A Decision Support System for Portuguese Higher Education Course
Selection – First Round
João Pedro Silva
, Filipe Portela
and Manuel Filipe Santos
Information System Department, University of Minho, Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal
Algoritmi Center, Information System Department, University of Minho, Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal
Keywords: University, Education, Decision Support System, Higher Education, University Courses, Portugal
Abstract: Application for higher education courses is a delicate and important process. In this phase students face a
great number of possibilities of choice. In order to help students in the decision making process a decision
support system called C.U.R.S.O was developed. Based on a structured questionnaire the system determines
de profile making use of a knowledge base and proposes a ranked list of the most suitable courses. Input
variables take into account not only social and economic aspects but also the aptitude for a particular area.
The first version of C.U.R.S.O was tested by hundreds of Portuguese students and schools. This paper pre-
sents and discusses the results attained during the first round.
A Decision Support System (DSS), more precisely
the decision models associated with it, will never be
effective if the variables that affect the operating
model and the associated data are unframed from the
context in which it occurs. Any system of this na-
ture, treating data incorrectly will present to the user
misaligned answers from their expectations and
The main objective of this project is the devel-
opment of decision models based on the comprehen-
sive study of the environment in which it is inserted,
more specifically, the variables that a system must
consider and their correspondence to the data model.
C.U.R.S.O. (Centre for Universal Gathering of
Oriented Suggestions) is a DSS designed for assist-
ing students who are in transition year between col-
lege and high school to choose the most suitable
course according to their profile.
This paper is divided into five sections. The first
section introduces the problem. Then, in the second
section a set of related concepts and some similar
tools are presented. The third section presents the
DSS and the knowledge phases. The fourth section
present the questionnaire results and makes a review
and an analysis of the questionnaire results. The
sixth section presents the system features and the
prototype deployed. Finally, some concluding
remarks are done and future work is outlined.
Decision Support Systems
In his work on data structures, Alfred V. Aho (Aho
et al., 2001), considers a decision model as a se-
quence of operations that branch execution based on
comparisons of data, referring to a generic model
simply making decision analyzing a large number of
variables regarding to a previously order established.
Decision is a choice among alternatives based on
estimated weights of these alternatives and the deci-
sion model will help to establish parameters for this
choice generating these estimates, changes or com-
parison and choice. A decision model is character-
ized by (Sprague and Carlson, 1982):
Treat unstructured problems;
Combining the use of modelling techniques, with
traditional functions of access and retrieval of in-
Create a user-friendly interface that allows interac-
tion with the user;
Emphasize the flexibility and adaptability for
monitoring changes, both the environment and the
different needs of use by the users.
Pedro Silva J., Portela F. and Filipe Santos M..
A Decision Support System for Portuguese Higher Education Course Selection – First Round.
DOI: 10.5220/0004545503600367
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2013), pages 360-367
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The theoretical component of this project is
mainly based on two authors: Herbert A. Turban
Sharda and Simon (Simon, 1978; Turban, Sharda, &
Delen, 2011). Simon was the first to carry out exten-
sive studies in decision models and established a
methodology for their development. The model of
Simon is divided into four major steps (Simon,
1978). Turban (Turban, Sharda, & Delen, 2011)
added a fifth step that allows for monitoring the
system after its implementation:
1) Intelligence - Collection of information inherent
to the process;
2) Design - Design of decision model;
3) Choice - in this phase the alternatives previously
developed in the design phase are evaluated in
order to choose one of them;
4) Implementation - Implement the selected course
of action. Normally this phase includes an im-
plementation plan.
5) Monitoring - this phase evaluates the implemen-
tation and can contribute to improve the models,
being the results used in the intelligence phase of
next iterations.
Accessing to Higher Education
in Portugal
The National competition for accessing higher edu-
cation at public sector, Portuguese legislation (Ordi-
nance nº 195/2012 of the Ministry of Education and
Science) reports: "(...) To apply for courses in public
higher education institutions is done through a na-
tional competition organized by the General Direc-
tion of Higher Education, unless in the case of ex-
ceptions under the rule of law. " Briefly, the applica-
tion process in Portuguese public higher education is
accomplished through the seven steps.
This process starts after completion of internal
studies in the 12th year of schooling and finishes
after the application period by DGES with the selec-
tion of candidates. The candidates are ranked per
course. The process is repeated in a second round for
the open positions.
Similar Tools
After an exhaustive search, it was not possible to
found a system with similar characteristics.
In Portugal only are available two online services
to help users searching for a higher education
course: the site of the General Direction of Higher
Education (DGES) and the Office of Higher Educa-
tion. These services are based on pre-established
criteria in order to filter the questions. In both sys-
tems the user can search for courses filtering them
by location, type of institution, field of study and
specific ingression of the same. Similar systems can
found in other countries.
Table 1 presents some tools to help students and
if they is based in a search engine or in a question-
Table 1: Similar tools.
Institution Country Search Questions
Empresário México X
Univafu México X
Universidades.com Argentina X
UK Course Finder United Kingdom X
Go2Uni States X
Guia do Estudante Brazil X
Universities Guide Australia X
Guia da Carreira Brazil X
Gab. Ensino Supe-
Portugal X
DGES Portugal X
Psychometric Tests
Psychometric tests have been used since the early
part of the 20th century and were originally devel-
oped for use in educational psychology
(Psychometric-success, 2012; Them, 2011). Psy-
chometric tests are very usual instruments to help in
the decision process. Helped by a psychologist
through a series of questions and mental exercises,
candidates identify a number of potential profes-
Psychometric tests aim to measure attributes like
intelligence, aptitude and personality (Psychometric-
success, 2012). However, this type of tests isn’t
direct competitor of the DSS in development. Alt-
hough it is for the same user segment, they are for
different situations. The DSS can be more general
and include the psychometric tests.
2.5 RIASEC (Holland Codes)
RIASEC is a test (system, 2012) that has the objec-
tive to answer to the question: “Which Career Path-
way is right for you?” This test is composed by a set
of different questions from different areas.
The final output of this approach consists in one
of six areas (Holland and Gottfredson, 1992): Real-
istic (Doers), Investigative (Thinkers), Artistic (Cre-
ators), Social (Helpers), Enterprising (Persuaders),
and Conventional (Organizers). With the result the
students get a set of areas to continue the academic
career according to the classification: R, I, S, A or C.
DSS is a computer program that uses knowledge to
solve complex problems. In this case, the knowledge
is acquired in order to help the students to choose
the most suitable course. In the first round a very
simple decision model based in rules was imple-
mented. In order to develop a knowledge based
DSS, the following methodology was adopted
(Rezende et al., 2003)
Planning (Identification of the knowledge domain;
Selection of the Team Development; Selection of
the Tool Development)
Knowledge Acquisition (Identification; Conceptu-
alization; Formalization;
Implementation (Representing the knowledge in
the tool; Implementing the Interface; Documenting
of the KBS;
Test and refinement (Validation and Verification;
Refinement of SBC)
In order to better understand the target users of the
DSS, a study on Portuguese student population has
been carried out. Two different questionnaires were
deployed to different populations. The first was
designed to students that are:
in the High Scholl (HS) (10
to 12
studying in Portugal;
The objective of the first questionnaire was to
understand if the students have notion / idea about
which course to choose in the Higher Education
(HE) and if they know any tools to help them. The
second questionnaire was made to students that are:
In the Higher Education (Lic or MsC);
From the most important Portuguese’s HE Insti-
The objective of the questionnaire made for HE
students was to analyze all Portuguese HE institutes
and had as main goal understand if the students
made the right decision and if they thought about
changing course. Both the questionnaires were made
using the internet and divulgated through email,
forums and directly in some institutions. As men-
tioned, in this study two different types of students
(profiles) were considered:
CS – High school students applying for a higher
education course; and
HS - Higher education students who intend to
change course;
In order to percept the requirements for the deci-
sion support system both types of students were
inquired. CS community has been confronted with
the following question: Do you know what area you
intend to choose?
By observing Figure 1, 29% of respondents said
they still have no idea of the area to which they will
Figure 1: Do you already know what area to choose in
apply, in other words, about five months to conduct
nominations, three in ten students do not know yet
how to fill out the application.
Figure 2: Do you already know what course to choose in
To further understand the problem, CS students were
asked if they knew the course in the concrete that
would apply. Figure 2 shows the number of students
who have not yet decided. More than half of stu-
dents in secondary education still don’t know what
course will choose to apply in higher education.
Figure 3 shows that 16% of students have al-
ready changed the course at least once time, and 9%,
although has not changed, ever thought about it.
Figure 3: In your academic career, did you ever changed
of course?
Based on these results, the HS students were asked,
if when applied to higher education, they previously
knew what course would put in the application (fig-
ure 4).
Figure 4: Did you know that the way you'd apply at the
time of application?
Final results demonstrate that a DSS to support the
application process to Higher Education is very im-
portant for both profiles CS and HS.
Exploring Profiles
To gather information about potential users of the
DSS it was used an online survey to reach the largest
possible number of individuals. This phase of the
project was essential to:
Understand the behaviour of those who will use
the system;
Create a tool in order to identify the best course for
future students in Higher Education, and what kind
of variables that tool must consider in terms of de-
cision models.
Thereby, it was undertaken a nationwide survey
through an email message sent to all high schools
and higher education establishments of Portugal, in
order to communicate with all their students.
Tables 2 and 3 present the characteristics of the
students that answered the survey in terms of CS and
HS students. For example, the CS students have an
average of 17.2 years, are mostly female and are
studying in the 12
year. In this context only it
wasn’t possible obtain answers from two of twenty
Table 2: High school students.
Nº of respondents 381
Sex Male - 35% ; Female - 65%
Age average 17,2 years
Scholar year 10
- 7% ; 11
- 20%; 12
- 73%
Portugal Districts 18 of 20 (total) answered
Next steps involved direct inquire to both profiles
(CS and HS) in order to elicit the most important
variables/qualifiers to form de decision model.
Table 3: Higher Education students.
Nº of respondents 1699
Sex Male - 33% Female - 67%
Age average 23,03 years
Stage of studies 1º- 56%; 2º- 28%; 3º- 16%
Every single higher education
establishments of Portugal an-
swered the survey.
CS Profile
CS community have been asked on the following
points (Q1 to Q3). Q1 (Figure 5) was used to under-
stand if employment rate and institution reputation
were the most important for to the students decision.
Q2 and Q3 show that students are interested in a tool
that can help them defining a profile based in the
Q1: How much will these factors influence your
Figure 5: How much will this factors influence your
choice, when you attend to higher education?.
Q2: Will you consider useful a tool (web or
smartphone) that would help you (through a series of
questions) to choose the most suitable course for
you, or to ensure that the course you have chosen is
really the most adequate?
Table 4: Will the tool be usefull?.
YES 93% NO 7%
Q3: Considering that this system will scan your
profile, what aspects should be taken into account to
analyse which course is right for you?
Nothing Some Enough Alot
Figure 6: What aspects should be taken into account to
analyze which course is right for you?.
HS Profile
HS community have been asked on the following
points (Q4 to Q11). The next seven questions are
about the Higher Education and change of course.
For example, Q5 (table 6) shows that students
normally change course in the first year. Q6 (table7)
shows that almost 50% of the students when change
course also change area. Q8 (figure 7) shows the
main reasons for the change. Experience of family or
friends and the teaching staff are not the only rea-
sons for change, reputation of the institution and the
syllabus of the course are also refereed. Q9 (table 9)
shows the importance of having a tool to help defin-
ing the best profile and to choose the most suitable
course /area.
Q4: Have you ever changed course during the
academic journey?
Table 5: Changes of course.
Yes 16%
o 75%
o but I had alread
ht about i
Q5: Which academic year did you changed the
Table 6: Year of change.
69% 2
20% 3
1% 5
Q6: Why have you changed course?
Table 7: Reason of change.
I changed to the same course but in another
educational establishment
Course in the same area but different studies 39%
Also changed area 49%
Q7: How do you characterize the information you
had about the course in which you entered at the
time you made your application to Higher Educa-
Table 8: Quality of the Information.
Null 2,47% Good 25,31%
Weak 28,31% Excellent 3,59%
Enough 40,32%
Q8: How much the following factors will influence
your choice?
Figure 7: How much the following factors will influence
your choice?.
Q9: Have you ever undergone a psychometric test?
Table 9: Have you ever undergone a psychometric test?.
Yes and the result was that I followed in
academic caree
Yes but the result turned out to not be
what I followed in m
academic caree
I never attend one 38%
Q10: Did you consider useful a tool (web or
smartphone) that would help you (through a series of
questions) to choose the best suited course(s) to you
or to ensure that the course you have chosen is the
more indicated?
Table 10: The tool will be usefull?.
Yes 86% No 14%
Q11: Considering that this application would parse
your profile which aspects should be taken into ac-
count to analyse the most suitable course for you?
0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 60,00%
Nothing Some Enough Alot
Figure 8: What aspects should be taken into account to
analyze which course is right for you?.
Due to the high number of responses and geograph-
ical diversity of the online survey, C.U.R.S.O was
revealed to be an excellent tool for analysing the
national panorama of those who applied recently, or
are about to apply in future for higher education
This instrument can be used to find evidences
that prove the existence of a high number of students
who are about to perform the application and still do
not know in concrete what course to choose.
For the respondents the most important indica-
tors to choose a course are very similar. High school
students select in the Q1 the employment rate (85%)
and the reputation of the course and institution
(78%) in the Q3 the possibility of experiencing ge-
neric areas (44%) was chose as the main variable to
decide. Higher education students gave more im-
portance to the reputation of the course and institu-
tion (Q8) (76%) and they decide based on generic
areas (Q11) (44%).
More specifically, students who are currently at-
tending high school, 3 in 10 (30%) have no idea of
the area that they will being study in higher educa-
tion, and of these 5 per 10 students (50%) do not
know the course in concrete that they will apply for.
Regardless to students who are currently attend-
ing higher education, about 2 out of 10 (20%) have
changed at least once the course, and from those 5
per 10 (50%) also changed the area. This means that
a high number of students undertake their applica-
tion for higher education wrongly.
From the above evidences we can foresee a huge
potential of C.U.R.S.O.
5 C.U.R.S.O.
First an expert system was implemented in format of
a tool called C.U.R.S.O. (Universal Collection Cen-
ter of Guided Suggestions). The main objective was
to assist individuals who are attending secondary
school in the process of Application to higher educa-
tion, particularly with regard to the choice of the
course they will put in the application.
The creation of this tool has three goals based in the
characteristics of the prospective DSS:
a) Maintain Decision Support Models
The main objective of the system is to maintain
modes for assisting students find the most suita-
ble course;
b) Collecting Information
The information collected from the users can be
used to produce indicators very useful for specif-
ic entities, such as High Schools, Universities,
Ministry of Education and others.
c) Adaptability
The system should improve its performance year
after year using the collected information in or-
der to optimize the decision models.
DSS Design
5.2.1 Planning
In this phase it was understood the context of the
problem in a Higher Education approach and defined
the research team as also the development tool:
5.2.2 Knowledge Acquisition
and Representation
The main data source was the DGES website where
was queried data relevant to all courses of Portu-
guese Public Education. This knowledge was used in
the logic blocks. Two types of variables were con-
Higher Education Institution (HEI) (Name,
Ranking, District);
Course (Name, Employability Rate, Average,
Scientific Area, prerequisites and specific sub-
High school area;
Students Desires.
0,00% 20,00% 40,00% 60,00%
Figure 9: Inference Rules.
Figure 10: Inference Rules.
Figures 9 and 10 show an examples of the inference
rules (if then else). First a set of rules is used to
define the student profile then, a scoring criteria
was used to present the final suggestion.
5.2.3 Implementation
At this stage a web based prototype was deployed
(Figure 11) and a set of tests were done in order to
evaluate the tool. A prototype of C.U.R.S.O. was
made available online at
http://ulife.webnetpt.com/curso/index.php. From
July to September 2012 the site received 9714 visits.
The system was developed in the free version of
Exsys Corvid (Vahidov and Ji, 2005) platform. To
give support on the use of the system, the users
could use email and a Facebook page to keep in
touch with the developers and to send feedback on
system usage.
5.2.4 Tests and Refining
Released the prototype it was necessary to be aware
that the performance has to be monitored. In this
phase also was carried out some tests and refinement
Figure 11: Prototype Interface.
to the system in order to find which model is the
most suitable to carry on. To this phase it was
planned a series of tasks to accomplish: creating an
email to which users can send instances of problems,
suggestions or comments, and monthly monitoring
of the number of site visits. Subsequently a plan was
developed to further system improvements.
Main Features
The system presents as main features:
The use of logical blocks;
Knowledge Base;
User-friendly interface (web);
Informative and Standings questions;
Feedback form;
Capability to be improved.
The need for a DSS like C.U.R.S.O is notorious to
help the students in the process of accessing to high-
er education. The process of choosing a course is
very complex and should be done in a very short
period of time.
This compromises the future / motivation of the
students at academic and professional levels. 93% of
students thought that C.U.R.S.O. is very important
to help in the decision process and 30% considered
the available information insufficient to support the
C.U.R.S.O can, in the future, reduce the number
of students that swap over courses during their aca-
demic life (estimated at 25%).
Further work includes the research on other scien-
tific areas like psychology to develop better decision
models. The interoperation with governmental data-
bases will be also explored in order to assure the
appropriated information about the courses offered.
A second round is being prepared in order to test the
models in a broader environment.
This work is supported by FEDER through Opera-
tional Program for Competitiveness Factors –
COMPETE and by national funds though FCT –
Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in the scope
of the project: FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674.
The work of Filipe Portela was supported by the
grant SFRH/BD/70156/2010 from FCT.
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