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Security Weakness of (Pathak and Raj,
Here we show that the logsum protocol used
in (Pathak and Raj, 2011) for HMM computation has
a security flaw, which demonstrates the importance of
rigorous analysis of protocols with respect to the level
of security they can offer.
The input to the two-party logsum protocol
in (Pathak and Raj, 2011) consists of N encrypted log-
arithms of private values x
. During the protocol, one
party, Alice, learns products e
for all inputs and sin-
gle random r. Alice thus knows the ratios of the pri-
vate values. These ratios reveal a substantial amount
of information about the secret values, and in partic-
ular the relative magnitude of the inputs, no informa-
tion about which should be revealed. This informa-
tion leakage can lead to more significant or even full
data recovery if these private values are used in other
operations and a function of them is known or if an
outside information about at least one of the x
’s is
available (e.g., if one of them comes from Alice). For
example, if Alice knows only one x
, she will be able
to recover all remaining private values. This clearly
undermines the security of the designed system and is
unacceptable for a security solution.