Enhanced Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis of GOST
Nicolas T.Courtois
, Theodosis Mourouzis
and Michał Misztal
Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower Street, London, U.K.
Military University of Technology, Kaliskiego 2, Warsaw, Poland
Block Ciphers, GOST, S-boxes, ISO 18033-3, Differential Cryptanalysis, Sets of Differentials, Distinguisher,
Gauss Error Function, Aggregated Differentials, Truncated Differentials.
GOST is a well-known block cipher implemented in standard libraries such as OpenSSL, it has extremely low
implementation cost and nothing seemed to threaten its high 256-bit security [CHES 2010]. In 2010 it was
submitted to ISO to become a worldwide industrial standard. Then many new attacks on GOST have been
found in particular some advanced differential attacks by Courtois and Misztal with complexity of 2
are based on distinguishers for 20 Rounds. In July 2012 Rudskoy et al claimed that these attacks fail when the
S-boxes submitted to ISO 18033-3 are used. However, the authors failed to consider that these attacks need
to be re-optimized again for this set of S-boxes. This is difficult because we have exponentially many sets of
In this paper we present a basic heuristic methodology and a framework for constructing families of distin-
guishers and we introduce differential sets of a special new form dictated by the specific regular structure of
GOST. We look at different major variants of GOST and we have been able to construct a distinguisher for
20 round for CryptoParamSetA and similar results for the new version of GOST submitted to ISO which is
expected to be the strongest (!). Therefore there is absolutely no doubt that these versions of GOST are also
broken by the same sort of attacks.
GOST 28147-89 encryption algorithm is the state
standard of the Russian Federation and it expected to
be widely used in Russia and elsewhere (GOST, 2005;
A. Poschmann and Wang, 2010). It was standardized
in 1989 and first it became an official standard for the
protection of confidential information. However the
specification of the cipher kept confidential until 1994
when it was declassified, published (I.A. Zabotin and
Isaeva, 1989) and translated to English (Malchik and
Diffie, 1994). It is described in severalmore recent In-
ternet standards, like (Dolmatov, 2010) and (V. Popov
and Leontie, 2006).
According to Russian standard, GOST is safe to
be used for encrypting classified and secret infor-
mation without any limitation (Malchik and Diffie,
1994). Until 2010 most researchers would agree that
”despite considerable cryptanalytic efforts spent in
the past 20 years, GOST is still not broken”, and
moreover its large military-grade key size of 256 bits
and its amazingly low implementation cost made it
a plausible alternative to all standard encryption al-
gorithms such as 3-DES or AES (A. Poschmann and
Wang, 2010). It appears that never in history of in-
dustrial standardization, we had such a competitive
algorithm in terms of cost vs. claimed security level.
Accordingly in 2010 it was submitted to ISO
18033-3 to become a worldwide industrial standard.
This has stimulated intense research and lead to the
development of many interesting new cryptanalytic
attacks. In fact, ISO standards underpin our industry
data security applications and when a cryptographic
algorithm is submitted to ISO and it is flawed, it is our
obligation to find these flaws and publish them, other-
wise our economy and critical infrastructures would
be at risk.
There are two main categories of attacks on
GOST: attacks with complexity reduction which re-
duce the attack to an attack on a smaller number
of rounds (Courtois, 2011b; Courtois, 2011a; Isobe,
2011; Itai Dinur and Shamir, ), and differential attacks
(Courtois and Misztal, 2012; Courtois, 2012) which
reduce the attack to the problem of distinguishing a
certain number of rounds of GOST from a random
In this paper we present fundamental methodol-
ogy for constructing general families of distinguish-
T. Courtois N., Mourouzis T. and Misztal M..
Enhanced Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis of GOST.
DOI: 10.5220/0004532504110418
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2013), pages 411-418
ISBN: 978-989-8565-73-0
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ers on reduced-round GOST. The design of the distin-
guisher is a highly nontrivial optimization step which
needs to be solved in order to be able to find a working
differential attack against the complete full round ci-
pher. Unhappily the number of potential attacks with
sets of differential is very large and there is no hope to
explore it systematically. In order to tackle the astro-
nomical complexity of this task we introduce the new
notion of ”general open sets” which allows us to con-
sider ”similar differentials together. It is a compro-
mise between the study of individual differentials (in-
feasible) and truncated differentials (Knudsen, 1994)
which sets are already too large. Our new notion is a
major refinement of truncated differential cryptanaly-
sis of practical importance which allows for efficient
discovery of better advanced differential distinguisher
attacks on GOST.
In July 2012 Russian researchers have claimed
that this attack will not work for the new version
of GOST which is expected to be the strongest, see
(Rudskoy and Dmukh, 2012). However this claim
is not correct, and there is a major methodological
flaw in their reasoning. One cannot just apply the
attack to the new S-boxes directly, one needs to re-
optimize the attack for other sets of S-boxes. We ba-
sically need to re-discover it from scratch because no
efficient method for exploration of all possible sets of
differentials is at sight. In this paper we are going to
refine the basic attacks from (Courtois and Misztal,
2011), propose better and more powerful distinguish-
ers and methodology.
GOST is a block cipher with a simple 32-round Feis-
tel structure which encrypts a 64-bit block using a
256-bit key, see Figure 1
Each round of GOST contains a key addition mod-
ulo 2
, a set of 8 bijective S-boxes on 4 bits and a
simple rotation by 11 positions to the left. The image
of any 64-bit block of the form L||R (where L and R
the left and the right half respectively) after 1 round
of GOST is given by:
(L,R) (R,LF
(R)) (1)
where F
is the internal function used in each
round as shown in Figure 2.
In the following subsections we describe in de-
tails the main components of GOST; key schedule,
S-boxes and the internal connections between its S-
GOST has a very simple key schedule. The 256-
bit key is divided into eight 32-bit words k
Figure 1: Diagram of GOST cipher, 32-rounds of a Feistel
network to encrypt a 64-bit plaintext using a 256-bit key.
Figure 2: Detailed description of the round function F
in GOST.
where the first 24 rounds use the keys in this order and
only the last 8 rounds use them in the reverse order,
as shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Key schedule in GOST.
R1-R8 R9-R16
R17-R24 R25-R32
Each round function makes use of 8 4-bit to 4-bit
S-boxes. According to the Russian standard, these S-
boxes can be kept secret and as they contain about
354 (log
)) bits of secret information they in-
crease the effective key size to 610 bits. However,
a chosen-key attack can reveal the content of the S-
Boxes in approximately 2
encryptions (Saarinen,
In this paper we apply our methodology to
GOST and in particular we report concrete results
on two set of S-boxes; GostR3411-94-TestParamSet
which is used by the Central Bank of the Rus-
sian Federation (Schneier, 1996) and Gost28147-
CryptoProParamSetA. However, our general method-
ology can be applied to any set of S-boxes.
Differential cryptanalysis (DC) is one of the oldest
known attacks on block ciphers. In cryptographic lit-
erature it was first described and analysed by Biham
and Shamir and applied to DES algorithm, see (Bi-
ham and Shamir, 1992; Biham and Shamir, 1990).
DC is based on tracking of changes in the differences
between two messages as they pass through the con-
secutive rounds of encryption. In his textbook written
in the late 1990s Schneier writes that: ”Against dif-
ferential and linear cryptanalysis, GOST is probably
stronger than DES”, see (Schneier, 1996). However
Knudsen and other researchers have soon proposed
more powerful advanced differential attacks (Knud-
sen, 1994). Such attacks were applied to GOST as
early as in 2000, (Seki and T.Kaneko, 2000) showing
that Schneier was wrong, and since 2011 many much
stronger differential properties have been found, cf.
(Courtois and Misztal, 2011) and many other.
We aim to evaluate the resistance of GOST against
advanced forms of differential cryptanalysis of GOST
algorithm, and we are in fact going to propose new
forms of advanced differential attacks which are go-
ing to be special versions of attacks with sets of dif-
ferential and ”aggregated differentials” from (Cour-
tois and Misztal, 2012) and a refinement of truncated
differentials of (Knudsen, 1994).
In the rest of this section we provide our heuris-
tic methodology for constructing a family of distin-
guishers for some variants of GOST block cipher, in-
cluding the GOST-ISO version. In order to be able to
discover new interesting attacks on GOST we need
a suitable definition. We are going to introduce a
new form of differential sets, which is designed to be
a practical compromise between the study of sets of
individual differentials (infeasible) and truncated dif-
ferentials (too simple) and which allows for efficient
discovery of advanced differential attacks on GOST
which are going to be better than previously stud-
ied attacks due to the larger degree of freedom intro-
3.1 Aggregated and Truncated
Differentials in GOST
All differences in our differential attacks are consid-
ered with respect to the bitwise XOR operation. We
employ the notation and terminology as previously
defined in (Courtois and Misztal, 2012).
Definition 3.1.1. (Aggregated Differentials). Transi-
tion where any non-zero difference a A will produce
an arbitrary non-zero difference b B with a certain
Particularly we consider the case when A is a set
of all possible non-zero differentials contained within
a certain mask. This can also be studied as a special
case of Truncated Differentials, which are defined as
xoring the difference not on all but a subset of data
bits, see (Knudsen, 1994).
Additionally, each mask is constructed according
to the structure of each variant of GOST and this is the
basic reason why the attack fails when it is applied
in exactly the same way on all variants of GOST as
claimed in (Rudskoy and Dmukh, 2012). The follow-
ing definition of General Open Sets is fundamental
to understand how the Courtois-Misztal attack needs
to be re-designed for each new variant of GOST and
captures exactly the basic ideas implemented behind
this attack.
Definition 3.1.2. (General Open Sets). We define a
General Open Set as a string Q of 16 characters on the
alphabet 0,7,8,F and by definition this general open
set is a set of differences X Q on 64-bits which
1. are ”under” Q by which we mean that Sup(X)
Sup(Q), where Sup(X) is the set of bits at 1 in X
2. AND in each of the up to 16 substrings in the
specification which are not 0 but any of 7,8,F,
there is at least one ”active” bit at 1.
In other words these are special sorts of truncated
differentials with ”holes”: some subsets which have
been removed. These removed subsets can be seen as
unions of other General Open Set classes. Moreover
all these sets are disjoint and partition the whole space
of all possible 64-bit differentials.
The main reason why we have this very special
alphabet 0,7,8,F is the internal connections of GOST
cipher: we group together bits which are likely to be
flipped to together.
It is very important to notice that a General Open
Set encoded by 8070070080700700 is NOT the same
set of differentials as in previous papers on this topic.
Previous works included all open sets ”under” the cur-
rent set, or in other words they do not exclude spe-
cial cases and much simpler differentials, which is
also how the truncated differentials work. However
in our work we need to exclude these cases because
they lead to vastly different propagation probabilities,
and different patterns, and we want to produce better,
more refined distinguishers and attacks. It is possible
to see that previous research uses sets which we now
are going to call closed sets as follows.
Definition 3.1.3. (Closure Of Differential Sets). The
closure of a differential set X is denoted by [X]. [X] is
the union of all open sets below X.
For example the closure of 8070070080700700,
denoted as [8070070080700700] consists of 2
elements (zero-differential is excluded only).
There are 2
open sets for 64-bit blocks and many
occur with very low probability. This allows us to
reduce the complexity and model the propagation of
differentials in Courtois-Misztal attacks in a more re-
fined way. Earlier notions of truncated differentials
(Knudsen, 1994) and earlier Japanese differential at-
tacks on GOST and also most Courtois and Misz-
tal attacks are all unions of our new General Open
Sets. However we can also now consider new ar-
bitrary unions of open sets and propose new attacks
which will be more refined and stronger than previ-
ous attacks. For example we are able to improve the
recent Courtois-Misztal distinguisher for 20 rounds of
GOST which used ”closed sets”.
3.2 Propagation through GOST
Our new methodology and definitions needs some
sort of validation to see if they are really interest-
ing to be studied in the case of GOST cipher. In
this section we illustrate the propagation of the in-
put difference (80000000,00000000) through differ-
ent rounds of GOST which uses the set of S-boxes
”GostR3411-94-TestParamSet”. We are interested in
transitions where the output difference lies within
the mask (80700700,80700700). This is equiva-
lent to considering 64-1 disjoint open sets, all under
(80700700, 80700700),which are judged particularly
interesting due to previous attacks, and for which it is
feasible to study them in more detail and trace some
transition graphs with probabilities. We basically are
studying an interesting subset of a much larger graph
with 2
General Open Sets. On the following fig-
ures each box represents one of these 64-1 non-empty
classes. The boxes with a larger frame represent
the possible output difference after some rounds of
GOST, while other open sets (other boxes) cannot yet
be achieved at all at this step. The width of each box
is proportional to the logarithm of the probability for
the output differential to fall within this specific open
set, after 1,2,3,.. . rounds, which was computed by
Figure 3: Propagation of (80000000,00000000) after 7R of
Figure 4: Propagation of (80000000,00000000) after 8R of
computer simulations.
As we observe from the figures the input differen-
tial evenafter 8 rounds of GOST is still more probable
to be mapped to some very specific open sets. Figure
5 represents the entropy of the output difference vari-
able for each round of GOST. We see that the entropy
initially is low as expected for small number of rounds
and then it increases more or less uniformly reaching
close to 12.31 after 7 rounds. For 8 rounds and more
we expect the entropy to be close to 14 and the prob-
ability distribution will tend to a uniform distribution.
These graphs and entropy figures can be seen as a
sort of validation of our methodology: our sets seem
to capture very well the fact that not all differences
inside earlier attacks are ever attained, we are likely to
attain only very specific open sets, and therefore we
can construct more precise and refined distinguisher
attacks on GOST than ever before.
In the previous works distinguishers were constructed
as invariant closed sets to closed sets propagations,
Round Entropy
0 0.0
1 0.0
2 2.81
3 5.61
4 5.72
5 8.19
6 10.92
7 12.31
Figure 5: The Entropy estimation and plot after 1-7 rounds
of GOST starting from the input set 8000000000000000.
and were frequently evaluated heuristically and split
in several pieces. However the nature of closed sets is
such that they contain many open sets for which the
propagation probabilities are not at all the same with
important discrepancies. As we advance in the study
of such attacks we need to dis-aggregate the previous
attacks into unions of many different transitions for
open sets, and we expect that in this way we can con-
struct more powerful attacks, and also we can evaluate
the propagation probabilities in previous attacks with
better precision.
In present work we still omit several interesting
questions, for example how good properties for 8
rounds of GOST can be discovered at all. In (Cour-
tois, 2012) some heuristics for that are provided. It
still not even clear for example which properties are
good and which one are ”better” and why. For exam-
ple is a property on 1 bit difference which propagates
for 9 rounds with probability 2
any better than a
weaker property with 2
1 differences which prop-
agates fro 9 rounds with probability 2
? This is
however precisely the point. For 8 rounds we do NOT
have an objective measure of scientific achievement.
However for 20 rounds we do have one. Distinguish-
ers can be rated on what is the advantage: how many
standard deviations we are at from the behavior of a
random permutation? A higher figure allows to reject
a higher percentage of key in a cryptographic attack.
We want to construct a practical theory of advanced
differential attacks on GOST and this explains why
we look at 20 rounds precisely.
4.1 Methodology
In this section we briefly describe our methodology
for constructing good distinguishers for some rounds
of GOST cipher. Distinguisher is an algorithm that is
able of distinguishing a given cryptographic primitive
such as a block cipher from a random permutation (or
from a random mapping for or hash function). Not
every distinguisher can be transformed into a key re-
covery attack on the cipher (or to recover some of the
plaintext bits). However the existence of an efficient
distinguisher always means the cryptographic prim-
itive in question is weak and for example it would
not be considered by ISO as a serious candidate for
standardization. For advanced differential attacks, the
construction of such a distinguisher is typically the
most difficult step involved when developing an at-
tack on a given cipher.
Figure 6 illustrates how our methodology works
for constructing a distinguisher for n rounds of a given
block cipher. The methodology is based on search-
ing highly likely (compared to the natural probabil-
ity) transitions between general open sets for different
numbers of rounds.
Figure 6: Representation of construction of a general dis-
tinguisher for n rounds seen as a combinatorial problem.
As a first step, we need to experimentally de-
termine the probabilities of transitions between gen-
eral open sets as described in the previous section
for some m round, additional n 2m rounds, and
next m rounds of the cipher as shown on Figure 6
(in total we have n rounds). According to the Law
of Large Numbers Central Limit Theorem because
our experience is repeated many times, the average
number of suitable events observed by the attacker is
approximated by the Gaussian with good precision.
As more trials are performed by the attacker, it is go-
ing to become closer and closer to the expected value
The law ensures stable long-term results for random
events. and the deviation can predicted according to
the Gauss Error Function.
For each input/output X
we compute by sim-
ulations the expected average number of events for a
random key by:
i, j
#Events (2)
.P(i m).P(m n).P(n j)) (3)
Theorem 3.2.1. For a permutation on 64-bits we ex-
pect that the expected number of events for an in-
put/output pair X
for open sets X
is given by:
Proof. We have in total C
possible pairs
(P,C). The total number of ordered 64-bit in-
put/output differences (X,Y) is 2
. Thus for a
random permutation on 64-bits the expected num-
ber of events for an input/output pair X
for open
sets X
is given by #(P,C).P(X X
,Y X
The key question is how a differential attack on
GOST can cope with false positives. We have differ-
entials which occur naturally for an arbitrary permu-
tation on 64-bits and in this case we expect to have
pairs (P
) with such differences. According
to Central Limit Theorem this number can be approxi-
mated by a Gaussian with a standard deviation
Additionally we have differentials which occur
due to propagation of small Hamming weight differ-
entials for n rounds of GOST. Under this scenario we
expect to have (E
i, j
+ E
) such pairs (P
where E
is the number of events which can happen
in both cases; random permutation on 64-bits and also
a reduced-round version of GOST.
However, E
is negligible since if we assume that
the first and last m-rounds as shown in Figure 6 is
m-rounds of GOST while the middle n2m is a ran-
dom permutation we get that this input/output differ-
ence X
occurs naturally with probability approxi-
mately (100.2
which is close to zero due to our
construction of our differential.
A distinguisher on n rounds must be constructed
in such a way such that the intersection between these
two sets is negligible and thus we are able to distin-
guish n rounds of GOST from a random permutation.
Thus the advantage (ADV) an attacker has to dis-
tinguish the cipher from a random permutation is ap-
proximately computed as follows:
i, j
+ E
) E
Thus what we really obtain here is
i, j
In the next subsections we apply our methodol-
ogy and we present some really good distinguishers
for 20 rounds that we have constructed for two differ-
ent variants of GOST block cipher; GostR3411-94-
TestParamSet and Gost28147-CryptoProParamSetA.
5 Results and Concrete
5.1 GostR3411-94-TestParamSet
In this section we present the results obtained when
our methodology is applied to the GOST which uses
the set of S-boxes as described in Table 2.
Table 2: The set of S-boxes named id-GostR3411-94-
Order id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet
1 4,10,9,2,13,8,0,14,6,11,1,12,7,15,5,3
2 14,11,4,12,6,13,15,10,2,3,8,1,0,7,5,9
3 5,8,1,13,10,3,4,2,14,15,12,7,6,0,9,11
4 7,13,10,1,0,8,9,15,14,4,6,12,11,2,5,3
5 6,12,7,1,5,15,13,8,4,10,9,14,0,3,11,2
6 4,11,10,0,7,2,1,13,3,6,8,5,9,12,15,14
7 13,11,4,1,3,15,5,9,0,10,14,7,6,8,2,12
8 1,15,13,0,5,7,10,4,9,2,3,14,6,11,8,12
Result 5.1.1.
is a 20 rounds distinguisher for this variant of GOST.
Justification. For a typical permutation on 64-bits
(does not have to be a random permutation, it can
be GOST with more rounds) we expect that there are
pairs (P
) with such differences. The distribu-
tion of this number can be approximated by a Gaus-
sian with a standard deviation 2
For 20 rounds of GOST and for a given random
GOST key, there exists two disjoint sets of 2
such pairs (P
The distribution of the sum can be approximated
by a Gaussian with an average of about 2
+ 2
and the standard deviation of 2
None of the 2
pairs (P
) is a member of the
occurringnaturally. For any of these cases which
occur naturally, we have a non-zero input differential
8780070780707000. By a computer simulation we
obtain that a differential of type [8070070080700700]
can occur at 10 rounds from the beginning with prob-
ability 2
. Similarly it can occur 10 rounds from
the end but with probability 2
. Overall we ex-
pect only about 2
= 2
pairs (P
on average will have the propagation characteristic as
shown. Therefore the two sets are entirely disjoint
with high probability. This gives us an ADV of ap-
proximately 25.8 standard deviations.
5.2 Gost28147-CryptoProParamSetA
In this section we present the results obtained when
our methodology is applied to the GOST which uses
the set of S-boxes as described in Table 3.
Table 3: The set of S-boxes named Gost28147-
Order Gost28147-CryptoProParamSetA
1 10,4,5,6,8,1,3,7,13,12,14,0,9,2,11,15
2 5,15,4,0,2,13,11,9,1,7,6,3,12,14,10,8
3 7,15,12,14,9,4,1,0,3,11,5,2,6,10,8,13
4 4,10,7,12,0,15,2,8,14,1,6,5,13,11,9,3
5 7,6,4,11,9,12,2,10,1,8,0,14,15,13,3,5
6 7,6,2,4,13,9,15,0,10,1,5,11,8,14,12,3
7 13,14,4,1,7,0,5,10,3,12,8,15,6,2,9,11
8 1,3,10,9,5,11,4,15,8,6,7,14,13,0,2,12
Result 5.2.1.
is a 20 rounds distinguisher for this variant of GOST,
where [7007070070070700] is a closed set.
Justification: For a typical permutation on 64-bits
(does not have to be a random permutation, it can
be GOST with more rounds) we expect that there are
pairs (P
) with such differences. The distribu-
tion of this number can be approximated by a Gaus-
sian with a standard deviation 2
For 18 rounds of GOST and for a given random
GOST key, there exists two disjoint sets of 2
such pairs (P
None of the 2
pairs (P
) is a member of the
occurring naturally. For any of these cases which
occur naturally, we have a non-zero input differen-
tial 0770070077777770. By a computer simulation
we obtained the probability for a differential of type
[7007070070070700] to occur at 10 rounds from the
beginning and Similarly to occur 10 rounds from the
end. Overall we expect only about 2
pairs (P
on average will have the propagation characteristic as
shown. Therefore the two sets are entirely disjoint
with high probability. This gives us an ADV of ap-
proximately 42.24 standard deviations.
GOST is an important government and industrial
block cipher with a 256-bit key which is widely
used implemented in standard crypto libraries such as
OpenSSL and Crypto++ (GOST, 2005). Until 2010
there was not attacks on GOST when used in encryp-
tion such as advanced differential attacks.
The most difficult step involved in all these ad-
vanced differential attacks on full GOST is the design
of a distinguisher for some 20 Rounds using differ-
entials of special form constructed based on the con-
nections between the S-boxes (Courtois and Misztal,
In this paper we have for the first time proposed a
methodology which allows for efficient discovery of
”good attacks of this type.
In order to achieve this we have introduced a fun-
damental notion of general open sets”, which are
special sets consisting of 32-bit strings which are dic-
tated by the structure of GOST. The methodology
we provide regarding the construction of reduced-
round distinguishers can be seen as a series of ad-
vanced combinatorial optimization problems which is
obtained by studying the low-levelstructure of GOST:
the S-boxes and the connections between them, then
we study how differentials from various open sets can
only lead to other very specific open sets with high
probability, and then we construct distinguishers for
more rounds.
Our methodology is validated by the construction
of very good distinguishers for 20 rounds for two vari-
ants of GOST; ”GostR3411-94-TestParamSet”, and
This paper introduces important enhancements
and new forms of advanced differential attacks which
can be applied to any block cipher in order to improve
known attacks such as Knudsen truncated differential
attacks and Seki-Kaneko-Misztal-Courtois attacks on
GOST and many other.
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