Grounding Conceptual Modelling Templates on Existing Ontologies
A Delicate Balance
Chiara Di Francescomarino, Chiara Ghidini and Muhammad Tahir Khan
FBK-IRST, Via Sommarive 18, 38050 Trento, Italy
Templates, Conceptual Modelling, Ontology.
Using templates for conceptual modelling is becoming a fashionable way to guide and facilitate Domain
Experts in providing rich and good quality knowledge. A possibility to build templates without starting from
scratch is grounding them on existing foundational and core ontologies. In this paper we investigate how
these ontologies can be effectively used for the construction of templates able to guarantee a balance between
usability and rigorousness. We report findings and lesson learned from a survey carried out for the evaluation
of templates built from existing foundational and core ontologies in the enterprise domain.
Effectively involving domain experts in the process
of authoring OWL ontologies, making them able not
only to provide domain knowledge to knowledge en-
gineers but also to directly write ontologies on their
own or together with knowledge engineers, is in-
creasingly recognised in a number of works (see e.g.,
(Dimitrova et al., 2008; Tudorache et al., 2010)) as
a crucial and challenging step to make the construc-
tion of ontologies more agile and apt to the needs of
organisations and business enterprises.
A popular way of involving domain experts in au-
thoring conceptual models is to provide them with
graphical languages (diagrammatic representations).
Nevertheless, as argued in (Kop and Mayr, 2011) and
briefly summarised in Section 2, diagrammatic repre-
sentations are often adequate to represent only part of
the knowledge that needs to be contained in a concep-
tual model, but are not used to render more complex
knowledge such as axioms and properties of relations.
Templates, usually constituted by tables, forms, con-
trolled language sentence patterns or any other kind
of structured textual information, have been proposed
in literature as an effective way of “encapsulating
knowledge and modelling recurrent sets of axioms”
in ontology engineering (Parreiras et al., 2010) and
have been used in existing tools such as MoKi (Di
Francescomarino et al., 2012), COE (Hayes et al.,
2005) and Populous (Jupp et al., 2012) to comple-
ment graphical languages and guide domain experts
to describe ontology elements in a structured textual
fashion. Templates, however, are difficult to build.
They have to balance the needs of both domain ex-
perts and knowledge engineers, i.e., being usable but
also rigorous enough. Moreover, methodologies for
the definition of usable and rigorous templates need
to be put in place, in order to facilitate their adoption
and the customisation of tools that make use of them
to specific scenarios.
In this paper we propose our approach along with
a concrete method to build templates based on a
mixture of foundational, mid-level and domain spe-
cific ontologies, and we evaluate it through a survey
conducted with domain experts and knowledge en-
gineers. More in detail we investigate the ease of
understanding, usefulness, completeness and correct-
ness of templates for modelling key entities of an en-
terprise ontology based on 23 foundational, mid-level
and domain-specific ontologies. The main findings
of our analysis are the following: (i) grounding tem-
plates on existing ontologies allows the construction
of templates usable and rigorous enough; (ii) ground-
ing templates on foundational or mid-level ontologies
and characterising them with specialised domain on-
tologies allows us to reach the right level of gran-
ularity of templates, thus making them more usable
and precisely characterised; (iii) domain experts per-
ceive template usability more positively than knowl-
edge engineers, thus validating the key role of tem-
plates in supporting domain experts.
To the best of our knowledge, the evaluation per-
formed in this paper provides a first empirically rig-
orous evaluation of the support provided by a wide
Di Francescomarino C., Ghidini C. and Khan M..
Grounding Conceptual Modelling Templates on Existing Ontologies - A Delicate Balance.
DOI: 10.5220/0004542501990206
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2013), pages 199-206
ISBN: 978-989-8565-81-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
range of existing ontologies to the definition of struc-
tured forms that can guide domain experts in ontol-
ogy modelling and therefore highlight, in a compre-
hensive manner, the potential and criticality of using
existing ontologies as a base for template-based ap-
As extensively described in (Kop and Mayr, 2011),
template-based approaches have been used as an ef-
fective method to elicit knowledge in the area of soft-
ware engineering and database in the last 40 years.
By templates, we refer here to any kind of struc-
tured textual information (such as tables, forms, con-
trolled language sentence patterns) were the meaning
of the textual information contained in the template
can be determined according to its position within the
structure. The first examples were tabular representa-
tions for the description of software functions (Janicki
et al., 1997), and glossaries for a structured descrip-
tion of terms relevant for a domain used in database
design methodologies such as DATAID (Albano et al.,
1985) and more recently in the KCPM (Klagenfurt
Conceptual Predesign Model) template-based mod-
elling language (V
ohringer and Mayr, 2006). With
the advent of object-oriented analysis and design, and
of popular graphical modelling languages for the rep-
resentation of use cases such as UML (Unified mod-
elling language), templates remain an effective way
of complementing the graphical use case description
with detailed information (Cockburn, 2000), which
usually constitutes the biggest portion of knowledge
of a conceptual model
In the last few years several works have started to
propose templates also to support Ontology Engineer-
ing activities in order to encapsulate complexity and
to better involve domain experts in the activity of on-
tology authoring (Parreiras et al., 2010; Di Francesco-
marino et al., 2012; Hayes et al., 2005; Jupp et al.,
2012). Among the main advantages of introducing
templates in Ontology Engineering listed in literature
are: (i) a decrease in complexity, as templates hide
the complexity of the axioms and expose only the re-
quired parameters to be filled in; (ii) an increase in
efficiency of modelling, as templates can be reused
in the modelling of several ontologies; and (iii) an
In (Kop and Mayr, 2011), Kop and Mayr portray the
information contained in a conceptual model as an iceberg,
whose visible part is constituted by the graphical represen-
tation, and whose hidden (biggest) part is contained in ad-
ditional textual descriptions such as templates.
Data Properties
Full Name
Start Date
End Date
Event type
Event description
Every Event has partecipant
Every Event is hosted by
Every Event is organized by
Every Event is associated to
Object Properties
Is a
Every Event is a
Figure 1: A template for “Event”.
increase in reliability, as templates comprise set of
axioms developed by domain experts who, therefore
place domain knowledge at the heart of the modelling
Templates in MoKi. MoKi
is a collaborative Me-
tool where teams of knowledge engi-
neers and domain experts, with different knowledge
engineering skills, can actively collaborate to author
ontologies. To foster collaboration MoKi provides
two different modes to access the formal content of
an ontology: a fully-structured access mode, where
knowledge engineers can edit the ontology content by
means of OWL axioms, and a lightly-structured ac-
cess mode, where domain experts can edit the ontol-
ogy content by means of a simplified, template-based,
view on the (same) formal description. As argued in
(Di Francescomarino et al., 2012), the ability of eas-
ily customising interfaces to create ad hoc templates
such as the one in Figure 1 is one of the advantages of
MoKi, and of MediaWiki-based tools in general.
However, defining ad hoc templates such as the
one drafted in Figure 1 that can be used by domain
experts to: (i) refine / adapt the characterisation of
the concept to the specific domain; (ii) model more
specific concepts (e.g., a concept “Product launch
event”); and (iii) populate the ontology with specific
instances of the concept (e.g., the instance “Fiat 500
UK launch event”) is a difficult and time consuming
task, as templates need to be produced by balancing
usability and rigorousness aspects.
To address this problem we have investigated an
A comprehensive description of MoKi is omitted for
lack of space. The interested reader can refer to (Di
Francescomarino et al., 2012) and
approach which builds templates which we present
and evaluate in Sections 3 and 4. Note that while
the work presented here is motivated by the work on
MoKi, the approach and the evaluation do not depend
upon MoKi. Therefore they can provide an insight on
the potential and problems of using existing ontolo-
gies to structure templates for ontology engineering.
In this section we provide an overview of the ap-
proach we followed to construct templates for the do-
main of Enterprise Ontologies. We selected this do-
main as this provides an important use case where do-
main experts are usually involved, but the suggested
method can provide suitable guidelines for the def-
inition of templates to support the task of ontology
engineering in a wide range of specific domains.
The Approach. The approach relies on building the
templates based on a model extracted from a range
of ontologies, which include foundational, mid-level
and domain-specific ontologies. The reason to ground
templates on existing ontologies, instead of building
them from scratch, is that of exploiting the ontologi-
cal analysis performed and modelling patterns already
encapsulated in well crafted ontologies, and of mak-
ing them available to domain experts to reuse and
adapt. The reason to exploit a number of existing on-
tologies, ranging from foundational to mid-level, to
specific ones is to evaluate the appropriateness of the
different resources to the specific task.
The Realisation. The method we have followed is
composed of four macro steps.
As a first step, we focus on selecting entities rel-
evant to our problem domain (together with their re-
lated axioms) from foundational ontologies. The rea-
son to start from foundational ontologies is that they
contain a well founded characterisation of the founda-
tional ontological categories, and therefore provide a
good a starting point for building good quality ontolo-
gies. In our study we decided to use the DOLCE on-
tology (Masolo et al., 2003), which, we believe, pro-
vides a good reference ontology on a wide range of
domains which encompass the one investigated in our
The second step concerns the complementation /
specification of the entities selected from the DOLCE
ontology with entities selected from core (mid-level)
ontologies. In fact, while grounding the templates
on DOLCE helps us to start from a rigorous char-
acterisation of the entities they have to describe, we
need to produce templates for entities that are usu-
ally more specific than the categories contained in a
foundational ontology. Mid-level ontologies provide
the best candidate for this task as they usually de-
scribe specific (yet general) concepts for a particular
domain. Since we started from DOLCE we decided
to first review mid-level ontologies that are produced
either as extensions of DOLCE (see e.g., the Ontol-
ogy of Social roles presented in (Masolo et al., 2004))
or grounded on DOLCE (see e.g., (Boella and van der
Torre, 2006)) and to select entities relevant to our do-
main together with their characterisation.
The third step concerns thebuilding of taxonomy
by using the is-A axioms (among entities) selected in
the first two steps. In our case this resulted in a taxon-
omy of 20 entities, whose relevant part is illustrated
in Figure 2. The leaves of this taxonomy constitute
the entities to be characterised in the templates (7 in
our case). Note that while reviewing the mid-level
ontologies we found out that some of the entities we
were interested in are contained both in foundational
and mid-level ontologies. In our experiment that was
the case for “event” and “process”. In Figure 2 we
have decided to depict the entities in the most abstract
type of ontology in which they were found. Thus
“event” and “process” are listed among the entities
coming from foundational ontologies. We also found
out that several entities are contained in more than
one mid-level ontology. In these cases we decided
to merge the characterisation of the entities contained
in the different ontologies to produce a more compre-
hensive one, and possibly to solve some conflicting
issues, which were nevertheless extremely limited in
our experience.
The final step concerns the complementation of
the characterisation of the different entities with
knowledge coming from domain-specific ontologies.
In our scenario we looked at domain-specific ontolo-
gies such as The Enterprise Ontology (Uschold et al.,
1998) and
By applying the method above we built an on-
tology of 20 concepts, 86 relations and 159 axioms
which has provided the basis for the construction of
the templates for Organization, Actor, Role, Process,
Event, Task, and Artefact. In detail, the ontology De-
scription Logic axioms have been used for the auto-
matic construction of the templates. A description of
the ontology and of the resulting templates is omitted
for lack of space and can be found in (Ghidini et al.,
Figure 2: A case for Enterprise Model.
We are interested in investigating whether templates
built starting from existing ontologies can be used to
support domain experts in ontology modelling while
preserving the rigorousness and the accuracy charac-
terising the good principles of knowledge engineer-
ing. These templates should indeed be able to fill the
gap between Domain Experts and Knowledge Engi-
neers while balancing usability and rigorousness. In
order to evaluate whether they can suit the different
requirements they are supposed to satisfy, we built
(Section 3) a set of templates grounded on different
existing ontologies ranging from foundational to spe-
cific domain ontologies and we asked experts to eval-
uate them.
4.1 Description
The goal of the evaluation is investigating (i) the us-
ability (in terms of ease of understanding and use-
fulness) of templates built starting from existing on-
tologies and (ii) their capability to completely and
precisely capture the modelling needs of the specific
domain, as perceived by both Domain Experts and
Knowledge Engineers. The research questions we are
interested to evaluate are:
RQ1. Are templates built from existing ontologies
perceived as easy to understand and useful by Do-
main Experts and Knowledge Engineers?
RQ2. Are templates built from existing ontologies
able to completely and precisely satisfy the mod-
elling needs of a specific domain according to Do-
main Experts and Knowledge Engineers?
In order to answer the above research questions,
we provided the seven templates described in Sec-
tion 3 and we asked a group of Domain Experts and
Knowledge Engineers to answer a questionnaire in-
vestigating four main factors: (i) ease of understand-
ing; (ii) usefulness for ontology modelling tasks; (iii)
characterisation completeness, i.e., how good is the
proposed characterisation to include relevant and nec-
essary properties and (iv) characterisation precision,
i.e., how good is the proposed characterisation to
omit redundant and useless properties for each tem-
plate. We used the subjective perception expressed
by subjects about the first two factors for investigat-
ing whether templates built using well known existing
ontologies are actually easy to understand and use-
ful (RQ1) and the last two factors for a subjective
evaluation on the feasibility of the usage of ontologi-
cal resources for addressing domain modelling issues
The subjects involved in the evaluation were 43:
19 Domain Experts (mainly enterprise workers) and
24 Knowledge Engineers (both modelling experts and
ontologists). We asked each of them to evaluate a set
of three (Role, Artefact and Actor) or four (Organiza-
tion, Task, Event and Process) templates.
Each template has been evaluated by means of
a set of questions belonging to two categories: (i)
closed-ended questions, where answers were selected
from a 5 point Likert-scale, (ii) open-ended questions,
where participants were allowed to provide sugges-
tions for improving the templates. In detail, we used
closed-ended questions and 5 point scales for ask-
ing experts their subjective perception about template
ease of understanding (0=immediate, ..., 2=reason-
able, ..., 4=complex), usefulness (0=absolutely use-
ful, ..., 2=neither useful nor useless, ..., 4=absolutely
useless) and completeness (0=totally complete, ...,
2=neither complete nor incomplete, ..., 4=totally in-
complete). For the precision, instead, subjects were
asked to evaluate, for each template characterisation,
whether they would keep or discard it (yes/no an-
swer). For each template, we used the collected an-
swers to compute the subjective precision of each ex-
pert. According to the classic information retrieval
precision metrics, we computed the subjective pre-
cision as the ratio between the number of character-
isation properties provided and evaluated as correct
by the expert and the total number of characterisa-
tion properties provided. We then classified the val-
ues of each subjective precision in three categories:
high (100% precision, i.e., the subject agreed on all
the provided template characterisations), reasonable
(the precision is between 66% and 100%, i.e., more
than 2/3 of the characterizations have been judged
correct), and low (less than 66% of precision).
4.2 Results
Here we report the results of our observations and the
statistical analyses we applied to strengthen these re-
sults. In detail, to assess the positivity of the experts’
evaluations, since values are derived from an ordi-
nal scale, we test medians using a one-tailed Mann-
Whitney test (Wohlin et al., 2000), verifying the hy-
pothesis that
F 2, where F can be each of the four
factors under investigation,
F is its median and 2 the
intermediate value of the scale. All the analyses are
realized with a level of confidence of 95% (p-value
< 0.05), i.e., there is only a 5% of probability that the
results are obtained by chance.
Table 1 reports the percentage distribution related
to the answers provided by subjects for RQ1 and
RQ2. For the sake of readability, in reporting the
percentage distribution, we group together the two
positive and the two negative values of the three 5
point scales, thus reporting the percentages on 3 point
scales, the same used for the subjective precision
(high, reasonable and low). For each of the factors,
the median value of the provided evaluations is 1.
Considering the above results, it comes out that
subjects perceived the templates as overall easy to un-
derstand (the median value is 1, i.e., easy on the 5
point scale). Such a overall positive evaluation is also
confirmed at statistical level (p-value < 0.05). In-
deed, by looking at the distribution of the provided
answers, more than half of them state the easy under-
standing of templates, while in only 11% of the cases
the templates have been evaluated difficult to compre-
hend. Nevertheless, the number of answers that are
not clearly positive or negative is not trivial (about
33%). Considering the distribution of these “answers
in the middle” per template, we found that the high
number of reasonable answers, can be partially con-
nected to the Role template. Indeed by looking at Fig-
ure 3 (left), showing the subjective evaluation related
to ease of understanding for each template, the crit-
icality of the Role template is quite evident: 62.5%
of the subjects expressed a borderline answer for this
Subjects provided an overall positive evaluation
also with respect to template usefulness. The median
value of the evaluation on the 5 point scale is indeed
1, i.e., useful. The result is also statistically confirmed
with a level of confidence of 95% (p-value < 0.05) by
the Mann-Whitney test. Templates have been judged
overall useful in almost 65% of the cases versus the
15% of useless evaluations. In this case, the border-
line answers were about 20% and, one of the reasons
for these uncertain answers, could be the lack of us-
age of the templates in a real setting. Indeed, most
Table 1: Statistical measure of the survey results
RQ Factor Rate Percentage
Ease of Understanding
easy 55.3%
reasonable 33.3%
difficult 11.4%
useful 64.9%
neither useful nor
useless 14.9%
complete 56.1%
neither complete nor
incomplete 18.4%
high 82.5%
reasonable 14.9%
low 2.6%
of the uncertain (neither useful nor useless) answers
(96% of the uncertain answers) has been provided by
Knowledge Engineers who have a less deep knowl-
edge of the specific domain, i.e., the enterprise one.
We can hence conclude that overall easy to under-
stand and useful templates can be built starting from
existing ontologies and hence positively answer RQ1.
The third row of Table 1, reports the distribution
of the survey answers related to the characterisation
completeness. Experts evaluated the characterisations
as overall complete: the median value is 1, i.e., com-
plete in the 5 point scale, with
Compl < 2 (p-value
< 0.05). In this case, although more than half of the
evaluations were positive, the percentage of the neg-
ative ones is slightly more than for the other factors
(18%). Similarly to the usefulness evaluation, most of
the 25% of uncertain answers (79.3%) was provided
by Knowledge Engineers, who are overall more rigor-
ous about what a complete characterisation is.
Finally, the fourth row of Table 1 reports the val-
ues related to the precision of the template character-
isation. Overall the precision is high: the median is 1,
i.e., the highest value and
P 2 (with p-value 0.05).
Indeed, most of the evaluations (82%) are high, while
only a small percentage (2.6%) is negative.
Considering the results related to characterisation
completeness and precision we can hence positively
answer RQ2: ontology-based template characterisa-
tions are perceived as overall complete and precise.
4.3 Findings and Discussion
The analyses of the data carried out for answering the
above research questions suggest that differences ex-
ist in the perception of Domain Experts and Knowl-
edge Engineers, as well as in their evaluation of the
different templates.
Surprisingly, it seems that, on average, Domain
Experts judged template ease of understanding, use-
Figure 3: Template usability subjective evaluation.
fulness and characterisation precision slightly more
positively than Knowledge Engineers. Indeed, the av-
erage evaluations of Domain Experts for the ease of
understanding, usefulness and characterisation preci-
sion (1.67, 1.61 and 1.24, respectively) are slightly
higher than those provided by Knowledge Engineers
(1.64, 1.58 and 1.17). On the contrary, the complete-
ness of the template characterisation has been evalu-
ated slightly more positively by Knowledge Engineers
(1.68 for Domain Experts versus 1.73 for Knowledge
Engineers). This result, that confirms the validity of
ontology-based templates in supporting Domain Ex-
perts, can be partially explained by considering the
different competencies and objectives guiding the two
roles. Domain Experts, indeed, are interested in the
practical issues related to the modelling of the do-
main. They want templates that are useful to describe
the entities of the domain without caring whether
terms used for/in the template could also convey other
meanings in other contexts. On the contrary, Knowl-
edge Engineers are more focused on the formal part:
from their perspective, a term is easy to understand
if it is enough detailed and formal so that its seman-
tics cannot be confused; similar criteria also apply for
usability and precision of template characterisation.
Differences among templates, instead, clearly
come out by looking at the distribution of the users
evaluations about the four investigated factors across
the templates (Figure 3 and Figure 4). Figure 3 shows
that the evaluations related to ease of understanding
and usefulness of the Role template are the worst
ones. On the contrary, the Event and the Task tem-
plates seem the easiest to understand and the Event,
Task, Process and Actor templates the most useful.
Slightly different is the completeness case in which
(Figure 4, left) the most problematic template is the
Organization one, that is the template characterised
by the highest number of properties. Finally, looking
at the evaluations for the characterisation precision
(Figure 4, right), we found again that the Event and
the Process templates outperform the others, while
the Role and Actor characterisations are less precise.
With the aim of investigating the reasons behind
the criticality of some of the templates (e.g., the Role
template) and the positive perception of others (e.g.,
the Event template), we looked more in detail at how
they have been built and at the ontologies they have
been grounded on. Overall, two (including the out-
performing Event template) out of the seven templates
are defined in foundational ontologies (other than
in mid-level and domain-specific ontologies). Table
2 reports for each template, the most abstract cate-
gory of ontology in which the entity is defined, as
well as the percentage of characterisation attributes
and properties belonging to foundational, mid-level
or domain-specific ontologies, respectively. Finally,
it also reports the percentage of attributes and prop-
erties used to complete the characterisation, as well
as the percentage of properties common to more than
two ontologies.
The table reveals that differences exist in the tem-
plate composition (in terms of ontology categories
used for their construction). Crossing these data with
the users’ evaluations we found that the largest part
of the characterisation of the templates that has been
perceived easier to understand and more precisely de-
fined than the others (i.e., the Event and the Task tem-
plates), comes from domain-specific ontologies. This
result is also confirmed at statistical level. Indeed, we
found a strong positive correlation
between the per-
centage of characterisations deriving from domain-
specific ontologies and the average evaluation of both
ease of understanding and characterisation precision.
In other terms, the percentage of specific properties
is directly proportional to the template ease of under-
standing and precision. On the contrary, a negative
correlation exists between the percentage of attributes
and properties from mid-level ontologies and the av-
erage perception of ease of understanding, usefulness
and characterisation precision. A second factor that
seems influencing the perception of both ease of un-
derstanding and usefulness is the number of differ-
ent source ontologies sharing the same property or
attribute. Surprisingly, characterisations shared by
more than two ontologies seem to negatively affect
We performed a correlation analysis applying the Pear-
son’s coefficient at 95% confidence level.
Figure 4: Subjective evaluation of the template characterisation completeness and precision.
Table 2: Source ontologies used for building templates.
Most abstract
Foundational Mid-level
Shared by > 2
ontology category specific ontologies
Role mid-level 0 93.8% 0 6.3% 37.5%
Artefact mid-level 0 75% 8.3 % 16.7% 14.3%
Actor mid-level 23.5% 58.8% 5.9% 11.8% 0
Organization mid-level 10 % 40% 30% 20% 0
Task mid-level 0 40% 40% 20% 0
Event foundational 7.7% 15.4% 46.2% 30.8% 0
Process foundational 8.3% 50% 33% 8.3% 0
the overall perception of the ease of understanding
and usefulness of the template. This result can also
be connected to the negative correlation between too
generic characterisations and their usability.
Summarizing, hence, (i) we found that ground-
ing templates on foundational and core ontologies, al-
lows the construction of templates usable (6 out of 7
templates were perceived as easy to understand and
useful by more than 50% of the subjects) and rigor-
ous (the characterisation of 6/7 of the 7 templates has
been judged complete/precise by more than 50% of
the evaluators). Moreover, (ii) we observed that to
improve the (perceived) usability of the templates, the
right level of granularity has to be devised by oppor-
tunely grounding templates on foundational or mid-
level ontologies and characterising them also with
specialized domain ontologies. Finally (iii) we val-
idated the usability of ontology-based templates by
Domain Experts.
Threats to Validity. Despite the rigorousness and
the care used for conducting the survey and for ana-
lyzing the results some threats can hinder the result
validity. A first threat is related to the lack of usage of
the templates in real-life tasks. Nevertheless, the tem-
plates were accompanied with a description of a pos-
sible scenario, thus helping the subjects to figure out
a possible practical use case for the template usage.
A second threat is the subjectivity that has been used
for building the templates. The impact of this threat,
however, is partially limited by the definition and the
use of method for the construction of the templates.
Finally, the specificity of the domain considered is a
further threat to the validity of the study. On the other
hand, the enterprise domain is a quite general domain
in which Domain Experts are often involved.
Works dealing with templates based approaches in the
ontology engineering field can be mainly classified in
two categories: those focused on the ontology struc-
ture and those oriented to both structural and domain
In (Parreiras et al., 2010), authors presents a ap-
proach to support ontology engineers in modelling of
ontology templates. They have demonstrated their ap-
proach with templates for ontology design patterns.
This work is different from our approach as it is more
focused toward knowledge engineers and it needs to
be extended, the usability aspect have not been stud-
ied and it has not been used for top level ontologies.
Also in MoKi (Di Francescomarino et al., 2012) tem-
plates are mainly used for providing structural sup-
port to the ontology authoring. The lightly-structured
view, indeed, provide a semi-formal rendering of the
OWL content in a predefined template to support do-
main experts access to the content of the ontology.
The work of this paper will extend a tool like MoKi
with a set of templates grounded on existing founda-
tional ontology and core ontologies instead of starting
from scratch.
A slightly different approach is the one of Popu-
lous (Jupp et al., 2012), a template based approach
designed for domain experts to gather knowledge that
can be used to build ontologies. In Populous the au-
thors advocate the use of spreadsheets as templates to
gather and organise information about concepts and
their relationships as it provides a simple and intu-
itive form fill-in style of user interface. However, the
main purpose of this approach is knowledge gather-
ing, the population of the templates at the point of
data entry, and not ontology building. In this paper,
instead, we focus on the complexity of building us-
able and rigorous templates. Another approach that
uses templates to capture experts knowledge is pre-
sented in (Hayes et al., 2005). In order to acquire
knowledge from experts this approach allows users to
structure their knowledge by using concepts maps or
the formalised knowledge structures defined as tem-
plates. The templates in this approach corresponds
to commonly used owl structures (e.g., subclass, in-
stance, owl restrictions), they do not help very much
in the overall structure of the ontology.
The paper shows, through a rigorous evaluation, that
templates based on existing foundational and core on-
tologies are able to reconcile usability and formality
dimensions, ensuring ease of understanding and use-
fulness while guaranteeing completeness and preci-
sion. As a side effect of our evaluation we provide
some insights about the relation between the differ-
ent types of ontologies used for building templates
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categories of ontologies on template characteristics,
thus (i) refining the proposed approach for the con-
struction of ontology-based templates; and (ii) devis-
ing measures and criteria of their appropriateness to
define templates that meet certain requirements.
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