Acquiring Method for Agents’ Actions using Pheromone
Communication between Agents
Hisayuki Sasaoka
Asahikawa National College of Technology, Shunkohdai 2-2, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 071-8142, Japan
Keywords: The Swarm Intelligence, Ant Colony System, Multi-Agent System, Robocup.
Abstract: We have known that an algorithm of Ant Colony System (ACS) and Max-Min Ant System (MM-AS) based
on ACS are one of powerful meta-heuristics algorithms and some researchers have reported their
effectiveness of some applications using then. On the other hand, we have known that the algorithms have
some problems when we employed them in multi-agent system and we have proposed a new method which
is improved MM-AS. This paper describes some results of evaluation experiments with agents
implemented our proposed method. In these experiments, we have used seven maps and scenarios for
RoboCup Rescue Simulation system (RCRS). To confirm the effectiveness of our method, we have
considered agents’ action for fire-fighting in simulation and their improvements of scores.
We know that real ants are social insects and there is
no central control and no manager in their colony.
However each ant can work very well (Gordon,
1999), (Keller and Gordon, 2009), (Wilson and
Duran, 2010). Dorigo et al. have inspired real ants’
feeding actions and their pheromone
communications. Then they have proposed the
algorithm of Ant System (Dorigo et al., 1996). Some
researchers have reported the effectiveness of
systems installed the algorithms and their improved
algorithms (Dorigo and Stützle, 2004), (Bonabeau et
al., 1999), (Bonabeau et al., 2000). Ant Colony
Optimization (ACO) and Ant Colony System (ACS)
have become a very successful and widely used in
some applications. These algorithms have been used
in some types of application programs (Hernandez et
al., 2008), (D'Acierno et al., 2006), (Balaprakash et
al., 2008). The system based on ACO and ACS are
used artificial ants cooperate to the solution of a
problem by exchanging information via pheromone.
Stützle, T. and Hoos, H.H. have proposed MAX-
MIN Ant System (MM-AS) (Stützle and Hoos,
2010). It derived from Ant System and achieved an
improved performance compared to AS and to other
improved versions of AS for travelling salesperson
problems (TSP).
There are a lot of distributed constraint
satisfiability problems and researchers tackle
problems by their method. For example, TSP,
network routing problems and so on. However, they
have no noise when they are solving problems and
information to resolve problems, for example
distances between visiting cities in TSP, are given in
advance. Moreover their situations have never
changed for each simulation steps. To resolve
problems in the real social, situations in environment
are always changing, dynamically. In some cases,
we are disable to know cues to resolve the problem
in advance. In other case, some outer noise gets
information erased or interpolation them.
On the other hand, in a situation of RoboCup
rescue simulation system, agents need to handle
huge amount of information and take actions
dynamically. Therefore, this simulation system of
RoboCup rescue is a very good test bed for multi-
agent research and we have used it in this research.
This paper addresses a problem of ACS and MM-AS
and we propose our proposed method based on MM-
AS and apply to agents of fire-brigade agents in my
team on RoboCup Rescue Simulation System
(Skinner and Ramchurn, 2010), (RoboCup Rescue
Simulation Project), (RoboCup Japan Open, 2013).
We have done some evaluation experiments and we
report the results of experiments.
Sasaoka H..
Acquiring Method for Agents’ Actions using Pheromone Communication between Agents.
DOI: 10.5220/0004538300910096
In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA-2013), pages 91-96
ISBN: 978-989-8565-77-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Our Method
We have proposed an algorithm of method based on
MM-AS (Sasaoka, 2013). In our method, the range
of pheromone trail value is decided by hand from
preliminary experiment. Moreover, we have
confirmed that there is a noise of pheromone trail in
the initial steps of updating pheromone trails. Then,
our algorithm has calculated by formula (1) in the
initial steps. This ρ
aims to cut down effect from
the noise and the value is also decided by hand.
() (1 ) () ()
ij ij init ij
2.2 Preliminary Experiment
To confirm the effectiveness of our proposed
method, we have done some preliminary
experiments with a grid-world task. Figure 1(Nikkei
Software, 2011) shows the grid-world and a blue
grid means a place of start and a yellow grid means a
place of goal in the figure. Moreover light-gray parts
mean a pathway for an agent, light-green parts mean
walls and an orange grid means a position of a
moving agent. The shortest number of step by a
agent is 22 steps in this task.
Figure1: A task of grid-world in this experiment.
We prepared three types of agent to resolve this task
and we have repeated 50 times by each agent. They
are below,
agent A: moves randomly on the pathway.
agent B: is implemented an algorithm of ACS
and runs on the pathway.
agent C: is implemented an algorithm of our
proposed method and runs on the pathway.
Table 1 shows averages of steps, maximum
numbers of steps and minimum numbers of steps in
the experiments. Figure 2 shows improving number
of steps by agent C. From these results, agent C has
achieved the best result in the trials. Moreover, agent
C has found its shortest path at the 146th trial. From
the results and the figure, we confirmed the
effectiveness of our method. We have considered
that agent C has depressed negative effects on its
initial learning process. Agent B has not placed them
under the control. In this task, there are some loop
ways on pathway. For the loop way, agent B has run
the same loop way on numerous times. The reason is
that agent B has sprayed pheromone on pathway and
it has selected the highest concentration of
pheromone. However agent C has not get the same
situation as agent B.
Table1: Results of preliminary experiment.
Average Maximum Minimum
agent A 969.46 4302 78
agent B 1445.62 8217 78
agent C
2612 42
Figure2: Results by agent C (from 1st to 200th trial).
We have employed RoboCup Rescue Simulation
system (RCRS) as a test-bed. This system has its
server and four different types of agents. They are a
fire-brigade agent, a police-force agent, an
ambulance agent and a civilian agent and they hold
correspondence with each program and they have
been able to simulate a situation of a city’s disaster.
Moreover the system has been able to simulate
different situations in each conditions and maps for
The RoboCup Project System intends to promote
researches which scope the disaster mitigation,
search and rescue problems. Then we need to
develop three types of agents, which are a fire-
brigade agent, a police-force agent and an
ambulance agent. Figure 3 shows a screen shot of a
performance of the simulation system. It shows a
map of city and deep gray rectangles indicates
0 100 200 300
buildings and light gray rectangle shows roads.
Black parts on the roads means blocks on the road
and agents cannot go through the place at the block.
In the figure, red circles indicate fire-brigade agents
and a mark of fire plug means a centre of fire-
brigade. Blue circles indicate police-force agents and
a mark of policeman helmet means a centre of
police-force agents. White circles indicate
ambulance agents and a mark of white cross means a
centre of ambulance agents. Green circles indicate
civilian agents and a mark of red house means an
emergency refuge centre.
Figure 3: An example of simulation map in RoboCup
Rescue Simulation system.
RCRS server program has evaluated actions by each
type of agents and it has calculated scores. The score
is calculated by formula (2).
of surviving civilian agent
of building damage
score a number
We have applied our algorithm to searching actions
to a water supplying point for fire-brigade agents.
The searching algorithm has two steps. It has shown
1. In the case that the agents has no water to
extinguish a fire,
(1-a) in the case that the agent has known a way
to a water supply position, it heads along the way.
(1-b) in the case that the agent has not known a
way to a water supplying point, it heads a way in
random order.
2. In the other case, the agent has enough water, it
heads for a fire point.
Moreover, the action of updating pheromone has
two steps. It has shown below:
1. After the agent is able to get water, it does
“say” command to broadcast a point of water
supply position.
2. Other agents who do not have water track back.
5.1 Procedures
We have developed experimental agents based on
sample agents whose source codes are included
RCRS simulator-package file. We have prepared
three different types of fire-brigade agents (Sasaoka,
2013). They are below,
Type-A Agents: are equal to base fire-brigade
Type-B Agents: are implemented our proposed
Type-C Agents: are implemented our proposed
algorithm. Moreover they select only best path
calculated by pheromone’s concentrate.
With these agents, we have prepared these four
different teams of fire-brigade teams based on the
agent Type-A, Type-B and Type-C. They are below,
Team A: has fire-brigade agent Type-A(50%),
Type-B(25%) and Type-C(25%).
Team B: has fire-brigade agent Type-B(50%),
Type-A(25%) and Type-C(25%).
Team C: has fire-brigade agent Type-C(50%),
Type-A(25%) and Type-B(25%).
Team D: has fire-brigade agent Type-A(33%),
Type-B(34%) and Type-C(33%).
From previous research (Sasaoka, 2013)., we
confirmed that Team C can achieve the best score
among them on only one map. In this research, we
have compared between this Team C and Team E.
Team E has been organized by sample agents which
are included RCRS simulator-package file and are
our base-agents.
Moreover we have prepared seven maps and
scenarios for RoboCup rescue simulation. They have
used in RoboCup 2012 international competition
(RoboCup Rescue Simulation Project) and RoboCup
Japan Open 2013 competition (RoboCup Japan
Open, 2013). They are below,
Map 1: a map is a central part of Kobe and a
score is 121.000 at the start of simulation.
Map 2: a map is Ritsumeikan University area
and a score is 84.772 at the start of simulation.
Map 3: a map is Virtual City and a score is
150.948 at the start of simulation.
Map 4: a map is a central part of Paris and a
Table 2: Results of evaluation experiment.
A score at the start Team C Team E
Map 1 121.000
Map 2 84.772
Map 3 150.948
Map 4 140.000
Map 5 67.000
Map 6 106.000
Map 7 183.000
Average 121.817
Figure 4: Map 5 before start of simulation.
Figure 5: Map 5 after 300 steps of simulation time
by Team C.
Figure 6: Map 5 after 300 stepsof simulation time by
Team E.
score is 140.000 at the start of simulation.
Map 5: a map is a central part of Istanbul and a
score is 67.000 at the start of simulation.
Map 6: a map is a central part of Mexico City
and a score is 106.000 at the start of simulation.
Map 7: a map is a central part of Eindhoven and
a score is 183.000 at the start of simulation.
5.2 Results
Table 2 shows the results of this experiment. The
average score of Team C is 45.427 and it is better
than the average score of Team E. Moreover each
score which is achieved by Team C is better than
score which is achieved by Team E.
Figure 4 shows a situation in Map 5 before start of
simulation. Figure 5 shows a situation in Map 5 at
the end of simulation by Team C and Figure 6 shows
a situation in the same map at the end of simulation
by Team E. In these figures, black parts means
Figure 7: Score chart in Map 5 by Team C.
Figure 8: Score chart in Map 5 by Team E.
burned buildings, deep red parts means buildings
which are burned almost, red parts means buildings
which are burned half, yellow parts means buildings
burned a little and gray parts means buildings which
are not burned yet. From them, we can confirm that
fire-fighting actions by fire-brigade agents in Team
C are more effective than ones in Team E.
Figure 7 shows a score chart in Map5 by Team C
and Figure 8 shows a score chart in Map5 by Team
E. They are calculated by a RCRS server program.
In these score chart, red lines mean total scores in
each step of simulation time, blue lines mean
numbers of civilian agents’ component, green lines
mean rates of civilian agents’ health, yellow lines
mean number of civilian agents alive, pink lines
mean a root of buildings damage and aqua line mean
building damage. We have considered that actions of
preventing damages by fire-brigade agents in Team
C are more effective than ones in Team E.
However fire-brigade agents in Team C have not
prevented damages, perfectly. One of reasons is the
shortage of co-operation between hetero-types of
agent. For example, we can see that there are some
blockades on road in Figure 5. In this figure, black
parts on roads means blockades and police-force
agents need to remove blockades. However they do
not know what blockade other agents want to
remove first. Then the agents need to exchange
information each other.
We have reported results of evaluation experiments
in multi-agent system using our proposed method.
From comparing between two teams in RoboCup
Rescue Simulation system, we have confirmed the
effectiveness of our method and we have considered
agents’ actions which are decided by our algorithm.
However there are some problems to resolve in our
Then we have a plan to develop agents installed
our proposed algorithm on hetero-type agents and
realize co-operation between hetero-type agents
using pheromone communications.
We developed our experimental system with the
agents, which are based on source codes included in
packages of simulator-package file (Skinner and
Ramchurn, 2010), (RoboCup Rescue Simulation
Project), (RoboCup Japan Open, 2013).
This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research (C) (KAKENHI 23500196).This
work was also supported by TUT Programs on
Advanced Simulation Engineering.
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