Multimodal Statement Networks for Diagnostic Knowledge
Modeling and Integration
Wojciech Cholewa, Marcin Amarowicz, Pawel Chrzanowski and Tomasz Rogala
Institute of Fundamentals of Machinery Design , Silesian University of Technology,
Konarskiego 18A, Gliwice, 44-100, Poland
Multimodal Statement Networks, Diagnostic Reasoning, Knowledge Modeling, Graphical Models, System
REx, Consistency Checking.
This paper addresses selected aspects of diagnostic knowledge management. Not only does it introduce the
process of modeling with the use of multimodal statement networks, but it also presents methods of diagnostic
model development, nature of its individual layers and elaborates on the construction process of diagnostic
knowledge base along with its verification. The main purpose of the presented method is to aid in design
of diagnostic systems for complex objects requiring inference process that takes places under condition of
uncertainty with partially contradictory knowledge being observable. Chosen elements were implemented in
free REx software developed in R language.
Diagnostic knowledge modeling is a process of prepa-
ration and storage of knowledge for the needs of con-
structing information systems inter alia diagnostic ex-
pert systems. The process is expected to produce
transparent, comprehensible and consistent records of
diagnostic knowledge that consider the nature of se-
lected domain it pertains to. Since diagnostic infor-
mation may derive from multiple sources, the inte-
gration of knowledge is essential, its main purpose
being construction of a relevant knowledge base of
diagnostic systems. Both quality and availability of
knowledge sources play a crucial role in ensuring the
effectiveness of inference realized by the diagnostic
system. The integration requirement particularly ap-
plies to diagnostic systems designed for complex ob-
jects. The knowledge of complex objects may be ex-
tensive and be obtained from independent experts; it
may derive from various literary sources and be im-
plicitly represented, for instance in the form of data
acquired during diverse diagnostic experiments.
Integration of knowledge from multiple sources
requires development of new methods of diagnostic
knowledge modeling with application of easily inter-
pretable manners of knowledge representation. Fur-
thermore, the knowledge modeling process should en-
able independent experts’ contribution to diagnostic
system preparation as well as ensure that modifica-
tions and knowledge updates are easily performed.
An introduction of a unified knowledge repre-
sentation for multiple types of knowledge sources
constitutes the key step to obtain a convenient tool
for knowledge modeling in general, and diagnostic
knowledge in particular. Unfortunately, it is a dif-
ficult task because of heterogenous characteristic of
diagnostic data and commonly used heterogenous di-
agnostic models. Considering the nature of diagnostic
knowledge, the inference process should be based on
reasoning under uncertainty conditions. This, in turn,
requires that special forms of this knowledge repre-
sentation as well as appropriate inference algorithms
be implemented.
A wide range of techniques of diagnostic mod-
eling using different knowledge representation and
inference algorithms is known to be currently avail-
able. A scope of them can be find in (Korbicz et al.,
2004). Apart from process models (object models)
used in model based diagnosis, typical diagnostic
models which mapping observed measurement sig-
nals into qualitative description of technical states of
process can be generally classified in terms of their
transparency into two groups. The first group com-
prises black box models which structure and parame-
ters are generally identified during the machine learn-
ing process and can not be tuned or updated without
restarting learning process. Neural networks classifier
is an example. Parameters of these models are gen-
Cholewa W., Amarowicz M., Chrzanowski P. and Rogala T..
Multimodal Statement Networks for Diagnostic Knowledge Modeling and Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0004519501400147
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 140-147
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
erally hard to understand and their integration with
explicit expressed knowledge (e.g. opinions) is often
impossible. The second group is the part of transpar-
ent diagnostic models (e.g. graphical models) (Cow-
ell et al., 2003), (Kohler and Friedman, 2009), which
structure and parameters may have own physical in-
terpretation or contractual meaning and which make it
easier to integrate knowledge from multiple sources.
In this paper we focus on transparent forms of knowl-
edge representation for complex objects treating only
black box models as a source of data reconstruction
or a source of preprocessed input data.
Aspects of diagnostic knowledge management
concerned with modeling, storaging, updating and
verification of consistency of modeled knowledge are
main objective of this paper. The general model-
ing process is conducted with the use of multimodal
statement networks introduced in (Cholewa, 2010),
including, inter alia, types of network layers, meth-
ods of layer interoperability, as well as construction
and development of models. Furthermore, methods
of verification of consistency of modeled knowledge
were addressed as well. Multimodal models enrich
the available range of methods (Cholewa, 2010). To
name a few, examples may include multiaspect mod-
els (Skupnik, 2009) or models with context inference
(Timofiejczuk, 2012).
Finally, the authors presented free software (REx)
(Cholewa et al., 2011), which provides a possibility to
perform actions described in this paper that are related
to modeling and management of diagnostic knowl-
One of the convenient methods of information rep-
resentation in expert systems includes a statement
which is equivalent to assertion on recognition of an
indicative expression resulting from observed facts,
or representing an opinion. One may distinguish be-
tween simple and complex statements. Simple state-
ments are presented in the form of a pair < c, v >,
where c is the content of the statement, and v is the
value (e.g. logical value) of the statement. Com-
plex statements, however, are presented in the form
of < c, v >, where c is a set of possible variants of
the statement content, and v is a set of values of sub-
sequent variants of its content. Provided the state-
ment content is constant, and that the set of variants
of statement content is an exhaustive set of mutually
excluding variants of statement content, then the com-
plex statements may be represented by means of ade-
quate sets of simple statements.
In a set of statements, one can observe a set of
statements with known values, and a set of statements
with unknown values. The statements of known val-
ues include primary statements whose values were di-
rectly determined by external processes, such as mea-
surement data or a user input, as well as constant
statements whose values were arbitrarily assumed by
e.g. a knowledge engineer. In turn, a set of state-
ments of unknown values includes secondary state-
ments whose values are strictly contingent on other
statement values, and are not directly defined by ex-
ternal processes as well as isolated statements inde-
pendent of other statements. The main purpose of
inference is to determine values of secondary state-
ments for desired values of primary statements. A di-
vision into the sets of primary and secondary state-
ments is subject to change depending on data avail-
able from external sources at a given moment of time.
For instance in the case of diagnosis process sec-
ondary statements are related mainly to fault or mal-
function and primary statements to observed process
variables or user input. In the case of root cause
recognition, the secondary statements are related to
the unknown causes of observed faults (primary state-
ments). Because the process of inference is bidirec-
tional the first case of inference and the second one
can be conducted in the same model.
Statements may be studied as approximate state-
ments provided their content and/or values are ap-
proximate. Approximate values of statements can be
defined as degrees of truth or degrees of belief in the
truth of statements. The value of approximate state-
ments s is to be considered as a point value b(s),
or as an interval value, e.g. b(s) = [0.6, 0.9]. Such
an approach also allows for considering the point
value as a special form of an interval value, e.g. for
b(s) = 0.3 the interval value shall be represented as
b(s) = [0.3, 0.3].
In (Cholewa, 2010) the author introduced con-
cepts of multimodal statement networks (multimodal
model) where selected nodes represent statements.
The network structure is a multilayer one and is de-
fined as a directed hypergraph described by ordered
< V, E, Γ >, (1)
where V is the set of all hypergraph vertices, E is the
set of hypergraph edges, and Γ is the set of hyper-
graph modes representing selected layers of the net-
work (Heath and Sioson, 2009). The network layers
are defined as
= {V
, E
}, Γ
= {V
, E
}, (2)
where V
V , V
V , E
E, E
E. It is as-
sumed that card(V
0) and it is estimated that
the covering degree of vertices of component models
is not significant card(V
) << card(V ). Mul-
timodal networks consider different types of interac-
tions which occur between elements of this network.
While implementing the belief networks, the cor-
rect determination of values of conditional probabil-
ity tables poses the greatest difficulty. This proce-
dure may be simplified by introduction of knowledge
representation in the form of necessary and sufficient
conditions. If the belief in the truth of statement s
is always accompanied by the belief in the truth of
statement s
, however, not necessarily inversely, then
statement s
constitutes the sufficient condition for
statement s
, whereas statement s
is a necessary con-
dition for statement s
Assuming that the degree of belief in the truth of
and s
statements have the following value:
) [0, 1], b(s
) [0, 1]. (3)
The information on s
being a sufficient condition for
may take the following form:
) 6 b(s
). (4)
If the complete belief in the truth of s
statement is
) = 1, then the result would be b(s
) = 1, in other
words, the complete belief in the truth of statement
. What is more, considering the absence of belief in
the truth of statement s
, i.e. b(s
) = 0, only a trivial
conclusion may be formulated, i.e. b(s
) = [0, 1]. The
necessary and sufficient conditions may be presented
in the form of graphs Fig.1, where the directed edge
defines the increased value of the degree of belief in
the truth of the statements.
Figure 1: A graph presenting statement s
as a sufficient
condition for statement s
, and statement s
as a necessary
condition for statement s
The studied expert systems should enable infer-
ence even in imprecise, incomplete and, at times,
even contradictory information environment. In such
a case approximate knowledge may be represented as
approximate necessary and sufficient conditions with
the application of permissible deviation δ:
) δ 6 b(s
), where δ > 0 (5)
The deviation value δ may be considered equal for
all conditions, or be individually considered for each
statement, or be individual δ
for each condition de-
fined for a pair of statements {s
, s
) δ
6 b(s
), where δ
> 0 (6)
The advantage of multimodal statement networks
is that selected nodes of the network may simul-
taneously occur in many layers. Furthermore, one
may also implement different types of component net-
works based on necessary and sufficient conditions
(called approximate statement networks), or bayesian
networks. In order to obtain the final results of infer-
ence, it is essential that appropriate methods of results
aggregation for the nodes shared by a number of lay-
ers be used.
Declarative diagnostic knowledge may manifest na-
ture of uncertain knowledge. Thus, the sources of
this uncertainty is to be given particular attention as
the information included in diagnostic signals may be
irrelevant and insufficiently correlating to the object
state (Cempel and Natke, 2011). It may also result
from measurement errors or incomplete information
caused by a faulty measurement path. Knowledge de-
fined by independent experts may be ambiguous, e.g.
a semantic range of notions used by different experts
may be various, or partially contradictory when ex-
perts’ opinions on the same topic differ; it may also be
quite frequently articulated in an approximate man-
Modeling of diagnostic knowledge using multi-
modal statement networks may involve:
considering the need and the purpose of division
of a complex diagnostic model into a set of sim-
ple models represented by layers of a multimodal
model. This stage should emphasize the improve-
ment of modeled knowledge transparency, or en-
sure a possibility for selected fragments of domain
knowledge to be analyzed in an independent man-
ner by a group of independent experts.
agreeing on strategy of multimodal model devel-
opment (describing modeled knowledge by means
of a model),
developing layers of a multimodal model using
available representations of statement network
layers (developing structure and determining pa-
rameters of selected layers of the model),
validating model layers (studying layers with the
use of sensitivity analysis, measuring conditional
independence, analyzing syntactical correctness
of connected knowledge),
synthesizing layers of the multimodal model,
tuning parameters of the multimodal model, in-
cluding parameters related to synthesis of selected
model layers.
The stages described above assumed that knowl-
edge modeling is realized with a so-called closed
world assumption, i.e. a finite set of available state-
ments as well as content variants of these statements.
Application of a method of a domain knowledge
modeling, considering general multimodal model
structure, is strictly dependent on a number of fac-
tors. It may be partially dependent on the structure of
a diagnosed object as well as subject to availability of
knowledge sources pertaining to that object. A need
of appropriate knowledge de-fragmentation facilitat-
ing interpretation and further editions may also affect
the division.
One strategy of diagnostic modeling is the use of a
multiscale model which constitutes a special form of
a multimodal model with its layers representing diag-
nostic knowledge at various detail levels, and thus, re-
sembling a hierarchical structure. An example is mul-
tiscale model in which one of the layers represents a
particular fragment of a subsystem, whereas another
layer represents a component of this subsystem, e.g.
hydraulic system and a centrifugal pump. Yet another
example is a model whose layers represent uneven de-
gree of granulation of the domain knowledge in ques-
tion. For instance, while the first layer describing
general knowledge derived from ISO directives con-
cerns operation of a given object and permissible level
of relative vibration in bearing support structures for
given machine types, the second layer includes de-
tailed, specific knowledge of the selected rotor bear-
ing support structure.
Diagnostic knowledge modeling with a use of
multimodal models is a simplified modeling process,
and goes beyond the mentioned strategies of diagnos-
tic knowledge modeling with multiaspect and multi-
scale models. Figure 2 presents an example of multi-
modal network with fragments of multiscale and mul-
tiaspect networks. A diagnostic model of a rotor sup-
ported by 2 hydrostatic bearings may include the fol-
lowing exemplary layers:
L0 layer represents a portion of knowledge con-
cerning a general technical condition of an ob-
ject as well as a technical condition of the object
subsystems, e.g. statements with the following
content: technical condition of object ={normal,
faulty}; technical condition of hydraulic subsys-
tem ={normal, faulty}, etc.
L1 layer describes general diagnostic knowl-
edge of the object, for instance, value of com-
ponent frequency corresponding to rotor rota-
tional speed ={high, medium and low}, level
of dynamic unbalance ={permissible, exceeded,
L2 describes general knowledge of a chosen sub-
system e.g. hydraulic system. A layer may con-
tain statements concerning values of stream mass
levels of a working fluid {low, medium, high},
pump rotational speed {low, high},
L2.1 and L2.3 layers present diagnostic knowl-
edge of chosen components of hydraulic system
described in L2 layer (pumps, an electro hydraulic
actuator); exemplary statements include operation
temperature of pumps measured on the housing
{low, regular, high}, leakage in pump on the suc-
tion site {no, yes},
L3 describes knowledge of the object functional
state that is recognized on the basis of selected
primary statements such as shaft rotational speed
{constant, quasi variable, variable}, functional
state {operation mode number 1, operation mode
number 2}.
The presented model only illustrates the structure
of a multimodal model. Depending on the require-
ments, this model may be extended or re-constructed.
It is also possible to develop layers that would in-
clude, inter alia, diagnostic knowledge for remaining
components subsets, physical states of chosen work-
ing fluids. Furthermore, additional layers may supple-
ment the already available knowledge, however, may
be also introducing different opinions by independent
experts. What is so essential about layers of the de-
veloped multimodal model is that not only does one
observe relatively low covering degree of vertices in
subsequent layers of the model, but also that it, to a
large extent, refers to the specific knowledge of the
examined object. In the case of modeling of a class of
significantly similar objects for which general domain
knowledge may be distinguished, the knowledge may
be also a subject of ontological modeling.
Implementation of effective diagnostic systems in-
volves processing of large sets of diagnostic knowl-
edge. One of the key objectives is to devise efficient
management methods. Among elements directly re-
lating to knowledge management for the needs of di-
agnostic modeling one can distinguish the following
phases taking place in machine and process diagnos-
diagnostic knowledge acquisition,
verification of acquired knowledge,
Figure 2: An exemplary structure of a multimodal model.
L0 - general layer, L1- layer with general knowledge, L2-
layer with a chosen subsystem, e.g. hydraulic system, L2.1-
centrifugal pump, L2.3-electro hydraulic valve, L3-layer
with description of functional state.
connection of knowledge to a knowledge base,
application of collected knowledge in the diagnos-
tic process,
evaluation of sets of collected data, modifications
and updates entry.
The manner in which knowledge is represented
has to correspond to the method of inference being
in line with algorithms, and, simultaneously, it has
to allow knowledge engineers to add, modify and
delete base components. Modifying the knowledge
base may be required in the case of contradictory in-
formation/errors, or when new elements have to be
connected to the available set.
In order to effectively use knowledge in the form
of multimodal networks, appropriate sets of consid-
ered statements, also referred to as thesauri, are being
developed under a closed world assumption. Each el-
ement of this set, i.e. an individual statement, is usu-
ally defined by a chosen set of attributes facilitating
statement management. With an exception of state-
ment content and value assigned to it, each statement
may be described by, among others, an identifier, an
abbreviation, key words, statement versions, author,
etc. The following statement may serve as an exam-
id: glst-053,
content: excessive vib. in bearing node N5,
version: 001,
id-source: mast-023,
value: 1,
abbreviation: vibration-n5,
key-words: vibration, bearing,
author: mamarowicz.
Complex statements are additionally defined by
content variants of the statement. Some of the at-
tributes are optional and do not significantly affect the
quality of communication with thesaurus. Nonethe-
less, some of them, for instance statement identifier
and version, are crucial for proper collection and ap-
plication of particular statements.
Explanation systems also aid in handling of the
statement sets (Cholewa, 2004). Their main purpose
is to determine chosen terminology that is used in
construction of particular statements. A developed
system of explanations, also referred to as a dictio-
nary, comprises explanations of chosen definitions re-
lating to given elements as well as subsets of moni-
tored objects, possible faults, fault symptoms, diag-
nostic methods and techniques, etc. Additionally, it is
possible to create explanations to the content of each
statement in order to obtain a more detailed statement,
or to draw particular attention to chosen specific con-
texts of use of a statement in the process of construc-
tion and application of diagnostic models.
Statements may be used in developing multimodal
statement networks which e.g. could present knowl-
edge describing known cause-and-effect dependen-
cies related to addressed problems. Definition of par-
ticular networks involves, above all, tasks of deter-
mining topological structure, i.e. defining particular
nodes and relations occurring between them. There-
fore, visualization of the developed statement net-
works is so crucial. For individual networks, it boils
down to visualization of graphs, and it is important
that an optimal algorithm of node distribution be cho-
sen so that a clear form of network, i.e. one without
broken edges, can be obtained (Tamassia, 2007). In
the case of multimodal models a three dimensional
visualization may pose an interesting solution, shown
in Fig. 3. It allows for simultaneous browsing of all
model layers and easy identification of shared nodes.
A number of solutions devised for multimodal mod-
els include additional virtual layer onto which all
nodes used for construction of component networks
were distributed. This layer facilitates information ex-
change as well as data input and network data reading.
Figure 3: An example of multimodal network visualization,
in system REx.
A formal verification of diagnostic knowledge is
an important stage of construction of a knowledge
base. A syntactic verification, which consists in for-
mal searching of typical errors in adequately formal-
ized and stored knowledge in data base, is a com-
monly applied method of verifying diagnostic knowl-
edge. Among the methods of formal syntactic verifi-
cation of knowledge base, one may enumerate meth-
ods basing on error detection through knowledge base
searching, as well as methods using parasyntactic
logic (Nguyen, 2005). These processes most fre-
quently consist in elimination of redundancies, loops,
excess, e.g. subsumed rules or rules not affecting
the distinguishing between secondary statements, etc.
For the majority of knowledge management systems
it is a stage which, depending on knowledge repre-
sentation method, can be realized in an algorithmic
manner. Systems with rule-based knowledge serve as
an example.
Further methods of knowledge verification in-
clude examination of structure of stored knowledge.
This applies to knowledge representation that refers
to tree or network structures to which graphical net-
works discussed in this paper, may also be assigned.
Syntactic verification of such structures is simpler.
For instance, considering the layers represented by
means of belief networks due to non-cyclical and di-
rected graph structure, it is not possible to add knowl-
edge which could lead to looping of inference algo-
rithm, which could take places in regular rule-based
systems. Another element that facilitates knowledge
verification is a convenient visualization tool of the
network structure as well as appropriate navigating
tools. This is particularly crucial when dealing with
spatial networks such as multimodal statement net-
In the case of flat network or tree models, iden-
tification of looping rules is not necessary provided.
Inference in the system takes place within the closed
world assumption, and a defined set of statement con-
tents is semantically coherent. The accuracy of the
variant semantics of chosen statements is subject to
knowledge management using thesaurus discussed in
Section 4. This, however, does not exclude a neces-
sity of knowledge verification in terms of its seman-
tics. For diagnostic systems based on knowledge one
may distinguish the following causes of semantic in-
accuracy and knowledge inconsistency:
knowledge was defined on the basis of learning
data that included errors, for instance contradic-
tory information. This may lead to an inaccurate
structure of mutual relations between statements
that can result in emergence of associations be-
ing statistically independent, or to definition of
inaccurate values of graphical model parameters.
An example includes inaccurate values of condi-
tional probabilities tables for layers represented
by means of belief networks. And for these values
the graphical model does not manifest expected
sensitivity to changes in values in selected pri-
mary statements (use of relevant associations),
data on the object as well as primary statements on
the object are not consistent in the temporal sense,
as a result, a part of data obtained during the sys-
tem operation is not consistent with other data or
other statements. Correct definition of knowledge
in inference for inconsistent information in the
temporal sense may lead to contradictory conclu-
sions. Additionally, such inconsistency may also
result from errors of spatial inconsistency of data
that are caused by, among others, wrong identi-
fiers on diagnostic signal tags,
knowledge of relations between statements was
defined on the basis of independent knowledge
sources, e.g. experts whose opinions may be par-
tially contradictory.
Further discussions concern formal methods of
identifying knowledge inconsistency relating to the
last two mentioned causes.
Detection of inconsistency, that may occur as a re-
sult of measurement errors, spatial or temporal dis-
crepancies of collected data, may be identified using
statement networks as well. Examples include state-
ment networks whose layers are represented by means
of layers described through belief networks. Provided
a graphical model is defined correctly, it is possible to
detect contradictory information that leads to incon-
sistency in networks of this type. Since it may result
from errors, error not necessarily being always the
root cause, for instance, they may trigger consider-
ably rare events analyzed by developed domain mod-
els, it is then the task of inference module to raise a
notification of such an occurrence. For more informa-
tion regarding the mentioned methods, authors refer
to, among others, (Jensen and Nielsen, 2007), (Kohler
and Friedman, 2009). Similar solutions are identi-
fiable in networks represented by approximate state-
ment networks. Contradictory information is simulta-
neously identified with a particular value of parameter
δ in (5) and (6) occurring between the statements in
which the inconsistency is detected in the process of
inference. The δ parameter values are useful for iden-
tifying potentially contradictory information. Subse-
quently, in order to determine whether given incon-
sistency is triggered by inaccurate data or not, such
an analysis is to be carried out independently for each
individual network layer.
Detection of contradictory information estab-
lished on the basis of various opinions of independent
experts, is quite frequently considered a secondary re-
quirement (Nguyen, 2005). The primary requirement
is to develop a set of aggregated expert opinions. It
is essential to note, however, that a proper method of
opinion aggregation of a large group of experts should
also facilitate identification of the sources of conflict.
Any information pertaining to potential conflict may
be useful in developing adequate aggregating func-
tions, for instance weights assigned to given experts.
Approximate statement networks also enable easy
identification of inconsistency between opinions ex-
pressed by various experts. If the information newly
added to the system (a change in values of selected
primary statements) does not affect the value of pa-
rameter δ, where each layer is studied independently,
but it triggers a change in this value once the selected
layers have been studied, it may indicate potential in-
consistency in the layers in question. In addition, in-
consistency may also be detected on the basis of asso-
ciation analysis between statements described in dif-
ferent layers of multimodal networks.
The research version of REx system, which operates
in R language, was designed and developed not only
for the purpose of modeling of diagnostic knowledge
in the form of multimodal network statements, but
also to support verification, testing and management
of diagnostic knowledge. The essential system com-
ponents include:
Bulletin Board - a component that collects and
shares information on values of selected state-
Data Uploader - a module responsible for infor-
mation/data exchange with other systems,
Explanation System - a component that collects
and shares explanations for selected statements,
Model and Benchmark Repository - a module that
facilitates collection of thesauri and multimodal
User GUI - Graphic User Interface that enables
communication between the system and users not
familiar with R language syntax,
Data Acquisitor - a module responsible for acqui-
sition of data from a technical object,
Data Simulator - a module that simulates opera-
tion of a technical object,
Knowledge Acquisitor - a module responsible for
acquisition of diagnostics knowledge.
A prototype version of REx system includes
Bulletin Board, Data Uploader, Model, Benchmark
Repository and User GUI. The further components
are in a testing phase with an emphasis on their practi-
cal application. Examples include a module that sim-
ulates operation of a technical object, and a module
that acquires data from the technical object. REx can
be used for own solutions within the R environment.
REx package offers a possibility of:
defining thesauri,
defining subsequent layers, their structures and re-
quired parameters,
entering data to input nodes,
performing inference.
One implemented an algorithm for determination
of results of network calculations that considers dif-
ferent types of networks stretched onto selected layers
(of belief networks and approximate statement net-
The installation pack can be downloaded at
Design and development of diagnostic systems with
the use of multimodal statement networks requires
implementation of a method of diagnostic knowledge
modeling that allows for integrating knowledge from
various sources. It also emphasizes the nature of mod-
eled knowledge which may be approximate, incom-
plete, inconsistent, or partially contradictory. Intro-
duced networks offer a possibility of modeling knowl-
edge with a participation of independent experts who
can develop selected layers of diagnostic models.
Graphical models and multimodal statement networks
require application of a number of additional tools in-
tended for diagnostic knowledge management. These
include the tools discussed in this paper, tools used for
semantic and syntactic verification of implemented
knowledge, as well as tools enhancing composition of
a dictionary of statements and statement management.
The presented aspects are being currently developed
within the available software REx devised in R pro-
gramming language. REx environment facilitates fur-
ther research into advanced applications and develop-
ment of multimodal statement networks for the pur-
pose of modeling of diagnostic knowledge, and re-
search into methodology of interoperability between
multimodal model layers that would consider incon-
sistency occurring in both data and knowledge.
Described herein are selected results of study, sup-
ported partly from the budget of Research Task No.
4 implemented under The National Centre for Re-
search and Development in Poland and ENERGA SA
strategic program of scientific research and develop-
ment entitled ,,Advanced technologies of generating
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