Fully Automatic Saliency-based Subjects Extraction in Digital Images
Luca Greco, Marco La Cascia and Francesco Lo Cascio
Dicgim, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy
Keywords: Saliency Maps, Subjects Detection, Automatic Thumbnailing.
Abstract: In this paper we present a novel saliency-based technique for the automatic extraction of relevant subjects in
digital images. We use enhanced saliency maps to determine the most relevant parts of the images and an
image cropping technique on the map itself to extract one or more relevant subjects. The contribution of the
paper is two-fold as we propose a technique to enhance the standard GBVS saliency map and a technique to
extract the most salient parts of the image. The GBVS saliency map is enhanced by applying three filters
particularly designed to optimize the performance for the task of relevant subjects extraction. The extraction
of relevant subjects is demonstrated on a manually annotated dataset and results are encouraging. A
variation of the same technique has also been used to extract the most significant region of an image. This
region can then be used to obtain a thumbnail keeping most of the relevant information of the original image
and discarding nonsignificant background. Experimental results are reported also in this case.
The term saliency usually refers to visual quality or
characteristic of interest for a human observer. It is
often used also the term conspicuity, which literally
indicates the visibility and what is most visible. In
visual science a subject is important if it is
characterized from what surrounds him, gaining
greater visibility and attracting attention, resulting in
a shift of the gaze. Therefore, the salient parts of a
scene are those that evoke a strong visual response
and polarize attention. Human visual attention is
composed of two factors coming from two stimulus
of different nature: the first one depends exclusively
on the characteristics of the image, the second one is
subjective in nature and is related to the subject's
will. An objective stimulus has an bottom-up
activation, due to the physical characteristics such as
brightness, color, shape. In many situations the
greatest contribution to the acquisition of
information may be due to the top-down process, as
the focus of the attention is influenced by the
knowledge obtained by learning the probabilistic
structure of the environment.
Saliency can be used in several tasks in
Computer Vision. In this paper saliency maps are
used as a basis to solve the subject extraction and
thumbnailing problem in images.
The extraction of subjects in images consists of
the identification of the regions where the most
salient subjects of the image are located. Saliency is
concentrated in the zones containing the subject, or
subjects if there are more than one, and the rest of
the image that can be considered as background,
containing less informative pixels. The proposed
algorithm is aimed to identify background and
foreground areas and extract the subjects of the
The detection of salient subjects has many
practical applications, such as cropping of images,
extraction of dominant colors or other visual features
of the objects of interest, search in image databases,
etc.... There are several techniques to detect salient
subjects. They can be divided into two main
categories: the first category is based on the
segmentation of the saliency map based on
exhaustive search until it reaches a fixed fraction of
saliency. Examples are the work of Marchesotti et
al., (2009), which is based on a comparison of
similar images stored on a database, the algorithm of
Liu et al., (2007) based on finding the right weights
for combining the various channels of the saliency
map, and the algorithms of Cheng et al., (2011) and
Wang et al., (2011) which are based on refinements
of the saliency map. The second is based on the use
of sliding windows on saliency map, which
determine the probability of containing an object by
determining areas with maximum saliency. These
Greco L., La Cascia M. and Lo Cascio F..
Fully Automatic Saliency-based Subjects Extraction in Digital Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0004530401290136
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless
Information Networks and Systems (SIGMAP-2013), pages 129-136
ISBN: 978-989-8565-74-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
techniques are based on thresholds that identify the
correct subjects and that are dependent on image
data. Among these it is notable the work of Alexe et
al., (2010) based on '"Objectness" and the work by
Feng et al., (2011) based on the "superpixels".
Thumbnailing is widely used in many
applications and consists of the creation of a smaller
version of the image. This technique is used by
visual search engines to organize and show images,
by photo sharing sites and by all modern desktop
operating systems. Even though this is an essential
technique in many cases it is implemented as a
simple image resizing. Image resizing is simple and
fast but not always effective, since in resizing the
image there is a loss of information that can make
subjects not easily recognizable. Another possible
implementation is based on cropping and resizing,
like the one presented by Suh et al., (2003), which
does not have the critical points of the simple
resizing, but represents only a part of the image. It is
also necessary to determine a criterion for cropping,
which is a method to find a frame that contains what
most distinguishes a photo. A natural criterion to
measure the importance of a pixel according to Itti et
al., (1998) is the use of a model of visual attention.
For example in Suh et al., (2003) the authors
proposes a compromise between the size of the crop
and the internal value of the saliency. Another
approach is to eliminate less important pixels trying
to keep the high level semantic structures. Among
these is the work of Samadani et al., (2007) that is
based on the quick determination of natural
previews. Avidan and Shamir (2007) present the
"seam carving", but it run into problems if important
content is spread all over the image. Simakov et al.,
(2008) presents another technique that overcomes, to
a certain extent, the problems suffered by the seam
carving. Other related work can be found in Liu and
Gleicher, (2005:153-162) and Rother et al., (2005).
The analysis of an image is characterized by what
one would expect to find or what you want to
identify. By applying an attention based strategy it is
possible to reduce the time of search or analysis. In
summary attention is composed of two separate
processes, as claimed by Itti and Koch (1998):
A bottom-up process, which is based exclusively
on a physical stimulus. This process is simple
and fast but lacks from any high level
A top-down process, which depends on observer
will and that is based on a semantic analysis of
the image. This process has a higher level of
abstraction but it is slower. This search is more
accurate having a high degree of environmental
knowledge and examing the consistency of the
In this paper we will deal with bottom-up stimulus
and in particular we use the saliency map model
presented in Harel et al., (2006).
Figure 1: Original image and GBVS saliency map.
2.1 Graph-based Visual Saliency
The GBVS is a model of bottom-up visual saliency,
which is composed of two stages: formation of the
activation maps of certain features such as color,
intensity, brightness, and feature normalization to
emphasize the saliency and to allow combination
with other maps.
First stage consist in extracting feature maps and
creating activation maps, constructing a fully-
connected graph with a node for each pixel and
directed edges weighted using pixels’ dissimilarity
in feature map and their distance. The weights are
normalized to 1 and used as the transition
probability of a Markov chain, then the activation
map is calculated by the equilibrium distribution of
the resulting chain. Second stage is performed
constructing another graph using the calculated
activation map and the distances. Again, this graph
is used as a Markov chain and the normalized map is
derived by the equilibrium distribution.
2.2 Saliency Map
The GBVS saliency map is represented by a matrix
representing the saliency of each pixel. The map is
normalized, containing values between zero and one:
the closer the saliency is to one, more salient is the
corresponding pixel. An example of saliency map is
shown in Figure 1 where white pixels correspond to
a saliency value equal to one, and black for a
saliency value equal to zero. Therefore in
correspondence of the two deers there is a higher
concentration of the salience while in the areas of
the background, i.e. the trees in the distance and the
terrain, the concentration of saliency is lower and
almost uniform.
2.3 Noise in the Map
In some cases the presence of noisy and non-
uniform background in the image affect the correct
determination of the saliency map. Also in images
where many subjects are concentrated in a small
area, the saliency map tends to consider the whole
area salient without distinguishing between the
various subject. Moreover, if a subject has
characteristics (shape, color, orientation, etc.) similar
to the background it is considered not salient and not
detected as a subject of the image.
The proposed algorithm is designed to solve two
different problems:
The detection and extraction of interesting
subjects. This includes the subjects detection in
an image and determining for each of these
subjects a bounding box.
Determination of a significant thumbnail that is
the determination of a small preview picture of
the original image
The algorithm is based on a saliency map to
determine in the first case the areas where
interesting subjects are present and to determine in
the second case the foreground and the background.
In both cases, the structure of the algorithm
remains the same changing only the stopping
3.1 Computation and Refining of
Saliency Maps
The saliency map used is obtained by GBVS
algorithm, so it is purely dominated by objective
stimulus without taking into account the global
image. For the task of the proposed method the
interesting part of the map is the one associated to
subjects, so eliminating the part associated to
background can lead to a better result. If in the
image there are one or more subjects a more useful
map is composed of saliency spots corresponding to
the subjects.
Figure 2: Initial map and refined version.
The application of three filters, each with a
specific goal, can lead to such a map. The first filter
accentuates the saliency in correspondence of image
contours, to make the subject cropping more precise
and decrease the possibility of an incomplete cut. In
fact, if the subject has not a compact shape it may
occur that the contour details are ignored in the
saliency map. To prevent this, a binary map
describing the pixels that belong to the contours is
used. So in the saliency map the pixels
corresponding to ones in the contour map are
incremented by a factor of 0.3. Contours are
extracted using a Sobel filter.
The second filter deals with transforming the
saliency map, through a nonlinear transformation,
increasing the difference between background pixels
and those which belong to subject. After this
transformation less informative pixels are truncated
using a fixed threshold. The nonlinear
transformation is:
Finally, the third filter is a Gaussian filter that has
the result of smoothing the refined saliency map.
Figure 2 shows the result of these filters applied to
the saliency map of the two deers.
3.2 Image Cropping
Based on the refined saliency map we define a
cropping algorithm based on a greedy search. A
greedy algorithm attempts to construct a pseudo-
optimal solution from a partial initial solution and
searching until a stop criterion. The extensions of the
solution do not consider all possible solutions
because this could be very expensive. Only some
solutions are considered in paricular those that are
closer to the partial solution, proceeding to the
attainment of the solution pseudo-optimal for small
steps. «
These extensions of a partial solution that could
be called "local" are somewhat smaller and possible
extensions are relatively few. Among the various
local extensions the algorithm proceeds to choose
the most "greedy", or rather the most convenient. So,
the more promising extension that is configured as a
local optimal solution is selected as a new partial
The cropping algorithm based on saliency is
initialized with a partial solution obtained by cutting
a box centered at the peak of the salience of fixed
size (5x5 pixels is the proposed initial box). Then we
proceed to increase the dimension of the box
obtained at each iteration of partial solutions
considering the most valid solutions the one with a
higher percentage of salience.
Partial solutions are selected in such a way to
obtain at each iteration a pane that possesses an
increasing saliency and possible solutions are
computed changing two factors:
1. The center of the frame. The center of the subject
does not correspond with the peak saliency is
then evaluated the increase of saliency by
modifying the center of the box along the
diagonal directions
2. The increase of the box. In most cases the
optimal cropping is not a square, thus evaluating
width or length direction.
3.3 Stopping Criterion
The stopping criterion should determine if the partial
frame obtained contains sufficient saliency area of
the subject and therefore if it defines the final
rectangle. At each iteration the difference of the
saliency of last frame and the new proposed frame is
evaluated and the search algorithm is stopped when
the increase of salience is under a fixed threshold
close to zero. Another stopping criterion is
evaluating the sum of internal saliency of the frame
and stop if it exceeds a threshold.
Figure 3: Query image and subjects detected.
The proposed method can be used to identify
subjects in images, if presents. For this problem,
images can be divided in two categories, like in
Huang et al., (2010):
Salient Images: containing one or more subjects
easily identified, placed in a relatively uniform
Cluttered Images: difficult to distinguish
subjects, with disordered background and high
presence of noise and details. Extracted saliency
map can be influenced by uninformative part of
background or by details.
Subject extraction problem can be stated as
follows: given an image, the aim is to find a
rectangle, containing a subset of image where the
subject is visible. In this problem, using the saliency
value for evaluating the degree of informativeness of
different areas of the image, the crop rectangle must
meet two conditions: have a small size and contain
most of the subject. These two conditions are usually
in conflict each other, therefore, the goal is to find
the pseudo-optimal rectangle with a trade-off of the
4.1 Subjects Extraction
An image can represent more than one salient
subject, but the proposed algorithm can extract a
single entity starting by a peak of salience.
Therefore, it is possible to reuse the same algorithm
to extract other subjects in the picture by ignoring
the part selected for the first subject and considering
the remaining saliency map to determine the
presence of other subjects in the picture.
The map is then processed again by the
algorithm that will identify another peak salience
and extracts another frame. This technique leads to
the extraction of all salient areas in the image related
to the subjects. Finally, the operation is repeated
until the percent of the salience remained after the
last cut is less than 5% of the initial saliency. If we
apply this algorithm to the image of two deer we
obtain two frames containing the two subjects. In
fact, in Figure 3 we can see the previews of the
subjects they represent completely, giving two
frames that isolate the subjects from the background.
Figure 4: Not precise saliency map lead to a not correct
4.2 Incomplete Preview
In some cases, the object composition and structure
is not accurately identified by the saliency map. This
is due to the nature of the saliency map that is
exclusively linked to the features and does not take
into account the semantics of the image. In fact, the
saliency map can be erroneously determined and
parts of the main subject may not be detected
because they were considered not salient. It may also
occur that parts of the background may be
considered an integral part of a subject. These two
phenomena lead to a lack of precision of the saliency
map and are reflected in the results of cropping,
making the previews inaccurate. In some cases
previews of images that include parts of the
background where computed. Although the subject
remains recognizable, the frame is not accurate. In
other cases images contain only part of the subject
that can be interpreted as the particular most
dissimilar from the rest of the image. In these cases
the saliency has a sharp peak and the rest of the
subject is consider not information. An example may
illustrate these cases (Figure 4). It can be observed
that the salience in an area of the background in
proximity of the white insect is not distributed with
precision on the subject. This moves the crop from
the subject to the background by perturbing the
correctness of the final frame. The preview that
appears in fact not entirely contains the subject but
only a part of the latter and part of the background.
4.3 Results Metrics
To evaluate the results of subjects detection two
factors are considered: the number of subjects
revealed and the accuracy of the crop. In fact, it is
necessary to first evaluate how many subjects were
identified by the algorithm on the total number
present in the image and then assessing if the crop
computed contains entirely or only a part of the
We used two different datasets. A dataset of 20
images with salient subjects have been identified for
the assessment of the estimation the number of
subjects. Approximately 80% of the total number of
interesting subjects are correctly estimated. The
method show the tendency to not overestimate the
number of interesting subjects. When the detection
is wrong usually the estimated number of subjects is
less then real. On a total of 20 images only in one
case the number of salient subjects estimated was
larger then real one.
For the evaluation of the accuracy of the crop
some pictures of the dataset presented in Wang et
al., (2012) have been used. The images of the dataset
contain a main subject and a frame containing it has
been annotated by hand. Figure 5 show an example
of this annotation.
Figure 5: The blue box is the result of the proposed
algorithm, the white box is the manual crop of the subject.
Therefore, it is possible to determine how the
frame identified by the algorithm, Ralg, is similar to
the frame noted, Rnot, using expressions:
Precision = Area ( R
) / Area( R
Recall = Area ( R
) / Area( R
where the precision indicates percentage of the area
of Ralg that is contained in Rnot and the recall
indicates the tendency of Ralg to contain the frame
annotated. In the experiments precision has an
average value of 0.68 and recall of 0.75 .
The measures are discordant with each other and
can be enclosed in a single greatness, called F-
measure, and defined mathematically:
 
where for our purposes α is set to the value of 0.5.
In a dataset of 40 image has been achieved on
average F
= 0.66.
All the dataset used for the experiments will be
available online soon.
A modified version of the proposed algorithm can
also be used for image thumbnailing. In subject
extraction the focus was on finding spots in the
refined saliency map, so the stopping criterion is
aimed to find the rectangle that contain a single spot.
The process is then repeated until all subjects are
extracted. For thumbnailing the goal is to find a
single rectangle containing the most recognizable
part of the original image. It is then sufficient to
resize this selected part of the original image to
obtain a smart preview.
Figure 6: Not constrained crop.
The stopping criterion for this problem is based
on thresholding of the ratio of the sum of saliency in
the proposed crop and the sum of saliency over the
entire map. Changing the threshold from low to high
values the proposed cropping rectangle raise in
dimension and contain most salient part of the initial
image. Figure 6 shows the results for different
threshold values. The higher is the threshold the
larger is the dimension of the selected thumbnail,
starting from a close view of the subject.
Using the proposed algorithm, the result of the
crop is a rectangle which width and height
proportion are not fixed. If there is a need for a
particular aspect ratio of the preview image, for
example in an image browsing application, the
greedy policy of search can be changed to obtain a
fixed aspect ratio. For the example in Figure 7 and in
the following section a modified version is used that
perform only square crop.
Figure 7: Square crop.
Visually analyzing the result of thumbnailing we
found that a good value for the threshold is 0.5.
5.1 Yahoo! Thumbnails Comparison
The results of the proposed method were compared
with thumbnails extraction of Yahoo!
(www.yahoo.com) that propose square previews as
result of an image search. Figure 8 shows the
difference between the different thumbnails for the
images obtained using the keyword "Animals". In
column (a) are shown the original images, in column
(b) the previews extracted from Yahoo!, in column
(c) our results.
The proposed algorithm generally focuses on
salient part producing a reduced part of the original
image while Yahoo! seems to simply crop the
Generally, this representation is useful if the
previews are used for searching for details and
content of pictures or known image. High presence
of background in the preview reduce the information
shown. In personal photo collection, for example,
having a salient and zoomed part of an image can
lead to a faster visual retrieval of the image.
Figure 8: Comparison of yahoo thumbnails and the result
of the proposed method.
We presented a simple technique to automatically
extract relevant information from digital images
using a bottom-up visual saliency model.
The technique has been applied to detect the
most relevant subjects in the foreground also in the
case of cluttered background. Performance were
evaluated on small annotated image dataset we
prepared for our experiments and that will be
available for download and could be used for future
A variation of the same technique has also been
demonstrated on the problem of smart thumbnailing
that is the creation of thumbnails keeping most of
the information of the original image using a much
smaller number of pixels. A qualitative comparison
with Yahoo! thumbnails has shown also in this case
the goodness of our approach.
In both cases we observed that filtering the
saliency map significantly increases the
Finally, even though in many cases a top-down
model-based approach might be preferable we have
shown that, in many cases, a simple data driven
approach could be satisfactory.
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