identifying the most common pitfalls
typically made when developing ontologies in differ-
ent contexts and domains, we have collected and ana-
lyzed 44 ontologies (Set1 and Set2) and used the data
stored in OOPS! for a random set (Set3):
Set1: 23 ontologies in different domains (a.o., furni-
ture, tennis, bakery, cars, soccer, poker, birds, and
plants) developed by novices. These ontologies
were developed as a practical assignment by Com-
puter Science honours (4th year) students attend-
ing the course “Ontologies & Knowledge bases
(OKB718)” in 2011 and 2012 at the University of
Set2: 21 existing well-known ontologies that may be
deemed ‘mature’ in the sense of being a stable re-
lease, well-known, a real OWL ontology (i.e., no
toy ontology nor a tutorial ontology, nor an au-
tomated thesaurus-to-OWL file), the ontology is
used in multiple projects including in ontology-
driven information systems, and whose develop-
ers have ample experiences in and knowledge of
ontologies, and the selected ontologies are in dif-
ferent subject domains; a.o., DOLCE, BioTop,
and GoodRelations.
Set3: 362 ontologies analyzed with OOPS! They
were selected from the 614 times that ontologies
were submitted between 14-11-2011 and 19-10-
2012. The full set was filtered as follows: main-
tain those repeated ontologies for which OOPS!
obtained different results in each evaluation, elim-
inate those repeated ontologies for which OOPS!
obtained the same results in every evaluation, and
eliminate those ontologies whose namespace is
deferenceable but it does not refer to an ontology.
OOPS! output for the three sets, including calcula-
tions, manual analyses of OOPS! detected pitfalls
for ontologies in Set1 and Set2, and the names and
URIs of the ontologies of Set2 and the names of
the ontologies in Set1, are available at http://www.oeg-
All ontologies are evaluated by being scanned
through OOPS!, which checks the ontology on most
pitfalls that have been collected in the pitfall cata-
logue and discussed in earlier works (Poveda et al.,
2010; Poveda-Villal
on et al., 2012) and are taken
at face value for this first quantitative evaluation:
Creating synonyms as classes (P2); Creating the re-
lationship “is” instead of using rdfs:subClassOf,
rdf:type or owl:sameAs (P3); Creating uncon-
nected ontology elements (P4); Defining wrong in-
verse relationships (P5); Including cycles in the hier-
archy (P6); Merging different concepts in the same
class (P7); Missing annotations (P8); Missing dis-
jointness (P10); Missing domain or range in proper-
ties (P11); Missing equivalent properties (P12); Miss-
ing inverse relationships (P13); Swapping intersec-
tion and union (P19); Misusing ontology annotations
(P20); Using a miscellaneous class (P21); Using dif-
ferent naming criteria in the ontology (P22); Using
recursive definition (P24); Defining a relationship in-
verse to itself (P25); Defining inverse relationships
for a symmetric one (P26); Defining wrong equiva-
lent relationships (P27); Defining wrong symmetric
relationships (P28); and Defining wrong transitive re-
lationships (P29). Detailed descriptions are available
online from the pitfall catalogue at http://www.oeg- Note that OOPS! anal-
yses also properly imported OWL ontologies, i.e.,
when they are available and dereferencable online at
the URI specified in the import axiom.
In addition, we collected from the ontologies of
Set1 and Set2: DL sublanguage as detected in Prot
4.1, number of classes, object and data properties, in-
dividuals, subclass and equivalence axioms.
3.1.2 Analyses
The data was analysed by computing the following
aggregates and statistics. The basic aggregates for the
three sets are: (a) percentage of the incidence of a pit-
fall; (b) comparison of the percentages of incidence
of a pitfall among the three sets; (c) average, median,
and standard deviation of the pitfalls per ontology and
compared among the three sets; and (d) average, me-
dian, and standard deviation of the pitfall/ontology.
For Set1 and Set2 ontologies, additional charac-
teristics were calculated, similar to some of the on-
tology metrics proposed elsewhere (Vrande
c, 2009;
Gangemi et al., 2006). Let |C| denote the number of
classes, |OP| the number of object properties, |DP|
the number of data properties, |I| the number of in-
dividuals, |Sax| the number of subclass axioms, and
|Eax| the number of equivalences in an ontology. The
number of Ontology Elements (OE) is computed by
Eq. 1, and an approximation of the Ontology Size
(OS) by Eq. 2.
OE = |C| + |OP| + |DP| + |I| (1)
OS = |C| + |OP| + |DP| + |I| + |Sax| + |Eax| (2)
We use two measures for quantifying the ‘complex-
ity’ of the ontology. First, an Indirect Modelling
Complexity (IMC) is computed based on the ax-
ioms present (Eq. 3), where a lower value indicates
a more complex ontology with relatively more ax-
ioms declaring properties of the classes compared to
a lightweight ontology or bare taxonomy.
IMC = |C| : (|Sax| + |Eax|) (3)
Second, the OWL features used are analysed twofold:
(i) by calculating the overall percentage of use of S,
R , O, I , Q and (D), i.e., a rough measure of the OWL
2 DL features used; (ii) by converting the DL frag-
ment into a numerical value, where AL is given the
lowest value of 0 and SR OI Q the highest value of
10, to be used in correlation calculations (see below).
The DL fragment and IMC are compared as well, for
they need not be similar (e.g., a bare taxonomy with
one object property declared reflexive already ‘mer-
its’ detection of an R , but actually is still a simple on-
tology with respect to the subject domain represented,
and, vv., an ontology can be comprehensive with re-
spect to the subject domain, but originally developed
in OWL DL but not updated since OWL 2).
Basic correlations are computed for the ontology
sizes and complexities with respect to the pitfalls, and
detailed correlations are computed for certain individ-
ual pitfalls: P5, P11, P13, P25, P26, P27, P28, and
P29 are pitfalls specific to object properties, hence,
the amount of properties in the ontologies may be cor-
related to the amount of pitfalls detected, and likewise
for P3, P6, P7, P10, P21, and P24 for classes, and P8
for classes and ontology elements.
Finally, manual qualitative analyses with ontolo-
gies in Set1 and Set2 were conducted on possible false
positives and additional pitfalls.
3.2 Results
We first present the calculations and statistics, and
subsequently a representative selection of the quali-
tative evaluation of the ontologies in Set1 and Set2.
3.2.1 Aggregated and Analysed Data
The raw data of the ontologies evaluated with
OOPS! are available online at http://www.oeg-
The type of mistakes made by novice ontology devel-
opers are: P4, P5, P7, P8, P10, P11, P13, P19, P22,
P24, P25, P26, P27, and P29. The percentages of oc-
currence of a pitfall over the total set of 23 ontologies
in Set1 is included in Fig. 1, the average amount of
pitfalls is shown in Fig. 2, and aggregate data is listed
in Table 1. The analogous results for Set3 are shown
in Figs. 1 and Fig. 2, and in Table 1, noting that all
OOPS! pitfalls have been detected in Set3 and that
the median amount of pitfalls/ontology is similar to
that of Set1. The high aggregate values are caused
by a few ontologies each with around 5000 or more
detected pitfalls; without P8 (annotations), there are
three ontologies that have more than 1000 detected
pitfalls at the time of scanning the ontology. The
results obtained with the 21 well-known ontologies
(Set2) can be found in the same table and figures,
and include pitfalls P2, P4, P5, P7, P8, P10, P11,
P12, P13, P19, P20 (0 upon manual assessment),
P21, P22, P24, P25, P26, P27, and P29, noting that
the percentages and averages differ little from those
of the novices and random ones. The high aggregate
values for Set2 is largely due to OBI with a pitfall
count of 3771 for P8 (annotations) and DMOP with a
pitfall count of 866 for P8; without P8, OBI, DMOP,
and the Government Ontology exceeded 100 pitfalls
due to P11 (missing domain and range axioms) and
P13 (missing inverses—but see also below). P8 is an
outlier both in prevalence and in quantity for all three
sets of ontologies and only some of the ontologies
have very many missing annotations, which skews the
average, as can be observed from the large standard
For Set1 and Set2, we collected data about the
content of the ontologies and analysed them against
the pitfalls, as described in Section 3.1. The usage of
the OWL 2 DL features in Set1 are: S 44%, R 26%, I
83%, O 26%, Q 52%, and D 17%, whereas for Set2,
the percentages are 62%, 19%, 81%, 24%, 5%, and
86%, respectively; the difference is largely due to the
difference in timing of the development of the ontol-
ogy, with some of the well-known ontologies having
been developed before the OWL2 standard, and the
use of data properties was discouraged in the lectures
for the ontologies in Set1. In order to include the DL
fragment in the analyses, we assigned values to the
fragments prior to analysis, ranging from a value of
0 for an ontology in AL(D) to 10 for an ontology
in S R OI Q (D), and intermediate values for others
(e.g., ALCH I(D) with a value 3 and S H I F with
value 6—see supplementary data). With the calcu-
lated IMC (recall Eq. 3), the correlation between DL
fragment and the IMC is -0.18 for the ontologies in
Set1 and -0.74 for the ontologies in Set2. This pos-
sibly may change a little by tweaking the values as-
signed to the DL fragments, but not such as to obtain
a strong, meaningful correlation between detected DL
fragment and the IMC.
Correlations for several measures are included in
Table 2. The only substantial correlations found are
between all pitfalls per ontology elements and size (in
boldface), although with all pitfalls minus P8, there
is no obvious correlation anymore. p-values were
computed with the 1-tailed unpaired Student t-test,
Figure 1: Percentage of occurrence of a pitfall in the three sets of ontologies.
Figure 2: Average number of pitfall/ontology, by set; for P8, the averages are 62, 297, and 303, respectively.
Table 1: Totals for the three sets of ontologies (rounded off), with and without the annotation pitfall (P8).
Ontology Set1: Novices Set3: Random Set2: Well-known Combined
Pitfalls All All – P8 All All – P8 All All – P8 All All – P8
Total 2046 626 133746 26330 7639 1277 143436 28238
Minimum 23 3 0 0 15 2 0 0
Maximum 366 95 7948 1999 3920 207 7948 1999
Average 89 27 735 145 364 61 353 70
Median 65 19 50 14 137 48 54 16
St. dev. 74 26 1147 244 846 53 1101 231
Table 2: Correlations and p-values for specific pitfalls and ontology size and complexity, with the relatively interesting values
in boldface; p/o = pitfalls/ontology; DL = DL fragment; where p < 0.0001, only 0 is written in the cell due to width limitations.
Set Set1: Novices Set2: Well-known Both
All All – P8 All All – P8 All All – P8
p/o Corr. p Corr. p Corr. p Corr. p Corr. p Corr. p
DL 0.33 0 0.18 0.0002 0.49 0.066 0.52 0 0.38 0.020 0.38 0
IMC 0.06 0 -0.14 0 -0.21 0.056 -0.36 0 -0.14 0.017 -0.2 0
OE 0.998 0.47 0.70 0.0003 0.993 0.84 0.57 0.068 0.990 0.79 0.58 0.025
OS 0.58 0.0072 0.67 0 0.998 0.34 0.52 0.10 0.995 0.24 0.52 0.044
which are also included in Table 2. Using a gener-
ous p < 0.05 for no difference between the number
of pitfalls per ontology and DL fragment, IMC, OE,
or OS, then the hypotheses have to be rejected mainly
for novices (boldface in Table 2). Correlations were
also computed for certain pitfalls and relevant ontol-
ogy elements, as shown in Table 3; e.g., P5 is about
inverse relationships, hence, one might conjecture it
Table 3: Correlations by pitfalls and ontology metric, with
the most interesting values in boldface, and potentials in
italics; “–”: no pitfall detected, hence, no correlation.
Ontology Set1 Set2 Both
P5 – no. OPs 0.71 0.52 0.58
P11 – no. OPs 0.41 0.34 0.40
P13 – no. OPs 0.54 0.78 0.77
P25 – no. OPs 0.36 0.30 0.32
P26 – no. OPs 0.72 -0.25 0.25
P27 – no. OPs 0.71 0.61 0.59
P28 – no. OPs
P29 – no. OPs -0.20 0.15 -0.03
P3 – no. C
P6 – no. C
P7 – no. C 0.17 0.04 0.06
P10 – no. C -0.08 -0.13 -0.09
P21 – no. C -0.10 -0.06
P24 – no. C 0.15 -0.04 0.01
P8 – no. C 0.22 0.9975 0.9909
P8 – no. OE 0.51 0.9899 0.9848
is correlated with the amount of object properties in
the ontology. This only holds strongly for P8 and the
elements in the Set2 ontologies, which explains why
there are significant correlations for all pitfalls but not
all minus P8 in Table 2. A weakly possibly interesting
correlation exists for P5, P26, P27 in the Set1 ontolo-
gies, and for P13 in the well-known ontologies.
Comparing pitfalls among Set1, Set2, and Set3
with the 1-tailed unpaired Student t-test, then the
null hypothesis—no difference—has to be rejected
for novice vs. mature if one ignores pitfall P8 (p =
0.0096), i.e., one can observe a difference, but this
does not hold anymore for all pitfalls (p = 0.13). The
results are inconclusive for the other combinations:
all pitfalls novice vs. random p = 0.15, all mature
vs. random p = 0.98, all minus P8 novice vs. ran-
dom p = 0.37, and all minus P8 mature vs. random
p = 0.82.
3.2.2 Qualitative Analysis of the Detected
As the pitfalls in the catalogue (and thus OOPS!) are
relatively coarse-grained, we examined the OOPS!-
detected pitfalls of the ontologies in Set1 and Set2 on
the correctness of detection. That is, although the al-
gorithms in OOPS! are implemented correctly, they
may detect more pitfalls than what an ontology devel-
oper may see as a problem, and such insights may, on
the one hand, help refining a pitfall and, on the other
hand, downgrade a pitfall to being irrelevant practi-
cally. Of the analyses carried out (included in the sup-
plementary data file), we highlight four types of pit-
falls that illustrate well an aspect of ontology devel-
opment practices (P4), subject domain peculiarities
(P7), language features (P13), and modelling (P24).
P4: unconnected ontology elements. OOPS! cor-
rectly identifies ‘orphan’ classes and properties, but
they are debatable in some cases. For instance, an or-
phan’s subclasses are used in a class expression, i.e.,
the orphan class is used merely as a way of group-
ing similar things alike a so-called ‘abstract class’ in
UML. The Deprecated and Obsolete orphans are typ-
ically present in bio-ontologies, which is deemed a
feature in that field. A recurring type of orphan class
was to add a class directly subsumed by owl:Thing
to indicate the subject domain (e.g., a Bakery class
for an ontology about bakery things), which might be
defensible in a distributed ontology, but not in a sin-
gle domain ontology. Overall, each of these practices
require a more substantive argument whether they de-
serve to be a false positive or not.
P7: Merging different concepts in the same class.
OOPS! detects a few occurrences that are false posi-
tives, besides the many correctly identified ones. For
instance, a RumAndRaisinFlavour of ice cream does
not constitute merging different classes, but a com-
posite flavour and would not have been a false positive
if that flavour had obtained its own name (e.g., Rum-
myRaisin). From a computational perspective, there
is no easy way to detect these differences.
P13: Missing inverse relationships. The issues
with inverses are contentious and hard to detect,
especially since OWL and OWL 2 differ in their
fundamental approach. Unlike OWL, OWL 2 has
a feature ObjectInverseOf, so that for some ob-
ject property hasOP in an OWL 2 ontology, one
does not have to extend the vocabulary with an
OPof property and declare it as the inverse of ha-
sOP with InverseObjectProperties, but instead
one can use the meaning of OPof with the axiom
ObjectInverseOf(hasOP). In addition, GFO’s ex-
ists at and BioTop’s abstractlyRelatedTo do not read-
ily have an inverse name, and a modeller likely will
not introduce a new property for the sake of having
a named inverse property when it is not needed in
a class axiom. Overall, P13 is detected more often
than warranted from a modeller’s viewpoint, and it
could be refined to only those cases where the declara-
tion of InverseObjectProperties is missing; e.g.,
both manufacturedBy and hasManufacturer are in the
car ontology, but they are not declared inverse though
they clearly are, which OOPS! detects already.
P24: Using recursive definition. This pitfall
is tricky to define and detect. In general, re-
cursive definitions are wrong, such as the pattern
X X u R.Y, which should be detected, and likewise
detecting unintended assertions, such as CarrotFilling
v hasFillingsAndToppimg.CarrotFilling (in the bak-
ery (novice’s) ontology). However, P24 currently de-
tects whether the class on the left-hand side of the
subsumption or equivalence occurs also on the right-
hand side, which is not always a problem; e.g., DM-
Process v hassubprocess.DM-Process in DMOP is
fine. These subtle differences are difficult to detect
automatically, and require manual inspection before
changing or ignoring the pitfall.
Removal of the false positives reduces the ob-
served minor differences between the three sets of on-
tologies, i.e., roughly equalize the percentages per pit-
fall. Put differently, this supports the observation that
there is a general landscape of pitfalls.
3.2.3 Candidate Pitfalls
The novices’ ontologies had been analysed manually
on modelling mistakes before OOPS! and before con-
sulting the catalogue. In addition to detecting the kind
of pitfalls already in the catalogue, new ones were de-
tected, which typically occurred in more than one on-
tology. We refer to them here as new candidate pit-
falls (Cs) to add to the catalogue:
C1. Including some form of negation in ontology ele-
ment names. For example, DrugAbusePrevention
(discussed in (Schulz et al., 2009)), and NotAdults
or ImpossibleHand (in poker ontology). This pit-
fall refers to an anomaly in the element naming.
C2. Distinguishing between file name and URI. This
is related to naming issues where the .owl file has
a meaningful name, but the ontology URI has a
different name (also observed in (Keet, 2011)).
C3. Confusing part-of relation with subclass-of rela-
tion. This pitfall is a special and very common
case of pitfall P23 (using incorrectly ontology el-
ements) (see (de Cea et al., 2008)). As part of this
pitfall, there is also the case in which the most
appropriate part-whole relation in general is not
selected (see also (Keet et al., 2012)).
C4. Misusing min 1 and some. This pitfall affects
especially ontology feature usage due to the OWL
restrictions (note: Prot
e 4.x already includes a
feature to change all such instances).
C5. Embedding possibility/modality in the ontology
element’s name. This pitfall refers to encapsulat-
ing a modality (“can”, “may”, “should”) in an el-
ement’s name (e.g., canCook).
3.3 Discussion
Whilst giving valuable insight in the prevalence of pit-
falls in existing ontologies, the results obtained falsify
hypotheses (i) (except for novice vs. mature when dis-
counting P8), (ii), and (v), partially validate (iv) (for
all pitfalls and mature ontologies), and validate (iii),
which is not exactly as one may have expected, and it
raises several possible interpretations.
First, the set of pitfalls currently implemented in
OOPS! is limited and with more and more refined
checks, substantial differences may be found. Perhaps
this is the case, but it does not negate the fact that it is
not the case for the 21 already examined and therefore
not likely once extended. In addition, recently, the no-
tion of good and safe object property expressions has
been introduced (Keet, 2012), where manual evalua-
tion with a random set of ontologies—including some
of the ones in Set2—revealed advanced modelling is-
sues concerning basic and complex object property
expressions. This further supports the notion that, for
the time being, there is a general landscape compared
to saliant differences among levels of maturity.
Second, the well-known ontologies are possi-
bly not really mature and exemplary after all (the
converse—that the novices’ ontologies in Set1 are ‘as
good as the well-known ones’—certainly does not
hold), for they are quite close to the ones in Set3;
i.e., that some ontology is widely known does not im-
ply it is ‘good’—or, at least: has fewer pitfalls than
an—ontology being developed by a novice ontologist.
This makes it more difficult to use them in ontology
engineering courses, where one would like to point
students to ‘good’ or ‘exemplary’ ontologies: if well-
known ontologies have those pitfalls, they are more
likely to be propagated by the students “because on-
tology x does it that way”. This attitude was observed
among the novices with respect to P11, because the
popular Prot
e OWL Pizza tutorial ( advises against declaring domain and range
of properties (page 37), which may explain why P11
was detected often.
Third, it may be reasonable to argue that ‘matu-
rity’ cannot be characterised by absence of pitfalls at
all, but instead is defined by something else. Such
a ‘something else’ may include its usefulness for its
purpose—or at least meeting the requirements—or,
more abstract, the precision and coverage as intro-
duced by Guarino (see also Fig 2 in (Guarino et al.,
2009)). Concerning the latter, this means both a high
precision and maximum coverage of the subject do-
main one aims to represent in the ontology. It is
known one can improve on one’s low precision—i.e.,
the ontology admits more models than it should—by
using a more expressive language and adding more
class expressions, but this is easier said than done (ex-
cept for the new tool to add more disjointness axioms
e and Rudolph, 2012)). For domain ontologies,
another option that influences to notion of being well-
known and mature is its linking to a foundational on-
tology and that therewith less modelling issues occur
(Keet, 2011), but this has to do with the knowledge
that is represented, not with, e.g., language feature
misunderstandings. We leave a more detailed investi-
gation in this direction for future works.
We performed a quantitative analysis of the pitfalls
developers included in ontologies by analyzing differ-
ent sets of data obtained after using OOPS!. All im-
plemented types of pitfalls have been detected in the
ontologies scanned with OOPS!, but the most com-
mon ones are lack of annotations, absence of domain
and range axioms, and issues with inverses, and to a
lesser extent creating unconnected ontology elements
and using a recursive definition. Five new candidate
pitfalls have been identified upon closer inspection of
the novices’ ontologies. Analysis showed that there
is no clear evidence of noteworthy differences be-
tween ontologies developed by novices, well-known
ones, and the random set of ontologies, except for
novice vs. mature when disregarding pitfall P8, and
for novices, the pitfalls per ontology is related to the
size of the ontology complexity of the ontology. Thus,
the analysis provides a data-driven general landscape
of pitfalls in current ontologies.
We are extending the pitfall catalogue, and are
working on a better characterization of ‘maturity’ in
ontologies and how such a characterization is related
to the set of most common pitfalls.
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish
projects BabelData (TIN2010-17550) and BuscaMe-
dia (CENIT 2009-1026).
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