CAAM: A Novel Classroom Acoustics Assessment Model
for Enhancing Learning Quality (Case Study: KAU)
Amin Y. Noaman
, Abdul Hamid M. Ragab
, Ayman G. Fayoumi
Adman I. Madbouly
and Ahmed M. Khedra
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Deanship of Admission and Registration, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Abstract. In this paper, a new classroom acoustics assessment model (CAAM)
for enhancing speech intelligibility and learning quality is proposed. The model
is based on five main criteria that affect the learning process and related to
classrooms acoustical properties. These include classroom specifications, noise
sources inside and outside the classroom, teaching style, and vocal effort. The
priority and weights of these major criteria along with their alternatives are
identified using the views of students, staff, education consultants, and expertise
by using a developed questionnaire, and the AHP methodology. This Model
can be considered as a helpful framework enabling KAU decision makers to
take effective decisions on classroom acoustics treatment issues. It also pro-
vides KAU higher authorities the suitable guidelines that help for determine
necessary requirements that help to raise the quality and efficiency of the edu-
cational environment; in order to reach an excellent learning environment; and
hence increasing students learning outcomes.
1 Introduction
Education for all citizens is essential to all modern societies. Usually formal education
is conducted in classrooms, where the learning process involves intensive verbal
communication between students and teachers and among students. The quality and
efficiency of this kinds of communications, and hence, quality of learning and teach-
ing environment is measured by the acoustics conditions of the classrooms [1]. The
existence of high levels of noise in the classroom will affect the learning and teaching
environment for both students and teachers, and will make students tired prematurely,
and consume their cognitive abilities that can be used better employed in paying more
attention to and understanding the content of their classes [2].
Building classroom with good acoustics is one of the important design considera-
tions for new classrooms. Achieving this from the beginning is a straight forward
solution of the Acoustics problems that may be found inside classroom; however
existing classrooms acoustics treatment is the only way to overcome the existing
classrooms acoustics problems that affect the sound intelligibility inside classroom
and consequently affect the learning quality and learning outcomes. The aim of the
present research project is to develop a classroom acoustics treatment model that can
Y. Noaman A., Hamid M. Ragab A., G. Fayoumi A., I. Madbouly A. and M. Khedra A..
CAAM: A Novel Classroom Acoustics Assessment Model for Enhancing Learning Quality (Case Study: KAU).
DOI: 10.5220/0004535200030013
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Interaction Design in Educational Environments (IDEE-2013), pages 3-13
ISBN: 978-989-8565-65-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
be used by architectures, acoustics design engineers, and by infrastructure decision
makers in an early stage of classroom acoustics treatment process to get better objec-
tive judgment about the criteria that could be managed and treated to achieve the
acoustical conditions of KAU university classrooms.
2 Review of Literature
In this section, we explain how the classrooms noise can affect the students learning
process, and how we can avoid that. We also discuss the effective acoustics class-
rooms criteria that we have to be considered into our proposed model.
The relationship between a well acoustically designed classroom and improvement of
scholastic achievement showed that the presence of excessive background noise lev-
els or reverberation in classrooms has a negative impact on academic achievement
and the educational process as a whole [2]. It is shown in [4] that, the main reason of
acoustics problems existing in classrooms is the lack of awareness and understanding
of the problem by the professionals involved in teaching or in classroom design and
the inability to find suitable solutions. The work in [3] stated that the best way to
solve acoustics problems is to avoid them in the design phase. Many researches
proved negative impacts and effects of noise and the lack of clarity of talk and the
lack of speech intelligibility not only on the efficiency of learning and the quality of
teaching but also on the well-being of students and teachers.
Students are impaired by background noise and teachers suffer from raising their
voice level to compensate high level of background noise and increase the signal to
noise ratio (SNR) [5, 6]. On the other hand, if the classroom acoustics were well de-
signed and the acoustical properties inside the classroom were improved this will
result in an improvement on learning and students' behavior, and these results are
registered in numerous studies [7]. In [8], the different aspects that affect the acoustics
quality of classrooms were studied. It showed that location, construction, position or
layout of the of the schools’ recreational areas are important aspects that may affect
speech intelligibility and the learning process in classrooms even if we have a well
acoustically designed classroom. Subjective assessment in [9] showed that both stu-
dents and teachers perceive noise in the classroom and they are bothered by it. It was
found that the acoustics and visual quality inside the classroom have the greatest in-
fluence on the students' learning efficiency. The students were not satisfied with the
quality of ventilation and heating in their classrooms, and acoustical conditions as
well. As a result a bad judgment of the overall quality was concluded.
Speech intelligibility usually interfered with the excessive noise and reverberation
inside classrooms. This cause result in reducing understanding and therefore reduced
student learning and teaching quality. In many classrooms, the speech intelligibility
rating is 75% or less [10]. Which means that, in speech intelligibility tests, listeners
with normal hearing can understand only 75% of the words read from a list. Imagine
reading a textbook with every fourth word missing, and being expected to understand
the material and be tested on it. Sounds ridiculous are exactly the situation facing
students every day in their classrooms.
The work explained in this paper proposes a classroom acoustics assessment model
for enhancing learning quality. The effective weights of all the above acoustics class-
rooms criteria will be taken into consideration in the model proposed in this paper, as
explained in next sections.
3 The CAAM proposed Model
Fig. 1 shows the components of the proposed CAAM model. It consists of five main
criteria that affect the learning process and related to classrooms acoustical properties.
These criteria are developed according to a previous study in [11]. Each criterion is
described by set of alternatives. Twenty eight alternatives are suggested for education
at KAU University. Three levels of hierarchy are constructed, the first level is the
goal of decision model, the second level of hierarchy represents the proposed criteria
that contribute to the goal achievement, and the last level of hierarchy represents the
proposed alternatives that contribute to each of these criteria. Following is a descrip-
tion of each of these criteria.
Fig. 1. The Proposed CAAM Model.
3.1 Classroom Specifications
It's one of the main criteria that affect the education quality. According to our pro-
posed model this criterion includes seven alternatives named A1 to A7 defined as
shown in Fig. 1. Maintaining a good classroom design requires an intensive study for
various classroom specification related to education process. University classrooms
that are used for scheduled classes are not limited in their use for a particular subject
or discipline. Classrooms include general purposes, lecturing classroom, auditoriums,
seminar room, and computer labs [12]. There are numerous factors affect the sound
level in classroom, and hence the sound intelligibility. These include the Adequacy of
space, Lighting, acoustics properties, ventilation, existing equipment inside the class-
room, where the classroom is placed relative to other interior spaces in the building.
For each type, different standard and specifications are required, as follows:
Acoustic Properties, such as design of walls and ceilings to evenly distribute
sound through the classroom, walls and ceiling acoustical treatment. Preserve re-
verberation time within standard ranges according to the volume of the class-
room. And, to keep ambient noise level less than 35 decibels when measured
with the A-scale of a sound level meter [12].
Lightening, as stated in [13], "Successful lighting in a teaching environment
should consider the quality, energy efficiency and flexibility of light necessary
for a room – not just the quantity of light. Students and instructor should be sup-
ported with the appropriate luminance level but it should also be the right kind of
light". Although low light levels inside classroom is a problem, too much lighting
is also a problem; too much light can cause difficulties like glare, reflection, eye
strain, etc. Lighting should be designed in accordance with the Illuminating En-
gineering Society's and the National Electrical Code's recommendations.
Equipment and facilities, each classroom must be minimally-equipped with a data
projector, projection screen, teacher's desktop computer, permanent network con-
nection for students' computers/laptops [13].
Ventilation, classroom designs must achieve certain level of comfort and effec-
tiveness that will promote optimum conditions for study, listening, reading, and
interaction [13]. Poor ventilation causes students to feel drowsy and not alert.
Proper air flow and ventilation while keep quiet operation of mechanical systems
in classrooms is an important factor [14].
Classroom Space, if classroom is too small seating capacity will be reduced.
Insufficient classroom space with narrow aisles, too small seats and work surfac-
es, too closed seats are uncomfortable and unacceptable design. Classroom must
be designed to have a good sight lines and efficient seating layouts.
Classroom Architecture, shape and style, where the building is situated; the size
and shape of the room; its placement relative to other interior spaces; sound re-
flections inside classroom; the number, type, and location of sound sources, and
the strength of the sounds they produce. All of these are important factors that af-
fect the learning process and its quality.
To meet the optimum acoustical quality a careful attention is required to all of the
above factors and specifications, as will be explained in the proposed model.
3.2 Noise Sources inside the Classroom
This criterion includes four alternatives named B1 to B4 defined as shown in Fig. 1.
In order to reduce classroom internal noise, classrooms should be isolated from build-
ing mechanical systems, elevators, restrooms, vending areas, and other noise generat-
ing areas. Heating ventilation and Air condition (HVAC) system are one of the major
sources of noise inside classrooms. That explain why HVAC system requires careful
design, competent installation and balancing, and regular maintenance [14]. Many
factors influence the classroom acoustical design; these include air handlers or fans,
velocity of air inside the classroom, size and acoustical treatment of ducts, returns,
and diffusers. Another source of noise inside classroom is the students themselves;
side discussions, students' activities and interacting increase the noise levels inside
classrooms. Noise generated for lighting equipment and other equipment and facilities
existing in modern classrooms must be also considered. This criterion describes
sources of noise generated within the classroom. Alternatives of this criterion includes
HVAC system, noise generated form students' activity and interacting, lights noise,
and noise generated from smart classroom equipment.
3.3 Noise Sources outside the Classroom
This criterion includes seven alternatives named C1 to C7 defined as shown in Fig. 1.
In order to keep the ambient noise level inside classrooms within acceptable range
classrooms should be separated from noise generating activities outside the class-
room. Sound buffers must be used to reduce external noise, insulating walls, doors
and windows could be used to increase the sound transmission class (STC) rating.
This will reduce the noise level inside classrooms and will separate classrooms from
noisy areas such as streets, parking lots, students gathering area, housing areas, recre-
ation sites, and athletic fields [14]. This criterion describes sources of noise from
outside the classroom. Alternatives of this criterion include traffic noise, noise from
neighboring classrooms, noise coming from corridors, hallways and lobbies, noise
from surrounding playgrounds, any noise comes from exterior mechanical equipment,
aircraft noise, and noise generated from noisy machinery in nearby buildings.
3.4 Teaching Style
This criterion includes four alternatives named D1 to D4 defined as shown in Fig. 1.
Achieving increased effectiveness, efficiency and the enhancement of student learn-
ing is the main goal of all universities. The quality of teaching and learning is totally
depends on the teaching methods and styles used. "Teaching and learning styles are
the behaviors or actions that teachers and learners exhibit in the learning exchange".
Teaching behaviors reflect the beliefs and values that teachers hold about the learner's
role in the exchange. This criterion considers factors related to teaching methods and
strategies and how these factors may affect the learning process. Here, alternatives
include practice work, group work and teaching using blackboard and didactic meth-
od, and using multimedia techniques to deliver course materials. These alternatives
provide different ways of the communication between lecturers and students that of
course affect the learning outcomes. It must be noticed that these alternatives also
affect the noise levels measured inside classroom by different values.
3.5 Vocal Effort
This criterion includes six alternatives named E1 to E6 defined as shown in Fig. 1.
Vocal effort can be defined as the quantity that ordinary speakers vary when they
adapt their speech to the demands of an increased or decreased communication dis-
tance. The communication distance in the previous definition is the distance between
listener and the speaker. Vocal effect also varies if the classroom has noisy condi-
tions. A change in speech mode from whispering to shouting will result due to the
Variation in vocal effort. If the acoustics design of classroom is poor, or the distance
between the lecturer and the students is increased, lecturer needs to speak with a
raised voice level; this may be happened for long periods of time, causing lecturer's
vocal strain. Sound reinforcement systems, lecturer's location inside the classroom
with respect to students, and the number of students inside the classroom affect the
amount of variation in vocal effort. Vocal effort criterion considers alternatives that
may cause this to happen. Alternatives include classroom renovation and acoustics
treatment, using sound reinforcement systems, Location selected by lecturers as their
usual position inside the classroom with respect to students' position, and the effect of
the number of students inside the classroom.
4 The CAAM Model Evaluation
Survey questionnaires are developed to collect information about current situation of
classroom acoustics design at KAU. These questionnaires are adapted from a previ-
ous work in [14]. Two questionnaire are designed, one for students and the other for
faculty members and expertise. Different colleges at KAU have different classroom
sizes with different acoustics classroom designs. The two questionnaires are devel-
oped, reviewed and updated with the assistance of KAU architectural design engi-
neers and acoustics expert consultants. Based on the results from these surveys, the
main criteria and alternatives of the proposed model are identified. Then, the architec-
ture hierarchy process (AHP) [15], is used as a tool for assessment of the weights of
the model criteria and their priority. Table1 shows the main criteria pairwise compari-
son matrix produced using the AHP method. Based on the data collected from ques-
tionnaires, a group of five main criteria with a total of 28 alternatives are identified,
for enhancing service education quality at KAU. Results in Table1 show the main
five criteria, including:
Classroom Specifications (A),
Noise sources inside the classroom (B),
Noise sources outside the classroom (C),
Teaching Style (D) and Vocal Effort (E).
They are ranked with 26%, 23%, 21%, 17%, and 13% due to their importance levels,
respectively. The analyses of these criteria are explained in details next sections.
Table 1. QAAM Main Criteria Pairwise Comparison Matrix.
5 Results and Discussions
Based on the data collected from section 4 above, Table 2 summarizes the results of
CAAM model criteria and the weights of their 28 alternatives, produced by analyzing
the pairwise matrices ;using AHP method; for the five main model criteria.
Table 2. Proposed Standards and criteria of CAAM.
5.1 Room Specification (A)
Seven criteria are used to characterize related room specifications. Both faculty mem-
bers and students were asked to give the importance rating of various criteria of their
classroom. Results are shown in Table 2, where the acoustics properties (listening
environment) of the surveyed classrooms were the most important criteria. It can
affect classroom specifications with a 25% importance level. The second important
criterion for this criterion is the ventilation, with 18% importance level. Lighting is
the third important criterion that can affect room specifications in model with 16%
importance level. Equipment inside the classroom comes in the fourth rank with 13%
importance level. Echo, sufficient classroom space, and classroom shape, architecture
and style have 12%, 8%, and 8% importance level, respectively. Further details of
these ratings in relation to the model design are given in Table 2.
5.2 Noise Sources inside the Classroom (B)
Students and faculty members surveyed reported that noise generated within the class-
room is a big problem that affects the learning process. They have reported that most
of the noise exiting inside the classroom is from the Mechanical Equipment (HVAC)
systems, and the importance level of this criterion is 33% with respect to this criteri-
on. The second source of noise is the students' activity and interaction with an im-
portance level of 25%. Noise coming from lights inside classroom affects the noise
inside the classroom with 22% importance level. Smart classroom equipment like
computers, projectors, keyboards, printers etc. were also identified as common source
of noise generated within new classrooms with an importance level of 20%. Further
details of weights of these criteria related to the model design are given in Table 2.
5.3 Noise Sources outside the Classroom (C)
Another important factor that affects the learning quality inside classroom is noise
that comes from outside the classroom. Students and faculty members surveyed re-
ported problems with noise generated outside the classroom e.g. from traffic, neigh-
boring classrooms, corridors, hallway, lobby, playgrounds and playing fields, exterior
mechanical equipment, aircraft, and noise generated from machinery in nearby build-
ings. Noise from traffic and from other classrooms were the most frequently reported
external noise problems with an importance level of 20% and 18% respectively. Noise
from corridors, hallway and lobby has importance level of 16% with respect to other
sources of noise from outside classroom. Noise from playgrounds and playing fields,
exterior mechanical equipment, aircraft, and noise generated from machinery in near-
by buildings were rate 14%, 12%, 11%, and 9% respectively.
5.4 Teaching Style (D)
One of the key criteria found and has been highlighted by both students and faculty
members in this survey were the teaching style. Traditional lecturing style is no long-
er the dominant style in teaching nowadays. Results showed that practice work has
30% importance level in teaching style for the time being. And, group work has an
equal importance level as blackboard and Didactic teaching style with a value of 25%.
While new technologies and multimedia used in teaching these days has an im-
portance level of 20%.
5.5 Vocal Effort (E)
In our survey faculty members rated the criteria of acoustics treatment as the most
important criterion that may affect the Criteria of Vocal effort with a 22% importance
level. They also rated the sound reinforcement systems criterion with a value of 18%
importance level. The classroom size was reported to affect vocal effort with a per-
centage of 17%. Positions of students inside classroom criterion and lecturer position
inside classroom criterion were rated as 16% and 14% respectively. Finally the num-
ber of students has been evaluated to 13% importance level in terms of its importance
in influencing the vocal effort.
All weights related to each criterion are shown in Table2. An overall ranking for crite-
ria's weights related to the CAAM Model is shown in Fig. 2. It shows that B1” “the
noise from the Mechanical Equipment systems” has the highest noise effect in the
Fig. 2. Ranking of all alternatives' weight related to the CAAM Model.
6 Conclusions
Achieving good acoustics design must be consider at the early stages of new class-
room design. Renovating existing classrooms through acoustics treatment will help
improving learning quality and enhance the overall education process by enhancing
speech intelligibility. The work in this paper proposed an acoustics classroom model
for enhancing learning quality. It can help acoustics design engineers, architectures,
and infrastructure decision makers to do a better first step estimates and do a well-
focused study about acoustical problems at KAU classrooms. This will help to take
accurate decisions and to manage the treatment phase in a proper way. The priority
and weights of the model criteria along with their alternatives were identified using
the views of students, staff, education consultants, and expertise using a developed
questionnaire, and the AHP methodology. This model can also be generally used for
other universities and schools as well. The proposed model adds important dimen-
sions and recommendations that have to be taken into considerations in advance be-
fore starting the classroom renovation and acoustical treatment process.
This research is done at King Abdulaziz University and funded by King Abdulaziz
University, Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR).
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