Using Associations and Fuzzy Ontologies for Modeling Chemical Safety
Mika Timonen, Antti Pakonen and Teemu Tommila
Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT, PO Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Espoo, Finland
Association Modeling, Chemical Safety Information, Fuzzy Ontology, Knowledge Modeling, Query Expan-
In this paper we propose a novel approach for domain modeling that combines two different types of models:
(1) fuzzy ontology that describes the concepts of the domain and their relations in a formal way, and (2)
association model that presents the associations between the terms of the domain. We utilize the combined
model for query expansion by finding both highly associative and related concepts for the query terms. To
demonstrate the feasibility of the model and its utilization, we use the query expansion in a search engine of
chemical safety cards.
In this paper we introduce a novel approach for do-
main modeling that utilizes both fuzzy ontologies and
associations for retrieving relevant information from
document databases. We focus on a database consist-
ing of approximately 2,000 chemical safety cards. As
the search space is small, the relevance of the search
results may be poor. Therefore, we use query expan-
sion that utilizes the domain model to enhance the
search results.
Ontologies are often used for defining the seman-
tics of a domain terminology in a machine process-
able form. The idea is to use the ontology to enrich
the information in the domain and model the relation-
ships of the concepts in the domain. One problem
with current ontology languages, such as OWL (W3C
Recommendation, 2004), is that they lack sufficient
means of addressing the uncertainty inherent in hu-
man communication (Carlsson et al., 2010). OWL
ontologies are ”crisp” representations of a black-and-
white world, whereas human communication is inex-
act, person-dependent, and often ambiguous. Fuzzy
ontologies provide a way to represent the uncertainty
by including weights into relationships between the
concepts (Hirvonen et al., 2010; Parry, 2006; Sanchez
and Yamanoi, 2006; Widyantoro and Yen, 2001).
We make a distinction between abstract concepts
that in our thoughts refer to real-world things and the
symbols for those concepts that we use to communi-
cate our ideas to other people. In our case, the ontol-
ogy is basically an abstraction of the domain concepts
and the terms in the documents represent the natu-
ral language symbols for them. Consequently, there
is the need to describe uncertainties in two places.
Firstly, we must describe the fundamentalimprecision
of the concepts themselves, for example, in the case of
overlapping geographical areas. Secondly, the terms
used in natural languages are often ambiguous. For
example, the word ”Jaguar” can symbolize the con-
cept of an animal or a car. Moreover, natural language
terms can be related to each other in various, impre-
cise ways.
To describe the conceptual uncertainties, we have
developed a fuzzy ontology. And to model uncertain-
ties in natural language terms, we apply the idea of an
association network. As ontologies are often imple-
mented in such a way that they contain mostly hierar-
chical is-a and part-of relationships between the con-
cepts, they do not capture all the information of the
domain. For example, ”car” is-a ”vehicle” represents
a relationship that is often described by an ontology.
If we want to model a relationship between ”car” and
”road”, or ”car” and ”traffic lights”, we would have
to build a more complex ontology that would include
relationships which can models these relationships.
An association network (Timonen et al., 2011)
aims to address this issue by modeling associations
between the terms of a domain. The associations are
not limited to semantic or hierarchical relationships as
they aim to model, for example, the co-occurrence of
the terms in the domain. An association between two
Timonen M., Pakonen A. and Tommila T..
Using Associations and Fuzzy Ontologies for Modeling Chemical Safety Information.
DOI: 10.5220/0004536400260037
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 26-37
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
terms holds only a weight that depicts the strength
of the association. It does not identify the type of
the relationship. When compared with ontologies,
the biggest benefit an association network provides
comes from the fact that it can be trained from a set
of documents using an unsupervised method (Timo-
nen et al., 2011). That is, it requires very little manual
In this paper, we focus on a prototype search en-
gine that is used for searching chemical safety infor-
mation. We utilize the information from the safety
cards to build two models: a fuzzy ontology and an
association network that aim to describe the terms
and their relationships in the domain. The aim of
the search engine is to support the information gath-
ering of chemical safety experts who write the safety
data sheets for their products. The purpose of the data
sheets required by the regulations is to ensure that the
hazards presented by chemicals are clearly communi-
cated to workers and consumers. During the writing
process the expert often needs information about re-
lated and similar chemicals. As a test material we use
the International Safety Cards (ICSC) maintained by
the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The challenge when focusing only on a small set
of documents is that a search may often produce only
a small set of results that may not be relevant to the
original query, in particular if the user does not know
the correct query terms. Therefore, we use the two
models for query expansion where the aim is to in-
clude related concepts to the original query so that
the result set consisting of chemical cards contains as
much relevant information as possible. In this case, a
fuzzy ontology provides a distinct benefit by not lim-
iting the query expansion to crisp relationships.
This paper makes the following contributions: (1)
a novel approach for domain modeling that utilizes
both the uncertain domain knowledge in a fuzzy
ontology and the associations of the terms, (2) a
novel query expansion approach that uses the domain
model, and (3) a case study where we present the use
of the query expansion in search of chemical safety
This paper is organizedas follows: in Section 2 we
discuss the related work in the areas of ontologies, as-
sociation modeling, and query expansion. In Section
3 we propose a novel method for domain modeling.
In Section 4 we present the case study we conducted
with chemical safety cards and propose a novel ap-
proach for query expansion. We conclude our work
in Section 5.
In this section we describe the related work in the
three areas relevant to our work: ontologies, associ-
ation modeling, and query expansion.
2.1 Fuzzy Ontologies
Since the knowledge in the real world is often charac-
terized by uncertainty and inconsistency, the ”crisp”
logic of Semantic Web languages like OWL (W3C
Recommendation, 2004) has been challenged.
To some extent, it seems that the response of the
Semantic Web community is that addressing uncer-
tainty in ontologies would result in solutions that do
not scale (Thomas and Sheth, 2006). However, there
has been a World Wide Web Incubator Group at W3C
working on uncertainty reasoning for the WWW. In
a report published by the group (Laskey and Laskey,
2008), it is stated that information in large networks
is likely to be uncertain, incomplete, and often also
incorrect. Uncertainty representation and reasoning
is needed to deal with different levels of confidence
and trust, and also to enable conceptually overlapping
ontologies to interoperate.
The Incubator Group goes on to recommend that
addressing uncertainty in ontologies would increase
the usefulness of Web-based information, and a stan-
dard way of representing uncertainty should be de-
veloped (Laskey and Laskey, 2008). The representa-
tion should also support defining properties for dif-
ferent uncertainty formalisms. Possible formalisms
examined by Laskey and Laskey (Laskey and Laskey,
2008) include probability theory, fuzzy logic, and be-
lief functions.
2.1.1 Methods for Addressing Uncertainty
Ontologies based on probability theory employ a
mathematical representation language for specifying
degrees of belief over statements regarding domain
knowledge. The approach is promising for systems
where there are different sources that contain uncer-
tain and imperfect knowledge, making it necessary to
assess the likelihood of a statement to be true or false.
There are many different ways to combine probabil-
ity theory with ontologies. For a review of several
such approaches, see the appendices of (Laskey and
Laskey, 2008).
Fuzzy ontologies (Parry, 2006; Sanchez and Ya-
manoi, 2006; Widyantoro and Yen, 2001)), on the
other hand, deal with vagueness and imprecision, and
draw influence from both fuzzy logic and crisp ontol-
ogy languages. A certain term in a fuzzy ontology
can have many different meanings, each with an as-
signed membership value. A fuzzy mapping enables
the task of finding knowledge from systems with in-
consistent views on domain vocabulary (Thomas and
Sheth, 2006). For example, according to Parry (Parry,
2006), the fuzzy ontology is based on the idea that
each ontology concept is related to every other con-
cept in the ontology, with a degree of membership as-
signed to that relationship based on fuzzy logic. As
in Figure 1 we can then specify that the term ”Apple”
can represent a type of both a fruit and a computer
company. Note that this example does not make a
distinction between concepts and their corresponding
symbols in natural language.
2.1.2 Utilizing Uncertainty in Query Expansion
When using a text- or keyword-based search engine,
the query must be precisely articulated, and it can be
challenging to find the exact right query terms that
will lead to the discovery of the most useful infor-
mation. A solution to this problem is query expan-
sion (or ”query refinement”) - responding to the initial
query by suggesting a list of terms that are broader,
narrower, or otherwise related (Widyantoro and Yen,
2001). Fuzzy ontologies, in particular, have been pro-
posed as a mechanism for enabling the expansion of
information queries (Bordogna and Pasi, 2000; Parry,
2006; Widyantoro and Yen, 2001).
In essence, query expansion is a matter of assess-
ing the semantic similarity of query terms, compar-
ing meanings rather than syntactic differences (which
can easily be handled by generic search engines like
Google). For measuring semantic similarity - or se-
mantic distance - several methods have been pro-
posed, based on, e.g., distance within an ontological
structure or concept feature matching (Cross, 2004;
Janowicz et al., 2012).
2.2 Association Modeling
Associations have been used previously in neural net-
works and for gene function mapping. For example,
Mostafavi et al. (Mostafavi et al., 2008) use associ-
ation network to represent a network of genes and
proteins where they are linked with undirected edges
that are weighted according co-functionality implied
by a data source. The network is used for predicting
annotated gene functions in blind tests (Pe˜na-Castillo
et al., 2008).
Timonen et al. (Timonen et al., 2011; Timonen,
2013) use the term ”association network” to describe
a form of domain modeling that aims to identify
strong links between keywords. The term should not
be confused with associative neural networks (Tetko,
2002a; Tetko, 2002b). Ontologies aim to describe
semantic relations, such as classification (hyponyms
and hypernyms), composition (part-of) and various
dependencies between domain concepts. The aim of
association modeling is to include other types of rela-
tions to the domain model. Its intuition comes from
human associative memory: what other concepts we
tend to think when we think of a particular concept.
These concepts may have semantic relations but they
can also be words that occur often together. For ex-
ample, when thinking of ”car”, in addition to specific
brands of cars (”Ford”, ”Volkswagen”) we may also
think concepts like ”road”, ”speed limit” and ”traffic
An association network consists of nodes (n) and
edges (e). Nodes are the terms (i.e., words and noun
phrases) of the domain. The nodes are linked together
with edges that hold a weight which represents the
strength of the association. The weights range be-
tween 0 < w 1 where a strong weight is depicted
with 1.0. There is no link between edges with weight
Timonen et al. (Timonen et al., 2011) utilize three
components when assessing the association weight:
confidence (i.e., co-occurrence), distance, and age.
The main component of the weight is based on the
confidence used in association rule mining (Agrawal
et al., 1993). That is, the confidence of term c
the term c
, i.e., link from c
to c
) =
, (1)
where frequency(c
) is the number of times c
occurs with c
, and frequency(c
) is the number of
times c
occurs in total.
The aim of the confidence value is to give high
weights to term pairs that co-occur often. However, in
addition to confidence, two other features can be in-
cluded to the associations: distance between the terms
(in the document), and age of the terms in the domain.
The distance aims to measure the average distance be-
tween the keywords; if they occur often close to each
other in the documents, they have a higher weight.
The age component aims to mimic the deterioration
of unused pathways; i.e., if the keyword is old it is
not as interesting. Therefore, the association weights
of newer keywords should be stronger than of the old
ones. The way Timonen et al. (Timonen et al., 2011)
assessed the distance and age components are domain
specific; for more information about the components
we refer the reader to the original publications (Tim-
onen et al., 2011; Timonen, 2013).
The strength of the association from c
to c
is the
Figure 1: In a fuzzy ontology, the term ”apple” can mean many things (originally presented in (Parry, 2006)).
combination of these three components:
= confidence(c
) ×
, c
The strength is normalized to fall between [0, 1]
by dividing each weight with the maximum out-going
weight of the node. The normalization is done to all
of the node’s out-going edges so that the strongest
weight is scaled to 1.0.
This approach has similarities with TextRank (Mi-
halcea and Tarau, 2004) algorithm as it considers co-
occurrence as the main component of the weight be-
tween the terms. However, as the weights are anti-
symmetric (i.e., Strength(c
) 6= Strength(c
)) in Timonen et al. approach, we consider associa-
tion networks more suitable for domain modeling.
2.3 Query Expansion and
Query expansion is a process that aims to reformulate
a query to improve the results of information retrieval.
This is important especially when the original query
is short or ambiguous and would therefore give only
irrelevant results. By expanding the query with re-
lated terms the reformulated query may produce good
Carpineto and Romano (Carpineto and Romano,
2012) have surveyed query expansion techniques.
According to them, the standard methods include: se-
mantic expansion, word stemming and error correc-
tion, clustering, search log analysis and web data uti-
In semantic expansion, the idea is to include se-
mantically similar terms to the query. These words
include synonyms and hyponyms. When using word
stemming, the idea is to use a stemmed version of the
word so that different types of spellings can be found
(e.g., singular and plural). Term clustering is a way
to find similar terms by using term co-occurrence.
Search log analysis is another way of finding similar
terms. In this case, the logs are analyzed to identify
terms that often co-occur with the given query terms.
Finally, web data utilization is an approach where
an external data source (e.g., Wikipedia
) is used for
query expansion. The idea here is to use hyperlinks in
Wikipedia to find related topics for the query terms.
Bhogal et al. (Bhogal et al., 2007) also reviewed
query expansion approaches. They mainly focus on
three areas in their review: relevance feedback, cor-
pus dependent knowledge models and corpus inde-
pendent models. Relevance feedback is one of the
oldest methods for expansion. It expands the query
using terms from relevant documents. The documents
are assessed as relevant if they are ranked highly in
previous queries or identified as relevantin other ways
(e.g., manually). Corpus dependent knowledge mod-
els take a set of documents from the domain and
uses them to model the characteristics of the cor-
pus. This includes the previously mentioned stem-
ming and co-occurrence approaches. Corpus inde-
pendent knowledge models includes semantic expan-
sion and the web data utilization as it uses dictionar-
ies such as WordNet
to include synonyms and hy-
ponyms into the search. For more information, we re-
fer the reader to the original articles by Carpineto and
Romano (Carpineto and Romano, 2012) and Bhogal
et al. (Bhogal et al., 2007).
A document space consists of all the documents that
are stored to the database. The space also holds all the
terms that are found from the documents and from the
metadata of the documents. We use two approaches
to model the document space: the fuzzy ontology and
the association network. In addition to the document
space and the search engine, we have implemented
helper tools for the laborious tasks of ontology cre-
ation, association network generation and automatic
annotation of the chemical cards. In this section we
describe the ontology and the association modeling in
more detail.
3.1 Fuzzy Domain Ontologies
We have been working on a weighted ontology, in-
spired by the languages of the Semantic Web, and
different approaches at depicting uncertainty in con-
ceptual models. Our basic need is to be able to ad-
dress the inherent uncertainty and conceptual overlap
in the properties of different chemicals. Specifically,
we have been interested in specifying weighted rela-
tionships to support expanded queries based on do-
main keywords. Therefore, the idea of relatedness of
keywords has been a guiding factor in the way the on-
tology is specified.
Our approach draws influence from fuzzy ontolo-
gies, but looks for structures that are simple to define
and process. In a fuzzy ontology, a fuzzy set is defined
by its membership function mapping each element of
the domain to a membership degree value. A fuzzy
number, such as a ”young person”, is a fuzzy set of
numerical values like real numbers or integers. Our
ontology only uses membership degrees between 0
and 1 (expressed with a qualitative value like ”minor”
or ”significant”) to describe conceptual uncertainties.
There are similar approaches available for other do-
mains (Formica et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2005; Zhang
et al., 2006).
Figure 2 illustrates the data model we use for de-
scribing the conceptual uncertainties in OWL. In gen-
eral, knowledge repositories contain valuable pieces
of knowledge called nuggets. In our example, chem-
ical safety card is the only subclass of nugget. Each
card instance is annotated with keywords picked from
the ontology. The space of all domain concepts is first
divided into a few orthogonal dimensions that we call
keyword categories. In our case the categories are:
Material: Characteristics of materials, e.g.,
chemical properties (acid, liquid, etc.).
Usage: Typical area where a product is used, e.g.,
industrial sector.
Danger: Hazards related to a chemical, e.g., tox-
Entity: Entities possibly harmed by the danger,
e.g., people or the environment.
Exposure: Route of the harmful effect, e.g., in-
Precaution: Preventive and corrective measures,
e.g., use of rubber gloves.
Within each category, the keyword instances that
correspond to the domain concepts are organized with
three fuzzy relationship types. The specialization
is used to represent the classification (is-a) of con-
cepts in a category. Similarly, the part-of relation-
ship describes the decomposition of wholes to part.
In addition to these common relationships present in
most ontologies, we model all other link types with
the generic dependency relationship. It can be used,
for example, across category boundaries to tell that
a chemical is typically used in a particular area of
industry. All these relationships between keywords
are modeled as relationship instances that associate a
weight value with the relationship. For convenience,
this value is selected from a predefined set of lin-
guistic labels. A noteworthy feature of our model is
that specializations and part-of relationships have two
separate weights (one for inclusion and another for
coverage) depending on the direction up or down in
the classification or part-of hierarchy. This makes the
links asymmetric which has an effect on the search
algorithm and results.
As is usually the case in ontology development,
the number of different concepts is large and the rela-
tionships between them even more numerous. Conse-
quently, the costs of the initial ontology and its con-
tinuous maintenance can be very high. On the other
hand, more tuning parameters and mathematics are
needed. In our experience, the complexity and cost of
a fuzzy ontology is one of its main weaknesses.
To alleviate this issue we have developed a few
tools to automate the process. First, we use the Euro-
pean collection of standard phrases for chemical data
sheets EuPhraC
as a starting point. In contains large
number of relevant terms partly organized as frag-
mentary taxonomies. It was relatively easy to tag and
Figure 2: OWL representation of a fuzzy ontology.
automatically process the Excel files, and to generate
the ontology in OWL format. However, manual addi-
tions and refinements were needed to create collection
of about 650 keywords and 900 fuzzy relationships.
Another task was to annotate the nearly 1,700
chemical cards with suitable keywords in each key-
word category. Fortunately, ILO’s web server main-
tains the information in a fixed HTML format, mostly
containing table elements. This made it possible to
download the cards and to look selected table cells
for terms found in the ontology.
3.2 Association Modeling
The idea behind association modeling is to repre-
sent the term relationships to mimic human associa-
tive memory. That is, when we think of a term (e.g.,
”car”) the model presents what other terms may come
to mind. These terms can be semantically related, for
example, synonyms such as ”automobile” or hyper-
nyms such as ”vehicle”, or they can be otherwise re-
lated terms such as ”tyre”, ”pavement” or ”Ferrari”.
The main component of the association network
is the links between the terms. In order to capture
the associations between the terms we need to weight
the links. Timonen et al. (Timonen et al., 2011) used
three components when weighting the associations:
co-occurrence, age, and distance. In this work we use
only co-occurrence. Age is not used as the age of the
chemical safety cards is not relevant; i.e., older cards
are as relevant as the new cards. Distance of the terms
is also not used due to the type of documents we are
The confidence we use to model the weight of the
association is calculated using Equation 1. The aim
is to identify the co-occurring terms and give strong
association when two terms co-occur often. For ex-
ample, we aim to find links such as Fire - Fumes -
Toxic as they co-occur often and may therefore be im-
portant in the search: query with ”Fire could produce
interesting documents if we include also ”Fumes”.
We create the association network using the key-
words from the ontology. That is, we need the in-
formation from ontology creation as the documents
we use should contain concepts (i.e., keywords) and
their categories. For example, a document may hold:
(Danger - Toxic, Fire, Nausea; Material - Lead, Ox-
ide, Crystals), where Danger and Material are the cat-
egories. As the aim is to find co-occurring chemical
attributes, we assess the co-occurrence among all cat-
egories. That is, we take all the attributes from all the
categories and assess their confidence.
By using only the keywords from the ontology we
get formatted terms that can easily be linked to the
ontology. We also experimented with building the
network from all the words found from the chemi-
cal safety cards but without proper keyword identifi-
cation, this resulted a lot of noise in the network. The
weight between the keywords is their co-occurrence.
That is, if term A occurs 100 % of time with term
B, the weight w(A B) = 1.0. If B occurs with A
50 % of time, the weight w(B A) = 0.5. Addi-
tional weighting components may be beneficial and
will provide an interesting research topic for the fu-
Table 1 presents a sample set of keywords and
their association mappings. The last two (Sodium
Sodium Oxide, and Alcohol Prenyl Alcohol)
Table 1: A sample of keyword associations.
Term (from) Term (to) Weight
Tetrahydrofuran Diethylene Oxide 1.0
Prenyl Alcohol Alcohol 1.0
Sodium Oxide Oxide 1.0
Sodium Oxide Sodium 1.0
Fumes Fire 0.97
Vapour Fire 0.80
Fire Fumes 0.54
Sodium Acid 0.51
Sodium Powder 0.43
Sodium Sodium Oxide -
Alcohol Prenyl Alcohol -
demonstrate the anti-symmetric property of the net-
work. That is, even though the link from A to B is
strong, when B is too common, the link from B to A
is too weak and therefore not included to the network.
We filtered the weakest associations (weight <
0.35) from the network as they do not contribute to
the query expansion. The resulting association net-
work held approximately 150,000 associations.
In this section we describe the case study we per-
formed for the search of International Chemical
Safety Cards (ICSC). The idea is to implement a
search engine that can fetch relevant safety cards for
reference when new cards are being written.
4.1 Search Process
Search is usually initiated by providing the search
terms; i.e., the query. These terms are usually proper-
ties of the chemicals, such as flammable or colorless
liquid. In addition, the name of the chemical can be
used if a specific chemical is needed.
The first step of the search process is to expand the
query with additional and relevant query terms. The
query expansion is performed as the search space is
small and the original query terms often produce im-
perfect results. In our work, we combine the ontology
and the association model, and use them for query ex-
We use the models as follows: for each query term
in the query, the query is first expanded to the
neighboring terms a
from the association network.
Then, for this expanded term list, query is further ex-
panded by searching for related concepts o
in the
fuzzy ontology (Figure 3).
The query is expanded in the association network
with a spreading activation technique (Crestani, 1997)
using the best first search (Pearl, 1984). The best first
search uses a function to select the top n nodes from
the network by assessing the association between the
query node q and the node k. Association between
nodes q and k is the maximum value of the product of
the weights in any of the paths from q to k. The func-
tion uses a threshold t
to select the expanded nodes.
If the weight from q to k is below the threshold, k is
not used in the expansion. We use t
= 0.5 which was
selected after empirical evaluation of performance.
For example, consider Table 1 where the path
from node Vapour to node Fumes is Vapour Fire
Fumes. The weight between Vapour Fumes in this
case is 0.8× 0.54 = 0.43. If t
= 0.5, the node would
not be added to the expanded list.
The query is reformulated to include all the
terms. This query is then used to search the
database and produce the result set (Figure 4). Each
resulting document is weighted based on the match-
ing query terms. For example, if the expanded term
is added to the query with the weight 0.5, it will con-
tribute to the weight of the document with this weight.
All the original search terms have the weight 1.0.
Figure 5 presents the query results page. The doc-
uments are printed in the result page in the descending
order. The user can see which of the query terms pro-
duced the document as the result by highlighting the
matching query terms. The expanded terms are also
highlighted in the results.
We also implemented a search that can fetch sim-
ilar chemical safety cards. That is, each card shown
to the user has a ”search similar cards” link that is
used when the user wants to find similar cards. We
utilized the association model for the similarity as-
sessment. The similarity between two documents can
be assessed using cosine similarity that measures the
cosine of the angle between them:
, d
) =
· d
. (3)
Figure 3: First, the query is expanded in the association network and then in the ontology.
Figure 4: Query term q
, and the expanded terms o
and o
produce the result set of r
, and r
Here, the dot product of d
and d
is the number of
matching terms, and kd
k and kd
k is the length of
the documents.
Instead of using the binary assessment of number
of matching terms (where the term either matches or
does not match), we use the association weight be-
tween the terms. That is, we assess the weight be-
tween the two terms in the network, as in query ex-
pansion. For example, the match between Vapour and
Fumes is 0.43 instead of 0.0, when assessing the simi-
larity between the documents. The match between the
term n (in d
) and the document d
is the maximum
association weight between n and all the terms in d
Figure 6 shows the result page for the similar
chemical card search. The page shows the score of
the document, which is percentage of matching terms
weighted by the associations.
4.2 Search Results
The search produces a set of documents, i.e., chemi-
cal safety cards as the result. Each document is scored
based on their relevance to the query. The results are
shown in the descending order (Figure 5). The score
for a document takes the number of the matching orig-
inal query terms, and the weights of the matching key-
words from query expansion:
w(d) =
{q : q d} +
{w(e) : e d}
where Q is the set of original query terms, E is the
set of query terms from query expansion, and w(e) is
the weight of the expansion term. If w(d) > 1, we use
w(d) = 1.0.
Figure 5: Search results for query ”Aluminium,Lead”.
Figure 6: Search results when searching for similar chemicals with ”Lead(II) Oxide”.
Figure 7: Search results with and without the query expansion for the search ”Nausea,Toxic,Lead,Aluminium,Acid”.
We evaluated the models and their use for query
expansion by manually assessing the search results.
We compare the search results received both with and
without the query expansion. We use a set of manu-
ally selected query terms. In addition, we evaluated
the results of similar chemical safety card search.
We demonstrate an actual use of the system, con-
sider a query with the following chemical attributes:
Nausea, Toxic, Lead, Aluminium, Acid. The idea
is that the chemical safety experts need information
about chemicals that have these attributes in common
with the new chemical.
When using these five query terms, we get only 1
chemical safety card when the query is not expanded.
With expansion, there are 41 chemical safety cards
in the result set. In this demonstration the query ex-
pansion has shown clear benefits as the search pro-
duces more information. Figure 7 presents this search
case. The highest scoring document is the same in
both cases but the expansion adds several other po-
tentially relevant cards to the result set. The highest
scoring expanded card has the score of 64 %. As this
card (Lead Acetate) is quite similar with the highest
scoring card (0 Lead Chromate) we consider this re-
sult very good.
In an experiment of 20 different searches, the top
scoring cards in the result set are the same for both
expanded and non-expanded queries. However, the
expansion includes documents to the result set that
otherwise would not be there. In addition, when the
non-expanded search would produce no documents,
the expansion almost always produces some results.
When assessing the feasibility of the documents
received with expansion, the score for the document
indicate the relevancy reasonably well. That is, if the
score for the document is high, it is more likely a rel-
evant document. These results are promising and in-
dicate that the proposed query expansion technique
and the domain models address the issues faced with
the small search space. We leave the further assess-
ment of the feasibility of the included documents and
the comparison against competing approaches out of
scope of this paper.
To demonstrate the similarity search we use two
chemical safety cards: Lead Arsenite, and Graphite
(Natural). We picked these two chemicals as we have
some background knowledge about them. The most
similar chemical card for Lead Arsenite was Lead
(II) Arsenite, and for Graphite (Natural) was Carbon.
Even without expertise in the area, we can see that
these two chemicals are relevant considering the orig-
inal chemical safety cards. To experiment the sim-
ilarity search, we conducted the search for 20 dif-
ferent chemicals. In the experiment, 90 % of the
highest scoring documents were considered very rel-
evant. Even though the number of queries performed
is small, we get a good indication of the feasibility of
the approach.
In this paper we have proposed a novel approach for
domain modeling that combines a fuzzy ontology and
an association network. We use the fuzzy ontology
to describe the hierarchical relationship of chemicals
and their attributes whereas the association network
describes the associations between the attributes of
the chemicals. The model is used for query expan-
sion in the chemical domain.
We also use the models to find similar chemical
safety cards. Here, the aim is to use the associations
to weight the cosine similarity assessment and find
which chemicals have similar attributes.
The proposed models produced promising results.
The query expansion performed as expected as it was
able to produce more information than a search where
the expansion was not used. In addition, the asso-
ciation weighted similarity assessment was able to
find chemical safety cards that we consider relevant.
Overall, the search engine performed better when the
query expansion and the similarity assessment are
used. This is crucial when considering the real world
The main challenge for the future is to lessen the
burden of the ontology creation without impacting its
capability to capture the concepts of the given do-
main. Learning the association network is an easier
task but identifying the keywords and terms to be used
in the network also requires some work. In addition,
the maintenanceof both models is time consuming. In
the future, it may be beneficial to utilize the associa-
tion network in ontology creation as the network may
hold valuable information about the domain and the
relationships of the terms. In order to achieve this we
would need to utilize an approach for keyword iden-
tification from documents. In conclusion, we believe
that by combining the association network with the
ontology we are able to create a richer model of the
domain that can be better utilized in different types of
Authors wish to thank the Finnish Funding Agency
for technology and Innovation (TEKES) for funding
this research and the anonymous reviewers for the
valuable feedback.
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