Ontology Development towards Expressive and Reasoning-enabled
Building Information Model for an Intelligent Energy
Management System
Hendro Wicaksono, Preslava Dobreva, Polina Häfner and Sven Rogalski
Institute for Information Management in Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Zirkel 2, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Energy Efficiency in Building, Building Information Model, Ontology Engineering, Ontology Population.
Abstract: In recent years, energy consumption in buildings has been rising and is currently representing a significant
percentage of the whole energy consumption on earth. The EU has responded this trend by requiring zero
energy consumption by 2020 and by supporting innovative research approaches for improving energy
efficiency in buildings without decreasing inhabitants comfort. This paper describes the approach to develop
an intelligent system for building specific energy management that allows occupants and facility managers
to monitor and control the energy consumption and also detects their wasting points. An ontology based
information model for building energy management offering expressive representation and reasoning
capability is also introduced in this paper. We highlight an approach to develop the ontology as the
knowledge base providing the intelligence of the system. Furthermore we demonstrate how the energy
performance analysis is improved using the ontology based approach.
A study observing building energy consumption
held in 2007 showed that the public and residential
buildings represent more than 40% of the whole
energy consumption in European Union, of which
residential use represents 63% of total energy
consumption in buildings sector (Balaras et al.,
2007). The energy price has been rising due to high
building operational costs, and shortage of fossil
energetic resources. These reasons force companies
and private persons to organize their behaviour in
more energy-efficient way and to look for intelligent
and long term solutions.
There are several technical possibilities and
products on the market aiming to improve energy
usage efficiency designed for business and public
buildings. European Union has issued the Directive
2002/91/EC about overall energy efficiency of
buildings. The directive aims to improve energy
efficiency by taking into account outdoor climatic
and local conditions, as well as indoor climate
requirements and cost-effectiveness. The building
energy management systems are acknowledged as a
significant source for energy costs reduction up to
30% (Smithson, 2013).
Furthermore, in the future, energy savings in
buildings can be increased by intelligence
improvement of building automation systems. This
kind of method is considered in the literature
important as the conventional thermal insulation of
walls or insulating glazing to improve energy
efficiency in buildings (Lonmark, 2008; Spelsberg,
2006). Recently low cost and low energy consuming
building automation technologies have already been
developed. Recent technologies offer energy
measurement and sensors by using small chips that
consume less than 10 mW (Watteco, 2009). These
chips can be easily installed in building without
By using these devices, extra energy
consumption can be avoided. However, the energy
efficiency could be effectively improved, if they are
supported by an intelligent software system. In this
paper we propose an intelligent system for energy
management in buildings by connecting building
automation systems and using intelligent
information model. The existing Building
Information Model (BIM) standards only defines
Wicaksono H., Dobreva P., Häfner P. and Rogalski S..
Ontology Development towards Expressive and Reasoning-enabled Building Information Model for an Intelligent Energy Management System.
DOI: 10.5220/0004540300380047
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 38-47
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
definitions, dictionary and information structure. In
this paper, we extend the BIM standard to have more
expressiveness and reasoning capabilities. We
incorporate rules and axioms to achieve these.
The information model is used in the knowledge
base that allows intelligent analysis on the relations
between energy consumption, behaviour model
(activities and events in the building), building
related information (geometry, boundary conditions,
etc.) and surrounding factors, such as temperature,
weather condition, occupant habits and behaviour.
The knowledge base is represented using ontologies.
We also introduce the ontology modelling method
that is aligned with existing building information
modelling standard called Industry Foundation Class
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2
we discuss the state of the art and related work.
Next, we introduce the developed system of
intelligent energy management in section 3. Section
4 describes our approach in generation of ontology
as the centre point of our intelligent system. In
section 5 we give overview how the energy analysis
is performed using ontological query. Finally we
make our conclusion in section 6.
In 2009 Electric Power Research Institute USA
conducted research of electricity consumption
feedbacks in household. They categorized feedback
mechanism based on the information availability
into standard billing, enhanced billing, real-time
feedback, real-time plus feedback, etc. (Neenan et
al., 2009) The research showed that real-time plus
feedback leads to the best improvement of energy
conservation comparing to the other feedback
mechanism, despite the higher cost of
implementation. Real-time feedback allows users to
monitor their energy consumption and/or control
appliances in their home through building
automation system (BAS) and home area network
Each building automation technology may offer
different functionalities, and has its own strength
and weakness. For example, the technology
digitalSTROM offers good functionality in energy
metering, but it does not support occupancy
metering. In order to achieve comprehensive energy
management by taking into account as much as
related conditions and factors, an integration of
different building automation systems is required.
Ontology can be used as generic model to facilitate
the integration (Reinisch et al., 2008). The ontology
is not only used to describe functionalities of
building automation systems, but also to represent
states of building, and relations with behaviour
model and surrounding factors. In this paper, we
introduce also method to generate ontology
components semi-automatically based on user events
and building specific information.
An ontology based approach was introduced in
EU funded project ISES based on description logic
ontology containing rules and constraints. The
ontology is represented with OWL-DL combined
with SWRL and is used as the information model for
integrated lifecycle energy management in building.
The approach addressed not only interoperability
issues with other systems, but also allowed quality
control by end user using knowledge-based
management methods (Scherer et al., 2012).
The EU funded project HESMOS developed an
ontology-equipped framework to address the
integration of distributed and heterogeneous data
from ICT building energy systems. The framework
comprises IFC-BIM as a central integration part and
a link model to bind the distributed data together.
The core link model is represented with OWL,
which includes the capabilities of model
management and decision support (Guruz et al.,
Both EU projects do not strongly consider the
alignment of existing standards, for instance IFC,
with the developed information model. They do not
include the modelling of occupant behaviour as one
of the factors that affects the energy consumption in
the building. This paper introduces an approach that
addresses these points.
In this paper, we propose an intelligent system,
which considers different aspects of a building. The
system allows the users to have an integrated view
of energy consumption in their apartment, office, as
well as in entire building. With the help of building
automation system and other metering systems
installed on the site the energy consumption can be
evaluated in different detail levels and quality, for
instance, energy consumption per appliance, per
group of appliances, per zone in the building, or per
user event (Wicaksono et al., 2010). Figure 1 depicts
the designed approach of the energy management
system developed in our recent research project.
As seen in Figure 1, the generic ontology is
Figure 1: Overview of the developed energy management framework.
created by a building information modelling expert.
The generic ontology represents domain knowledge
for building holistic energy management. It contains
definitions, terminologies (T-box), and taxonomies
that are aligned with IFC. The information model
contained in the generic ontology is applicable in
any building. The generic ontology is then
instantiated and enriched with building specific
information resulting building specific ontologies.
The development of ontology will be explained
further in section 4.
The data collector and aggregator module is
developed for collecting energy data and sensor data
from different building automation systems installed
in the building. It contains an interface to
communicate with different building automation
logic control units or gateways via web services. The
module is also responsible to collect occupant
activities or behaviours in the building. For this, a
web-based interface to model occupant activities is
developed. Furthermore, an interface to the calendar
reflecting the schedules and activities of the
occupants is being developed.
The collected data are aggregated and stored in a
database. In order to allow visual representation of
energy consumption data, we perform necessary data
pre-processing such as removing erroneous values,
data transformation, data selection and data
conversion. The data are prepared to enable an
energy consumption analysis in different criteria
based on relation between rooms, appliances, time,
and user events. Therefore it allows a data-driven
analysis that is conducted directly on the collected
data by performing SQL-query, simple calculation,
or visualization, for instance, energy consumption
per time unit and each appliance. The data is
provided in such a form to enable the execution of
data mining algorithm for finding the energy usage
The data mining module evaluates energy
consumption data that are collected and aggregated
and extracts the knowledge in forms of patterns and
relationships from the data. Through this module,
energy consumptions can be related to device levels,
room, and time, which in addition to that, can be
combined with relation to occupant behaviours and
surrounding conditions. As seen in Figure 1 the
extracted knowledge is incorporated in the building
energy management knowledge base represented by
building specific ontology. The relationships
between data are modelled as rules and represented
as SWRL.
A building plan is usually drawn in 2D using
CAD software applications, such as AutoCAD.
Unfortunately, 2D-drawings only contains
geometrical information, for instance, lines, points,
curves, circles, etc. the CAD layouts cannot describe
any semantics of building components contained in
the drawing. We can still understand semantic of the
drawing because we already know the symbols
representing certain building components or
appliances, such as doors, walls, fridge, etc.
(Wicaksono et al., 2010). However different
AutoCAD versions provide different representations
of the geometrical and object-related information
which makes difficult an automated extraction of
data. In the frame of the FP7 KnoHolEM project a
method to interpret the semantic from 2D-drawings
and populate the ontology has been developed. The
final aim is to allow a semi-automated extraction of
semantic information
The developed tool combines user input with
pattern matching methods. The user interprets the
CAD layout and the tool maps the CAD layouts to
ontology classes and facilitates the creation of
ontology individual on the corresponding classes.
Thus the ontology will be populated with building
specific information coming from CAD layouts.
The resulted ontology allows a knowledge-
driven analysis. It means the analysis is not
conducted directly on the data, but by utilizing
ontology that represents the knowledge.
The visualization and analysis tool facilitates the
visual interaction between the user and the system.
The building geometry is visualized in 3D. The
visualization and analysis tool is an instrument for
the end users to query the ontology. By using the
tool the facility manager is able to identify energy
wasting and anomalies, to examine the building
states, e.g. which windows or doors are currently
open, etc. The tool also allows the building
occupants to have better understanding of the energy
performance in their building and it also empower
their engagement in balancing comfort and energy
efficiency. The occupant can have an overview of
the energy efficiency of the zones, where he is
responsible for, thus it increases his awareness to
avoid energy wasting and achieve more energy
The knowledge base as the centre point of the
developed energy management system is represented
in OWL (Web Ontology Language), a W3C
specified knowledge representation language (Smith
et al., 2004). Basically there are two types of
ontologies that we develop. We develop a generic
ontology representing a common information model
for building energy management, and then it is
populated and extended with building specific
information resulting more building specific
ontologies corresponding to the specific buildings. It
is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Generic ontology and building specific ontology.
In our work, there are six main steps to develop the
ontology resulting a building specific ontology. The
steps are illustrated in Figure 3. The following
subsections explain each step to develop the
4.1 Definition of Ontology Main
The ontological classes as well as their attributes and
relations representing the resources needed for the
energy management in buildings are created
manually by experts. It is depicted as step 1 in
Figure 3. The ontology containing these hand-
crafted elements is called generic ontology. It only
contains the ontological classes or Tbox components
that describe the knowledge structure, definitions
and terminology. It does not contain any ontological
individuals or Abox components and contains no
building specific information. Figure 4 depicts the
ontology main classes representing the different
resources needed for the energy management in
The class BuildingElement models the
building structures that are observed, examined and
analyzed in energy management activities. The
building elements are passive entities which have
state, but do not have capabilities to measure or to
observe their own states. The class
BuildingElement and its sub classes represent
the fundamental of Building Information Model
(BIM). It is aligned with the domain layer in
The class BuildingControl indicates the
entities related to building automation system
elements in the building. It represents the sensors,
Figure 3: Ontology development process.
actuators, controller, alarm, etc., which are elements
of a building automation system. It has capabilities
to measure, to observe, and to control the state of
BuildingElement. It aligns with entities in the
IFC2x4 domain IfcBuildingControlsDomain.
The class Actor represents the human actors
having bahaviour that can affect the states of
BuildingElement. The Actor can be organizations
or persons, who have name, postal address, telecom
address, etc. It is aligned with the IfcActorResource
in IFC2x4.
The class Behaviour represents behavior
performed by Actor. The Behaviour can affect
the state of BuildingElement. There are two
methods to model the behavior in the building, i.e.
bottom up and top down. This will be described
further in section 4.4.
The class State represents the state of
BuildingElements. It can be divided as
ComplexState and SimpleState. Examples
of ComplexState are ComfortState and
EnergyEfficiencyState, whereas examples
of SimpleState are WindowState,
DoorState, etc.
4.2 Explicit IFC-OWL Mapping
The modern building drawing already contains
semantic information represented using IFC entities.
To support the ontology population from IFC
drawing containing semantic information, we
develop a method to map the IFC entity to OWL
class explicitly. We use class annotation to perform
the mapping. As seen in Figure 5, the class
annotation correspondToIfcEntrity maps
the IFC entity, for instance IfcWall to OWL class
Wall, and the class annotation
maps the IFC enumeration value STANDARD to
OWL class StandardWall.
The explicit IFC-OWL class mapping
accelerates the ontology population process from
IFC drawing containing semantic information. If we
have an entity in our IFC drawing, by querying the
ontology using SPARQL, we can find the
corresponding OWL class. For example, the
following SPARQL statement finds the OWL class
Wall, if we have the IFC entity IfcWall.
SELECT ?class ?ifc
knoholem:correspondToIFcEntity ?ifc
Figure 4: Ontology main classes.
4.3 Population of BuildingElement
using Developed Tool OntoCAD
A layout of a building is commonly created as a two
dimensional drawing or sketch using CAD software
applications, such as AutoCAD. Further AutoCAD-
based software tools are used to plan and model
many domains of a building, such as ventilation,
heating, access controls and photovoltaic (Krahtov et
al., 2009). The number of elements in a sketch and
its complexity may vary (Donath, 2008). CAD is
one of the easiest and oldest technologies used in the
industry. At the same time CAD is the least effective
technology when it comes to accomplishing building
information modeling because it demands a great
amount of effort. Recent research shows evidence
that it does not ensure high quality, reliable, and
coordinated information that the higher level of BIM
produces (Vanlande et al., 2008).
We develop a tool to extract the semantic
information from CAD drawing and populate the
ontology using the extracted semantic information.
The tool is called OntoCAD. First, A CAD drawing
is exported to DXF. Then we import the primitives
in our tool OntoCAD from the exported construction
layout files. The primitives are extracted and
clustered in layers like they were in AutoCAD. This
vector based data representation is the basis for the
viewer and the pattern matching algorithms. An
important user input at the beginning is the mapping
of the ontology specific data and object properties
with the OntoCAD functions, for instance the
computation of the object position. The implemented
pattern matching and classification algorithms
recognize building elements based on user defined
templates. The user selects an object that can
directly be populated in the ontology or he can
choose to search for similar objects and then
populate all of them at once. He has the possibility
to directly validate the result and if necessary apply
some corrections to the results. The results are
continuously and automatically saved to the
Figure 5: IFC-OWL explicit mapping.
4.4 Behaviour Modelling
The next step to develop the ontology is the
behaviour modeling as seen in step 4 of Figure 3. In
our work, we develop two approaches to model the
behaviour. The first approach is bottom up. In
bottom up approach, behaviours are modeled based
on building states. In other words, it is based on the
relationships between sensor output values. A
simplified example of a bottom up behaviour is as
 
The system can infer that the activity
CoffeeBreak currently occurs, if the occupancy
sensor in the kitchen shows that the kitchen is
occupied, and the coffee machine there is turned on.
The drawback of this approach is that we need a
lot of different sensors to be able to give statement
about the activities. To model this kind of behaviour
is an extensive task. A machine learning method can
be helpful to extract the relations representing
behaviour from different sensor data.
The second method is the top down approach.
The behaviours are modelled using common
modelling approaches, such as UML or BPMN
diagram. Behaviours are defined as sequences of
different sub activities. The drawback of the
approach is the impossibility to identify the
occurring activities automatically. The system
cannot know what kinds of activities are currently
occurring in the building. Therefore it needs a
manual activity instantiation from the occupants.
This kind of manual activity logging causes
extensive work to the occupants.
4.5 SWRL Generation using Data
In our work, data mining algorithms are used to
identify energy consumption patterns and their
dependencies. Data mining is defined as the entire
method-based computer application process with the
purpose to extract hidden knowledge from data
(Kantardzic, 2003). In our work, we use different
data mining procedures to generate knowledge for
recognition of energy usage anomalies, energy
wasting and also to predict the energy consumption.
In this work, we relate the energy consumption
with the behavioural occupant’s pattern in the
We aim to recognize energy consumptions that
do not occur normally in the building. To perform
this task, we have to know how energies are
consumed normally regarding occupant events and
surroundings. For example, normally when an
occupant is currently working and the outside
temperature is comfortable, let us say greater than 20
degrees Celsius, total energy consumption in the
building is low, for instance lower than 10 kWh. If
in the same pre condition total energy consumption
in building is more than 10 kWh, then it is
considered as a usage anomaly.
It is difficult for users if they always have to log
their activities. In our work we use simple sensors to
recognize user activities automatically. Simple
sensor can provide important hint about user
activity. For instance, an occupancy sensor in a
kitchen can strongly give a clue whether somebody
is currently cooking. Of course it should be
combined with information of appliance states in the
The rules representing normal energy
consumptions are obtained through data mining
classification rules algorithm. The algorithm is based
on a divide-and-conquer approach. The created rule
(2) shows the probability of 67% about how often it
could happen if the activity is working while outside
temperature is greater than 20 degree with total
energy consumption is lower than 10. This value is
called confidence. The rules described in (2)
represent a condition that normally occurs. The rule
is transformed to (3), in order to represent an
anomaly condition, by negating the consequent part
of the rule (Wicaksono et al., 2012).
Event=”Working” ˄ OutsideTemperature_
Event=”Working” ˄ OutsideTemperature_
The rules created by data mining algorithm are
stored in ontology as SWRL. SWRL rule (4)
represents the transformed rule (3), which is stored
in ontology. The class UsageAnomaly is a sub
class of ComplexState.
OutsideThermometer (?ot)˄
SmartMeter(?sm)˄ hasValue(?sm,?smv)˄
The rules resulted from data mining algorithm do
not always have 100% confidence. Therefore we
represent the rules as SWRL in order to enable
verification by using SWRL editor such as Protégé.
The editor enables users to add, modify and delete
the resulted rules.
4.6 Modeling States
In our work we divide the state to SimpleState
and ComplexState. To model both kinds of
states, we formulate a set of competency questions.
Table 1 gives examples of competency questions in
order to model a complex state
Table 1: Competency questions to model states.
Competency questions
Example of
Which heaters are
currently in energy
inefficient state in the
Which heaters are
currently switched on?
Which openings are
currently open?
Which heaters and
openings are currently
located in a same
closed zone?
Heater1 and
Heater2 and
Heater3 and
Heater4 and
The SWRL illustrated in (5) implies a complex state
of energy inefficiency, if a window is opened, a
heater is turned on, and they both are located in a
closed zone. The necessary classes are created based
on the formulated competency questions. For
example, as seen in (5), the classes
HeaterSwitchOn and OpeningOpen are
created based on competency questions Q1.1 and
HeaterSwitchedOn(?h) ˄
OpeningOpen(?o) ˄ Inside(?z) ˄
isLocatedIn (?o, ?z) ˄
(?h, ?z)
The simple state class OpeningOpen is
represented as axiom (6). It implies that if an
opening sensor gives the value true, and it is
installed on a certain opening, it can be inferred that
the opening is currently open.
Opening and (hasSensor some
(OpeningSensor and (hasBinaryValue
value true)))
Analogue to the OpeningOpen the simple state
HeaterSwitchedOn is represented using the
axiom (7).
Heater and (hasSensor some
(EnergyMeter) and (hasBinaryValue value
In knowledge base represented in ontology, all
conditions of energy wasting and anomalies are
represented as SWRL. Periodically data acquisition
module requests real-time data from building
automation gateway. These data contain states given
by all installed building automation devices. SWRL
rules are used to decide whether these incoming data
correspond to complex states, e.g. energy
inefficiency and anomaly condition. We develop a
rule engine based on SWRLJessBridge to support
the execution of SWRL rules combined with Protégé
API that provides functionality in managing OWL
First the attribute values of relevant ontological
instance are set to values corresponding to incoming
data. For example, if opening sensor attached to
window gives a state “Open”, then the attribute
hasState of corresponding ontology instance of
concept OpeningSensor is set to “Open”. After
that the rule engine executes the SWRL rules and
automatically assigns individuals to the ontology
classes defined in the rule’s consequent. For
example for rule (5) the instance of class Heater is
additionally assigned to EnergyInefficient
class and for rule (4) the instance “Working” of class
UserBehaviour to class UsageAnomaly.
SPARQL is used to evaluate whether energy
inefficient condition or energy usage anomaly
occurs. Which appliances cause the energy wasting
can be retrieved as well. It is performed by querying
all individuals of EnergyInefficient or
UsageAnomaly class. If individuals of these
classes are found, the affected individuals are
visualized and marked in the visualization and
analysis tool. With this mechanism, user can have
more awareness in order to avoid more energy
wasting. SPARQL is also used to perform further
analysis for example to retrieve all windows or
doors that are currently open. The SPARQL
interface is part of visualization and analysis tool.
In this paper we have presented a system of
comprehensive intelligent energy analysis in
building. In the developed system, we combined
classical data-driven energy analysis with novel
knowledge-driven energy analysis that supported by
ontology. The analysis is performed on information
collected from building automation devices. The
ontology supported analysis approach provides
intelligent assistance to improve energy efficiency in
households or public buildings, by strongly
considering individual user behavior and current
states in the building. Users do not have to read the
whole energy consumption data or energy usage
profile curves in order to understand their energy
usage pattern. The system will understand the
energy usage pattern, and notify user when energy
inefficient conditions occur.
We have presented also an approach to develop
the ontology as the knowledge base of the intelligent
energy management system. There are different
methods and steps to generate the ontology. We
differentiated between generic ontology as generic
information model and building specific ontology
containing the building specific information. The
generic ontology is aligned with IFC to allow
interoperability of our system with existing industry
standards. We introduced the main resources of the
ontology representing the main elements in energy
management in building. We presented briefly a tool
called OntoCAD to perform semi-automatic
extraction of semantic information and population of
building elements in the ontology from CAD
drawings. We also introduced our approach to model
occupant behaviour and building states that affect
the energy performance of the building. In this work,
we also integrated SWRL rules that are extracted
from different data, i.e. energy consumption, sensor
data, and behaviour using data mining algorithms.
Research activities presented in this paper have been
partially funded by the German government
(BMBF) through the research project KEHL within
the program KMU-Innovativ and the European
Commission trough the FP7 research project
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