2.2 Linguistic Model
emes. The central notion of the “Componential Se-
mantics” approach is to describe lexical units with se-
mantic features. These features, called “s
emes”, are
theoretically supposed to describe the possible inter-
pretations of a lexical unit.
Some s
emes are generic ones, representing parts
of meaning shared by the lexical unit and the ones
with close meaning. For instance, chair and sofa will
share s
emes because they both can mean “a sort of
seat”. One may consider s
emes like /physical object/,
/crafted object/, /piece of furniture/, /seat/ to explain
these meanings.
Some s
emes are specific ones, used to distinguish
between close meanings. Chair could be differen-
tiated from sofa using a s
eme such as /seat without
arms/, while chair and sofa could themselves be dif-
ferentiated from stool using a s
eme such as /seat with-
out a back/.
Previous works such as in (Beust et al., 2003; Roy
and Ferrari, 2008) proposed to represent the specific
emes using attributes and values to code their dif-
ferential role: /seat’s back: yes/ for chair and sofa,
/seat’s back: no/ for stool; /seat’s arms: yes/ for
sofa, /seat’s arms: no/ for chair and stool. These
constraints are strong ones, requiring a high level of
expertise for describing a whole domain.
emes in SemComp: Free Semantic Features. In
the SemComp project, we propose to let the user de-
scribe the semantic features freely. We make the
hypothesis casual users will mostly describe generic
emes in order to retrieve documents related to their
hobbies and interests. The application in view (see
2.3) will allow a user to build queries using s
rather than lexical (or graphical) units only. For casual
users, we make the assumption s
emes will be used as
tags for text classification: rather than tagging texts,
users will tag words themselves.
Though, it will still be possible for an expert user
to propose sets of differential s
emes if necessary. In
the application, this will appear only as an advanced
functionality. With the previous examples, a user will
be able to build a differential set including the s
/seat without a back/ and /seat with a back/, in or-
der to enhance the results of a query using the s
/seat/ and /seat without a back/: the application will
automatically consider the s
eme /seat with a back/ as
irrelevant, though describing units with close mean-
Isotopies. The second central notion of the “Inter-
pretative Semantics” is the one of “isotopy” for con-
textual interpretation. An isotopy is the redundancy
of a s
eme in a textual zone. It is closely related to the
notion of topic. When using numerous s
emes to de-
scribe a domain, as for the experiment on metaphors
in (Beust et al., 2003), it has been proved isotopies
help activating or deactivating s
emes: in the context
of economic news, meteorological terms such as ther-
mometer and barometer can be interpreted as measur-
ing or prevision tools for stock markets, deactivating
emes specific to the meteorology (the units they use,
the phenomenon they measure, etc.). French linguists
propose the terms of actualisation (the action of acti-
vating a s
eme in a specific context) and virtualisation
(the action of deactivating a s
eme in a specific con-
text) to describe these interpretation processes.
2.3 Application in View
Based on this simplified linguistic model, we plan
to develop an application allowing users to create,
manipulate and use their personal points of view on
different domains for consulting documents. Differ-
ent psychological and NLP experimentations are ex-
pected in the SemComp project. The use of Per-
sonalized Semantic Resources (PSR in the following)
will be tested in the following applicative contexts :
(1) students consulting teachers on-line courses ; (2)
students consulting the Web for a class project ; (3)
tourists looking for cultural activities in Normandy.
Experiments (1) and (2) are scheduled in a short
term (1yr), while (3), requiring inclusion of other
NLP tools, is scheduled in a longer term (2yrs). In (1)
and (2), we expect to observe how students acquiring
new knowledge on a domain modify their PSR. In (3),
we intend to experiment on casual users, and include
sharing of PSR to test if this model can lead to real
Web applications.
In (1), the collection of documents is closed, lim-
ited to the documents provided by a teacher in the
scope of a course. In (2), the collection must first be
retrieved from the Web, using a search engine, which
require to translate the user request from s
emes to
written forms. Next section presents the first devel-
opments centered on the PSR, as well as more details
on the application functionalities which will be used
in the first experiments (1) and (2).
Based on the model previously presented, we are cur-
rently developing a set of resources and an application
linked to it aiming to achieve three goals: