Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks Revisited - New Results on MD5 and HAVAL
Yu Sasaki, Wataru Komatsubara, Yasuhide Sakai, Lei Wang, Mitsugu Iwamoto, Kazuo Sakiyama, Kazuo Ohta
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Sasaki Y., Komatsubara W., Sakai Y., Wang L., Iwamoto M., Sakiyama K. and Ohta K. (2013). Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks Revisited - New Results on MD5 and HAVAL . In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography - Volume 1: SECRYPT, (ICETE 2013) ISBN 978-989-8565-73-0, pages 111-122. DOI: 10.5220/0004521101110122
in Bibtex Style
author={Yu Sasaki and Wataru Komatsubara and Yasuhide Sakai and Lei Wang and Mitsugu Iwamoto and Kazuo Sakiyama and Kazuo Ohta},
title={Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks Revisited - New Results on MD5 and HAVAL},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography - Volume 1: SECRYPT, (ICETE 2013)},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography - Volume 1: SECRYPT, (ICETE 2013)
TI - Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks Revisited - New Results on MD5 and HAVAL
SN - 978-989-8565-73-0
AU - Sasaki Y.
AU - Komatsubara W.
AU - Sakai Y.
AU - Wang L.
AU - Iwamoto M.
AU - Sakiyama K.
AU - Ohta K.
PY - 2013
SP - 111
EP - 122
DO - 10.5220/0004521101110122