Security Evaluation and Optimization of the Delay-based Dual-rail
Pre-charge Logic in Presence of Early Evaluation of Data
Simone Bongiovanni, Giuseppe Scotti and Alessandro Trifiletti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Cryptography, Cryptographic Hardware, Smart Cards, Side Channel Attacks, Differential Power Analysis
(DPA), Dual-rail Pre-charge Logic (DPL), Hiding Countermeasure, Early Evaluation Effect, VLSI Design.
Abstract: Delay-based Dual-rail Pre-charge Logic (DDPL) has been introduced for counteracting power analysis
attacks. Basically DDPL allows to achieve a constant power consumption for each data transition even in
presence of capacitive load mismatches, thanks to an asynchronous two-phases evaluation. Unlikely other
secure logic styles, in DDPL the clock frequency does not fix the security level since it depends on the value
of the delay Δ between the complementary signals, which can be designed to be lower than 1ns using
current CMOS technologies. However no works exist in which the DPA-resistance of DDPL is tested in
presence of early evaluation, due to the different arrival times of the signals. The aim of this work is to
provide and validate through transistor level simulations a theoretical model of the variations of the delay Δ
during the evaluation phase for each possible data configuration in order to assess the effect of the early
evaluation in DDPL, and to design early evaluation free DDPL gates. Moreover a case study crypto-core
implemented both with basic and optimized DDPL gates has been designed in which a Correlation
Frequency Power Analysis (CFPA) attack is mounted so to detect any leakage on simulated current traces.
A side-channel attack is an attempt to recover
confidential data, such as the secret key of a
cryptographic algorithm, by exploiting the
information leaked by the hardware implementation
during the execution of the algorithm (Kocher,
1996). For this reason they represent a critical issue
for cryptographic applications where a high level of
security is required. Side-channels are strongly
related to the existence of a physically observable
phenomenon, such as time, power, electromagnetic
radiations or noise emitted by the device.
Several countermeasures against side channel
attacks have been proposed in the technical
literature. At the physical level, shields, physically
unclonable functions (Tuyls et al., 2006), detectors,
and detachable power supplies (Shamir et al., 2000)
can be used to improve the resistance of a device
against physical attacks. At the algorithmic level,
time randomization (May et al., 2001), encryption of
the buses (Brier et al., 2001), masking (i.e., making
the leakage dependant of some random value)
(Goubin et al., 1999) are typical countermeasures.
At the technological level, Dual-rail Pre-charge
Logic (DPL) styles (as an alternative to CMOS)
have been proposed in various shapes to decrease
the data dependencies of the power consumption. At
all the previous levels, noise addition is the generic
solution to decrease the amount of information in the
side-channel leakages. Countermeasures also exist at
the protocol level, e.g. based on key updates.
However no single technique allows to provide
perfect security. Protecting implementations against
physical attacks consequently intends to make the
attacks harder. In this context, the implementation
cost of a countermeasure is of primary importance
and must be evaluated with respect to the obtained
additional security.
This paper focuses on power consumption which
is a frequently considered side-channel in practical
attacks. Power analysis attacks exploit the
dependence of the power consumption of a hardware
implementation on the switching activity and on the
state of internal gates, which are both correlated to
the processed data. Many techniques have been
introduced to promote and refine power analysis
attacks, such as Differential Power Analysis (DPA)
(Kocher et al., 1999), Correlation Power Analysis
(CPA) (Brier et al., 2004), Template Attacks (Chari
Bongiovanni S., Scotti G. and Trifiletti A..
Security Evaluation and Optimization of the Delay-based Dual-rail Pre-charge Logic in Presence of Early Evaluation of Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004526501830194
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 183-194
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
et al., 2002), Mutual Information Analysis (MIA)
(Gierlichs et al., 2005), Leakage Power Analysis
(LPA) (Alioto et al., 2010) and Correlation Power
Analysis in frequency domain (CFPA) (Gebotys et
al., 2010), (Schimmel et al., 2010).
Between the above mentioned countermeasures,
DPLs are particularly suitable for thwarting power
analysis. Basically DPLs are new logic families
which aim at de-correlating power consumption
from the processed data by making it constant
irrespective to the input data statistics. DPLs are
adoptable for counteracting power analysis for
dedicated integrated circuits, and are also known as
anti-DPA logic styles. Sense Amplifier Based Logic
(Tiri et al., 2002) is one of the first full custom DPL
styles. Other DPL styles as WDDL (Tiri et al., 2004)
and MDPL (Popp et al., 2005) are based on CMOS-
composed standard cells and are also suitable for
FPGAs. However DPLs suffer on almost two well
known leakage factors (Suzuki et al., 2008) which
compromise their DPA resistance: the capacitive
load mismatches on the internal differential pairs,
and the early evaluation effect of data. Whereas the
former becomes more critical with the technology
scaling, forcing a perfect balance of the
interconnections by using for example a semi-
automatic routing (Tiri et al., 2004), the latter is
directly linked to the different propagation times of
the signals through a DPL gate (Suzuki et al., 2006).
The common side-effect of both is a data-dependent
variation of the switching time of gates which shows
up in the power-consumption pattern and can be
exploited in power analysis attacks. Early evaluation
and capacitive unbalance are caused by electrical
effects and thus are technology-dependent, therefore
a DPL design must count them.
Delay-based Dual-rail Pre-charge Logic (DDPL)
has been recently proposed for breaking the
dependence of the power consumption on the
capacitive load mismatches (Bucci et al., 2011).
DDPL is a particular DPL which counteracts power
analysis through a novel data encoding which is
based on a two-phase evaluation. This way
measurements of the current adsorbed from the
power supply line do not exhibit any data
dependence, which makes power analysis attacks
very difficult to succeed. Preliminary results (Bucci
et al., 2011) demonstrated that DDPL gates are very
effective for what concerns the ability of flattening
the power consumption for each data input
combination even in presence of capacitance
mismatches at the output of the complementary
lines. Moreover in DDPL the clock frequency does
not fix the security since it depends on the delay Δ
between DDPL complementary lines; on the
contrary in a standard pre-charge logic like SABL,
the operating frequency constraints the logic
synthesis of the design and determines, at the same
time, the achievable security level. For these reasons
DDPL is suitable to be used in a semi-custom design
as a standard dual-rail logic. However no work
exists where an analysis of the early evaluation
effect in DDPL, the other main leakage factor in
DPLs, is executed in order to assess how the
asynchronous evaluation can generate correlation
between the power consumption of the logic and the
random variations of the delay of dynamic signals.
The paper is organized as follows. After a review
of the leakage factor of the CMOS logic style which
is related to the data dependence of the dynamic
power consumption (Section 2), the working
principle of DDPL is described in Section 3. An in-
depth analysis and a model of the early evaluation
effect in DDPL combinatorial paths are discussed in
Section 4, where early evaluation free gates are
presented. Simulation results and model validation
are presented in Section 5. A correlation frequency
power analysis attack on a simple crypto core is
carried out in Section 6 both using the basic and
early evaluation insensitive DDPL logic. Finally
conclusions are reported in Section 7.
In the static CMOS gates there are three distinct
dissipation sources (Rabaey, 2003): the leakage
currents of the transistors (P
), the short-circuit
currents (P
), and the dynamic power consumption
). The latter is particularly relevant from a side-
channel point of view since it determines a
relationship between the processed data inside the
gate and its externally observable consumption. In
Figure 1 the model of power consumption is
presented for a CMOS inverter. The dynamic current
is depicted with a dotted arrow whereas the short
circuit current with a point arrow. In the case
depicted in Figure 1a, when a transition from 0 to
occurs on the output, capacitance C
is charged
and a visible peak appears in the pattern of the
current adsorbed by the power supply line due to the
sum of dynamic and short circuit currents.
Figure 1: Model of power consumption of an inverter.
Conversely, when a transition from V
to 0
occurs as depicted in Figure 1b, C
is discharged and
the only visible contribution is due to the short
circuit current, which can be neglected being much
smaller than the dynamic contribution. The dynamic
power consumption is given by the integral of the
instantaneous power in a clock cycle, which leads to
the well known formula (Rabaey, 2003):
is the switching activity at the output line, and
can assume the value 1 if a transition from 0 to V
occurs or 0 if not. A similar analysis can be
conducted for the anti-DPA differential dynamic
logics. It is well known that even if DPLs help to
break any dependence of the dynamic power
consumption on the switching activity of the gate,
the inevitable mismatch of the capacitances at the
output nodes of the complementary lines can be
exploited for extracting information on the
processed data (Tiri et al., 2004).
DDPL has been introduced in order to flatten the
power consumption irrespective of the data input
statistics even in presence of a unbalanced capacitive
load (Bucci et al., 2006). In DDPL the data encoding
is executed in the time domain, namely the
information is encoded in the same order as the lines
are charged. Each cell has a fully differential
complementary pair composed of an asserted and a
not asserted signal, according to which lines is the
first to be evaluated (i.e. the asserted signal). The
data encoding is characterized by two asynchronous
evaluation sub-phases, which occur after the rising
edge of the clock and are separated by an interval Δ
which is called dynamic delay of DDPL.
Figure 2 shows the two possible situations for a
DDPL data encoding. During the pre-charge phase
the differential lines are set to 0 and, in the
evaluation phase, they are both charged to V
the clock rising edge. For a logic-1 (Figure 2a), the
first line to be charged is A. Conversely, for a logic-
0 (Figure 2b), the first line to be charged is A
. Since
both lines are charged and discharged once over
each operating cycle, the switching activity is
always equal to 1 on each differential line for both
input data. Therefore the capacitive mismatches
between the complementary lines do not affect the
balanced distribution of the current because each
capacitance is always charged and discharged once
during a clock cycle, and the dynamic power
consumption over a cycle is made constant.
Figure 2: Time domain encoding. (a) Logic-1, (b) Logic-0.
A basic DDPL NOT/BUFFER gate is shown in
Figure 3. It is a DDPL n-type gate. We refer as n-
type (p-type) to a dynamic circuit topology in which
the evaluation network is the pull-down (pull-up).
Figure 3: A DDPL NOT/BUFFER gate.
In a DDPL n-type circuit all complementary
lines are forced to V
during the pre-charge phase.
Moreover the gate is a Domino-type logic and the
complementary outputs are pre-charged to 0. Note
that the output inverters present no data dependence
because in each clock cycle they perform the same
transitions (0 1 and 1 0 on complementary
outputs). With reference to the timing diagram
shown in Figure 4 for a logic-1, the DDPL data
operation is the following:
1) pre-charge: at the beginning of each cycle, clk is
low and P1 and P2 are closed, pre-charging both
output lines to 0. Since during this phase the input
lines are low (outputs from another DDPL gate), the
pull-down logic is open.
2) evaluation: the DDPL encoded input data
,  are presented to the circuit on the
rising edge of clk. Since A goes high before
, the
output Y is charged after
, thus
, .
Figure 4: Time diagram of the NOT/BUFFER signals.
4.1 The Early Evaluation Effect
in DPLs
The early evaluation is a transistor-level effect
which causes a logical gate to evaluate before all
inputs are valid. It is very critical for a DPL
combinatorial gate because it produces a dependence
of the adsorbed current on the arrival times of the
input signals. This effect is directly linked to the
logical function and translates to the physical
implementation. The early evaluation can result in a
data dependent power consumption even for DPA-
resistant circuits implemented with perfectly
balanced internal and output capacitances, and it
represents a well known leakage factor in DPLs as
anticipated in Section 1.
There is a number of papers in which authors
describe this vulnerability in the DPA-resistant logic
families, both theoretically (Kulikowski et al.,
2008), (Saeki et al., 2008) and experimentally
(Bhasin et al., 2010). In many cases the early
propagation must be eliminated through the design
of more complicated logics, with the drawback of an
additional hardware overhead, both for solution
based on existing standard cell (FPGA) and for full-
custom logic styles (ASIC).
In this section we discuss the impact of early
evaluation in the DDPL gates and present a model
for describing the variation of the delay Δ.
4.2 The Fluctuation Effect of Δ
As discussed in Section 3, the DDPL data encoding
is characterized by a two-phase evaluation for the
complementary lines which is needed in order to de-
correlate the power consumption from the input data
statistics even in presence of capacitive load
mismatches. In a typical current pattern two peaks
are visible in the evaluation phase (Bucci et al.,
2011). The value of the dynamic delay Δ represents
the distance between them (see Figure 2). Actually
the security level of a DDPL chip is fixed by the a
priori choice of Δ which poses a constraint on the
resolution required by a power analysis
measurement setup for discriminating separately the
two peaks of evaluation in order to extract
information on the data.
However even if the power consumption in a
given clock cycle is made constant, the evaluation
phase is asynchronous for each complementary half
sub-circuit in the pull down of a DDPL gate, and a
variation of the delay Δ between the complementary
lines is expected due to the different propagation
times on the complementary paths. This effect is
related to the above mentioned early evaluation,
which in a DDPL gate causes one half sub-circuit of
the differential cell to activate in a certain instant
without waiting for the evaluation of the
complementary network. For this reason the actual
delay Δ
on the output lines depends on the
propagation time of the gate which, in turns,
depends on the topology of the gate itself. In other
words a fixed delay Δ
a complementary pair
at the input of a gate is mapped into a not constant
delay Δ
between the complementary pair at the
output. This variation of the value of the dynamic
delay can be positive (Δ
> Δ) or negative (Δ
< Δ)
according to the circuit architecture. Note that in
DDPL logics the minimum value of Δ is set by the
propagation time of the critical path of the multi-
level logic between two DDPL flip-flops, whereas
the maximum allowed value is set by the level of
security chosen for the entire circuit (i.e. lowering
the maximum Δ increases the resolution required for
the attacking measurement setup) (Bucci et al.,
2011). Therefore we are interested in avoiding
positive variations. We name this phenomenon as
fluctuation effect of the delay Δ in a DDPL circuit.
Thus with the aim of investigating how the actual
level of security of DDPL changes due to early
evaluation, it must be guaranteed that the delay Δ
does not increase randomly or uncontrollably at the
output of each gate so to avoid the fluctuation effect
of Δ along a multi level logic.
4.3 A Theoretical Model of the Delay
In this section we provide an analysis for modelling
the random variations occurring on the dynamic
delay Δ in the real case of not synchronized DDPL
input pairs at the input of some typical combinatorial
cells. Without loss of generality assume that signal
B, B
is delayed with respect to signal A, A
Moreover assume Δ
= Δ and Δ
Δ, i.e. the
dynamic delay of B, B
is lower or equal than Δ.
This is consistent with the assumption that the delay
between complementary input signals cannot be
greater than Δ, as required by a DDPL circuit where
no fluctuation effect of Δ is generated. We name t
and t
the delays between the rising edges of the
asserted and the not asserted lines of A, A
B, B
, respectively, therefore t
In the following schemes transistors sizes are
optimized for power, area and timing requirements,
and for obtaining equalized capacitances at the input
of the cells. We use a minimum length equal to L
in a given technology and aspect ratios W/L equal to
2 and 4 for all nMOS and pMOS respectively.
The purpose of this analysis is to verify how the
early evaluation effect may impact the value of Δ
and possibly to furnish a light circuit level solution
by re-designing a cell in order to guarantee that Δ
, Δ
for each input data combination.
4.3.1 Analysis of the AND/NAND Logic Gate
Figure 4 shows a basic DDPL AND/NAND gate.
The gate was designed with a n-type evaluation
network so to reduce the area overhead with respect
to the original p-type scheme (Bucci et al., 2011).
Figure 4: A basic DDPL AND/NAND gate with the
equivalent circuits of the evaluation network.
The evaluation network is composed of four
transistors, which is the minimum number for
implementing the logic function AND/NAND. In
fact the physical design of a gate is minimized by
exploiting the fact that, for some input combinations,
a gate can propagate its logical output early without
having to wait for all of the logical inputs. However
as explained in Section 4.1 this can represent a
drawback in an anti-DPA logic style because it
generates a power consumption dependent on the
arrival times of signals.
Figure 4 also shows the equivalent circuits of the
two dual pull-down networks during the evaluation
phase when the half sub-circuits are activated. For
the sake of simplicity consider C
Actually the total capacitance at the node v
slightly smaller than the capacitance at v
due to the
parasitic capacitances of the stack transistor N3
(Rabaey, 2003). Anyway pass transistors P3 and P4
provide to charge both C
and C
at V
during the
pre-charge phase reducing each mismatch. Note also
that the Domino inverters decouple nodes v
and v
from possible unbalances at the output nodes.
The propagation time for the evaluation network
depends on how many transistors are simultaneously
activated. If we model the pull-down resistance of
each transistor with a resistor R
, then during the
evaluation phase the pull-down sub-circuits PD1 and
PD2 have a different time of discharge of the
capacitances C
and C
because the number of
simultaneously activated transistors is different. The
time constants satisfy relation (2).
Capacitance C
discharges more slowly than C
and Y has a propagation time greater than Y
name Δτ
the delay associated with the
difference between the two pull-down paths. The
analysis of the variation of Δ for different data
inputs is reported in equations (3a-d), which refer to
the time diagram in Figure 5.
Δ t
Δ t
Δ t
Δ Δτ
indicates the output delay for the inputs A =
A, A
and B =
B, B
, where 1 stands for (1,0) and 0
stands for (0,1). Equations (3a-d) state that for this
implementation the actual delay on the output
complementary lines can result greater than the fixed
delay Δ. This increase of Δ adds up in a multi level
logic path according to the input statistics, lowering
the security level of the overall circuit (Section 5.2).
4.3.2 Analysis of the XOR/XNOR Logic
A similar analysis is carried out for the DDPL
XOR/NXOR gate. In Figure 6 a n-type DDPL
XOR/NXOR gate is shown. Note that XOR is a
symmetric logic function which is mapped into a
Figure 5: Time diagram of the evaluated signals at the output of a basic DDPL AND/NAND cell for all possible inputs.
symmetric circuit topology, therefore both pull-
down sub-circuits can be represented by the
equivalent circuits PD1 or PD2 according to the
number of simultaneously evaluated inputs and the
delay between
A, A
B, B
. Again consider
, neglecting the contribution of the
parasitic capacitances of the other activated
transistors which would cause an increase of the
equivalent capacitance C. Thus the time for the
discharge of the capacitances C
and C
is τ
or τ
according to the input data. The time constants of
PD1 and PD2 satisfy equation (4).
Figure 6: A basic DDPL XOR/NXOR gate with the
equivalent circuits of the evaluation network.
We name Δτ
the delay associated
with the difference between the propagation times of
the two pull-down paths.
If input pairs are delayed so that the rising edges
of the not asserted signals are separated by t
> τ
(see Figure 7), the sub-circuit networks behave
always as PD1 due to the symmetry of the gate. This
leads to a constant value for the actual delay Δ
irrespective of the input data configuration (5):
Δ τ
Δ t
Thus the output delay Δ
is independent on Δτ
and not greater than Δ for all possible data
combinations. In other words the propagation time
along the pull-down network is equalized thanks to
the symmetric architecture of the gate which avoids
the fluctuation effect of Δ at the output.
Figure 7: Time diagram of the evaluated signals at the
output of a basic DDPL XOR/NXOR cell for each input.
Instead if the delay of signals
B, B
A, A
is negligible, that is if t
< τ
, the not asserted signal
propagates according to the time constant of the
circuit model PD2 where all transistors are
simultaneously activated. In this case the
propagation time reduces from τ
to τ
because the
pull down resistance path is lower (see equation 6),
and the output delay depends on the propagation
times of the pull-down networks entailing the
presence of early evaluation:
Δ τ
Δ t
Anyway no increase of Δ in the DDPL XOR/NXOR
gate is caused. This allows to conclude that the
XOR/NXOR gate does not exhibit the fluctuation
effect of the delay at its output.
4.3.3 An Optimized AND/NAND Logic Gate
with no Early Evaluation
After having examined the XOR/NXOR gate, the
data-dependent behaviour of the DDPL
AND/NAND gate shown in Section 4.3.1 is
supposed to be caused by the asymmetry of the
evaluation paths. In (Tiri et al., 2005) authors
present a design methodology to create fully
connected differential pull-down networks so to
balance the propagation delays for any input
combination. Some dummy transistors are inserted
with the aim of equalizing the resistive path during
the evaluation phase. We used this methodology for
designing an optimized AND/NAND gate in which
the pull down network is made up of 8 n-MOS
transistors (Figure 8) and the propagation times of
the logic are balanced as in the XOR/NXOR gate.
Figure 8: An optimized DDPL NAND/AND gate with the
equivalent circuits of the evaluation network.
The analysis of this circuit is similar as in the
XOR/NXOR gate, but in this case the value of the
output delay is not expected to be constant due to the
asymmetry of the evaluation network. As seen in
Figure 8 the pull-down sub-circuit on the right can
be represented by the equivalent circuits PD1 or
PD2 according to the number of simultaneously
evaluated inputs and to the delay between
A, A
B, B
, whereas the other sub-circuit can be
represented only by PD1. Thus the time of discharge
of the capacitance C
can be τ
or τ
according to
the number of transistors simultaneously activated,
whereas for C
time constant is always τ
. The time
constants satisfy equation (7):
Again for the equivalent circuits we neglect the
contribution of the parasitic capacitances and
consider C
C. We name Δτ
the delay associated to the difference between the
propagation times of the two pull-down paths. If
input pairs are delayed so that the rising edges of the
not asserted signals are separated by t
> τ
, the sub-
circuit networks behave always as PD1 (see Figure
9). This is described by equations (8a-d):
Δ t
Δ t
Δ t
Δ t
Instead if the delay of signals
B, B
A, A
negligible, that is if t
< τ
, the not asserted signal
propagates according to the time constant of the
circuit model PD2 where all transistors are
simultaneously activated. In this case the
propagation time of the rising edges of the not
asserted line reduces from τ
to τ
because the pull
down resistance path of the network on the right is
lower. The output delay is calculated in (9a-d):
Equations (8a-d) and (9a-d) show that unlike the
XOR/NXOR gate, the asymmetry of the pull-down
network of the AND/NAND gate causes the actual
delay to be not constant. However this is not an issue
because the actual delay Δ
is always less than the
input delay Δ for each input data combinations,
thanks to the balanced evaluation network in which
all resistance paths are equalized.
4.3.4 Design of Multi Level DDPL Gates
with No Early Evaluation
The previously presented analysis allows to
conclude that by carefully designing the evaluation
network, the early propagation effect in the DDPL
combinatorial gates can be controlled as in other
dual-rail dynamic logic styles even if an
asynchronous two phase evaluation occurs and even
if the logic function to be implemented is
asymmetric. The guideline is to guarantee a good
balance of the resistive paths of the evaluation
network by inserting dummy transistors if needed.
This way the propagation times of the asserted and
the not asserted signals, which in turns depend on
the time constants associated to the capacitances at
the respective internal node, are constant irrespective
of the input data combination and their arrival times.
In Figure 10 a further reduced implementation of
an early evaluation free AND/NAND gate is
reported. The pull down network requires only 6
transistors instead of 8 transistors, lowering the area
The OR/NOR gate can be implemented by
swapping the input and output wires of the
AND/NAND cell. By adopting a set of basic DDPL
early evaluation free gates (i.e. BUFFER/NOT,
AND/NAND, OR/NOR, XOR/NXOR) it is possible
to build any DDPL combinatorial gates and multi
level logics which do not suffer on early evaluation.
Figure 9: Time diagram of the evaluated signals at the output of an optimized DDPL AND/NAND cell for each input.
Figure 10: An optimized implementation of an early
evaluation free DDPL AND/NAND gate.
In this section we prove the accuracy of the
theoretical model by performing simulations on
simple combinatorial case studies. Simulations were
performed in Cadence Analog Design Environment
adopting standard-V
BSIM4 transistor models with
nominal values (@Temp = 25°C). The circuits were
designed by using a 65nm CMOS process from ST
Microelectronics. Moreover the followings
parameters are used: Δ
= Δ
= 500ps, clock
frequency f
= 100MHz and supply voltage V
1V. The aim of the simulations is to measure the
variations of the output delay in some combinational
case studies and verify if results are in agreement
with the model discussed in Section 4.
5.1 A Single Combinational Gate
The basic and the optimized AND/NAND gates
have been compared in simulation under balanced
and unbalanced load conditions. Input signals have
been delayed each other with t
= t
5.1.1 Balanced Capacitive Load
The gates were loaded with balanced capacitances of
1fF. In Figure 11 the current pattern in the
evaluation phase for all input combinations and the
clock signal are shown. Current peaks are associated
to the asserted and the not asserted signals
respectively, and are separated from a time interval
equal to Δ
. For the basic cell the random variations
of Δ
highlight the dependence of the current trace
on the applied inputs. Moreover the fluctuation
effect is visible being Δ
> Δ, as predicted by the
model. On the contrary, for the optimized cell the
current peaks are nearly superimposed (a slight
deviation of Δ
less than 50ps is visible) and the
relation Δ
< Δ holds for all data.
5.1.2 Unbalanced Capacitive Load
Simulations were repeated by loading the gates with
unbalanced capacitances on the complementary lines
in order to test if a mismatch on the output load can
reduce the effectiveness of the model. The output
capacitances were chosen to be equal to 1fF and 5fF
on the NAND and the AND output respectively,
with a mismatch factor of 5.
Results are summarized in Table I for both cases
and for both load conditions. It is worth noting that a
capacitive mismatch increases the range of variation
of Δ
, anyway the optimized cell still exhibits an
output delay Δ
< Δ. Simulation results are in
agreement with the model also for the XOR/NXOR
gate, and show that if the evaluation network is
optimized, not even an output unbalanced load can
generate fluctuation effect.
Table 1: Output delay in the AND/NAND gates (in ps).
Bal 422 400 420 375
Unbal 453 354 460 418
With EE
Bal 649 357 526 524
Unbal 688 315 571 567
Figure 11: Superimposition of current traces for a basic
(upper) and an optimized (lower) AND/NAND gate.
5.2 Combinational Multi-level Logic
In the previous section simulations demonstrated
that the early evaluation effect combined to the
different propagation times of the DDPL
complementary signals at the input of a single gate
generates random variations of the output delay and
in particular a fluctuation effect of Δ. Analysis is
now generalized for a combinatorial multi-level
logic made up of five cascaded AND/NAND gates
in order to compare the timing behaviour of the
basic and the optimized AND/NAND gate when
inserted in a real combinatorial path (Figure 12).
Figure 12: A combinatorial multi-level logic case study.
According to the analysis reported in Section 4, the
critical path (from the viewpoint of early evaluation
effect) is associated to the data transition which
causes the output delay of the gate i to be greater
than its input delay. This particular data
configuration just corresponds to the case
A, A
B, B
0,1 when the fluctuation of Δ is
maximum, as described by equation (3b). Thus the
AND output of a gate is connected to the input of the
following gate and each cell is stimulated with
signals (0,1) as input so to simulate the critical path.
In Figure 13 the evaluation current peaks are
coupled according to the colour in Figure 12: the
peaks in blue represent the two-phase evaluation of
the first gate in Figure 12, whereas the peaks in
violet are associated to the last gate.
Figure 13: Superimposition of current traces for the multi
level logic implemented with basic (upper) and optimized
(lower) AND/NAND gates.
The upper part of Figure 13 refers to the current
pattern of the logic suffering on early evaluation.
The current peaks of the first gate exhibit a delay Δ
equal to 540ps, whereas the current peaks of the last
gate exhibit a delay Δ
equal to 860ps, which is
almost 60% greater than the original value of Δ.
Thus each stage is characterized by an output DDPL
delay almost 80ps greater than its input delay.
Relation (10) holds for each gate (
It is worth noting that the output delay of the last
gate is greater than the original delay of a quantity
directly proportional to the number N of stages and
. Maximum can be estimated by (11) and
represent the worst case for this specific logic path
in terms of fluctuation of Δ:
On the contrary when the optimized AND/NAND
gate with no early evaluation is used, the output
delay, as depicted in the lower part of Figure 13,
gradually decreases as expected in a DDPL
combinatorial path. Even if the current pattern is
dependent on the propagation time of signals along
the logic, no fluctuation is visible, and Δ
within the originally fixed resolution Δ.
We can conclude that in the AND/NAND
implementation which suffers on the early
evaluation effect the fluctuation introduced by a
4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200
x 10
time [ps]
Curr ent [ A]
A = (0,1), B = (0,1)
A = (1,0), B = (0,1)
A = (0,1), B = (1,0)
A = (1,0), B = (1,0)
4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000
time [ps]
Voltage [V]
4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200
x 10
time [ps]
Curr ent [ A]
A = (0,1), B = (1,0)
A = (1,0), B = (1,0)
A = (0,1), B = (0,1)
A = (1,0), B = (0,1)
4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200
x 10
time [ps]
Current [A]
540ps 700ps
4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000
time [ps]
Voltage [V]
4800 5000 5200 5400 5600 5800 6000 6200
x 10
time [ps]
Current [A]
single gate actually adds up to the output delay,
whereas using optimized gates the skew is equally
distributed both on the asserted and the not asserted
DDPL lines and the value of the output delay Δ
always lower than the initial value which fixes the
maximum resolution for solving the evaluation
current peaks in DDPL circuits.
It is worth noting that by using current CMOS
technologies the delay Δ can be designed to be in the
range of a few hundreds of picoseconds which
forces a mesurement setup to have a bandwidth in
the range of some GHz in order to make a power
analysis attack effective. Moreover it has to be
pointed out that the simple low pass filtering action
of the on-chip power supply distribution network
can make these differences not easily detectable out
of the chip. Successful attacks have been performed
in the literature which exploit some nano seconds of
skew due to the early evaluation in a combinatorial
paths (Popp et al., 2007).
In this section we validate the model on a real
cryptographic case study. We implemented a crypto
core by using both basic and optimized DDPL
AND/NAND gates. The circuit under test is the S-
box S
from the Serpent algorithm (Anderson et al.,
1998) (see Figure 14) which takes as input the XOR
between a 4 bit input word and the 4 bit key (0000)
Figure 14: Cryptographic circuit used as case study.
Simulation parameters were set to the same
values used in Section 4, except Δ
and Δ
were fixed to 1ns according to the maximum delay
associated to the critical path of the logic. A number
of 1000 randomly generated binary data were given
as inputs to the circuit, and the current adsorbed
from the power supply line of the S-box logic was
measured with an acquisition time of 1ps.
Rather than using a power analysis attack in the
time domain which can unlikely detect the leakage
associated to the fluctuation effect in DDPL in a
simulation attack scenario, we chose a power
analysis in the frequency domain. Frequency
analysis was introduced in (Gebotys et al., 2010). In
(Schimmel et al., 2010) a multi-step procedure for
implementing a simulated Correlation Frequency
Power Analysis (CFPA) attack on an AES S-box is
presented. Authors demonstrated that a power
analysis in frequency domain can be more effective
than a power analysis in time domain in exploiting
the leakage when time shifts or misalignments occur
in the traces. Therefore CFPA is a good candidate as
attack strategy for detecting timing mismatches due
to early evaluation in a DDPL circuit.
We adopt the basic attack procedure presented in
(Schimmel et al., 2010). The latter involves the use
of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which is
related to the energy distribution of the measured
current traces for each frequency component (Power
Spectrum Density, PSD). Thus correlating the
leakage model (i.e. the Hamming weight of the S-
box output) to the PSD of the current traces can help
to detect some information on the correct key as in a
standard CPA attack.
In Figure 15 a superimposition of the current
traces is shown for the two case studies. The upper
part of the figure refers to the S-box implemented
with basic logic gates where the early evaluation
effect causes an irregular pattern. Instead in the
current pattern of the early evaluation free logic
(lower), traces are nearly superimposed.
Figure 15: Superimposition of the current traces for the
S-Box with (upper) and without (lower) early evaluation.
Simulated traces are noise free, and were
windowed around the evaluation phase according to
a 2048-points FFT. CFPA results are shown in
Figure 16 and Figure 17. In the current pattern of the
early evaluation free S-box (Figure 16) no peaks are
visible in the correlation trace of the correct key
(black line). Instead in the other case (Figure 17)
some current peaks are detected for the correct key
trace, with a correlation coefficient equal to 0.8,
demonstrating the successful of the attack. A basic
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
x 10
time [ps]
Current [A]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
x 10
time [ps]
Current [A]
CFPA shows that the fluctuation effect is a leakage
factor which reduces the level of security of a DDPL
cryptographic circuit because it propagates along the
logic, and must be taken into account in the design.
Figure 16: Correlation frequency power analysis on a
DDPL S-box without early evaluation (N = 1000).
Figure 17: Correlation frequency power analysis on a
DDPL S-box with early evaluation (N = 1000).
In this paper we presented a deep analysis of the
early evaluation effect on DDPL combinatorial gates
when asynchronously evaluating dynamic data are
given as input. An analytical model based on a fine-
grain circuit analysis has been presented. This
highlights that DDPL gates can suffer on the early
evaluation effect on the data due to an asynchronous
two-phase evaluation which causes a non-constant
shift of the value of the dynamic delay Δ in gates
with asymmetric evaluation networks. In particular a
positive variation of Δ, named fluctuation effect, can
reduce the level of security of a DDPL circuit under
the perspective of a power analysis attack, because it
reduces the resolution required from a measurement
setup for solving the two asynchronous evaluation
peaks in a current pattern.
The model was validated by performing current
measurements on multi level logics. Moreover a
simulated correlation power analysis attack in the
frequency domain has been mounted on a case study
crypto-core. CFPA proves to be a powerful tool for
exploring the leakage of a transistor level
countermeasure in presence of time mismatches.
This analysis allows to conclude that the
asynchronous behavior of the DDPL style does not
reduce the level of security of the circuit provided
that the DDPL combinatorial cells are adequately
designed. This way it is possible to build a standard-
cell library composed of early evaluation free DDPL
gates, with a reasonable area overhead, unlike other
DPLs which requires a lot of additive logic for
resynchronizing signals before the evaluation phase
at the input of each cell.
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