Estimating the Effort in the Development of Distance Learning Paths
Milena Casagranda
Luigi Colazzo
and Andrea Molinari
Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento, Via Inama, 5, 38122 Trento, Italy
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Via Sommarive, 2, 38122 Trento, Italy
Keywords: e-Learning Cost Modeling.
Abstract: The quantification of the effort required to produce e-learning material has been always subject to the
proposal of some “magic numbers” not always supported by a method or analytical data. In this paper we
propose a method for calculating the effort required to design and develop e-learning paths. Our model is
based on a systematic gathering of data regarding the effort of the different actors involved (teachers, tutors,
instructional designers etc.) from a series of e-learning projects carried out at the Laboratory of Maieutics
over the last five years. In the first two years we collected ex-post data on design and development times,
being careful to include a variety of different teaching methodologies. In the following years we identified
critical variables which allowed us to abstract and generalize a possible costing model. The model proposed
could be used as a reference point for professionals working on the development of content in their
estimation of costs linked to the design and development of learning materials, providing a calculation basis
which takes a number of methodological approaches and educational objectives into account.
Over the years the fortunes of Distance Learning
(DL) have see-sawed, for reasons both cultural and
technological: among them, a reluctance to replace
face-to-face interaction with instructors; inadequate
communication lines for the transmission of
complex learning objects (LOs); insufficient
bandwidth for the reliable streaming of multimedia
material and also a lack of standards for tracking and
certification of on-line courses. Most of these
problems have now been overcome: it therefore
seems that the hesitant progress of e-learning –
always on the point of spreading extensively and
then for some reason never really succeeding -
should not have to continue any longer, given the
disappearance of most of the technological barriers.
In fact, we believe, there is another -
considerably more insidious, not being linked to the
inevitable progress of technology - obstacle which
threatens to further slow the spread of DL. This
obstacle is the economic advantage of instructors in
the production of LOs in relation to the traditional
method of being paid an hourly or daily rate, linked
to their verifiable, physical presence in a classroom.
This point seems rather crass and mercenary, but we
have observed early signs of such resistance,
especially as it is now clear, at the industrial level
above all, that e-learning will become indispensable.
We refer to those cases where e-learning has
unquestionable advantages, for example: a) large
numbers of people to be trained in a short time; b)
people widely dispersed or hard to access physically;
c) training regarding software or ICTs usage.
All the above cases include factors which could
be considered to “justify” fair pay for the creators of
LOs (instructors, instructional designers, tutors,
etc.). A comparison of the production costs of the
LOs with how much it would have cost to run a
face-to-face course normally justify the choice for an
e-learning initiative. On the other side, however, we
find the perspective of the creator of the LOs, who
should be highly paid due to the number of users
involved and due to the strategic value of the
training itself. We are thus witnessing an extension
of the online course offer, which is going to involve
an increasing range of subjects, ever more closely
linked to those areas (like soft skills) traditionally
not “favorable” to e-learning. Nevertheless, this
potential burst of growth in LOs production presents
a number of criticalities:
a more detailed planning is required in order to
create interactive, reflective, self-rating situations
for the learning of soft skills;
Casagranda M., Casagranda L. and Molinari A..
Estimating the Effort in the Development of Distance Learning Paths.
DOI: 10.5220/0004533602640272
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Data Communication Networking, 10th International Conference on e-Business and 4th
International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2013), pages 264-272
ISBN: 978-989-8565-72-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
LOs are delivered by instructors who are often
unfamiliar with ICTs ;
LOs represent an area of the market which is still
very profitable for traditional classroom based
Regarding the last item, resistance on the part of
instructors, who have always been the authors of the
destiny of e-learning initiatives, is presumable – and,
as far as we are concerned, already verifiable. By
instructors we mean everybody involved in the
development of courses and related educational
objects. The argument is very simple: considering
for example the business of professional training,
teaching a given subject requiring 20 classroom
hours to 100 people allows an instructor to suppose
N repetitions of the course, each multiplied by 20
hours, multiplied by their hourly pay. The economic
final reward (FR) for the instructor, by which to
calculate the threshold of convenience in creating
the LOs, is function (at least) of the following
FR = f( r , h , hr , d , ph , hpc)
r = No. of course repetitions;
h = No. of hours of each edition;
hr = hourly rate of the teacher for that course
d = rate for design activities
ph = preparation hours needed for LOs creation
hpc = hourly preparation costs
Other elements should be considered, like the
location of the course, travel expenses, credibility of
the organization etc. Sometimes, moreover, a flat
rate is paid for design, or it is not always
recompensed, since instructors receive a good hourly
rate for classroom hours (particularly as they
become more senior).
In the simplest situations, the function can be
easily calculated as follows:
FR= r * h * hr + d – ph * hpc
There’s no doubt that unless a pay scheme for e-
learning courses at least as attractive to instructors as
that for traditional courses is provided, there will be
a further brake on the spread of e-learning. A
number of studies have focused on the determining
of parameters, and many authors have already
pointed out the complexity resulting from
methodologically and educationally based choices in
the construction of e-learning courses. (Bacsich eand
Asch, 1999); (Bacsich and Asch, 2001); (Lewin,
To a great degree, over-simplifying the idea
risks, we believe, the reoccurrence of the initial
problem, the “inexpedience” for experts of
transferring their knowledge through DL. We have
already drawn attention (Casagranda et al., 2010) to
criteria for calculating the production costs of LOs,
but extensive subsequent trials have revealed the
need to refine and integrate the model, especially in
the LOs design stage. In this paper we will propose
these extensions and refinements to our e-learning
costs model. We have added more importance to the
design stage, in order to allow the a-priori estimation
of the work done by the different experts involved in
project development.
The detailed preparation of an e-learning course or
environment needs to be done in advance. The
instructional designer should identify the subject
matter, define it operatively, decide how to evaluate
students’ knowledge and skills and introduce
occasions for feedback in order to support learning.
Therefore, we begin by identifying the different
phases of planning stages and then suggest how times
and costs might be calculated.
All e-learning projects include at least four basic
stages which lead to the delivery of a course. We
believe that in the evaluation of the effort involved,
we should quantify, optimize and recognize:
the design of the educational project;
the design of LOs through an analysis of subject
matter, which we introduce as modeling in this
the development of educational material, the
utilization of which has already been described
by other researchers (Bartley e Golek, 2004);
the management of interactions with students in
order to further learning, mostly following web
2.0 approaches and tools (forums, blogs, wikis,
social network interactions etc.), as already
mentioned in previous articles (Casagranda et al.,
When discussing the design phase, we include a
number of dimensions, already mentioned elsewhere
(Raineri, 2005):
demand assessment: information about clients’
expectations is collected, clarified and selected,
through hypotheses which designers develop
considering technological issues about the
creation of LOs ;
the proposal of hypotheses: the variables and
points of view involved are multiple and it is
hoped that decisions / solutions can lead to the
presentation to clients of a number of
fine tuning of the project: when a possibility has
been chosen the – almost inevitable – next step is
the development of the project, a recursive
research process in which the direction of the
project is defined.
The starting point for the design of both the course
structure and content is an analysis of its educational
objectives. We have based our work on the model
which guided us in our operative planning choices
for the project (Battaglia et al, 2008). Through a
consideration of three critical variables we can create
a 3-dimensional matrix representing the educational
the principal teaching objectives;
the importance of vertical interaction according
to the principle of instructors’ authority;
the importance of horizontal interaction
according to the principle of collaboration and
The combination of educational objectives has been
graded in three segments: knowledge, technological
skills, the development of cognitive skills.
The second dimension focuses on the importance
of instructors as a source of knowledge and as an
expert in the field. The two ends of the continuum are
the “Central figure” or “reference point” at one
extreme, on whom the learning process depends, and
the “Neutral moderator” of students’ study, at the
Figure 1: The vertical interaction dimension of an
educational model.
In our terminology, “Verticality” represents the
degree of interaction between instructor and student,
while “Horizontality” refers to the degree of
interaction between students. Note that the two
dimensions are independent, allowing four different
combinations: the weak vertical - weak horizontal
combination represents independent learning, while
the strong-strong combination represents the
development of elaborate educational projects, in
which the instructor assumes the role of project
manager and strong group leader. The combination
of the three dimensions generates an cubic
“educational space” in which twelve educational
models can be identified. Some of these models are
relatively “pure” and can therefore be used as general
points of reference.
Figure 2: The horizontal interaction dimension of an
educational model.
We can place the tutor in this educational space,
alongside the instructor. This allows us to see how
closely correlated and dependent on each other these
roles are: when an instructor is the central role for a
course, the tutor – to a large extent an observer –
supports him; conversely, when the instructor’s role
is that of moderator, the teaching role of the tutor is
potentially greater, particularly for any Distant
Learning versions of a course. In our studies, four
educational models have been identified:
1. models aimed at the acquisition of knowledge:
characterized by strong vertical interaction
between instructor and student, weak horizontal
interaction between students;
2. models focusing on method: characterized by
strong vertical interaction, weak horizontal
interaction and a focus on technological skills;
3. models aimed at increasing ability: characterized
by strong vertical interaction, strong horizontal
interaction and a focus on technological skills;
4. models aimed at increasing expertise:
characterized by weak vertical interaction, strong
horizontal interaction and with a focus on the
development of cognitive skills.
Note that the variable of technology is not one of the
dimensions of the model: the characteristics of the
technological tools used to deliver on-line courses
cannot be considered primary criteria for the
classification of educational models.
We could have different models for the same
educational proposal, depending on the methodology
that is considered more effective for the learning
process. The detection of the predominant model is
useful to determine the educational objectives, while
it is relevant for our cost model in order to determine
the type and the extension of the support activities in
the educational processes, as presented in tables 1
and 2 at the end of this paper.
The central role at this stage and across the other
proposals is the e-learning project managers, who
support and coordinate those involved in the
development of the educational project. The overall
organization and implementation of the e-learning
system is their responsibility.
Figure 3: The “educational space” through the
identification of educational formats.
They supervise the planning, development and
administration of the project and are responsible for
its educational content. The project manager
undertakes to:
schedule and coordinate the e-learning program
identify users’ profiles of the e-learning system
analyze the educational requirements / demand
of users
define the objectives of the e-learning system
define the type of service to set up
define the criteria and indicators for the
monitoring and evaluation of the service
We examine the roles of the collaborators later on, in
particular those of the content manager and
instructional designer.
When LOs are being planned, after the appropriate
educational model has been identified, we can start to
apply our costing model. The most significant
variables, which we introduce for the first time in this
model, are (Raineri, 2002):
content “definability”: can the content be
processed in a standard way, or does it require
discussion and comparison and need to be
created for a specific group of participants?
content “interactivity”: can the content be
conveyed through text, images and graphics, or
does it require interactivity? Simulations, for
The definition of the content (how much structured
subject matter there is, on a scale: low – medium –
high) lies on the vertical axis. The lower the value,
the less time the instructor will need to plan specific
content and design time can be devoted to the
methodological structure and to the search for stimuli
that can be offered along a study path (e.g.
facilitation of the study community, where the
educational task and support while the work is
ongoing will be more recognized) (Cohen and
Nachmias, 2008).
The indicators reported in this paper are
multipliers that result from an ex-post analysis
conducted over five years of design and creation of
learning objects. We collected the detailed data from
the roles involved in the process regarding design
times and creation times. Afterwards, we identified
some recurring variables in the process, and their
average influence on the time used to produce the
learning objects.
Figure 4: Model for the calculation of multipliers in the
planning of material.
We have placed the level of interactivity on the
horizontal axis. According to our formulation, here
follows some examples of LOs with low levels of
narrative LOs, which introduce suggested
courses and/or single modules;
expository LOs, which refer to text based
information and concepts, images.
The following are examples of medium levels of
Demonstrations: animations which illustrate a
series of operations
Interactive LOs: participants are required to
interact with the material – providing answers,
commands, links, etc.
Tests: drag and drop, classification tests that start
with given possibilities, problem solving tests,
Guided exercises: step by step instructions on
what to do
Case studies
The following involve high levels of interaction:
Simulations: presentations of simulated
situations in which the student must achieve an
objective (e.g. using particular software)
Role based LOs: contexts in which participants
are asked to take decisions, etc.
Each cell in this model is assigned a different value
which is multiplied by the expected length of the
material being developed. We have excluded
“serious games” from the calculation / estimate that
can be made at this stage of our experiments / trials.
The serious games category is a broad one,
nevertheless it always entails, at all stages of
development, a quantity of work which definitely
cannot be reduced to the elements represented in our
model. Currently, there are experiments / trials on-
going in this field, but they are still at too early a
stage to provide accurate data.
At least two figures are involved at this stage of
design, their contributions can be identified using the
same parameters (from the point of view of co-
planning), using the matrix above:
- the instructor, who:
participates in the definition of course structure
identifies the possible testing and evaluation
methods to be included in the program
supports and collaborates with the instructional
designer in the creation of LOs
- the instructional designer, who:
gives advice on educational methods and
strategies for the delivery of content and
resources for e-learning
decides which software to use for the
generation of content
manages the multimedia resources
identifies the strategies and tools for evaluation
and practice most appropriate to the purposes of
the course.
Regarding another component in our model for
determining the cost of production, i.e., the
development of educational material, in other studies
(Casagranda et al., 2010) we suggested a method for
estimating the amount of time spent by instructors on
the creation of LOs. We will shortly present this part,
considering the following questions: a) will all the
material be new, or is there any material available for
reuse? b) to what extent might the material be
reusable in the future?
The possibility of reusing existent material for the
development of LOs has a great impact in the
perception that end users have about the originality
of the creator’s work, and sometimes is even subject
to negotiation between the educational institution and
the instructor. In our model, this aspect lies on the
vertical axis, on a scale: absent – low – medium –
high. The higher the value, the less time the
instructor needs for the preparation of the LO.
The replicability of material – how possible it is
to reuse the same LOs for other courses or users
(Huddleston and Pike, 2005) – lies on the horizontal
axis. The scale we use is the same as the last one: the
higher the replicability the bigger the multiplier, as
the same material can be used for many versions and
subjects and costs can thus be recouped. In contrast,
if there is little or no possibility of replicating the
material and an LO is useful only in one, or a limited
number of, context/s, instructors will be paid
proportionately less since they will soon have either
to generate new material or update old.
We hypothesize that the values of the variables of
the multiplier on this axis will be lower than those on
the vertical. All the cells in the model are assigned a
different value which serves as a multiplier for the
expected useful life of the material being developed.
Moreover, the concept of “reuse” can be based on an
estimate of the number of versions expected and on
the number of possible users, or even on estimates of
re-combinability in other contexts.
The following factors are to be considered when
determining the “reuse of material” variable:
Absent: it is the first time that instructors have
developed a course like this, so they have neither
classroom nor online material available with
which to begin the preparation and must start
from zero, or near zero;
Medium: instructors can adapt material which
they have previously used in the classroom for
use online, or have a limited amount of relatively
unstructured online material available;
High: instructors have some structured material
available, suitable for their chosen type of
distance education, and only small changes or
updates are required.
The variable regarding the replicability has been
constructed referring to the average participation to
courses held for University and public
administrations in our territory. It is complicated to
“universalize” this parameter of replicability, that in
our case sets a “high replicability” when courses
involve up to 100 participants.
Figure 5: Model for calculation of multipliers in the
creation of material.
This parameter could hence be a limit in different
contexts respect to those used in our analysis, and
should be recalculated and adapted. At the same
time, having collected data from several courses
editions, in environments very close to what the
market nowadays provides, we are confident to have
a good basis for future analysis.
At this stage we are also faced with the following
What are the best technologies for the running of
the course? For content management? (We are
here referring to LMS and LCMS.)
What technical support is needed for the
production of the material?
Sometimes the instructor him/herself will be able to
produce the educational material, sometimes a
specific person will carry out this function. The
person producing material will have the time
recognized using the model in Fig. 5. It is important
to add, however, that it would be helpful to add an
extra multiplier to our model, both to quantify the
work involved in reviewing the content / work, in
checking that the material meets established LO
standards, and for the professional editing of the
material itself, as set out below.
At this stage we add another value, when two
roles dominate the work: the content manager and
the LO editor / LO production expert, who guarantee
the quality of the LO at all stages of its production,
and especially:
when the stages of production and their durations
are being decided;
for the writing of LO storyboards;
for managing professional standards in the
multimedia content (videos, narrators, graphics,
for editing of the LO
From our evidences, we derived these multiplying
factors, that must be confirmed in further analysis:
Content manager
Responsible for the review of video
content: video time multiplied by 3
LO editor
Responsible for editing: video time
multiplied by 33
Figure 6: Model for calculating the multiplier for creating
The incidence of this element on the production
time of LOs is clearly relevant, and in our experience
this is particularly true for those institutions that do
not have a LO editor at their disposal, thus forcing
them to turn to external expertise.
Accessibility of learning objects is a serious
issue, and the attention devoted to people with
disabilities is never too much. Thus, we observed in
our tests to which extend the impact of enriching /
modifying material to be usable by this category of
users was. When accessible materials are being
created, we have identified a further increase in time
to be recognized for this activity:
Accessible materials generated by the LO editor
- Addition of Text: Creation of material + Video time
- Addition of Subtitles: Creation of material + Video time
multiplied by 1.5
Figure 7: Model for calculating multipliers in the case of
accessible material.
Finally, as already discussed in other papers,
(Casagranda et al., 2010), we consider the choice of
teaching model to be very important for the
estimation of the maximum number of hours that
tutors and instructors will spend on the delivery of a
course. The calculation of these hours is based on the
application of a percentage on the total number of
course hours for face-to-face and DL, shown below:
Table 1: Adjusting factor for distance learning courses
based on teaching model for teaching.
This table presents the Percentage of the
maximum number of instructor’s hours recognized
based on combinations of classroom and/or DL hours
(supporting students’ learning and communication
during the course). The following figure, instead,
represents the percentage of the maximum number of
tutor’s hours recognized based on combinations of
classroom and/or DL hours (supporting students’
learning and communication during the course)
Table 2: Adjusting factor for distance learning courses
based on teaching model for tutoring.
The percentage is doubled if it is expected that an
instructor’s presence in the medium term will be
required, either to allow students more time to
complete certain activities (e.g. in blended courses:
within 3 months of the last classroom based lesson),
or to guarantee that the course web pages are updated
(e.g. the instructor agrees to update FAQs,
regulations, etc.).
In this article we describe the application of the
model to a self-study course run in 2011 and 2012.
Our results were extremely encouraging: a deviation
of about 10% between the “ex-ante” calculation,
based on the a priori application of the suggested
parameters, and the “ex-post” statement of accounts
(allowing an a posteriori evaluation of the
Choice of Educational Model
- Information component: model directed towards knowledge
- Application component: model directed towards method
Figure 8: Educational model.
Calculation of planning time
- Information component: narrative and expository LOs
o Instructor/expert: 6 hours (effective duration) * 12
(multiplier: high definability of the content/ low levels of
interaction) = 72 hours
o instructional designer: 6 hours (effective duration) * 12
(multiplier: high definability of the content / low levels of
interaction) = 72 hours
- Application component: simulations
o instructor/expert: 2 hours (effective duration) * 20
(multiplier: high definability of the content/ high
interactivity) = 40 hours
o instructional designer: 2 hours (effective duration) * 20
(multiplier: high definability of the content/ high
interactivity) = 40 hours
o total planning hours: 224
Figure 9: Calculation of planning time.
See below a short summary of the course
Course title: “Digital signatures and Certified
electronic mail”;
Participants: almost 22,000 private businesses;
Course objectives: divided into two areas;
Information component: a presentation of the
main characteristics of digital signatures and
certified electronic mail, the related legal aspects,
the main uses of these tools, the necessity of
adopting them, limits to their use, opportunities
for their use;
Application component: showing how digital
signatures and certified electronic mail work and
making available practical demonstrations of
their use.
Effective duration of the educational material–
information component: 6 hours, application
component: 2 hours.
Calculation of production time
- Information component
o instructor: 6 hours (effective duration) * 5 multiplier
(material replicability high and reuse of existing material
absent) = 30 hours
o content manager: 6 hours (effective duration) * 3
(multiplier) = 18 hours
o LO editing: 6 hours (effective duration) * 33 (multiplier) =
198 hours;
o accessibility 6 hours (effective duration) * 1.5 (multiplier)
= 9 hours
- Application component
o instructor: 2 hours (effective duration) * 5 multiplier
(material replicability high and reuse of existing material
absent) = 10 hours
o content manager: 2 hours (effective duration) * 3
(multiplier) = 6 hours
o LO editing: 2 hours (effective duration) * 33 (multiplier) =
66 hours;
o accessibility 2 hours (effective duration) * 1.5 (multiplier)
= 3 hours
o Total LO production hours: 100
Figure 10: Calculation of production time.
In summary, the original course has been planned
as a 6 hours + 2 hours course. With the application of
our model to this specific instance, the global effort
has been calculated as follows:
- Planning Time: 72h+72h+40h+40h = 224h
- production Time: 30h + 18h + 198h + 9h + 10h +
6h + 66h +3h = 340h
- Support time: n/a
Total Effort: 564h respect to an effective duration of
the educational material of 8 hours.
Calculation of time spent in supporting the educational
- Information component:
o instructor: max 5% of total hours * number of participants
- Application component:
o instructor: max 6% of total hours * number of participants
In the case study, given the number of users, no educational
support was factored in.
Figure 11: Calculation time spent supporting the
educational process.
This article shortly describes a model for the
estimation of the time spent by the various people
involved in the planning and production of DL
material. We attempt to address the problem of
calculating total numbers of hours worked by all the
actors, providing a general framework for this
complex calculation (in the sense of quantity of
variables and situations to be considered).
This is largely a result of the lack of an adequate
model for standardizing the measurement of the
effort required to create online material, leading to
instructors receiving completely inadequate
recompense for their work. We believe that the lack
of this calculation could be one of the possible
factors which could slow the spread of DL. Our
model calculates, using multipliers and reference
tables which have been trialed in the field in some
revealing projects, the number of hours worked by
the creators of DL courses to be recognized against
the number of hours scheduled for the online course.
Most of the trials / experiments with this model were
carried out under the auspices of the DL program of
the Autonomous Province of Trento and the
University of Trento, where we applied the model on
a set of 37 editions of different courses run in
Our results were extremely encouraging: a
deviation of about 10% between the “ex-ante”
calculation, based on the a priori application of the
suggested parameters, and the “ex-post” statement of
accounts (allowing an a posteriori evaluation of the
hypothesis), based on the systematic gathering of
data from the roles involved (teachers, tutors,
instructional designers, etc.). Further experiments are
needed to confirm or adjust the multipliers stated in
the model, especially regarding new media and new
educational models and approaches. The evaluation
of the multiplier for multimedia learning objects is a
crucial component: we are already working on a
method that progressively decreases progressively
the effort respect to the length of multimedia learning
objects to be produced.
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