automatically adjust the hyperparameters during the
training phase.
The procedure for determining the optimal
structure of the classification standard neural
network (the growing and pruning technique) has
not been mentioned in this paper as this approach
requires a lot of statistical tasks. The main
disadvantage of the Bayesian learning for feed-
forward neural networks is that it takes a quite long
time on evaluating the Hessian matrix, especially
when the number of network parameters (weights
and biases) is relatively large.
Table 1: The change of hyperparameters according to the
periods of re-estimation.
1 31.392 1.371 0.529 0.775
2 99.919 2.389 0.334 2.432
3 198.498 4.055 0.231 3.949
Table 2: The three-state prediction accuracy and
Matthew’s correlation coefficients of classification
Bayesian neural network.
Matthew’s Correlation
(%)Q C
A 75.840 0.699 0.531 0.565
B 78.187 0.728 0.607 0.604
C 72.422 0.635 0.510 0.524
D 75.319 0.658 0.550 0.540
E 74.826 0.641 0.580 0.542
F 76.362 0.697 0.598 0.569
G 77.462 0.696 0.578 0.604
Average 75.774 0.679 0.565 0.564
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classification Bayesian neural network.
Matthew’s Correlation
(%)Q C
A 75.927 0.689 0.543 0.565
B 77.347 0.725 0.583 0.587
C 71.321 0.619 0.496 0.502
D 74.826 0.646 0.551 0.536
E 73.812 0.622 0.571 0.521
F 74.739 0.669 0.572 0.548
G 76.796 0.669 0.568 0.604
Average 74.967 0.663 0.555 0.552
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