3.1 Classroom Specifications
It's one of the main criteria that affect the education quality. According to our pro-
posed model this criterion includes seven alternatives named A1 to A7 defined as
shown in Fig. 1. Maintaining a good classroom design requires an intensive study for
various classroom specification related to education process. University classrooms
that are used for scheduled classes are not limited in their use for a particular subject
or discipline. Classrooms include general purposes, lecturing classroom, auditoriums,
seminar room, and computer labs [12]. There are numerous factors affect the sound
level in classroom, and hence the sound intelligibility. These include the Adequacy of
space, Lighting, acoustics properties, ventilation, existing equipment inside the class-
room, where the classroom is placed relative to other interior spaces in the building.
For each type, different standard and specifications are required, as follows:
Acoustic Properties, such as design of walls and ceilings to evenly distribute
sound through the classroom, walls and ceiling acoustical treatment. Preserve re-
verberation time within standard ranges according to the volume of the class-
room. And, to keep ambient noise level less than 35 decibels when measured
with the A-scale of a sound level meter [12].
Lightening, as stated in [13], "Successful lighting in a teaching environment
should consider the quality, energy efficiency and flexibility of light necessary
for a room – not just the quantity of light. Students and instructor should be sup-
ported with the appropriate luminance level but it should also be the right kind of
light". Although low light levels inside classroom is a problem, too much lighting
is also a problem; too much light can cause difficulties like glare, reflection, eye
strain, etc. Lighting should be designed in accordance with the Illuminating En-
gineering Society's and the National Electrical Code's recommendations.
Equipment and facilities, each classroom must be minimally-equipped with a data
projector, projection screen, teacher's desktop computer, permanent network con-
nection for students' computers/laptops [13].
Ventilation, classroom designs must achieve certain level of comfort and effec-
tiveness that will promote optimum conditions for study, listening, reading, and
interaction [13]. Poor ventilation causes students to feel drowsy and not alert.
Proper air flow and ventilation while keep quiet operation of mechanical systems
in classrooms is an important factor [14].
Classroom Space, if classroom is too small seating capacity will be reduced.
Insufficient classroom space with narrow aisles, too small seats and work surfac-
es, too closed seats are uncomfortable and unacceptable design. Classroom must
be designed to have a good sight lines and efficient seating layouts.
Classroom Architecture, shape and style, where the building is situated; the size
and shape of the room; its placement relative to other interior spaces; sound re-
flections inside classroom; the number, type, and location of sound sources, and
the strength of the sounds they produce. All of these are important factors that af-
fect the learning process and its quality.
To meet the optimum acoustical quality a careful attention is required to all of the
above factors and specifications, as will be explained in the proposed model.